dimple.js: get co-ordinates of point/position on axis - d3.js

I have a Dimple.JS scatter plot with a time-based (in years) X-axis. I'd like (in a similar manner to this D3 question) to be able to shade in an arbitrary area (ideally the start and end positions wouldn't necessarily be data points in the series).
Is there an existing function that will let me supply a year and give me the X co-ordinate the correct position on the scale in the SVG, which I can then use the construct my rectangle (I tried to look at the source code to figure out how dimple does it's positioning...)?
Alternatively, if it's more practical to use points already plotted on the chart, what's the correct way to use d3.select with dimple to access a specific one? My series has a date field (dd/mm/yyyy) so I have SVG elements like this:
<circle id="All_Wed Mar 18 1931 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)__" class="series0 bubble All Wed_Mar_18_1931_00:00:00_GMT+0000_(GMT) " cx="465.0000000006503" cy="362.1714285714286" r="2" opacity="0.8" fill="#e90e0e" stroke="#c20b0b"></circle>
… my guess was I should use mySeries.shapes.select(id) to access that, but for:
mySeries.shapes.select("#All_Wed Mar 18 1931 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (GMT)__");
or (if I escape it, unless there's a silly syntax error):
mySeries.shapes.select("#All_Wed Mar\ 18\ 1931\ 00:00:00\ GMT+0000\ (GMT)__");
I get "Not a valid selector".

You need to use a non-public method of the axes to do this, so it may not work this way in future versions (>1.1.5) however between you and me, I don't think the scale method of the axis is going to be disappearing any time soon.
The _scale method is the raw d3 scale method added once the draw method of the chart is called so it can convert the values for you. I've created a fiddle to illustrate the solution. This will need a little tweaking if you are dealing with negative values or log axes:
// Draw a simple chart
var svg = dimple.newSvg("body", 800, 600);
var data = [
{ "a":300, "b":2000, "c":"a" },
{ "a":400, "b":3000, "c":"b" },
{ "a":340, "b":2200, "c":"c" },
{ "a":300, "b":5000, "c":"d" }
var chart = new dimple.chart(svg, data);
var x = chart.addMeasureAxis("x", "a");
var y = chart.addMeasureAxis("y", "b");
chart.addSeries("c", dimple.plot.bubble);
// Draw a grey region using the following co-ordinates
var fromX = x._scale(210),
toX = x._scale(320),
fromY = y._scale(2200),
toY = y._scale(3100)
.attr("x", fromX)
.attr("y", toY)
.attr("width", toX - fromX)
.attr("height", fromY - toY)
.style("fill", "grey")
.style("opacity", 0.2);
Here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/T6ZDL/7/


