Virtuemart which variable holds order_number value of cart? - joomla

Can anyone please tell me which variable holds virtuemart cart order_number value? I want to get it before checkout?

you can probably locate which variable holds this nunber by using the following output:
print_r(get_defined_vars()); // prints all declared variables
print_r($this); // prints the current object
Try these, and see if you can find your variable :)


Cannot use object of type Product as array prestashop 1.7

i have problem, when i change the declination on my product page on prestashop
when i looked for the error it look this error image
any one can help me please, im using prestashop
I had the same error: "Cannot use object of type Product as array".
In Prestashop 1.7: "Objects are no longer passed to Smarty. We only use arrays now." (
In my case, it was a module 'productcomments'. He overwrites the "product" index and changes "array" to "object".
It may be easy to solve.
The message says you are trying to use an object like an array
Imagine you want to fetch the id from the variable:
For arrays
But for objects
So search in the template for the incorrect use of the product variable and fix it.

Undefined index: quantity

I am having a small problem updating my cart because of "undefined index:quantity message coming up on my text box.On the last line of my code. what is wrong with the code? Any kind consideration will be highly appreciated.
function edit_quantity(){
$sql3="UPDATE Shopcart set qty='$quantity'";
echo $_SESSION['quantity'];
i see you dont have session_start();
put it somewhere before you use $_SESSION
your code might not enter the if block and would not set the quantity session. That's why you are having an Undefied index error move the echo statement inside the if block so that it will echo when your quantity session is set.
This error is because the POST data does not have a quantity value. You are only checking for an update_cart post value before proceeding to update the session.
As others have mentioned, there is also a serious sql injection problem with your code which you should fix.

Magento. How to change shipping method before save order?

I must change shipping method before saving order if (condition) is true, and don't change it if false. I tried out function checkout_type_onepage_save_order($observer).
$checkout = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/type_onepage');
but it doesn't work.
Sorry for my English.
I have had problems with things not saving properly in checkout, e.g. shipping address. I think you have to save the quote object again, but I cannot remember for sure.
However, why don't you write your own shipping module? This is the place for doing it properly and within your own module you can put together all the rules you need to set the price to what it needs to be, plus the frontend label, e.g. 'Free!' if a zero price is calculated.
Here is a tutorial that has worked very well for me in the past:

Magento: how do I access custom variables in PHP?

I am aware of 'Custom Variables' and how they can be used with {{ }} brackets in email templates as well as in static blocks.
However, I want to use them in template code i.e. view.phtml.
I want to be able to access 'variable plain value' to retrieve a conversion value, i.e. a number/string as number for a given 'variable code'.
Been doing this for some time to create various messages that are editable through the admin interface so I don't have to go code digging when the flavor of the moment changes.
To access the plain value of the custom variable with code custom_variable_code use this:
NOTE: Single store doesn't show the store select dropdown for the variable scope. This answer is not technically correct, in order to future-proof yourself in case of having multiple stores --> Please see #Mark van der Sanden answer below and give him an upvote.
Unfortunately, all other answers are not 100% correct. Use it like this (note the setStoreId() to get the value for the correct store view):
$value = Mage::getModel('core/variable')
Or to get the html value:
$value = Mage::getModel('core/variable')
If no html value is defined, getValue() returns the text value if you request the html value.
Stackoverflow almost to the rescue again. Thought this would be it:
Setting a global variable in Magento, the GUI way?
But it wasn't, this was:
$angle = Mage::getModel('core/variable')->loadByCode('angle')->getData('store_plain_value');
The only way I see you can acheive this by having a method in the templates block, that will output the needed result.
For instance say in the template view.phtml you have the following code:
<div id="title_container">
<h2><?= $this->getTitle(); ?></h2>
The function can represent your variable code and any logic that has to do with what gets displayed in the title should be placed in the block.
Just for clarification sake the block is the variable $this
If you are unsure what is the actual class name of your block you can do something like:
in the var/log/system.log you will print the class of the block of that template.
That is the best way.
HTH :)
// To get the TEXT value of the custom variable:
// To get the HTML value of the custom variable:
// The store id is set as Custom Variables can be edited for multiple stores
Note: A custom variable might have different values for different stores.
So to access store specific value for the custom variable with the code custom_variable_code
Use this:
$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
$custom_variable_text = Mage::getModel('core/variable')->setStoreId($storeId)
$custom_variable_plain_value = Mage::getModel('core/variable')->setStoreId($storeId)
$custom_variable_html_value = Mage::getModel('core/variable')->setStoreId($storeId)

How do I get the shipping method the user has chosen during checkout?

