general security questions " potential hackers where my computer is." - visual-studio-2010

Does visual studio open any ports?
I know it runs its own web-server (or IIS). The reason I ask is that I just went to steve gibson's "probe my ports" site, and it indicated that my computer responds to 'pings', which is says is a bad thing, because it tells potential hackers where my computer is.

To disable PING you should block incoming ICMP packets on your firewall. However the gibson test might as well be for your router and not your computer since they use the IP you use to reach their site.
PING just tells if the computer is up and reachable from the internet. It doesn't tell anybody where your computer is. A simple traceroute might point to your current internet provider which is close enough to know where your computer is and there is no way to block that. You can check for open ports using nmap from another machine or an online service like gibsons or


Accessing Vagrant box from external network

Before posting this, I've done some research and tried different solutions. The question is how to configure a system so that it would be possible to SSH into it's vagrant box from external/different network?
I have a Windows machine at home. I have installed Vagrant and now able to access the contents both via HTTP and SSH from any device connected to very same network.
What I want to do is to be able to get a laptop, go to a nice little café just across the river, sit down and work on my project which sits in that Vagrant box on my home desktop PC.
I am quite terrible in networking and not sure what is the solution. Do I need to make my home desktop a server? If so, which steps should I take? Do I need to do configure something in my router software? Or do I need to create some kind of VPN stuff where Vagrant thinks I am actually requesting it's contents from the same home network or perhaps I just better give up and setup a droplet in the DigitalOcean instead?
To moderators: please don't shut this question because the answer is an opinion based. I am happy to listen to these opinions and I want to know which steps to follow to achieve what I want.
Why not just copy your Vagrantfile to the laptop and spin up an instance there? It would be much less work, faster, and importantly much safer than opening up your desktop computer to the world.
I think your own suggestion of a remote server is also a valid option, although not quite as simple as just using the laptop.

Track TCP/UDP Connections for a Program

What is the best way to track a application's internet communication? I've used Fiddler2 with Internet Explorer in the past (with great success on SSL tests). But I'm not finding a easy way to track all the communication between a specific windows program, and the sockets it creates with the operating system Windows 7, 64 bit.
Fiddler would work great, unfortunately, this program would require me to setup a proxy. I'm not sure how to do that for the program I'm trying to read all the communication from. And I'm pretty sure then I'd get the "bucket" for every socket connected to my machine, which would be difficult to filter I believe.
Netstat seems to only give the remote locations being accessed, and not much else.
I'd give Port Reporter a try for this.

What sites the XCode access when we will publish a app

In my company, we have a stupid firewall. It block all sites and to publish an app, we have to use our internet. To publish a app, we have to go in this screen in Organizer and press "Share"
Was asked me: what things you have to unblock to publish an app? With my limited knowledge I use the Wireshark and discovery that the program first access the site:
But and after, there are a special port, or a magic thing that the firewall can block? Or it have to unblock only site with for http and https? I really don't know find it :(
I'd try something like Little Snitch to find out, it will pop up a box every time a program tries to access something on the internet - giving you the address and port number.
I find it pretty useful for this and testing connectivity issues in debugging.

Is it possible to easily compile and run code in another machine in Visual Studio/Eclipse?

Let's say I am developing a program that needs a bit more power than a netbook can provide and I have a good computer at home connected to the internet.
Is there any easy way to code in the netbook while I'm not at home and then when building, making it go and run on the computer at home?
I know running programs on other computers isn't a problem, but I'd like to know if it is possible to have an easy experience (it's still possible to debug, etc).
It is definitely possible for Java code and Eclipse. But there are issues as well.
It helps a great deal if you have a fixed IP.
You need to open up ports on your firewall to be able to
copy your code into your PC
remote debug and upload your application
The last step will create issues with security that you need to address. I use ssh and public/private key to secure my connections.
In general, what you are asking is not much different to releasing a code to a server and debugging it. And normally servers sit somewhere on the internet or cloud.

Vista Business Login and RDP Problems

At work, I running Vista Business on a lavishly new PC, which runs great excepting two issues. In order of annoyance, but not importance:
When I reboot the machine, the Windows Splash is presented asking me to Press Ctrl + ALT + DELETE so I can logon. It takes three to five minutes and seceral key presses for me to be prompted to select my user account. After which, everything works like a charm.
As part of my duties with the firm, I am responsible for emergency work on a rotating basis and deploying patches during off-business hours. I have been given an older laptop with XPSP2 (downloading 3 for kicks right now) which I use for browsing with the intention of RDP to my desktop in the offices. If I am connected at the domain through conventional means, I am able to RDP. However, if I am using an existing broadbad connection with VPN, I am not able to get access. I am able to access other servers, desktops running a variety of OS'es including Vista.
So umm any ideas guys?
as for 2 - this happens with some proprietary VPN software (i.e. Cisco). My solution was to perform my work duties in a Virtual PC (which doesn't need its normal LAN abilities) and do my other network/internet tasks in the physical machine.
I have a Vista at work and uses my home PC to rdc in for support work. I do not experience your problem 1 so I cannot offer any advice. For your second problem have you tried the IP address instead of the machine name? We have situations where sometimes the dns resolution in the office network is not accurate.
Do you have remote access enabled, either on the machine, via group policy?
If not, you might have to go into the Control Panel\System and Maintenance\System and choose Remote Settings (from the menu on the left).
That will show you the options for Remote Deskop, including Don't allow connections, Allow connections from any version of Remote Desktop, and Allow connections from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (which might be the hang up you are experiencing over the VPN).
Good Luck.
I have to chalk this up to "something wierd with my laptop" as I was able to download RoyalTS and connect to the machine just fine. I had Remote connections permitted, firewall disabled, McAffee gone and others could access the machine.
The advice garnered above is excellent and useful for your typical rdp connections