Multiple maps with d3.js: change values of scale and center

I’m building a (d3 v4) cartographic visualization which allows the user to switch between many datasets (json files) and two different regions (administrative units of a country and smaller administrative units into its capital city). Actually the switch from one to another dataset on the initial country level works well, through buttons and jquery.
Problem: it’s a bit less convincing when switching to a map/dataset about the capital city, as the projection is initially set for the whole country and consequently the user has to zoom many times to visualize properly the map of the capital city. I would like to change the values of .scale and .center when calling the projection but after several trials I haven’t found how to do it.
As I only have two different regions to show, my intuition was to set first values of scale and center and to change them to other values (I know the values of .scale and .center I would like to use in both cases) when the user switches to a map of the capital city through a function. Is there any possibility to switch easily these values? Do you have any suggestion to solve this problem?
As I load the json file path into a function when the user clicks on the button to switch to another dataset, I was trying to load the value of scale the same way but I’m probably doing wrong. It seems that the part of the code about the projection can't be put in a function?
Thanks for your help!
Small part of my code:
var width = 1100, height = 770;
var projection = d3.geoConicConformal()
.scale(19000) // value I would like to which when the region changes
.center([4.45, 50.53]) // value I would like to which when the region changes
var svg = d3.select( "#mapcontainer" )
.append( "svg" )
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.style("border", "solid 1px black");
var path = d3.geoPath()
var color, jsonfile, legendtext;
function load (jsonfile, legendtext, color) {
d3.selectAll(".currentmap").remove() ;
d3.json(jsonfile, function(error, belgique) {
.attr("d", path)
.style("stroke", "#fff")
.attr( "class", "currentmap")
.style("fill", function(d) {
var value = d.properties.DATA;
if (value) {return color(value);}
else {return "rgb(250,110,110)"}
//one of the following function for each map
function BGQprovinces() {
jsonfile = "ATLAS/NewGeoJson/bgq-data1-provinces.json";
legendText [= …];
color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.domain( […])
load(jsonfile, legendtext, color) ;
There area few approaches to accomplish this.
fitSize and fitExtent
One is to modify the projection scale and translate as opposed to scale and center. This is nearly the same operation, but translate pans the projected plane and center will pan the unprojected plane. To do so you need to use projection.fitSize([width,height],geojsonObject), or projection.fitExtent([[x0,y0],[x1,y1]],geojsonObject). The latter will allow margins of say, the first coordinate provided is the top left and the second coordinate provided is the bottom right of a bounding box in which the feature will be constrained.
d3.json(jsonfile, function(error, belgique) {
projection.fitSize([width,height], belgique);
// now draw as you would:
d3.selectAll(".currentmap").remove() ;
.attr("d", path)
Note that for showing all of a country you need to have a feature that shows the whole country or a feature collection that shows all the parts of a country. You cannot use an array with fitSize or fitExtent, if you have an array of features, you can create a feature collection by using:
var featureCollection = {"type":"featureCollection","features":featureArray}
For your case, I'd suggest using fitSize or fitExtent.
If you really wanted to modify the center attribute as opposed to translate, or perhaps you want to change the rotation (a more likely outcome for conic conformals in many parts of the world, Belgium should be fine), then you need the geographic coordinates of the center. One way of a handful to do this is to get the centroid of a feature from path.geoCentroid:
var centroid = path.geoCentroid(geojsonObject);
Then use that to set the projection parameters to rotate:
projection.rotate([ -centroid[0],-centroid[1] ])
or to center:
Or a combination of both (depending on map projection type). Now you can apply fitSize or fitExtent, the feature is in the middle already, but now we can set the scale. The reason I suggest this as a potential answer is because not all projections, concic projections in particular, will give desired results by modifying only scale along with translate and/or center.
Of course for conic projections, you may need to find a way to set the parallels as well, but I'll leave that for another answer if it ever comes up.

Add a custom tick / marker for d3.time.scale() in a dc.js seriesChart

I would like to add a marker for a specific date for a date axis. Please see the line chart below.
My xAxis is drawn by this function, where dateMin and dateMax can be set by the user through the front end (or a brush, etc.).
This means the tickValues are calculated automatically.
Now, there is a certain fixed date for our data where there is a cutoff. For example, we may have consolidated figures up to Jan. 31st 2014, and then projected data from February 1st 2014 onwards.
What I need to do is make it visually clear at what date the cutoff point is. I have manually drawn a red vertical line at the date into the JPG below. But how do I do this programatically with d3?
One caveat is that the user might choose a date range (using the brush, etc.) which does not include the cutoff date (say, Jan 1st 2014 to Jan 20th, 2014). In this case, no line should be drawn.
If possible, it would be even better if the actual lines of the line chart would look different from the cutoff date onwards. They could be dotted instead of solid, or their colours could be less saturated (.brighter ?), to make visually clear that the underlying data is not consolidated yet.
Thanks for any hints you can give me.
Sorry I can't post images to StackOverflow yet, hence I uploaded the example here:
Trying out code from the answers
Using the code below, the line and label get drawn, but not at the given x value (cutoffDate), but too "early" on the time scale, approximately on the evening of 2014-01-29.
var cutoffDate = new Date("2014-02-01T00:00:00Z");
.attr("x1", xScale(cutoffDate))
.attr("x2", xScale(cutoffDate))
.attr("y1", yScale.range()[1])
.attr("y2", yScale.range()[0])
.style("stroke", "rgb(225,0,0)")
.style("stroke-width", "1");
.attr("text-anchor", "start")
.attr("x", xScale(cutoffDate))
.attr("y", 80)
.text("Projected data");
See the result here:
In my original question, I didn't mention I am using seriesChart from dc.js:
seriesChart API docs
I suppose this does something with the xScale when it composes the seriesChart so setting a value on the xScale later on will result in a shifted display. Will investigate further.
Update: x position fixed
The correct way to append svg elements to a dc.js chart is not to use
This fixes the position offset for custom elements added to the chart. Using this in combination with Lars' answer works.
This would be difficult to achieve with one axis, but easy with separate axes. First, for the dividing line, you can use code like this:
.attr("x1", xScale(cutoffDate))
.attr("x2", xScale(cutoffDate))
.attr("y1", yScale.range()[0])
.attr("y2", yScale.range()[1]);
svg.append("text").attr("x", xScale(cutoffDate) + 10).attr("y", yCoord)
To have different styles, use two different axes:
var xScale1 = d3.time.scale().domain([..., cutoffDate]).range([0, 100]),
xScale2 = d3.time.scale().domain([cutoffDate, ...]).range([100, 200]);
svg.append("g").attr("class", "before")
svg.append("g").attr("class", "after")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + xScale1.range()[1] + ",0)")
Once appended, you can style the axes using the classes or by selecting the individual DOM elements. This means you end up with two scales -- to make using them for computing coordinates easier, you could wrap them:
var xScale = function(x) { return x < cutoffDate ? xScale1(x) : xScale2(x); };
The exact best way to implement this will depend on your specific application, but the above should give you a rough guide how to do it.