I want to get the name of the shipping method the user has chosen during checkout. Does anyone know how to retrieve that info?
This will get it to some extent but it is cached:
When I am on the onestep checkout and I go back to the shipping tab and change the shipping, it is still holding the old shipping method. I need to figure out how to get the current one.
Constructed from Magento app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Block/Onepage/Shipping/Method/Available.php and others:
app/design/frontend/base/default/template/checkout/onepage/shipping_method/available.phtml uses this code to determine which shipping method was selected:
app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Block/Onepage/Shipping/Method/Available.php expands that code to this:
return $this->getAddress()->getShippingMethod();
Let's research a bit and expand it even deeper:
Parent block expands method getQuote():
return $this->getCheckout()->getQuote();
And deeper:
public function getChechout() {
return Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session');
Merging all that code gives us this:
That gives you the shipping method code. Giving that, you could manipulate it just as you wish. This data is stored within the database, so when you change shipping method, the code changes too.
Getting deeper and deeper!
If you've ever created your own shipping method, you'd know, that it has the method called collectRates().
It fills a set of shipping/rate_result_method models, stores it within the instance of shipping/rate_result model and returns it (you can get each model' instance using Mage::getModel(<model i've named>); ).
Yet, note: one could contain multiple rate_result_method instances, while the shipping method code is the same for all those instances!
Thus, in order to get the description, you need to get one of the rate_result_method instances and retrieve its methodTitle or carrierTitle.
After a small researching i've found how to retrieve all these rates:
This will provide you with a collection of all rates for the selected shipping method. You can operate it with getItems() and get a hash. Or you could use getFirstItem() and use it as the template.
Anyway, let's assume u've retrieved some item of that collection and stored it within the $rate variable:
$rate->getCarrier(); // This will provide you with the carrier code
$rate->getCarrierTitle(); // This will give you the carrier title
$rate->getCode(); // This will give you **current shipping method** code
$rate->getMethod(); // This will provide you with the **shipping method** code
$rate->getMethodTitle(); // This will tell you current shipping method title
$rate->getMethodDescription(); // And this is the description of the current shipping method and **it could be NULL**
That's all, folks!
I am really sorry for my poor English and for my strange mind flow. Hope this will help you or someone else. Thanks!
Just in case you need it still. You can get shipping method from order by:
Of course how you get your $order depends on context.
Also you can get description by:
shipping method in magento
$methods = Mage::getSingleton('shipping/config')->getActiveCarriers();
$options = array();
foreach($methods as $_code => $_method)
if(!$_title = Mage::getStoreConfig("carriers/$_code/title"))
$_title = $_code;
$options[] = array('value' => $_code, 'label' => $_title . " ($_code)");
echo "<xmp>";
echo "</xmp>";
In your checkout controller you need to add extra steps to save your quote if you want this information to be accessible to you.
I added a few '$quote->save();' entries to get this to work, however, I cannot definitively say which entry is the one that did the fix. I also cannot find the link on Magento forums, however, I hope I have given you a head start on what is going on.
You could override the saveShippingMethodAction() function in the Mage_Checkout_OnepageController, or extend upon it, and save the method into the registry by inserting:
Mage::register('blahShippingMethod', $this->getRequest()->getPost('shipping_method'));
and call upon it as you need it: Mage::registry('blahShippingMethod');
Don't forget to unset it when you no longer need it as you will run into an error if you try to reset when it's already been set.
