Output array to MsgBox - vbscript

I do PowerShell not VBScript, so I am a little lost. I am trying to list all mapped drives (drive letter and share path) in a MsgBox. I get a type mismatch error when running the script. If I change "Dim myArray()" to "Dim myArray" I get only one item from the variable.
Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set colDrives = objNetwork.EnumNetworkDrives
Dim myArray()
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
myArray = colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item (i + 1)
How can I get the data saved to an array, then output to a MsgBox?

The reason why your code doesn't work is because you're creating fixed-size array without an actual size (Dim myArray()), and then try to assign values to that array. In VBScript you must assign values to array positions (myArray(pos) = val), and you cannot append to the built-in arrays (at least not without some additional work).
The most straightforward approach in your case would be the method #Bond suggested. However, you can do this with arrays if you want. You just need a resizable array like this:
ReDim myArray(-1) 'empty array
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
ReDim Preserve myArray(UBound(myArray)+1)
myArray(UBound(myArray)) = colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item(i+1)
MsgBox Join(myArray, vbNewLine)
or (using an ArrayList), like this:
Set myArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
myArray.Add colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item(i+1)
MsgBox Join(myArray.ToArray, vbNewLine)
Since the size of the array can already be determined before entering the loop you could also dimension the array with the proper size right away to avoid repeated redimensioning (which tends to perform poorly for VBScript built-in arrays):
ReDim myArray(colDrives.Count \ 2 - 1)
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
myArray(i\2) = colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item(i+1)
MsgBox Join(myArray, vbNewLine)
Another option would be using a Dictionary:
Set myArray = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 0 to colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
myArray(colDrives.Item(i)) = colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item(i+1)
MsgBox Join(myArray.Items, vbNewLine)

You can use a string and keep appending (&) to it.
Dim s
For i = 0 To colDrives.Count-1 Step 2
s = s & colDrives.Item(i) & vbTab & colDrives.Item (i + 1) & vbCrLf
MsgBox s


VBS - define Array

I wrote the VBS script to count all the folders under C:\ , the code as below:
set wshell = createobject("WScript.Shell")
dim fso,file,subfolder,folder
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.CreateTextFile("\\\thang\Learning\test.txt")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder("C:\")
dim i,j
i = 0
j = 0
For Each subfolder In folder.SubFolders
'file.WriteLine """" & subfolder.path & """" 'print quotation marks trong VBS
'arr(i) = subfolder.path
msgbox "i = " & i 'In my case , C folders has 19 subfolders in there
dim arr
arr = Array(i) 'declare the array which has i member
' For Each subfolder In folder.SubFolders
' 'file.WriteLine """" & subfolder.path & """" 'print quotation marks trong VBS
' arr(j) = subfolder.path
' j=j+1
' Next
' msgbox arr(0)
' msgbox arr(1)
msgbox "lbound = " & lbound(arr) 'when ran the code, it always show lbound = 0
msgbox "ubound = " & ubound(arr) 'when ran the code, it always show ubound = 0
It show the value of i = 19 , then i define 1 array with i members , then check its lbound and ubound , however it shows lbound = 0 and ubound = 0. Can you please help correct my code ?
See: Array Function
arr = Array(i)
creates an array with a single element i.
If you need to create an array specifying a variable as size, you need to use the ReDim Statement
Redim arr(i)

