How do I Install version 2.5.1 of RabbitMQ using Homebrew? - macos

I'm in a situation where I absolutely must use the specific version 2.5.1 of RabbitMQ (or any version 2.5.x should do really) and I can't find how to install it via Homebrew anywhere, can anyone provide good instructions as to how to get it?

First, check whether version you need exists in homebrew
$ brew versions rabbitmq
Mine shows (... - skipped for readability):
2.5.1 git checkout 3630e1b Library/Formula/rabbitmq.rb
Then just checkout version you want (in your case 2.5.1):
git checkout 3630e1b Library/Formula/rabbitmq.rb
And finally install rabbitmq formula:
brew install rabbitmq


where is ruby 3.0.0 on rbenv

rbenv install --list-all shows me, among many other things of course,
But where is 3.0.0 itself, the actual final release? I'd like to try it out. Not all announced features made it into the previews so I need the real thing.
rbenv install passes thru ruby-build. You need to update (brew upgrade if installed via Homebrew) your ruby-build in order to see the latest versions.
On Ubuntu
Short answer:
# You need to update the available versions via ruby-build
~ git -C ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build pull
~ rbenv install 3.0.0
Installed ruby-3.0.0 to ~/.rbenv/versions/3.0.0
Long answer with a beautiful picture🐈:
git -C ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build pull (pulls latest ruby versions)
rbenv install 3.0.0 (or for later versions: 3.x.x)
echo "3.0.0" > .ruby-version OR rbenv local 3.0.0 to ensure ruby 3.0.0 is used.
brew upgrade

brew install hadoop installing 2.8.1 version. But needed 2.7.4 version

I have Homebrew 1.3.1
I want to install hadoop 2.7 but brew is installing hadoop 2.8 version.
I tried
brew versions, which is not available anymore.
brew tap homebrew/version, which is now deprecated.
In previous brew version, we were able to use brew tap homebrew/boneyard and then brew versions work. But, now even from homebrew/boneyard the versions command is removed.
Would we good to know the direct command for homebrew to run and install hadoop 2.7.4
(#bfontaine its not a duplicate question as that answer is 6 years ago and no longer works)
You can try running
brew list --versions hadoop
to see if you have previous versions and you can switch to it by running
brew switch hadoop 2.7.4
There is
brew install <package_name>#<version>
Unfortunately it seems hadoop and many other packages haven't set it up to be possible to download the older version and I haven't found out a way to do it.
As I am writing this, there is a version 2.7.7 of hadoop here:
You can use 'brew edit hadoop' to refer to that version directly, and then run 'brew install hadoop'.

How to install specific version of maven in mac using brew command

I want to install specific version (3.0.5) of maven in my using brew command. I tried the following command which is failed with Error: No available formula with the name "3.0.5"
brew install maven 3.0.5
Any ideas?
brew search maven
lists all maven versions as below
maven maven-completion maven-shell maven#3.0 maven#3.1 maven#3.2 ✔ maven#3.3
brew install maven#3.0
Installs maven 3.0.5 on my mac.
brew install
it will then use a different Homebrew's formular which will give you the maven 3.0.5 instead
I tried this last on my Mac and it works installing the 3.0.5!
If none works and you can use similar version try the below:
brew install maven30
What OS do you have? On OS X 10.9 you should use brew install maven30 since maven 3.1.1 seems to be buggy.
By the way:
Using Homebrew:
you#host:~$ brew install maven will install Maven 3.3.1 (3/24/15)
you#host:~$ brew install maven30 will install Maven 3.0 which should be
If you got a 404 error, try doing a brew update just before.
If always nothing, try to recover the installation:
cd ~/Documents
mkdir BrewRecovery
cd BrewRecovery
curl -OL
md5 Brewfile-deanchester.brewfile
In general,
brew is unable to install any specific version such as 3.8.1
as it only gives few versions as the available options.
The only way then to install would be do it manually.
Also don't forget to update Path variable in your mac.
If you run brew install maven, the latest stable version would be installed.
If you want to install the previous versions you can run
brew install maven#versionNumber where versionNumber is your desired version.
Not all versions are available here in,
Also you may try hitting the website with the required version and download the file its available
where you may substitute 3.6.1 with the version you want to run.

Protocol Buffer: Version Change

I have accidentally installed version 3.0.0 and most of my files naturally gave tons of errors. Now I want to take it back to 2.6.1. I already downloaded 2.6.1 and installed, however when I do protoc --version it still shows libprotoc 3.0.0, which is wrong.
Is there a way to set the version to 2.6.1 or is there a way to uninstall 3.0.0?
Figured it out. One should delete everything regarding google protocol buffers under /local and /include, , and then simple reinstall the other version. After that protoc --version shows the new version.
If you use pip:
pip uninstall protobuf
pip install protobuf==2.6.1

How to upgrade mongodb from 2.0 to 2.2 in mac osx

There are no instructions that I can find on the mongodb website on how to install 2.2 when you already have 2.0 using brew. I can see versions using "brew versions mongodb" but when I try to install one it says "mongodb does not have a version "2.2.0-x86_64" in the Cellar."
The versions command shows:
new-host-4:~ scott$ brew versions mongodb
2.2.0-x86_64 git checkout 34fb67d /usr/local/Library/Formula/mongodb.rb
2.0.7-x86_64 git checkout 6434ebb /usr/local/Library/Formula/mongodb.rb
2.0.6-x86_64 git checkout 2553479 /usr/local/Library/Formula/mongodb.rb
I know it's only a few lines of magic but I don't know the proper incantation.
All I had to do was the following...
$ brew update
$ brew upgrade mongodb
