I'm going through problems at Project Euler to gain some experience with Ruby. The problem I'm working on now has me looking at a 1000-digit number and finding the sequence of five consecutive digits with the greatest product.
big_num = //1000-digit number
num_array = big_num.split('').map(&:to_i)
biggest = 0
prod = 1
(0..995).each do |x|
(0..4).each do |y|
prod *= num_array[x+y]
biggest = prod if prod > biggest
prod = 0
puts biggest
This gives me 882, which is incorrect. To look for the problem, I had it print the values of x and y for each iteration. After the first iteration, it always prints out the five values of y as 7,3,1,6,7, which, when all multiplied together, equal 882. So, after the first iteration of the outer loop, it's not looking past the first five values of num_array, even though x seems to be incrementing properly. For the life of me, I can't figure out why it's behaving this way.
I would use the nice Enumerable method each_cons() to get all sequences of consecutive numbers, eliminating your outer loop. Secondly, I would use reduce(:*) to get each product, eliminating your inner loop. Finally I would call .max to get your answer.
num_array.each_cons(5).map{|seq| seq.reduce(:*)}.max
Voilà, one-liner.
You have to reinitialize prod with 1 instead of 0.
According as the number of elements in a set of numbers is odd or even, median of that set is defined respectively as the middle value or the average of the two middle values in the list that results when the set is sorted.
Below is code for calculating the "running" median of a list of numbers. "Running" median is a dynamic median which is re-calculated with the appearance of a new number as the list is scanned for all numbers that have appeared thus far. Input is an integer n followed by a list of n integers, and output should be the "running" median of the list as the list is scanned. For example,
should yield
because 4 is the median of [4], 2.5 ((1+4)/2)is the median of [4,1] and 4 again is the median of [4,1,5].
My program works correctly, but it times out on a certain test on very large inputs. I suspect that this copying step is the problem.
a=(a[0,(k=a.index(a.bsearch{|x|x>=t}))].push(t) + a[k,a.length-k])
But I am not sure because this copy is meant to be a shallow copy as far as I know. Also, I am not doing a regular insert anywhere, which would involved shifting elements and thus result in slowing down the code, into the array that contains the numbers.
n.times do
a==[]||(t<=a.first) ? a.unshift(t): t>=a.last ? a.push(t) : a=(a[0,(k=a.index(a.bsearch{|x|x>=t}))].push(t) + a[k,a.length-k])
p (l=a.count)%2==0 ? ((a[l/2] + a[l/2-1])/2.0).round(1):a[(l-1)/2].round(1)
Can anybody point out where the problem could be? Thank you.
Here is a less obfuscated version.
n.times do
if a==[]||(t<=a.first)
if k.nil? == true
a=a[0,k].push(t)+ a[k,a.length-k]
p (l=a.count)%2==0 ? ((a[l/2] + a[l/2-1])/2.0).round(1):a[(l-1)/2].round(1)
I think...
a=(a[0,(k=a.index(a.bsearch{|x|x>=t}))].push(t) + a[k,a.length-k])
...because it's creating a new array every time, is likely an expensive operation as the array gets bigger.
Better might actually be something that mutates the original array.
a.insert((a.index{|x|x>t} || -1), t)
It also handles the edge cases of less than first or greater than last, so you can remove those tests. Also works on first pass (empty array a)
My question is twofold:
1) As far as I understand, constructs like for loops introduce scope blocks, however I'm having some trouble with a variable that is define outside of said construct. The following code depicts an attempt to extract digits from a number and place them in an array.
n = 654068
l = length(n)
a = Int64[]
for i in 1:(l-1)
temp = n/10^(l-i)
if temp < 1 # ith digit is 0
a = push!(a,0)
else # ith digit is != 0
# update n
n = n - a[i]*10^(l-i)
# last digit
The code executes fine, but when I look at the a array I get this result
julia> a
0-element Array{Int64,1}
I thought that anything that goes on inside the for loop is invisible to the outside, unless I'm operating on variables defined outside the for loop. Moreover, I thought that by using the ! syntax I would operate directly on a, this does not seem to be the case. Would be grateful if anyone can explain to me how this works :)
2) Second question is about syntex used when explaining functions. There is apparently a function called digits that extracts digits from a number and puts them in an array, using the help function I get
julia> help(digits)
Base.digits(n[, base][, pad])
Returns an array of the digits of "n" in the given base,
optionally padded with zeros to a specified size. More significant
digits are at higher indexes, such that "n ==
sum([digits[k]*base^(k-1) for k=1:length(digits)])".