Venue/Indoor Map using D3.js and Geojson

I have created geojson file which contains all the features of 1st floor of a shopping mall. I got that venue map projected using d3.js with different colors but only some parts not the complete map. Below is the script code and link to the geojson file. Also please note that i have not converted this geojson into topojson and used Qgis to draw the maps and c#.net to convert the geometry data to geojson objects. Can anyone please check my json and my d3.js code? Do I need to use any other projections?
$(document).ready(function () {
function parseResultShopDetails() {
var width = 600, height = 300;
var svg = d3.select("#map").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
var path = d3.geo.path()
d3.json("http://localhost:1209/data/JSONfromDB_8Feb2014.json", function (error, jsonData) {
var color1 = d3.scale.category10();
.attr("d", path)
.attr("text", function (d, i) { return "js"; })
.attr("fill", function (d, i) { return color1(i); });
It looks like the d3 mapping tools really fall apart if you try to use coordinates other than longitude and latitude.
I tried creating a "null" projection that just returns the input values, but the negative numbers and numbers greater than 360 were still getting wrapped by d3 before passing to the projection function. That avoids the trig errors from the Mercator projection, and it creates interesting art, but not the floor plan you were hoping for:
var projection = d3.geo.projection(function(λ, φ) {
return [ λ, φ ];
However, all is not lost. The second image in that example is created by just passing the array of coordinates as the points of <polygon> elements. I think that's closer to what you wanted. So you'll need to do a little more work to grab the points from the data file but you can definitely visualize them just as an array of coordinates.
.attr("points", function(d){ return d3.merge(d.geometry.coordinates);})
.attr("fill", function (d, i) {
return color1(i);
The only other suggestion is to write a script to convert your geoJSON file to geographic units. They don't have to be actual latitude and longitude of a particular place (you could still have the map centered on a reference point of your choice), but the scale has to be in degrees not feet or meters or whatever you are using.
D3's mapping projections are designed to transform 3D earth coordinates into 2D browser coordinates, so they are not that great at transforming local coordinates like the ones you've got. And as Amelia outlines your putting in coordinates that are outside of what's expected.
You'd be better off doing one of two things; creating a geometry stream based on 2 linear scales as outlined in this google groups discussion; or using d3's path generators.
To creating a 2D path generator is straightforward in d3 something like this will work:
var shops = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) {
return xScale(d.x);
.y(function(d) {
return yScale(d.y);
The real trick here is accessing the 'right' part of your json object. If you look into the geojson structure you see that there is a geometry part as well as an properties part. You need to dig through to pull out the coordinates and then pass them to the pavement generator. In this case it would be:
which would obviously need to be referenced correctly.
Note that the method outlined here isn't going to work if you have complex geometries such as multi-polygons, you'll need to do quite a bit more work. If that's what you've got you'll want to create a custom geometry stream.
Now putting all of that together here's a working example of you're json.

