Floating items in the background like Pinterest - pinterest

I need to create a function similar to the one that is on Pinterest or better on http://www.sumally.com - sliding elements in the background. Does anyone have a clue how to do this?

Each div or "rows" on that site has something called -webkit-transition and -webkit-transformations applied. Look those up and you should be on your way. But there is more that goes into it because it looks like they are using smarty, like twig to load the images, so there really is not just a "function" to do all of that.


Is it possible to code this website?

I'm a Graphic Designer.
I was wondering if it's possible for a programmer to code this website or I should redesign this?
Because I have doubts about how hard the header and footer are, and I think it's a really hard work for a programmer to code a website like this.
If it's not, please let me know then I will find a developer.
This is not impossible. It just takes a moment to think it through.
The footer can be made as a background image of the three colour splats which wraps three separate divs (Projects, Products, Contact Us). The header is a series of images absolutely positioned within a relative parent.
This is actually a very simple layout.
The design is bit complex and unusual but not impossible.
It's possible to convert this design in code with use of some script and css hacks mainly position and z-index based hacks

Lightbox for Flex

Ey. I've seen the other post about Lightbox gallery effect for Flex, but after having played around with it I cant seem to get it to work 100% (The image is as small as the thumb, and I cant make it bigger). And this also lacks some functionality I'd like to have.
So, one example would be, of course, this: http://lokeshdhakar.com/projects/lightbox2/
If you click any image on the image set you can swap between them with an arrow. This is what I'd like to have.
Also, it would be nice if it was possible to display the thumbnails for the other images in the same set under the bigger picture(when one image is already clicked).
I've tried to search for components like this, but I cant seem to find any other.
If any of you know of any nice components or snippets of code for this kind of effect then please let me know! =)
Kind regards,
Stian Berg Larsen
So I've searched around and tried a number of examples, but I cant seem to get any of them to work. There is always an error, and none of the examples are exactly what I want.
I simply need a way to show images like Lightbox. With a prev/next arrow and maybe a close button. Nothing more than that. How would I go about making this, or use an existing component?
Im using a TileGroup to hold all my thumbs (so that they will fill out the width of the Group with more images if there are room for it). If it's possible to generate this list of thumbnails dynamically too then that would be great, but basically what I need is to show images with a Lightbox style when I click them.
Thanks! =)
I ended up just making my own lightbox effect. :)
Created an Actionscript class (based on Group) and added image loading functionality, prev/next/close buttons and borders and such. Works like a charm :)

Cappuccino - take an image from a CPView

I have a CPView with some children (CPImageView's, CPTextField's, etc) and I would like to know if it's possible to take an screenshot of that parent view.
no, not out of the box... remember you're still in the browser.
Now, depending on how bad you want this...
A while back someone wrote a generic DOM parser than rendered out the current DOM on to a canvas. It was pretty immature though.
Luckily Cappuccino generally uses just some absolutely positioned divs, and background colors/images. Which means if you wanted to write your own parser, it might not be as hard as it sounds.

How did they do that? Keystroke Text Animation

I found this website, and I can't figure out how they made the text animation on top work. It looks like jquery, but I can't figure out the code. Does anyone know what they used to make the keystrokes appear on this website?
Have a look at this:
The tutorial:
That seems like exactly what you were looking for.
Looks like they fill the 'canvas' section by writing one div (each with one letter) at a time, and deleting them one at a time, using a Timer (maybe 250ms?) for each action. All possible using JavaScript document manipulation; easier with jQuery though.
I can't find a really good tutorial on how to do it with vanilla JavaScript, and there's always cross-browser quirks, so you'll just have to play around if you want to do a similar effect.

How to use full-page background image leaving space for binding?

In Latex how can you make the background image to occupy the whole sheet on every page except a certain stripe on the inner side of each page? I can't figure it out.
I have a background image I'd like to be seen in whole on each page after printing/binding.
There's some rather scary LaTeX hackery involving putting a picture environment under every page and using \includegraphics to put an image into that environment. You'll have to adjust the size of the image using the width option, and if you want even and odd pages you'll have to check the page number to know whether to shift the image right or left by changing \put(0,0) to \put(3,0) for example.
For page number testing try something on the order of
\ifodd\count0 ...stuff for odd-numbered pages ...
\else ... stuff for even-numbered pages ...
This isn't really a full answer but will be enough to get you started.
Honestly, I'd just add the white space in the image :)
Well, I was thinking of something like this.
Is this really so rare need to have? I myself need such a thing for the first time now but I don't feel it a so big oddity. It's strange for me that if you want a background to change over even and odd pages, just like normal text do, you need to feel betraying Latex logics. Or maybe I'm too fanatic of this challenge of mine and I want to feel the whole tex world change to fulfill my wishes. :)
Thank you for the answers!