Can anyone explain to me how to interpret the information given about functions in Julia. How am I to interpret digits(n[, base][, pad])? How does one correctly call the digits function? I can't be like this: digits(40125[, 10])?
I'm unable to reproduce you result, running your code gives me
julia> a
1-element Array{Int64,1}:
There's a few mistakes and inefficiencies in the code:
length(n) doesn't give the number of digits in n, but always returns 1 (currently, numbers are iterable, and return a sequence that only contain one number; itself). So the for loop is never run.
/ between integers does floating point division. For extracting digits, you´re better off with div(x,y), which does integer division.
There's no reason to write a = push!(a,x), since push! modifies a in place. So it will be equivalent to writing push!(a,x); a = a.
There's no reason to digits that are zero specially, they are handled just fine by the general case.
Your description of scoping in Julia seems to be correct, I think that it is the above which is giving you trouble.
You could use something like
n = 654068
a = Int64[]
while n != 0
push!(a, n % 10)
n = div(n, 10)
This loop extracts the digits in opposite order to avoid having to figure out the number of digits in advance, and uses the modulus operator % to extract the least significant digit. It then uses reverse! to get them in the order you wanted, which should be pretty efficient.
About the documentation for digits, [, base] just means that base is an optional parameter. The description should probably be digits(n[, base[, pad]]), since it's not possible to specify pad unless you specify base. Also note that digits will return the least significant digit first, what we get if we remove the reverse! from the code above.
Is this cheating?:
n = 654068
nstr = string(n)
a = map((x) -> x |> string |> int , collect(nstr))
6-element Array{Int64,1}:
I am trying to loop the numbers 1 to 1000 in such a way that I have all possible pairs, e.g., 1 and 1, 1 and 2, 1 and 3, ..., but also 2 and 1, 2 and 2, 2 and 3, et cetera, and so on.
In this case I have a condition (amicable_pair) that returns true if two numbers are an amicable pair. I want to check all numbers from 1 to n against each other and add all amicable pairs to a total total. The first value will be added to the total if it is part of an amicable pair (not the second value of the pair, since we'll find that later in the loop). To do this I wrote the following "Java-like" code:
def add_amicable_pairs(n)
amicable_values = []
for i in 1..n
for j in 1..n
if (amicable_pair?(i,j))
puts "added #{i} from amicable pair #{i}, #{j}"
return amicable_values.inject(:+)
Two issues with this: (1) it is really slow. (2) In Ruby you should not use for-loops.
This is why I am wondering how this can be accomplished in a faster and more Ruby-like way. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your code has O(n^2) runtime, so if n gets moderately large then it will naturally be slow. Brute-force algorithms are always slow if the search space is large. To avoid this, is there some way you can directly find the "amicable pairs" rather than looping through all possible combinations and checking one by one?
As far as how to write the loops in a more elegant way, I would probably rewrite your code as:
(1..n).to_a.product((1..n).to_a).select { |a,b| amicable_pair?(a,b) }.reduce(0, &:+)
(1..1000).to_a.repeated_permutation(2).select{|pair| amicable_pair?(*pair)}
I need to generate a list of numbers (about 120.) The numbers range from 1 to X (max 10), both included. The algorithm should use every number an equal amount of times, or at least try, if some numbers are used once less, that's OK.
This is the first time I have to make this kind of algorithm, I've created very simple once, but I'm stumped on how to do this. I tried googling first, though don't really know what to call this kind of algorithms, so I couldn't find anything.
Thanks a lot!
It sounds like what you want to do is first fill a list with the numbers you want and then shuffle that list. One way to do this would be to add each of your numbers to the list and then repeat that process until the list has as many items as you want. After that, randomly shuffle the list.
In pseudo-code, generating the initial list might look something like this:
list = []
while length(list) < N
for i in 1, 2, ..., X
if length(list) >= N
end if
end for
end while
I leave the shuffling part as an exercise to the reader.
