Joomla search by year - joomla

I want to make a Joomla website which stores some article about history, but I don't have any idea on how to make a search box which can search the year. I want to categories the article by year and make an menu which categories the year too.

You can try to use years as tags. To do so, when entering an article, type in year in a tag field, and click save.
Then in default Joomla search you will be able to get search results by tag.


Magento - Rename Tax to GST

Throughout my Magento website, where there are products, I made it so that a customer can see the price of the products, with and without Tax.
However, how can I rename the word 'Tax' to 'GST' whenever a product is viewed within the website. I believe I have to go to the back-end and change some script around, I just don't know where?
The easiest way is to translate inline.See here to enable the inline translation from admin panel. Now hover over the "Tax" you can see the book icon click on that and type whatever text you want to replace with, in your case its "GST".
Another way is to directly changing in the csv files in app/locale folder.According to the locale you have choosen, for example if you have choosen "United States" than check for the file Mage_Tax.csv file inside "app/locale/en_US/Mage_Tax.csv". After opening this file search for term "Tax","Tax".Change it to "Tax","GST". and save it.
Hope this will help.

Magento: How Search Box Results Are Generated

I am a newbie in Magento and I have a question regarding the way the search box works.
If I understand correctly, the searchbox uses the catalogsearch_query table which is populated with the search terms the customers have entered in the input box. As a result these make up suggested results when someone types in a word.
The thing is, some of the customers may have entered something completely irrelevant to the store products (store that sells shirt dresses) e.g. black car with white stripes and it will show up as a result if the next customer types in the word 'black'.
Is there a way I can avoid something like that by manually modifying the code? If yes, what files would I have to change to achieve the required result?
Thank you for your time and your help!
What you can do is go to catalog in the admin and go to the catalog search tab, you can change the "search type" from "like" to "full text" and it will search exact string, however for this to be accurate attributes and titles have to be setup appropriately to your type of product. I wish I had a direct answer but messing around changing the settings of attributes being searchable and changing the configuration of the search method are good areas to start.

wishlist integration in joomla

I am somewhat of newbeeeee to the whole Joomla/Virtuemart world. I am trying to implement "my wishlist" module in my joomla 1.5.26 . I have searched in google also but its not free.
My logic is like:
I have a list of products, along with button "add to wish list". If a registered user click on that button then that product id and category id have been saved in jos_user table, where I have added one new field called "wishlist".
Now up to this is okay. Now problem is to fetch those product in one page(lets say page name is my wish list), which are only in that list. Is there any file where I can change the query for that particular page(my wish list). If so please help me. Its urgent.
Thanks in advance.
If your wish list is a module rather than a component, then finding the required file to change the code shouldn't be too hard. I'm not quite sure on the file structure, but it will most likely be in something like helper.php

show modified date category list joomla 1.5

How to modify the component "com_content" in joomla 1.5 to show the article's modified date istead created date the category in list view??
I tried replacing the "created" value with "modified" but Im not sure what files to modify.
No, that shows the modified date within each article. But when you go to the category list view, the created date is still the one that shows. And even if you go into that category and hide 'created' and show 'modified' it still only impacts the article and not the category list view.
Click Article Manager
Click Parameters [top right]
Click Modified Date and Time -> Show
Hide the Created Date.

How can I keep one specific article always on top on the front page?

On my Joomla website, I'd like to have a "about our company" article always be the first article on the front page. I want the other articles to shift down in position as new articles are added, but to keep the "about our company" one constantly on top.
I tried setting the order of that article on the front page manager to -1, but it still shifted down when I added a new article.
Any ideas?
You could write that info in a module and publish that module in a position that shows up before the component.
Do you have the front page sorted by date? If you do then make the about us article have a created date of 2099-01-01 and make sure you switch off show date for that article
Unless you find an adequate plugin for this specific need, I'm afraid you have to manually modify the template.
Depending on the setup, you can use the section or category info as a "fake" article. Enable showing the section/category description in the menu item (it's off by default) and you'll have a text that is always at the top.
I was struggelng with the same issue,... and have found the solution in the joomla documentation.
In the frontpage manager set order number for the article that you want to be "always-on-top" to -1 (minus one). This will make sure it will always have a lower order number than the other articles, even when other people submit articles.
For Joomla 1.5, go to your FrontPage Manager. The article you want to always have at the top, type is -1 in the ORDER column (as William said above). Now next to the name of this column, there is a picture of a floppy disk - you MUST click on this icon to SAVE the order.
Now your WELCOME article is numbered -1 and will always be at the top of your front page.
This question is Google top result, yet Joomla has been upgraded many times since it was asked and answered. Here is a more recent option:
In Joomla 3.4, you can do this by going to the settings of the category that displays the articles, then to its Blog Layout, then set Article Order to Featured Articles Order. This makes featured articles appear above normal articles.
In 2020, one could add Custom Fields (available since Joomla 3.7) to Joomla articles, or just to articles in a certain category, and then modify the template to query this Custom Field and handle articles accordingly.
in the order number in joomla 1.5 setting the order number to a minus figure doesn't work, it keeps reverting back to the default number.