replacing XML values in For-Each and returning in function

The script I have here is attempting to do recurse through an XML file, storing each RegEx match (stored in a search array) into 2 result arrays; 1 for start date, 1 for end date.
Ubounds of both arrays are checked for equality then the text is passed to a function that uses XMLDOM to find the End_Date node in each parent node, then passes that text to another function, adding 30 days and then passing it back, replacing the previous value. Then it's supposed to write back the contents to the file and save it.
I've got a few problems here. 1. I can't get the +30 day value to be passed back to anything past the first parent node--memory space seems to retain the +30 day value from previous For-Each iteration. 2. I can't write anything back to the file.
I was initially writing for text files, but the format changed to XML as the requirements changed on our project.
I'd love to be able to do this all in XMLDOM in vbscript and just use functions to do specific data changes. But my main concern is my sloppy script not doing the basics.
Can anyone help me by pointing out the flaws in the loops I'm running? I've hit a wall and just can't seem to make any more progress!
Here's the XML file I'm reading(shortened to 2 Ad nodes w/ a ton of child nodes removed):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Here's the script:
'Setting the Regular Expression object and setting occurrences to all in strings searched.
Set objRegEx= CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.Global= True
set Shell= createobject("wscript.shell")
Dim FSO, FLD, FIL, TS, strDate, strEDat, i, d, c
Dim strFolder, strContent, strPath
Const ForReading= 1, ForWriting= 2
strFolder= "C:\Scripts\Run"
Set FSO= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Get a reference to the folder you want to search
set FLD= FSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
'loop through the folder and get the files
For Each Fil In FLD.Files
'Open the file to read
Set TS= FSO.OpenTextFile(fil.Path, ForReading)
'Read the contents into a variable
strContent= TS.ReadAll
'Close the file
reDim arrMR(1,1)
arrMR(0,0)= "(\s+)(<Start_Date>(.*?)<\/Start_Date>)"
arrMR(1,0)= "(\s+)(<End_Date>(.*?)<\/End_Date>)"
For i= 0 to Ubound(arrMR)
objRegEx.Pattern= arrMR(i,0)
Set objMatches= objRegEx.Execute(strContent)
For Each objMatch in objMatches
If i= 0 Then
If d>0 Then
reDim Preserve arrStart(d)
reDim arrStart(d)
End If
arrStart(d)= objMatches.Item(d).SubMatches(2)
'Wscript.Echo arrStart(d)
ElseIf i<> 0 Then
If d>0 Then
reDim Preserve arrEnd(d)
ReDim Preserve arrMatch1(d)
reDim arrEnd(d)
ReDim arrMatch1(d)
End If
arrEnd(d)= objMatches.Item(d).SubMatches(2)
arrMatch1(d)= objMatches.Item(d).SubMatches(1)
End If
If objRegEx.Pattern<> arrMR(0,0) Then
If (ubound(arrStart)= ubound(arrEnd)) Then
'Wscript.Echo "Ubounds Match"
Parse strContent
strContent= Parse(strContent)
'Wscript.Echo "Start & End Dates do not match"
End If
End If
d= d+ 1 'increment to next match
'Close the file
'Open the file to overwrite the contents
Set TS= FSO.OpenTextFile(fil.Path, ForWriting)
'Write the contents back
TS.Write strContent
'Close the current file
'Clean up
Set TS= Nothing
Set FLD= Nothing
Set FSO= Nothing
Function Parse(ParseContent)
'Dim sFSpec : sFSpec = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName("C:\Users\j.levine\Desktop\XML Feeder Scripts\Test_Files\monvid.txt")
Dim oXML : Set oXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")
Dim strXMLSDat, strXMLarrStartD, XMLEDat
oXML.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
oXML.async = False
If 0 = oXML.parseError Then
Dim sXPath3 : sXPath3 = "//XMLFeederRoot/Ad[End_Date=Start_Date]"
Dim ndlFnd : Set ndlFnd = oXML.selectNodes(sXPath3)
If 0 = ndlFnd.length Then
WScript.Echo sXPath, "not found"
ElseIf 0<> ndlFnd.length Then
'WScript.Echo "found", ndlFnd.length, "nodes for", sXPath
Dim ndCur, oldNode
For Each ndCur In ndlFnd
oldNode = oXML.selectsinglenode("//End_Date").text