As pointed out in the comments the above will always put more smaller numbers than larger numbers. If this isn't what's desired, you could iterate over the possible numbers in a random order. For example:
list = []
numbers = shuffle( [1, 2, ..., X] )
while length(list) < N
for i in 1, 2, ..., X
if length(list) >= N
end if
list.append( numbers[i] )
end for
end while
I think this should remove that bias.
What you want is a uniformly distributed random number (wiki). It means that if you generate 10 numbers between 1 to 10 then there is a high probability that all the numbers 1 upto 10 are present in the list.
The Random() class in java gives a fairly uniform distribution. So just go for it. To test, just check this:
Random rand = new Random();
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
int rNum = rand.nextInt(10);
And see in the result whether you get all the numbers between 1 to 10.
One more similar discussion that might help: Uniform distribution with Random class
Not sure about title.
Here is what I need.
Lets for example have this set of elements 20*A, 10*B, 5*C, 5*D, 2*E, 1*F
I need to mix them so there are not two same elements next to each other and also I can for example say I don't want B and C to be next to each other. Elements have to be evenly spread (if there are 2 E one should be near begining/ in firs half a and second near end/in second half. Number of elements can of course change.
I haven't done anything like this yet. Is there some knowledge-base of this kind of algorithms where could I find some hints and methods how to solve this kind of problem or do I have to do all the math myself?
I think the solution is pretty easy.
Start with an array x initialised to empty values such that there is one space for each item you need to place.
Then, for each (item, frequency) pair in descending order of frequency, assign item values to x in alternating slots starting from the first empty slot.
Here's how it works for your example:
20*A A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A
At this point we fail, since x still has an empty slot. Note that we could have identified this right from the start since we need at least 19 slots between the As, but we only have 18 other items.
Leonidas has now explained that the items should be distributed "evenly" (that is, if we have k items of a particular kind, and n slots to fill, each "bucket" of n/k slots must contain one item of that kind.
We can adapt to this constraint by spreading out our allocations rather than simply going for alternating slots. In this case (and let's assume 2 Fs so we can solve this), we would have
20*A A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A_A
You can solve this problem recursively:
def generate(lastChar, remDict):
res = []
for i in remDict:
if i!=lastChar):
newRemDict = remDict
subres = generate(i,newRemDict)
res += [i+j for j in subres]
return res
Note that I am leaving out corner conditions and many checks that need to be done. But only the core recursion is shown. You can also quit pursuing a branch if more than half+1 of the remaining letters is a same letter.
I ran into a similar problem, and after evaluating various metrics, I came up with the idea of grabbing the first item for which the proportion through the source array is less than the proportion through the result array. There is a case where all of these values may come out as 1, for instance when halfway through merging a group of even arrays - everything's exactly half done - so I grab something from the first array in that case.
This solution does use the source array order, which is something that I wanted. If the calling routine wants to merge arrays A, B, and C, where A has 3 elements but B and C have 2, we should get A,B,C,A,B,C,A, not A,C,B,A,C,B,A or other possibilities. I find that choosing the first of my source arrays that's "overdue" (by having a proportion that's lower than our overall progress), I get a nice spacing with all arrays.
Source in Python:
def intersperse_arrays(cls, arrays: list):
# general idea here is to produce a result with as even a balance as possible between all the arrays as we go down.
# Make sure we don't have any component arrays of length 0 to worry about.
arrays = [array for array in arrays if len(array) > 0]
# Handle basic cases:
if len(arrays) == 0:
return []
if len(arrays) == 1:
return arrays[0]
ret = []
num_used = []
total_count = 0
for j in range(0, len(arrays)):
total_count += len(arrays[j])
while len(ret) < total_count:
first_overdue_array = None
first_remaining_array = None
overall_prop = len(ret) / total_count
for j in range(0, len(arrays)):
# Continue if this array is already done.
if len(arrays[j]) <= num_used[j]:
current_prop = num_used[j] / len(arrays[j])
if current_prop < overall_prop:
first_overdue_array = j
elif first_remaining_array is None:
first_remaining_array = j
if first_overdue_array is not None:
next_array = first_overdue_array
# Think this only happens in an exact tie. (Halfway through all arrays, for example.)
next_array = first_remaining_array
if next_array is None:
log.error('Internal error in intersperse_arrays')
break # Shouldn't happen - hasn't been seen.
num_used[next_array] += 1
return ret
When used on the example given, I got:
(Seems reasonable.)