D3 scatterplot using time scale on x-axis -- not working in Firefox

I've created a pretty simple scatterplot showing a person's weightlifting progress over time. The x-axis is a time scale in days (there's one circle for each day) and the y-axis is the number of pounds lifted that day.
The scatterplot works in Chrome, but not Firefox. It has something to do with using a date object as the x-position of the circles.
Take a look at the chart in Chrome
Here are two rows of my dataset, to show how it is formatted (the date is the first item of each row):
["2011-09-16",150,"Cottage cheese and 1 apple",170,16,"4 Chicken breast strips",130,17,"Hibachi grill: onion soup, salad, 2 shrimp pieces, vegetables. 12 oz chicken, rice",880,99,"Small hard frozen yogurt",300,6,"Cottage cheese, greek yogurt, a bunch of icebreaker sours",230,26,1710,164,175,"Back/biceps, 31 pushups",135,0,0],
["2011-09-17",150,"15 peanuts",80,4,"Dim Sum",1000,40,"Azn salad, 2 serv chicken breast",490,57,"8.8 oz mixx",264,9,"(No Data)",0,0,1833.6875,109.55,174.2," ",135,0,0],
Here's how I draw the circles, and some relevant functions/variables I used to format the dates:
//Width and height
var w = 4200;
var h = 200;
var padding = 35;
var mindate = new Date("2011-9-15");
var maxdate = new Date("2012-5-29");
//Create scale functions
var xScale = d3.time.scale()
.domain([mindate, maxdate])
.range([padding, w - padding * 2]);
var format = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d");
var dateFn = function(d) {return format.parse(d[0])};
//Create circles
.attr("cx", function(d) {
return xScale(dateFn(d));
.attr("cy", function(d) {
return yScale(d[1]);
.attr("r", 6)
.attr("fill", "gray")
.attr("opacity", .5)
Like I said, it works exactly how I want in Chrome, but in Firefox, all the circles are on top of one another with cx=0. Any ideas would be appreciated. I asked my local d3 expert, and he showed me a project he did which also fails in Firefox due to drawing circles using date objects. He just gave up. a link to his project
The problem isn't the way you're parsing the dates, but the way you're setting up the scale.
var mindate = new Date("2011-9-15");
var maxdate = new Date("2012-5-29");
This is the code that works properly only in Chrome because you're relying on its date parsing by using the constructor rather than parsing explicitly like you're doing for the rest of the dates.
The fix is simple -- just parse the dates you're using to set the scale domain as well:
var format = d3.time.format("%Y-%m-%d"),
mindate = format.parse("2011-09-15"),
maxdate = format.parse("2012-05-29");

D3.js: calculate x-axis time scale for bar graph?

I have the following dataset:
var data = [
"air_used": 0.660985,
"datestr": "2012-12-01 00:00:00",
"energy_used": 0.106402
"air_used": 0.824746,
"datestr": "2013-01-01 00:00:00",
"energy_used": 0.250462
} ...
And I want to draw a bar graph (for air_used) and line graph (for energy_used) that look like this:
My problem is that at the moment, with the x-scale I'm using, the graph looks like this - basically the bars are in the wrong position, and the last bar is falling off the chart:
Here is a JSFiddle with full code and working graph: http://jsfiddle.net/aWJtJ/4/
To achieve what I want, I think I need to amend the x-scale so that there is extra width before the first data point and after the last data point, and so that the bars are all shifted to the left by half the width of each bar.
Can anyone help me figure out what I need to do with the x-scale?
I've tried adding an extra month to the domain - that stops the last bar falling off the end of the graph, but it also adds an extra tick that I don't want, and it doesn't fix the position of the line graph and ticks.
If possible I want to continue to a time scale for the x-axis, rather than an ordinal scale, because I want to use D3's clever time-based tick formatters and date parsers, e.g. xAxis.ticks(d3.time.weeks, 2).
Expand your domain to be +1 and -1 month from the actual extent of your data. That will pad the graph with the extra months on either side and then update the bar width to add 2 to the count of data elements.
var barRawWidth = width / (data.length + 2);
See this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/reblace/aWJtJ/6/
If you want to hide the lower and upper boundary months, you can hack it like this: http://jsfiddle.net/reblace/aWJtJ/7/ by just adding and subtracting 20 days instead of a whole month, but there are probably more elegant ways to do it.
var xExtent = d3.extent(data, function(d) { return d.date; });
var nxExtent = [d3.time.day.offset(xExtent[0], -20), d3.time.day.offset(xExtent[1], 20)];
As pointed out in the comments, I think the best approach is to use d3.scale.ordinal. Note that using it doesn't prevent you from using d3.time parsers, but you need to take into account the bar width to align the line with the bars.
An example solution is here:
Relevant code from the solution above is as follows:
// Map data set to dates to provide the whole domain information
var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain(data.map(function(d) {
return d.date;
.rangeRoundBands([0, width], 0.1);
// Use x.rangeBand() to align line with bars
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(d.date) + x.rangeBand() / 2; })
.y(function(d) { return y(d.energy_used); });
// Use x.rangeBand() to set bar width
.attr("class", "air_used")
.attr("width", x.rangeBand())
Note that date parsing code has been moved up to have d.date available when creating the x scale. Aside from that, d3.time statements have not been modified at all.
