Where does joomla store the sef urls? - joomla

I've just uninstalled mijosef from my site because i hated the way it rename my sef urls, but now my originals sef urls doesn't come back, where does joomla store the sef urls? in the database? in a file? or where?
I've tried to restore my site with akeeba backup, but the problem persist, and i'm not able to find any references to the sef urls in the database.

Joomla's SEF URLs are not stored in the database but rather based on the menu structure of the site. You can find more details at http://docs.joomla.org/Search_Engine_Friendly_URLs


Joomla SEF - When enabling SEF urls, will backlinks using non-sef urls still function?

Got a site that due to bad design never had SEFs enabled. Wondering if I enable them, would all the site's current backlinks linking to non-SEF urls still correctly return the pages or would they return 404?
Direct links to a Joomla article will always work, and Joomla is using it itself to link between articles.
For example, this URL:
is the native one and is giving instructions to your Joomla website to access the article database, so it will always work no matter what, even though the SEF URL is:
However, any alternative SEF URLs which may have been done on the website will not work, e.g. the above SEF URL example with category number (53) removed by some SEF tool.
Your non-SEF urls will still work even if you have SEF turned on.
Before you enable SEF though, ensure you have Apache's mod_rewrite enabled and also rename you htaccess.txt to .htaccess.
Have a look at the Documentation for more in-depth information:
Hope this helps

Joomla .htm url mapping to pages in CMS

I inherited a Joomla site that has a set up I'm not familiar with. The url of pages on the site are like
I looked in the .htaccess file and do not see any rules that map .htm urls to the Joomla query string urls.
In the CMs, on each article are url alias. The corresponding URL alias to each of the urls above are:
However, going to any of these alias gives a 404 page. Even if I attach a .htm extension to these urls, it gives 404 page.
Where do I go in Joomla to add new pages to the site and add new .htm urls?
Here is the website:
That is normal. They are based on your article and menu aliases. Joomla uses a database to store the text so you won't find pages. How do you want the urls to look? Also what version? To add pages login to administrator and go to create article. Then you may want to go to the menu manager and link. I recommend you review the beginner docs at http://docs.joomla.org.

Mapping Old URLs to new joomla 2.5 website SEF urls?

I have a weird situation. A client of mine has a website having this kind of URL:
OLD URL: website.com/products/the+product_1.php
Now the new website that we developed has joomla 2.5 and has all content in there... So we have enabled Joomla SEF there. Now the issue is how to map the OLD urls to new Urls.
And the new Joomla 2.5 URL Looks like this:
New URL: website.com/products/digi/category/the_product_1
Now the issue is the search engines have indexed the OLD URLs and client does not want to loose the Page Ranking as you know how it matters.... They have about 18k URLs.
How best I can map the Old URLs to new URLs?
Please help?
Hm, why didnĀ“t you use the Joomla build in redirection manager?
Sure it takes some time to build the links into it, but from my point of view this would be the best way. Then there is no need to develop something and everything can be managed in joomla.
You can also write a script which add links to the SQL DB if needed for this component.
The easiest way would be to create a system plugin that looks for the old product URL pattern and fires a redirect to the new URL. You should also look at this list of new and renamed events as some of them have changed since the plugin documentation was written.

how to generate sef urls manually without clicking the links in joomla site

we have sh404 sef component installed in my site.when we click any of the link on my site a sef url willl automatically generate and insert in to the databese.but i want to generate all the available sef urls for my site with out clicking all the links.how can i generate is there any way to ping all normal urls generated by me.
how can i generate sef urls manually for my site content.
You can add sh404sef links using the backend config panel. You can add them under custom redirects.

Get the SEF URLs for articles in Joomla

I use 'No Editor' in Joomla with SEF URLs enabled. With no SEF enabled it's easy to know the URL by just getting the ID of the article. Something like:
Article 1 would be:
Now if I have SEF switched on, I would get URLs that look like:
Is there a way inside Joomla where I can find out what the SEF URL for a particular page is?
Currently I add these articles to a menu, then from the front-end I get the SEF URL and then use it. I know the process is a little dumb, but I want to find out if there is a better way inside Joomla where you can get the SEF URL (using 'No Editor').
Upload a component, sh404sef or ARTIOsef, to the administrator panel. Here you can manage SEF URLs as well as the old URL and what new name you want to give it.
