Can I put a Joomla extension as the only item at frontend? - joomla

What I need to do is to put a Joomla extension, JDownloads, as the only item at the frontend. I mean, no menus, no header, no footer, no other things at frontend, only JDownloads.
I'm a newbie in Joomla, so I have to ask. Is this possible, at first place? If it is, how can achieve it?

No need to do anything other than make a single menu item to your JDownloads component. If you don't add any modules then all that will display is the component.

You could fork one of your templates (atomic is the simplest one) eg from
tweak a few parameters in /templates/simply/templateDetails.xml
and in /templates/simply/index.php replace the contents of BODY tag with:
<jdoc:include type="message" />
<jdoc:include type="component" />
Then set it as your default template or use as helper for other site


Explode Joomla Content?

I am creating a joomla template. In order to get the contents of a page I have this: <jdoc:include type="component" />
How can I explode this or add the contents of the component to a variable?
You can't and you shouldn't. The right way to modify the content before rendering it (assuming that's what you want to do) is to use content plugins or system plugins.
Especially the "onAfterRender" plugin allows you to pick the current body, edit as you wish, and then push it back, e.g.
$body = JResponse::getBody();
$modifiedBody = doSomethingWith($body);
Instead, if you just want to change the default layout of any component, you should look at template override

Joomla's jdoc:include style

i am new in Joomla.
i found this code in my Template:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="search" style="xhtml">
but i do not understand , whats this style="xhtml" refer ?
in my other joomla template , i see below code:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="footer" style="e4jstyle">
so, whats this style means ? i change this style name, but didn't see any change.
Please, can anyone explain this code?
This is known as module chrome and it's an easy way to wrap extra html around the module output so you can style the front-end result. There are a number of different options, here's one reference to get you started:
It's not on the list above, but one I like to use for Joomla 3 is style="html5"
This will get you started if you want to roll your own module styles:
Good luck!

Default Article content position div in Joomla 2.5

I wish to show a Article's content on a Joomla template 2.5 page.
I have seen the use of the div ids 'wrapper' with another div 'main' inside that in the index.php page but that seems not to work.
Does normal article content require positions like modules? In the CMS I don't see anything in the Article Manager that allows me to specify a position?
Help please!
The articles are showed by default (or any other component content)where this tag is located in your template:
<jdoc:include type="component" />
Normal content does not require any position like modules.

How to add an additional article info on sidebar in Joomla 1.5?

I want a sidebar on article page, with additional info. Is there such a solution for Joomla 1.5.
I mean that I add an article and the info is pulled from my text between the tags e.g.
Lorem ipsum....
And this info shows in sidebar for current article with actual info.
Is this possible?
Setting up something like what you are asking for require some sort of workarounds.
First, lets agree that what you are calling a "sidebar" is nothing but a content... You enter that content as a part of your article.
So, to achieve what you are asking for I would recommend you use what is called CCK - Content Construction Kit - extension for Joomla using Form2Content. There's a free light edition that would be enough.
Form2Content let you setup a content type. You define what fields you want for each content. Then you create a template that will use the info you are going to enter on the fields to built an article layout.
So let's say you are going to create 3 fields like this :
1- Intro text
2- Full text
3- Sidebar
You are going to create a template as we said. each content type will have 2 templates an intro text template and a full text template
The full text template shall be like this :
<div class="content-container">
<div class="content-sidebar">{$SIDEBAR}</div>
<div class="content-fulltext">{$FULLTEXT}</div>
<br clear="both" />
The {$SIDEBAR} and {$FULLTEXT} are the text you entered in the form and Form2Content will use it to create a regular content with layout.
If you don't want to use another extension or that solution looks too complicated, you could use a javascript solution. For example you could create an HTML module in Joomla and assign its to the sidebar. On this module switch the view to HTML code and enter this:
<div class="content-sidebar"></div>
When you enter an article, switch the view to HTML code and enter the text you want to show on the sidebar and add a class to the paragraph or the div like this :
<p class="special-content">Lorem ipsum dolor<p>
Then use jQuery to append this special text to the sidebar like this :
Note: Joomla does not load jQuery by default, you have to add it on your template or use a plugin.

Joomla position in a template

In Joomla, for any template that we use, we have a number of specified positions
( left, right, footer) .. Is it possible to include new position in the template which suits our choice ...
Yes, it is.
You need to add a div element in the place you need and insert joomla tag
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="yuor_position_name" style="xhtml" />
in it.
Than you need to add this position to your templateDetails.xml
Edit this file and add to the <positions> section one more thread like this:
and save the file. From now you will see this position in modules setup.
Good tutorial about Joomla 1.5 templates you can read here:
