jersey-freemarker not resolving templates - jersey

I am trying to create a simple jersey-freemarker webapp, which I'm running with the jetty-maven-plugin.
But the FreemarkerViewProcessor won't find my templates.
I have created a jersey resource at #Path("/") with a #GET public Viewable getIndex() method, that gets invoked once I request http://localhost:8080/.
This Viewable is set to use the "index" template.
Assume the resource is com.example.MainResource (located in src/main/java/com/example/, and the index.ftl template file is located in src/main/webapp/templates/com/example/MainResource/index.ftl.
In my servlet setup, I tell jersey-freemarker about the templates directory, using a configuration Map: config.put(FreemarkerViewProcessor.FREEMARKER_TEMPLATES_BASE_PATH, "templates");.
When debugging the FreemarkerViewProcessor, I see that it is indeed looking for the template resource based on the path /templates/com/example/MainResource/index.ftl.
Where should I put my template files so the FreemarkerViewProcessor will find them? Or how do I include my templates directory in the classpath?
PS: mvn jetty:run produces the following output (in part):
[INFO] Configuring Jetty for project: jettytest-servlet
[INFO] webAppSourceDirectory not set. Trying src/main/webapp
[INFO] Reload Mechanic: automatic
[INFO] Classes = ~/jettytest-servlet/target/classes
[INFO] Context path = /
[INFO] Tmp directory = ~/jettytest-servlet/target/tmp
[INFO] Web defaults = org/eclipse/jetty/webapp/webdefault.xml
[INFO] Web overrides = none
[INFO] web.xml file = file:~/jettytest-servlet/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
[INFO] Webapp directory = ~/jettytest-servlet/src/main/webapp
The FreemarkerViewProcessor always uses a default Configuration, which sais to use a class-loader based template loader.
As per #ddekany's comment, I should therefore place my templates/ in WEB-INF/classes/. To me that feels dirty; it seems like this should be taken care of by Maven.
Because of the FreemarkerViewProcessor's design (always using a class-loader configuration), I have posted this follow-up question. In the meantime, suggestions telling me how I can add the src/main/webapp/ directory to the classpath are welcome as well.

As I found out here, using my own FreemarkerViewProcessor is not that difficult. So I copied the jersey-freemarker implementation and adapted it to use a Guice-injected Configuration object that I bind in my ServletModule.
Now I don't need the jersey-freemarker module any more, and I can skip putting stuff in the servlet config Map for freemarker.


Vaadin 10 and springboot - How to package a jar?

The question is simple, but I spent the last 2 days trying to deploy my app. And so far it doesn't.
I have a single CSS file for my style, and when I execute the jar, CSS is not found (404) or the jar won't package.
As stated here: Spring Boot Executable jar structure
"Do not use the src/main/webapp folder if your application will be packaged as a jar"
"You should place your static resources in src/main/resources instead."
so put the CSS here:
In Vaadin documentation (which is very pour on how to package...) I import the CSS like this:
Source :
Then I package my project:
mvn clean package -Pproduction
I get this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:11.0.0:package-for-production (default) on project importparcoursup: Execution default of goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:11.0.0:package-for-production failed: An import that ends with 'styles.css' cannot be resolved: the corresponding file 'C:\Workspace\lasteclipeandjava10\parcoursup\target\frontend\styles.css' was not found.
[ERROR] Double check the corresponding import and verify the following:
[ERROR] * the import string is correct
[ERROR] * the file imported is either present in 'frontend://' directory of the project or in one of the project WebJar dependencies or in one of the regular jar dependencies
[ERROR] * if the file is present in one of the regular jar dependencies, it should be located in META-INF/resources/frontend directory in the jar
Can someone provide a simple example of a 'springboot + Vaadin10' app packaged as a jar with static resources inside ?
I tried so many configurations (put the CSS in META-INF, include webapp resources in the maven build process...) but after 2 days, I still can't deploy my app on the server!
finally the solution
css has to be here:
then declared as:
This could be helpful too even though I still miss an example:
Vaadin 10 makes some changes to the way it loads static resources,
such as application templates, custom styles and any additional
JavaScript files. The gist of it is that such files should be put in
src/main/webapp/frontend/ when building a .war file and
src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/frontend/ when building a .jar
Link to Vaadin Dokumentation: Vaadin 10 and static resources

Playframework: Custom template path

I was wondering if it is possible to override/add to the template paths for Playframework? For instance, the default templates are looked under views folder and are compiled automatically. These templates are further reachable directly using a URL without any additional config.
|-templates //How do I compile templates under this folder?
What I would like to know is if it is possible to add a custom path in addition to the views folder that is also compiled with the build process. Alternatively, is it possible to block certain templates to be not reachable by direct URL ?
Thanks in advance!
Under the app directory, Play should automatically compile anything that looks like a Twirl template - that is, has a registered extension such as *.scala.html - regardless of what directory it's in. The views directory is just a convention, and compiling templates under an app/templates directory should already happen.
If you open an SBT prompt you can verify this by running the command:
show twirlCompileTemplates::sourceDirectories
Which should give you something like:
[info] my-project/compile:twirlCompileTemplates::sourceDirectories
[info] List(/home/me/my-project/app)
For adding a templates directory outside the app folder, you should be able to add something like the following in your build.sbt (for example, the directory extra_templates):
import play.twirl.sbt.Import.TwirlKeys._
sourceDirectories in (Compile, compileTemplates) += file("extra_templates")

Spring configuration error WEB-INF/servlet-context.xml FileNotFoundException

I have a very simple spring test app. But I get exception even though everything seems to be on order. I might be missing something. Please check the pic to see the project structure and web.xml file contains as well as exception:-
efinitionStoreException: IOException parsing XML document from class path resource [WEB-INF/servlet-context.xml]; nested exception is class path resource [WEB-INF/servlet-context.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist
at org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions(
There are two kinds of resources in a servlet environment:
servlet resources - files uner the root of the web application (loaded via ServletContext)
classpath resources - resources on web application's classpath (loaded via ClassLoader)
When Spring is supposed to load its configuration it needs to know which mechanism to use.
classpath:foo/bar.xml - will load as classpath resource
checking WEB-INF/classes, contents of WEB-INF/lib/*.jar and other shared servlet container's classpath locations
when using maven and its project structure, all files from src/main/resources will be placed on classpath
foo/bar.xml - will load as servlet resource
when using maven and its project structure the src/main/webapp folder is the root of your application
TL;DR As I wrote in the comment, either remove classpath: prefix when referencing XML file or move your XML file to src/main/resources and remove the WEB-INF part.

how to give classpath for a property file using spring

Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("classpath:src/main/resources/template/");
Properties props = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(resource);
Your problem is that your file is actually not in the application classpath. Looking at your folder paths I am assuming that you have a maven project structure and your properties file is present within resources directory. When your project is compiled, everything inside the resources directory is at the root of the classpath along with your compiled java classes. So you should instead use
Resource resource = new ClassPathResource("template/");
Classpath resource loads resources from the application classpath, so you need to be aware what all directories/jar files are in your classpath and their directory structure to successfully load resources.

Where to place properties files when running tests via maven + grizzly + jersey test framework?

The file from my source (src/main/resources) folder keepa getting picked up and used when I try to run my JerseyTest ... whereas I would like the properties files in the test folder (src/test/resources) to be utilized.
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try {
How can I configure this in Maven?
I'm using:
maven-compiler-plugin version 2.1
jersey-test-framework-grizzly2 version 1.13
UPDATE (Resolved based on accepted answer):
I noticed the text skip non existing resourceDirectory:
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:testResources (default-testResources) # xxx ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (MacRoman actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/src/test/resources
Turns out that I had misspelled resources, after fixing it, everything works as outlined in the accepted answer.
While I was wasting my time looking for workarounds, I did find some interesting links for configuring properties files based on profiles:
How can I change a .properties file in maven depending on my profile?
When running something from the src/test/java folder, the default behavior is:
It will pick up the files in src/main/resources;
Except when there is a file with the same name in src/test/resources.
So basically it will "overwrite" the content of src/main/resources with the content of src/test/resources:
If you got a file in both folders, the one in src/test/resources will prevail.
If you got a file only in src/main/resources, it will be used.
If you got a file only in src/test/resources, it will be used.