oldNode= XMLSplitArray(oldNode) 'Pass current Date into Array and add 30 days & return as node text
Set newNode= oXML.selectSingleNode("//End_Date")
newNode.text= oldNode
WScript.Echo ndCur.xml
'WScript.Echo "We have nothing to replace"
End If
WScript.Echo oXML.parseError.reason
End If
Parse= ParseContent
End Function
Function XMLSplitArray(strval1)
dim XmlSA, XmlSA2, XMLEDat
XmlSA = split(strval1, "-")
XmlSA(2) = Left(XmlSA(2), 2)
strXMLDate = XmlSA(1) & "/" & XmlSA(2) & "/" & XmlSA(0)
strXMLDate30 = DateAdd("d", 30, strXMLDate)
XmlSA2 = split(strXMLDate30, "/")
'Add zero to the left
XmlSA2(0)= Right("0" & XmlSA2(0), 2)
XmlSA2(1)= Right("0" & XmlSA2(1), 2)
XmlSA2(1) = XmlSA2(1) & "T00:00:00"
XMLEDat = XmlSA2(2) & "-" & XmlSA2(0) & "-" & XmlSA2(1)
XMLSplitArray= XMLEDat
End Function
Thomas was right w/ the KISS method. I took a big step back, and started over.
Here's what I've come up with. It does what I need regarding the Date+30 and writing back to a file. I think this method is cleaner and will allow me to run my other text massaging through functions.
My questions about this new script are:
1. can this be done without having to write to a new file? Keeping to 1 file is easier.
2. Can I avoid cloning the node and deleting the original one and directly change the original node's value?
3. I seem to be missing how to get that last node <Status> onto it's own line.
Dim xmlDoc: Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.Async = False
xmlDoc.load "C:\Scripts\Run\MonVid-SHORT.xml"
Dim xmldoc2: set xmldoc2 = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
Dim strSkeleton : strSkeleton= "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>" & _
"<XMLFeederRoot>" & _
xmldoc2.save "C:\Scripts\Copy\New_MonVid-Short.xml"
xmlDoc2.async = False
xmlDoc2.load "C:\Scripts\Copy\New_MonVid-Short.xml"
Dim sXPath : sXPath = "/XMLFeederRoot/Ad[Start_Date=End_Date]"
For Each n In XMLDoc.SelectNodes(sXpath)
set l = n.cloneNode(True)
q= l.selectSingleNode("/End_Date").text
set Stat= l.selectSingleNode("/Status")
set Parent= Stat.parentNode
set EDate= xmlDoc2.createElement("End_Date")
EDate.appendChild xmlDoc2.createTextNode(strSDat)
Parent.insertBefore EDate, Stat
xmldoc2.documentElement.appendChild parent
xmlDoc2.save xmldoc2.url
Function SplitArray(strval1)
dim SplitArray1, SplitArray2, strSDat
splitArray1 = split(strval1, "-")
splitArray1(2) = left(splitArray1(2), 2)
strDate1 = SplitArray1(1) & "/" & SplitArray1(2) & "/" & SplitArray1(0)
strDate30 = DateAdd("d", 30, strDate1)
SplitArray2 = split(strDate30, "/")
'Add zero to the left
If Len(SplitArray2(0))<2 Then
SplitArray2(0)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(0), 2)
End If
If Len(SplitArray2(1))<2 Then
SplitArray2(1)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(1), 2)
End If
SplitArray2(1) = splitArray2(1) & "T00:00:00"
strSDat = SplitArray2(2) & "-" & SplitArray2(0) & "-" & SplitArray2(1)
SplitArray= strSDat
End Function
Output File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Since Text and XML files don't use file locks by default just overwrite the original file using xmlDoc.Save monvidPath.
Sub setAdEndDate(monvidPath)
Const sXPath = "/XMLFeederRoot/Ad/End_Date"
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.Async = "False"
Set colNodes=xmlDoc.selectNodes(sXPath)
For Each n In colNodes
n.Text = SplitArray(n.Text)
xmlDoc.Save monvidPath
End Sub
Function SplitArray(strval1)
Dim SplitArray1, SplitArray2, strSDat
splitArray1 = Split(strval1, "-")
splitArray1(2) = Left(splitArray1(2), 2)
strDate1 = SplitArray1(1) & "/" & SplitArray1(2) & "/" & SplitArray1(0)
strDate30 = DateAdd("d", 30, strDate1)
SplitArray2 = Split(strDate30, "/")
'Add zero to the left
If Len(SplitArray2(0))<2 Then
SplitArray2(0)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(0), 2)
End If
If Len(SplitArray2(1))<2 Then
SplitArray2(1)= Right("0" & SplitArray2(1), 2)
End If
SplitArray2(1) = splitArray2(1) & "T00:00:00"
strSDat = SplitArray2(2) & "-" & SplitArray2(0) & "-" & SplitArray2(1)
SplitArray= strSDat
End Function

