vbs execute another vbs script with dictionary as parameter - vbscript

i am trying to execute a vbscript from another vbscript. The think is, i have to pass a dictionary as parameter, but i always get the same error message.
Here is my code so far:
dim objShell
Set objShell = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
dim dicExp
Set dicExp = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dic.add 0, 10
objShell.Run "C:\Users\groeschm\Desktop\ODBCAktuell.vbs " & dicString
But i always get this error message:
Error 800A01C2 - Wrong number of arguments of invalid property assignment.

You cannot pass an object reference to WScript.Shell.Run. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d5fk67ky(v=vs.84).aspx, it says the command line argument is a string, and nothing else.
You cannot pass a Scripting.Dictionary reference, nor can you encode that reference into the string argument.
It´s as simple as that!
And even if you could, this would be useless because the called VBS does not share the same global scope as the caller code.
You should consider alternatives to Run. You could put the ODBCAktuell.vbs code into a function, and call that instead. Or you consider ExecuteFile or one of the related intrinsics.
(Without knowing what ODBCAktuell.vbs contains, and without knowing what exactly you are trying to accomplish, it is difficult to advise you further than that.)
There is a similar question based on the same brainbug: Create instance for a class(resides in B.vbs) from another .VBS file

The OT's code is messed up. dicString is undefined. It does not throw the error claimed, but an "Object Required", because the dictionary is named dicExp, not dic.
While TheBlastOne is right to state that you can't pass anything except strings via the command line, the wish to communicate other (more complex) types of data is legitimate. Making numbers or dates from command line args is standard procedure. And: wanting to re-use code via some kind of import/using/include mechanism isn't a brainbug but essential for good programming.
A general approach to serialisation (via strings) is JSON, but it's not easy to use it in VBScript (cf).
The starting point(s) for a 'roll your own' approach for simple cases (dictionaries with numbers/scalars/simple strings as keys and values) is trivial:
cscript passdic.vbs
cscript recdic.vbs "1 2 3 4"
1 => 2
3 => 4
Option Explicit
Function d2s(d)
ReDim a(2 * d.Count - 1)
Dim i : i = 0
Dim k
For Each k In d.Keys()
a(i) = k
i = i + 1
a(i) = d(k)
i = i + 1
d2s = Join(a)
End Function
Function qq(s)
qq = """" & s & """"
End Function
Dim d : Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d(1) = 2
d(3) = 4
Dim c : c = "cscript recdic.vbs " & qq(d2s(d))
WScript.Echo c
Dim p : Set p = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec(c)
WScript.Echo p.Stdout.ReadAll()
Option Explicit
Function s2d(s)
Set s2d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim a : a = Split(s)
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(a) Step 2
s2d.Add a(i), a(i + 1)
End Function
Dim d : Set d = s2d(WScript.Arguments(0))
Dim k
For Each k In d.Keys()
WScript.Echo k, "=>", d(k)
Code re-use:
cscript passdic2.vbs
cscript recdic2.vbs
1 => 2
3 => 4
Option Explicit
Function d2s(d)
ReDim a(d.Count - 1)
Dim i : i = 0
Dim k
For Each k In d.Keys()
a(i) = "cd.Add " & k & "," & d(k)
i = i + 1
d2s = "Function cd():Set cd=CreateObject(""Scripting.Dictionary""):" & Join(a, ":") & ":End Function"
End Function
Dim d : Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d(1) = 2
d(3) = 4
CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile("thedic.inc").Write d2s(d)
Dim c : c = "cscript recdic2.vbs"
WScript.Echo c
Dim p : Set p = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec(c)
WScript.Echo p.Stdout.ReadAll()
Function cd():Set cd=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"):cd.Add 1,2:cd.Add 3,4:End Function
Option Explicit
ExecuteGlobal CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("thedic.inc").ReadAll()
Dim d : Set d = cd()
Dim k
For Each k In d.Keys()
WScript.Echo k, "=>", d(k)


Making DLL calls with output parameters in Classic ASP [duplicate]

In Classic ASP, I have an object, call it bob. This then has a property called name, with let and get methods.
I have a function as follows:
sub append(byref a, b)
a = a & b
end sub
This is simply to make it quicker to add text to a variable. I also have the same for prepend, just it is a = b & a. I know it would be simple to say bob.name = bob.name & "andy", but I tried using the above functions and neither of them work.
The way I am calling it is append bob.name, "andy". Can anyone see what is wrong with this?
Unfortunately this is a feature of VBScript. It is documented in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee478101(v=vs.84).aspx under "Argument in a class". The alternative is to use a function. Here is an example illustrating the difference. You can run this from the command line using "cscript filename.vbs.
sub append (a, b)
a = a & b
end sub
function Appendix(a, b)
Appendix = a & b
end function
class ClsAA
dim m_b
dim m_a
end class
dim x(20)
a = "alpha"
b = "beta"
wscript.echo "variable works in both cases"
append a, b
wscript.echo "sub " & a
a = appendix(a, b)
wscript.echo "function " & a
x(10) = "delta"
wscript.echo "array works in both cases"
append x(10), b
wscript.echo "sub " & x(10)
x(10) = appendix( x(10), b)
wscript.echo "function " & x(10)
set objAA = new ClsAA
objAA.m_a = "gamma"
wscript.echo "Member only works in a function"
append objAA.m_a, b
wscript.echo "sub " & objAA.m_a
objAA.m_a = appendix(objAA.m_a, b)
wscript.echo "function " & objAA.m_a
Have you tried using with the keyword CALL:
call append (bob.name, "andy")
Classic ASP is fickel about ByRef and ByVal. By default it uses ByRef -- no reason to specify that. If you call a function with parenthesis (without the call), it will pass the variables as ByVal.
Alternatively, you could accomplish the same with:
function append(byref a, b)
append = a & b
end sub
bob.name = append(bob.name, "andy");
Good luck.
As this other answer correctly states, you are facing limitation of the language itself.
The only other option to achieve what you are after as far as I can see it, is to add such sub routine to the class itself:
Public Sub Append(propName, strValue)
Dim curValue, newValue
curValue = Eval("Me." & propName)
newValue = curValue & strValue
Execute("Me." & propName & " = """ & Replace(newValue, """", """""") & """")
End Sub
Then to use it:
bob.Append "name", "andy"
Less elegant, but working.

Count Items in file using VB

Kind of new to VBS. I'm trying to count the fields in the file and have this code.
Function Col()
Const FSpec = "C:\test.txt"
Const del = ","
dim fs : Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim f : Set f = fs.OpenTextFile(FSpec, 1)
Dim L, C
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
L = f.ReadLine()
C = UBound(Split(L, del))
C = C +1
WScript.Echo "Items:", C
End Function
It works however, I don't want to count the delim inside " ".
Here's file content:
So basically, I'm getting 4 items for now but I wanted to get 3. Kind of stuck here.
For an example of my second suggestion, a very simple example could be something like this. Not saying it is perfect, but it illustrates the idea:
Dim WeAreInsideQuotes 'global flag
Function RemoveQuotedCommas(ByVal line)
Dim i
Dim result
Dim current
For i = 1 To Len(line)
current = Mid(line, i, 1) 'examine character
'check if we encountered a quote
If current = Chr(34) Then
WeAreInsideQuotes = Not WeAreInsideQuotes 'toggle flag
End If
'process the character
If Not (current = Chr(44) And WeAreInsideQuotes) Then 'skip if comma and insode quotes
result = result & current
End If
RemoveQuotedCommas = result
End Function

How to pass variables into VBScript with array

I am trying to pass folder location as variable to a VBScript which has array to consume the location as a parameter. I don't know how to pass it, could some one please help me?
I am trying to pass following location as a variable "C:\New","C:\New1" to the below code, the script is working fine when I directly give the location, but when I tired to pass it as variable it is not working.
Code given below:
Set oParameters = WScript.Arguments
folderlocation = oParameters(0)
Dim folderarray
Dim WshShell, oExec
Dim wow()
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim oAPI, oBag
Dim fso, folder, file
Dim searchFileName, renameFileTo, day
Dim i
folderarray = Array(folderlocation)
ii = 0
day = WeekDay(Now())
If day = 3 Then
aa = UBound(folderarray)
f = 0
j = 0
x = 0
Y = 0
For i = 0 To aa
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(folderarray(i))
For Each file In folder.Files
If InStr(file.Name, name) = 1 Then
ii = 1
strid = file.Name
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = ".*myfile.*"
If re.Test( strid ) Then
'msgbox "File exist and the file name is """ & strid & """"
x = x+1
'msgbox "file not found"
End If
Set re = Nothing
End If
If x = 0 Then
ReDim Preserve wow(f)
wow(f) = folderarray(i)
f = f+1
j = j+1
x = 0
End If
End If
If J > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve wow(f-1)
value = Join(wow, ",")
MsgBox "Files not found in the following location(s) :" & value
MsgBox "fine"
End If
To fill an array from a list of arguments you'd call the script like this:
your.vbs "C:\New" "C:\New1"
and fill the array in your.vbs like this:
size = WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Count - 1
ReDim folderarray(size)
For i = 0 To size
folderarray(i) = WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(i)
If for some reason you must pass the folder list as a single argument you'd call the script like this:
your.vbs "C:\New,C:\New1"
and populate the array in your.vbs like this:
folderarray = Split(WScript.Arguments.Unnamed.Item(0), ",")

