Recently, Facebook released a new language called Hacklang, which is compiled to machine code by HHVM.
So I just wonder, is Hacklang a merely stateful language?
PHP is stateless unless you use some mechanism to store state (think memcache, sessions, database, etc), but you can't use global variables or some language-specific features to do so. Hacklang is a layer on top of PHP which adds static typing as well as a bunch of other things, but it's still stateless.
Since this is now an answer and I have more space, the lack of state is actually one of the things that PHP got right, every request starts on a clean slate which avoids a lot of bugs that appear between requests, each one of them is isolated from the rest. So Hack did well to keep that the same way. There's an extra cost associated to starting each request, but what you lose there you win back with HHVM's performance increase.
From what I've read this should be possible due to the modular nature of Laravel, but I need assurance from people with more Laravel experience:
I have a very large (500k loc) ancient PHP app. So ancient that some parts of it date from PHP3 times (ca. 2000, PHP4 was released already but PHP3 was used for backwards compatibility reasons).
Refactoring this is a huge project, and the only way to reasonably do it is in parts. Replace this part, then that part, etc. Fortunately, the "ancient" part comes in handy as no framework was used and basically every page is its own script, with a few central libraries for shared functionality.
Is it possible to spin up a Laravel app that can route new/refactored pages to the new site and everything else (wildcard if possible) to the ancient code? All data is stored in a database, so there will be no sync issues between them except for user authentication and session info.
Is it possible to get eloquent running on an ancient DB design or to refactor the DB in such a way that it works for both? There was a previous attempt to move the DB interface to Doctrine which from what I know was aborted after partial success (i.e. many DB objects are accessed through Doctrine, but there is also a lot of straight SQL code in parallel).
It's a huge mess, but the software in question is still being used and successfully so and a previous attempt to replace it with something else has already failed.
additional details:
Thanks #maiorano84 for good questions:
First, does your legacy application have tests?
Negative on that. PHPUnit was released in 2004. At that time, this app had already been in production for four year.
Second, are you able to get it to work on a more recent version of PHP?
Yes, the current codebase is running on PHP 5.6.33 - it has been maintained throughout the years, and a major update was made on the transition between PHP 4 and PHP 5.
If it runs on PHP 5.3+, you can use Instant Refactoring
I'm an author of Rector, a tool that can migrate huge amount of PHP files in a few seconds. E.g. upgrade PHP 5.3 to PHP 7.4, upgrade Symfony 2.8 to 4.2 or migrate from Nette to Symfony (read the case study).
1. Install Rector
composer require rector/rector --dev
2. Create rector.php with PHP sets, since you have old PHP code
// rector.php
use Rector\Core\Configuration\Option;
use Rector\Set\ValueObject\SetList;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;
return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator):
void {
$parameters = $containerConfigurator->parameters();
$parameters->set(Option::SETS, [
// use one set at a time, as sets build on each other
// SetList::PHP_53,
// SetList::PHP_54,
3. Then run Rector on your code (e.g. /src directory)
vendor/bin/rector process src
You can also write your own rules, so you can convert the code to Laravel/MVC approach. The idea is to write one rule, that e.g. converts 100+ files to controllers.
Read more on Github repository.
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it going to take a short amount of time? Absolutely not.
With any kind of legacy codebase, you're going to need to take the time in figuring out all of its moving parts and figuring out what portions are going to need to change in order to even be able to work on a modern platform.
The most recent version of Laravel requires PHP 7.1.3, so even attempting to just dump the entire codebase into a Laravel application is very likely going to result in failure.
First, does your legacy application have tests? These can be unit tests, integration tests, or functional tests. If not, and you want to be able to modernize your application without breaking things in the future, then you're going to want to write tests to ensure that nothing breaks as you begin upgrading. This alone can take a long time, especially with a codebase that makes it difficult to even test in the first place. Having a fully tested application will allow you to see which tests begin to fail as you start reworking your application, so this information will be extremely valuable.
Second, are you able to get it to work on a more recent version of PHP? If this code is already in production, then you're going to need to use some hardware virtualization through Vagrant, or better yet, containerization through Docker to get a local installation up and running without breaking your production code.