Invalid Parameter error when setting a registry multiStringValue using vbscript

This is in reference to an existing question I previously asked but same conditions are not working when doing another sub. All variables below are defined correct and as strings. I am getting error when setting values on this line:
objReg.setMultiStringValue HKCU,IE_Main,mStrSecStartPages,allURLs
The code is below;
return = objReg.getMultiStringValue (HKCU,IE_Main,mStrSecStartPages,multiStringValues)
'If values found in Secondary Start Pages
If return=0 Then
ReDim allURLs(0)
'Read all values and only store non intranet values to array
For Each itemname In multiStringValues
If itemname <> strFunctionIntranet1 And itemname <> strFunctionIntranet2 And itemname <> strFunctionIntranet3 And itemname <> strFunctionIntranet4 Then
ReDim Preserve allURLs(UBound(allURLs)+1)
allURLs(UBound(allURLs)) = itemname
End If
'Remove current key holding existing values
objReg.DeleteValue HKCU,IE_Main,mStrSecStartPages
'Set new values based on values read and user's intranet
if UBound(allURLs)>=0 Then
wscript.echo "in setting"
objReg.setMultiStringValue HKCU,IE_Main,mStrSecStartPages,allURLs
End If
wscript.echo "out setting"
End If
Problem is even if there isn't any values in the REG_MULTI_SZ value you will still get an empty Array returned, which means when you then loop through the array and dynamically expand it using
ReDim Preserve allURLs(UBound(allURLs)+1)
You will always have a blank element in the first position in the array which when passed to
objReg.setMultiStringValue HKCU,IE_Main,mStrSecStartPages,allURLs
if it isn't the only element you will get
SWbemObjectEx: Invalid parameter
Here is some testing I did to prove this
Option Explicit
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Dim oReg
Dim strKeyPath, strValueName, arrStringValues
Dim strComputer: strComputer = "."
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main"
strValueName = "Default_Secondary_Page_URL"
Dim rtn
rtn = oReg.GetMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, strValueName, arrStringValues)
Dim i
If rtn = 0 Then
If IsArray(arrStringValues) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(arrStringValues)
WScript.Echo "arrStringValues(" & i & ") = " & arrStringValues(i)
WScript.Echo "Not Array"
End If
WScript.Echo "Failed to GetMultiStringValue - Return (" & rtn & ")"
End If
rtn = oReg.SetMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,arrStringValues)
WScript.Echo "SetMultiStringValue - Return (" & rtn & ")"
arrStringValues(0) =
SetMultiStringValue - Return (0)
Adding the following line to create two blank elements under the IsArray() check
ReDim Preserve arrStringValues(UBound(arrStringValues) + 1)
arrStringValues(0) =
arrStringValues(1) =
test36.vbs(31, 1) SWbemObjectEx: Invalid parameter
So SetMultiSringValue() will accept an Array that contains an empty element if it is the only element in the array, the minute you try to add more you will get the error as described above.
In relation to the original code
To stop creating the extra blank element at the beginning you could switch to using a For instead of a For Each that way you can tell the loop to only call
ReDim Preserve allURLs(UBound(allURLs)+1)
when the index of the Array is greater then 0
For i = 0 To UBound(multiStringValues)
itemname = multiStringValues(i)
If itemname <> strFunctionIntranet1 And itemname <> strFunctionIntranet2 And itemname <> strFunctionIntranet3 And itemname <> strFunctionIntranet4 Then
'Only expand if we have more then 1 value in multiStringValues
If i > 0 Then ReDim Preserve allURLs(UBound(allURLs)+1)
allURLs(UBound(allURLs)) = itemname
End If
You can do this with a For Each of course but you would have to track the Array index manually using another variable, which in my opinion when you have For already seems pointless.

Trying to use Shell object and FileSystemObject in VBScript for file manipulation

I am trying to recursively loop through hundreds of directories, and thousands of JPG files to gather sort the files in new folders by date. So far, I am able to individually GetDetailsOf the files using the Shell NameSpace object, and I am also able to recursively loop through directories using the FileSystemObject. However, when I try to put them together in functions, etc, I am getting nothing back when I try to get the DateTaken attribute from the photo.
Here is my code so far:
sFolderPathspec = "C:\LocationOfFiles"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objDir = objFSO.GetFolder(sFolderPathspec)
Dim arrFiles()
Sub getInfo(pCurrentDir)
fileCount = 0
For Each strFileName In pCurrentDir.Files
fileCount = fileCount + 1
ReDim arrFiles(fileCount,2)
For Each aItem In pCurrentDir.Files
wscript.Echo aItem.Name
arrFiles(i,0) = aItem.Name
strFileName = aItem.Name
strDir = pCurrentDir.Path
wscript.echo strDir
dateVar = GetDatePictureTaken(strFileName, strDir)
'dateVar = Temp2 & "_" & Temp3 & "_" & Temp1
arrFiles(i,1) = dateVar
WScript.echo i & "." & "M:" & monthVar & " Y:" & yearVar
WScript.echo i & "." & strFileName & " : " & arrFiles(i,1) & " : " & dateVar
For Each aItem In pCurrentDir.SubFolders
'wscript.Echo aItem.Name & " passing recursively"
End Sub
Function GetDatePictureTaken(strFileName, strDir)
Set objShell = CreateObject ("Shell.Application")
Set objCurrFolder = objShell.Namespace(strDir)
'wscript.Echo cstr(objCurrFolder.GetDetailsOf(strFileName, 12))
strFileNameDate = cstr(objCurrFolder.GetDetailsOf(strFileName, 12))
strFileNameDate = CleanNonDisplayableCharacters(strFileNameDate)
arrDate = split(strFileNameDate, "/")
monthVar = arrDate(0)
yearVar = arrDate(1)
dayVar = arrDate(2)
GetDatePictureTaken = monthVar & "\" & dayVar & "\" & yearVar
End Function
Function CleanNonDisplayableCharacters(strInput)
strTemp = ""
For i = 1 to len(strInput)
strChar = Mid(strInput,i,1)
If Asc(strChar) < 126 and not Asc(strChar) = 63 Then
strTemp = strTemp & strChar
End If
CleanNonDisplayableCharacters = strTemp
End Function
The "Subscript out of range" error when accessing arrDate(0) is caused by arrDate being empty (UBound(arrDate) == -1). As a Split on a non-empty string will return an array, even if the separator is not found, and an attempt to Split Null will raise an "Invalid use of Null" error, we can be sure that strFileNameDate is "".
Possible reason for that:
The index of "Date Picture Taken" is 25 (XP) and not 12 (Win 7) - or whatever came to Mr. Gates' mind for Win 8.
The DPT property is not filled in.
Your cleaning function messed it up.
You have to test for strFileNameDate containing a valid date and decide where to put the files without a valid DPT.
P.S. Instead of doing the recursive loopings, you should consider to use
dir /s/b path\*.jpg > pictures.txt
and to process that file.

Passing objects as arguments in VBScript

I'm working on a project to capture various disk performance metrics using VBScript and would like to use a sub procedure with an object as an argument. In the following code samples the object I'm referring to is objitem.AvgDiskQueueLength which will provide a value for the disk queue length. I haven't found a way to make it work since it is recognized as a string and then doesn't capture the value. My goal is to make it easy for anyone to change the counters that are to be captured by only having to make a change in one location(the procedure call argument). The way I'm going about this may not be the best but I'm open to suggestions. The sub procedure call is below.
PerfCounter "Average Disk Queue Length", "disk_queueLength", "objItem.AvgDiskQueueLength"
The following code is the sub procedure.
Sub PerfCounter(CounterDescription, CounterLabel, CounterObject)
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk",,48)
args_index = args_index + 1
arrCriteria = split(command_line_args(args_index),",")
strDriveLetter = UCase(arrCriteria(0))
intCriticalThreshold = arrCriteria(1)
intWarningThreshold = arrCriteria(2)
For Each objItem in colItems
With objItem
WScript.Echo "objitem.name = " & objitem.name
If InStr(objItem.Name, strDriveLetter & ":") > 0 Then
intChrLocation = InStr(objItem.Name, strDriveletter)
strInstanceName = Mid(objItem.Name, intChrLocation, 1)
End If
If strDriveLetter = strInstanceName AND InStr(objItem.Name, strDriveLetter & ":") > 0 Then
If intActiveNode = 1 OR Len(intActiveNode) < 1 Then
WScript.Echo "CounterDescription = " & CounterDescription
WScript.Echo "CounterLabel = " & CounterLabel
WScript.Echo "CounterObject = " & CounterObject
If CInt(CounterOjbect) => CInt(intCriticalThreshold) Then
arrStatus(i) = "CRITICAL: " & strDriveLetter & ": " & CounterDescription
arrTrendData(i) = CounterLabel & "=" & CounterObject
intExitCode = 2
arrExitCode(i) = intExitCode
ElseIf CInt(CounterOjbect) => CInt(intWarningThreshold) AND CInt(CounterObject) < CInt(intCriticalThreshold) Then
arrStatus(i) = "WARNING: " & strDriveLetter & ": " & CounterDescription
arrTrendData(i) = CounterLabel & "=" & CounterObject
intExitCode = 1
arrExitCode(i) = intExitCode
arrStatus(i) = "OK: " & strDriveLetter & ": " & CounterDescription
arrTrendData(i) = CounterLabel & "=" & CounterObject
intExitCode = 0
arrExitCode(i) = intExitCode
End If
PassiveNode CounterDescription, CounterLabel
End If
End If
End With
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve arrStatus(i)
ReDim Preserve arrTrendData(i)
ReDim Preserve arrExitCode(i)
End Sub
Why cant you do this...
PerfCounter "Average Disk Queue Length", "disk_queueLength", objItem.AvgDiskQueueLength
To pass an object you have to pass an object, not a string. To make this method work as expected you would have to have the object prior to the procedure call, but in your code example it looks like you are trying to pass an object that you don't have. A working example:
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
UseFileSystemObject objFSO
Sub UseFileSystemObject( objfso)
'Now I can use the FileSystemObject in this procedure.
End Sub
But calling the UseFileSystemObject procedure like this will not work,
UseFileSystemObject "objFSO"
because you are passing in a string not an object.
The only way I can think of to accomplish what you want is to use a select statement to write the appropriate attribute of the object, something like this.
Call PerfCounter "Average Disk Queue Length", "disk_queueLength", "AvgDiskQueueLength"
Sub PerfCounter(CounterDescription, CounterLabel, CounterObjectAttribute)
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
Select Case CounterObjectAttribute
Case "ObjectAttribute1"
Case "ObjectAttribute2"
Case "AvgDiskQueueLength"
Wscript.Echo objItem.AvgDiskQueueLength
End Select
End Sub
So in the select you would have to add a case for each attribute that can be used, but it would allow you to pass a string into the procedure. I might be way off on this, but I don't know how you can pass an object if you don't have the object first.
