Protocol Buffer: Version Change - protocol-buffers

I have accidentally installed version 3.0.0 and most of my files naturally gave tons of errors. Now I want to take it back to 2.6.1. I already downloaded 2.6.1 and installed, however when I do protoc --version it still shows libprotoc 3.0.0, which is wrong.
Is there a way to set the version to 2.6.1 or is there a way to uninstall 3.0.0?

Figured it out. One should delete everything regarding google protocol buffers under /local and /include, , and then simple reinstall the other version. After that protoc --version shows the new version.

If you use pip:
pip uninstall protobuf
pip install protobuf==2.6.1


Downgrading openssl is not possible in OSX

After upgraded brew in OSX it also updated the openssl older version to openssl1.1 but openssl#1.1 is not supporting the older versions for ruby of 2.3.x or older but I need to use older version is there a way so that I can downgrade my openssl or brew
I don't have older version of ssl I did the rvm install version.It installed the ruby version successfully.But when I did "bundle" I am getting the error "ssl not supported .. "
Up on this: I understood its not possible to install ruby older version less than 2.4 with openssl#1.1 by using rvm. I want to know is it possibe to downgrade openssl by using brew directly?? I have tried multiple ways it not worked??
Are you sure the version is the problem? First try:
brew info openssl
Follow the instructions to be sure. If this doesn't resolve the problem, please add more info on what error's you are getting.

Can't remove old version of ChromeDriver on MacOS

I have a very annoying problem with ChromeDriver. I need to use version 2.36, but I currently have 2.35.528157 (when doing chromedriver -v).
I have already done:
brew upgrade chromedriver
Which ran successfully, however according to my terminal, I still have 2.35.528157
I then did a
brew cleanup chromedriver
which got rid of versions 2.34 and 2.35 according to its logs, however when I do chromedriver -v I still get 2.35.528157.
If I do: brew list chromedriver, all I get is the following:
Am I missing something?
brew uninstall --cask chromedriver
I had originally installed it through npm, so I suppose that was the one taking priority.
I could not update it via npm for some reason, so I just downloaded the latest version of ChromeDriver. Deleted the old version of the file in my npm directory, and put the new one in its place. Not sure if it's the best practice or the actual solution but at least I got it working.
I uninstall the old version as:
brew cask uninstall chromedriver
And then install last ( needed ) version by
brew cask install chromedriver
So, right now my version is ok:
chromedriver --version
ChromeDriver 83.0.4103.39 (ccbf011cb2d2b19b506d844400483861342c20cd-refs/branch-heads/4103#{#416})
And Selenium works properly

I want to downgrade my protobuf version in order to working with gcc-4.9 and matlab. so have anybody can taking a good solution?

xy#xy-desktop:/usr/bin$ sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libprotobuf-dev is already the newest version (2.6.1-1.3).
protobuf-compiler is already the newest version (2.6.1-1.3).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 361 not upgraded.
xy#xy-desktop:/usr/bin$ protoc --version
libprotoc 3.0.2
It seems you have installed protobuf 3.0.2 from some external source whose binary is probably in /usr/local/bin, while the protobuf 2.6.1 installed from repo has its binary in /usr/bin. Try this:
export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
protoc --version
Whenever you want to go back to using protobuf 3.0.2, just ensure that /usr/local/bin is at the left side in PATH environment variable.
Please note that this may also have similar effect on other binaries which are present in both /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin (for the current terminal session).
A permanent solution to this would entail uninstalling protobuf 3.0.2, by running
sudo make uninstall
in the source folder of protobuf 3.0.2.

How do I Install version 2.5.1 of RabbitMQ using Homebrew?

I'm in a situation where I absolutely must use the specific version 2.5.1 of RabbitMQ (or any version 2.5.x should do really) and I can't find how to install it via Homebrew anywhere, can anyone provide good instructions as to how to get it?
First, check whether version you need exists in homebrew
$ brew versions rabbitmq
Mine shows (... - skipped for readability):
2.5.1 git checkout 3630e1b Library/Formula/rabbitmq.rb
Then just checkout version you want (in your case 2.5.1):
git checkout 3630e1b Library/Formula/rabbitmq.rb
And finally install rabbitmq formula:
brew install rabbitmq

How to update node.js and CoffeeScript version via terminal on mac?

My system node.js version is v0.6.1 but the current stable version is v0.6.7.
My system CoffeeScript version is v1.1.2 but the current stable version is v1.2.0
How could I update the node.js and CoffeeScript via terminal on mac( using mac )? I am pretty good with command line but I do need some help get started to update those applications. Thank you very much for helps.
I'm a fan of Homebrew. Once you have it installed, you can just do
brew install node
then install npm with
curl | sh
then use it to install CoffeeScript with
npm install -g coffee-script
If you don't have Homebrew or don't want to bother with it, replace the first step with going to, clicking "Download," and running the latest installer for OS X. No command line wizardry required.
Update: Since this answer was posted, several things have changed. One is that Homebrew includes npm, so you don't need to install it separately (and if you do, you need to use https://). Another is that I would recommend using nvm to install Node rather than Homebrew, since you'll likely want to use different Node versions for different projects at some point and swapping out brew versions is no fun.
To update only coffee-script:
sudo npm update coffee-script -g
The easiest way to upgrade your Node.js version is to use a version manager such as NVM. It will also keep your old version if you'd like, along with stuff you've installed for it.
Once you upgrade you Node version, you can install CoffeeScript via NPM.