Output array to MsgBox

I do PowerShell not VBScript, so I am a little lost. I am trying to list all mapped drives (drive letter and share path) in a MsgBox. I get a type mismatch error when running the script. If I change "Dim myArray()" to "Dim myArray" I get only one item from the variable.
Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set colDrives = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives
Dim myArray()
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
myArray = colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item (i + 1)
How can I get the data saved to an array, then output to a MsgBox?
The reason why your code doesn't work is because you're creating fixed-size array without an actual size (Dim myArray()), and then try to assign values to that array. In VBScript you must assign values to array positions (myArray(pos) = val), and you cannot append to the built-in arrays (at least not without some additional work).
The most straightforward approach in your case would be the method #Bond suggested. However, you can do this with arrays if you want. You just need a resizable array like this:
ReDim myArray(-1) 'empty array
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
ReDim Preserve myArray(UBound(myArray)+1)
myArray(UBound(myArray)) = colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item(i+1)
MsgBox Join(myArray, vbNewLine)
or (using an ArrayList), like this:
Set myArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
myArray.Add colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item(i+1)
MsgBox Join(myArray.ToArray, vbNewLine)
Since the size of the array can already be determined before entering the loop you could also dimension the array with the proper size right away to avoid repeated redimensioning (which tends to perform poorly for VBScript built-in arrays):
ReDim myArray(colDrives.Count \ 2 - 1)
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
myArray(i\2) = colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item(i+1)
MsgBox Join(myArray, vbNewLine)
Another option would be using a Dictionary:
Set myArray = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
myArray(colDrives.Item(i)) = colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item(i+1)
MsgBox Join(myArray.Items, vbNewLine)
You can use a string and keep appending (&) to it.
Dim s
For i = 0 To colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
s = s & colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item (i + 1) & vbCrLf
MsgBox s

How to 4 line from current line in VBScript

I have a text file that I want to read. It looks like this
Error: Deadlock
Param 0 = xyx
Param 1 = 22332244
Param 2 =
Param 3 = 1
Param 4 =
I need to search for String "Deadlock" and spit out output for Param 0 and Param 1. Right now I am able only able to read line that contains text deadlock :(
Const ForReading = 1
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.Pattern = "deadlock"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\1\Retrieve.log", ForReading)
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strSearchString = objFile.ReadLine
Set colMatches = objRegEx.Execute(strSearchString)
If colMatches.Count > 0 Then
For Each strMatch in colMatches
Wscript.Echo strSearchString
End If
Marc B's idea in simple code:
Option Explicit
Function qq(sTxt) : qq = """" & sTxt & """" : End Function
Const csFind = "Error: Deadlock"
Dim nLines : nLines = 3
Dim bFound : bFound = False
Dim tsIn : Set tsIn = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile("..\data\Text-1.txt")
Do Until tsIn.AtEndOfStream
Dim sLine : sLine = tsIn.ReadLine()
If bFound Then
WScript.Echo sLine, "=>", qq(Trim(Split(sLine, "=")(1)))
nLines = nLines - 1
If 0 = nLines Then Exit Do
bFound = sLine = csFind
End If
type ..\data\Text-1.txt
Error: Deadlock
Param 0 = xyx
Param 1 = 22332244
Param 2 =
Param 3 = 1
Param 4 =
Error: This is no Deadlock
Param 0 = abc
Param 1 = def
Param 2 =
Param 3 = ghi
Param 4 =
DNV35 E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\9812373\vbs
cscript 00.vbs
Param 0 = xyx => "xyx"
Param 1 = 22332244 => "22332244"
Param 2 = => ""
"simple" means "exactly what is needed to solve the problem - no more, no less".
A decent script needs "Option Explicit" to guard against typos in
variable names.
If you don't use the create and format parameters of the .OpenTextFile method, you don't need the iomode parameter ForReading (it's the default).
If you search for constant/fixed strings, RegExps are just an error prone overhead.
If you want to match "Deadlock" using the pattern "deadlock", you need .IgnoreCase (proves 3)
If you don't want to match "Error: This is no Deadlock", you need a more elaborate pattern (proves 3 again)
There in no need for the objFSO variable, if you use the object just once; same holds for strSearchString (why emphasize 'string' twice but hode the 'search in' vs. 'search for' difference?)
In your case, .Count is either 0 or 1 - I assume the there are no lines like "Error: Deadlock 1, Deadlock 2, and another deadlock"; to deal with more than one match, you'd have to specify .Global.
Looping over the matches collection makes no sense for your problem - either you got the triggering "deadlock" line or not.
A script to search for a triggering line and then do something needs at least one state (bFound and nLines in this case) to do different actions for the lines depending on properties of lines seen before and now long forgotten.
After the 'something' there is no need to process the file further.