Once that's ready, then you should be able to begin refactoring. Taking entire pages of code and dumping them right into a Laravel application is not going to work straight out of the gate. You're going to want to start smaller. Find all of your moving parts, figure out what each one is responsible for, and encapsulate them in classes with the appropriate methods.
Use Composer's PSR-4 Autoloader to help remove all of those extra include and require statements and load your new classes throughout the application.
Use a decent Router to change all of your URLs into SEO-friendly paths and have a clearly defined entrypoint for all requests.
Move all of your business logic out of webroot: Create a /public folder in which you have just your index.php entrypoint and all public-facing assets (images, css, javascript, etc.). Since all requests are all being routed over to this file by this point, you should be able to process the request and return your response.
Once you get to a point where you've actually gotten the application into a system of well-defined components and modules, then migrating over to Laravel - or any other well-established framework - should be much easier.
This is going to take you a long time if you plan on doing it right. Hopefully this helps, and best of luck to you.
Refactoring is of course possible, but I have some doubts, if it is doable partially in this case. By partially here, I mean that, parts of the app will run sometimes on old and sometimes on new code in production.
I did this once for and old project, but not as ancient and big as yours.
In my case it was custom app (without any framework) running on php 5.3 and I was converting it to Laravel 4.2.
I must admit that there are some real challenges on the path.
This is only tip of the iceberg, but I'll try to name few of them, from what I remember:
PHP version compatibility or rather incompatibility in this case. You can rewrite existing code to run on latest PHP 7 versions. That might be a lot work however - not used in the end.
Routing and asset handling - you need to check if you can modify urls so they can fit into Laravel routing engine. It may be really hard, especially if old app is using Laravel standard paths and if you don't want to break google indexing for example. I have also seen systems with custom generators for urls which were then heavily used in views. Trying to do perfect match for these routes would be a nightmare.
Authentication. Changing auth must be done in one step, cause adapting Laravel to properly work with sessions from old system (although doable) will clutter new code.
Database. You will be lucky if database is well designed, but I don't think it will be even close to Laravel Eloquent conventions. Although you can run it on Laravel without any DB schema modifications, your new code will also get bloated in your new app. This and other things can be refactored again in complete system, but it's another load of work.
Considering amount of all possible, not optimal workarounds, in order to have properly designed app (built with best practices), probably it will be better to rebuild from scratch.
Hope it helps a bit...
I'm currently revamping an ancient IVR written using Classic ASP with VXML 2.0. Believe me, it was a mess, largely due to the mixing of routing logic between the ASP code and the VXML logic, featuring multiple postbacks a la ASP.NET. Not fun to debug.
So we're starting fresh with MVC 3 and Razor and so far so good. I've succeeded in moving pretty much all the processing logic to the controller and just letting most of the VXML be just voicing a prompt and waiting for a DTMF reply.
But, looking at a lot of sample VXML code, it's beginning to look like it might actually be simpler to do basic routing using multiple on a page and VXML's built-in DTMF processing and . More complex decision-making and database/server access would call the controller as it does now.
I'm torn between the desire to be strict about where the logic is, versus what might actually be simpler code. My VXML chops are not terribly advanced (I know enough to be dangerous), so I'm soliciting input. Have others used multiple forms on a page? Better or worse?
Jim Stanley
Blackboard Connect Inc.
Choosing to use simple VoiceXML and moving the logic server side is a fairly common practice. Pros/Cons below.
Server-side logic
Often difficult to get retry counters to perform the way you want if you are also performing input validation (valid for grammar, but not for host or other validation logic)
Better programming language/toolkits for making logical descriptions (I'm not a fan of JavaScript, but even if you like JavaScript, you tend to have to create a lot of forms to get the flow control you want).
Usually easier to debug. Step through logical decisions and access to logging tools.
Usually easier to create reusable components that use parameters to alter component behavior.
Client side logic
Usually more scalable. VoiceXML browsers tend to use a large amount of their resources compiling and processing pages. One larger page will typically do better than a variety of smaller pages. However, platforms vary significantly and your size may make this negligible.
