Change "read more" link in Joomla! 3.1.5 Stable? - joomla

I am using joomla 3.1.5 for my blog. Want to change the link for "read more" in article.
Currently its showing something like " name"
I want to change this to " name/alias name".
Thanks in advance,

readmore-links are created using the router - functionality ( JRoute::_('...') ) of joomla. It is up to the component how this is handled.
For com_content this is defined in
It might be possible to change the output of the router by following the recipie here:
Router Plugins
...but I have not tried this myself,
regards JOnas


how to call a joomla! module in a php page OUTSIDE joomla! directory?

i searched on the net for my answer,but the more i search,the less i is the problem:
i have a joomla! website,located in localhost/joomla.
i have a php page, located in localhost/sample.php
now, how can i include some of joomla's modules,in this single "sample.php" page??
for example, how can i use "latest news" or "latest users" in my "sample.php" page?
one of mye friend did this, but i no longer can contact him. any help would be appreciated. if the question is not clear enough,plz let me know.
load the Joomla framework inside the external php file
like it says here
I've never had to do this, but first I think you would have to load the Joomla framework (see the installations root index.php) then you would have create a session using Jsession. This is just a guess so take it for what its worth.

Magento Custom Module Creation

I want to build a custom interface (See PSD) for the user to add social urls and display an icon if not empty. I did something similar in WP but no idea how to do it in Magento. I was wondering if someone can help or point to a tutorial. Thanks a lot
You can read this series by Alan Storm:
"Magento For PHP MVC Developers"

how to make email templates in Joomla?

I want to make a email template to use in Joomla back-end. does it possible? how?
I looked up at Joomla docs and didn't find my answer. I use Joomla 2.5.7.
Firstly upgrade your Joomla version to the latest 2.5.x version
As for the e-mail template, you will need to install a component that allows such a feature, like a Newsletter component. I personally would recommend JNews, however more can be found at the following link:
Hope this helps

Magento - FishPig Integration - Not getting correct template for /blog

I have installed fresh version of WP, and Fish Pig and Magento.
My website is not showing the template when I click on blog. where it should have template as shown here
It seems to be grabbing stylesheets from here
When I think it should be skin/frontend/gravdept/acumen/css (Which is the theme I'm using.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In magento, you need to change package which you create.
Write your folder name in package and Theam.
I assume you have either the "Wordpress URL" or the "Blog URL" defined wrong in your WP-backend.
Refer to this documentation:
Else: is it fully or semi-integrated? And: is the WP-folder inside or outside /magento/-folder?

Joomla Custom component with sample form in admin

I need a sample form in administrator having add,edit,delete options to manage "success stories" in my web app.
I searched to get sample component to install.
If i get that, i will change form according to my app & table too.
Please help me by giving link resource that suits my requirement. I am sorry to ask this, i am new to joomla.
Thanks in advance,
Take a look at the Joomla Component Creator:
