Mapping Old URLs to new joomla 2.5 website SEF urls? - joomla

I have a weird situation. A client of mine has a website having this kind of URL:
Now the new website that we developed has joomla 2.5 and has all content in there... So we have enabled Joomla SEF there. Now the issue is how to map the OLD urls to new Urls.
And the new Joomla 2.5 URL Looks like this:
New URL:
Now the issue is the search engines have indexed the OLD URLs and client does not want to loose the Page Ranking as you know how it matters.... They have about 18k URLs.
How best I can map the Old URLs to new URLs?
Please help?

Hm, why didnĀ“t you use the Joomla build in redirection manager?
Sure it takes some time to build the links into it, but from my point of view this would be the best way. Then there is no need to develop something and everything can be managed in joomla.
You can also write a script which add links to the SQL DB if needed for this component.

The easiest way would be to create a system plugin that looks for the old product URL pattern and fires a redirect to the new URL. You should also look at this list of new and renamed events as some of them have changed since the plugin documentation was written.


Joomla friendly URLs not working after update?

Hi and thanks for reading&answering my question. I am fairly new to Joomla,however I have built a directory website and started to put some content. I have created the standard pages(contact us, privacy etc) and added businesses. I would like SEO friendly URLs so I set Search Engine Friendly URLs, URL Rewriting --YES, and Suffix --No. However, Joomla somehow rewrites my alies and change them. example: mywebsite/bar-and-dinner is displayed now as my website/bar-din-r. I contacted the support of the plugin I use and they told me that I must have had some filters on Joomla that creates such a problem. I tried to purge cache on the website & server still the same. I just updated to Joomla 4.0. Thanks in advance for your help.

Make a new site with Joomla

I just started a new job, where I have to make a Joomla landing page for a client in Joomla. I have never worked with Joomla before, so I have just seen some tutorials. I have set it up on my localhost, which is working fine, and I have access to the all the backend and CMS system.
But I would like to make a new practice site called "testpage". fx: http://localhost:8888/Joomla_3.5.1/testpage.php, so I can start from scratch and build up a site, instead of deleting things on the default template.
Does anyone knows how I can make a new site?
Best Regards
You can go several ways:
remove all files and flush the DB on you local computer and create a fresh install, but in the end of it you'll anyway have to choose the default template (Beez3 or alike)
get a simplistic template (like or add it to your current install and start customising it; plus remove menus/blocks/content manually

Change Joomla 3 page url extension from .html to .htm

I am creating a website using Joomla 3 CMS. I have a requirement from my client that i need to change the existing page url extension from .html to .htm. As this website is redesign of a existing website the old links have .htm extension.
Open ../libraries/cms/router/site.php
Go to line number 144
And change
if ($format = $uri->getVar('format', 'html'))
if ($format = $uri->getVar('format', 'htm'))
I hope that helps
If you don't want to edit core files, and that is certainly not advised for sake of future upgrades. Your best solution is using a custom component for managing Joomla's SEF URLs, for example: sh404SEF (Paid) or JoomSEF (Free).
Check out for others.
Never ever edit Joomla Core files, otherwise when you upgrade Joomla, all your changes will be gone.
As #Alexxandar said; use SEO/SEF components for your needs. I recommend to use MijoSEF (Free or Paid)
Go to global configuration and remove the l from the suffix.
THis is a Joomla configuration question and a standard joomla configuration (not programming) option.
Now the one thing you will have to worry about is that if there are any old links to the htm pages. FOr this you will probably want to use the built in redirect component. Turn on the redirect plugin and then if you have a small number of pages you can just set up the redirection by hand. If you have more pages you may want to write the sql to create a bunch of redirects. Or you might want to make your own plugin to permanently redirect the old to the new.

Add referrer code to url

I need add the url of a wordpress blog a referrer code with this structure:
The site should work both with and without this code.
If there is I have to use it, store it in session type.
All through plugin so you do not have problems with upgrades or any wordpress plugin.
I also tried to edit the file .htaccess with a custom RewriteRule but nothing.
Ideas? Thanks!
Sorry for bad english!
I think you are trying to reinvent the wheel here, there plugins that gives you affiliate program features so you won't have to worry about url and links.
try some of this plugins: Tag: referral
you can also try this one as it has a good description: Affiliates
With wordpress always check existing plugins when you want to add functionality to your website, there are a lot of plugins that do a lot of things.
Edit: you can create your referal link as and in the website header check for $_GET['ref'] if it exists save the ref in a session variable, if the user gets to register then take the ref value from the session variable. This should work
I opted to install the plugin Rewrite and create rules to manage the referrer.
Thanks anyway!

joomla rename component url using htaccess

I'm building an eshop using Joomla 2.5 and a commercial component for a guy who wants to have multiple vendros and I'm stuck on how to change the component's url.
What I want to change is the url that is displayed when the users passes from a link with his mouse.
For instance, the component has a SEF function which rewrites urls and makes them like that:
and what I want is to make it:
So when a user passes over a link it will show him the new url. Is this possible with .htaccess and rewrite rules or this can only be done through the component only? I'm asking this as the component is encoded with ioncube so I can't do it myself.
Thanks in advance!
While you can use .htaccess to rewrite any URL it won't work with Joomla! as the SEF URL is created by JRoute which uses a combination of the core route function and the route.php for the component.
The URL segments are used to find the right component to handle the request, so to change the way the URL is built you would have to modify the route.php of the component (and obviously other parts as well).
For more information on how SEF support works, read this on