Better chance of using static pages. Many platforms have highly optimized caches (more than just fetched data). Like above may only matter if you have 100s of ports per device or 1000s of ports hitting a server.
Mixing and matching isn't bad until somebody requests some sort of global behavior change. You may be making the change in multiple places. Debugging techniques will also vary so it may complicate your support paths (e.g. looking in browser logs versus server logs to see what happened on a call).
Our current framework currently uses a mix of server and client. All our logic is in the VoiceXML, and the server is used for state saving and generating recognition components. Unfortunately as all our logic is in the voicexml, it makes it harder to unit test.
Rather than creating a large voicexml page that subdialogs to each question and all the routing done on the clientside, postback to the server after each collection, then work out where to go now. Obviously this has it's pros/cons as Jim pointed out, but the hope is to abstract some of the IVR/callflow from the VoiceXML and reduce the dependency on skilling up developers in VoiceXML.
I'm looking at redeveloping using MVC3, creating different views based on base IVR functions, which can then be modified based on the hosting VoiceXML platform:
CTI Get/Set
What I'm still working out is how to create reusable components within the MVC. Whether to create something we subdialog to and return back the result (similar to how we currently do it), or redirect to a generic controller, and then redirect to the "Completed" action once the controller is done.
Jim Rush provides a pretty good overview of the pros and cons of server side versus client side logic and is pretty consistent with my discussion on this topic in my blog post "Client-side versus Server-side Development of VoiceXML Applications". I believe the pros of putting the logic on the server far outweigh putting it on the client. The VoiceXML User Group is moving towards removing most of this logic from VoiceXML in version 3.0 and suggesting using a new standard called State Chart XML (SCXML) to handle control of the voice application. I have started an open source project to make it easier to develop VoiceXML applications using ASP.NET MVC 3.0 which can be found on CodePlex and is called VoiceModel. There is an example application in this project which will demonstrate a method for keeping the logic server side, which I believe greatly improves reuse of voice objects.
I'm just started out with Ehcache, and it seems pretty good so far. I'm using it in a simplistic fashion to speed up reads against a database, but I wonder whether I can also use it to let the application stay up if the database is unavailable for short periods. (Update - my context is a application with high-availability modules that only read from the database)
It seems like I could do that by disabling expiry in the event of a database read problem, and re-enabling it when a read works again.
What do you think? Is that a reasonable approach or have I missed something? If it's a fair approach, any tips for how best to implement appreciated.
Update - ehcache supports a dynamically configurable option to un/set the cache to 'eternal'. This seems to do what I need.
Interesting question - usually, the answer would be "it depends".
Firstly, if you have database reliability problems, I'd invest time and energy in fixing them, rather than applying a bandaid solution.
Secondly, most applications need both reading and writing to work - it doesn't seem to make sense to keep your app up for reads only.
However, if your app has a genuine "read only" function, and there's a known and controlled reason for database down time (e.g. backups), then yes, you can use your cache to keep the application up and running while the database is down. I would do this by extending the cache periods, rather than trying to code specific edge cases. For instance, you might have a background process which checks whether the database is available and swaps in a different configuration file when there's trouble.
I was inspired by Slashdot, I was heard that it uses very limited servers to support a lot of users with fast response. And there is a website named slashcode, not sure if slashdot uses its source code.
I am wondering if Perl is the best to write a high performance web page? I know using Apache or IIS will be having a lot of overhead?
Any idea, books, papers, tutorials?
I'm going to assume that by "high performance" you mean both in the real time taken to produce a page and also how many it can serve concurrently.
The programming language isn't so important as your servers and algorithms. You may want to look into The C10k Problem which is a series of new technologies and refinement of techniques with the aim to allow a single web server to concurrently handle more than 10,000 concurrent connections. Things like the Nginx and lighttpd web servers and varnish cache came out of this project.
Big wins come from using a very light, very fast, very modular web server (Apache and IIS ain't it) with a very light, very fast cache in front of it to avoid having to process the same thing twice. For a high concurrency server, even caching for a few seconds can save you hundreds or thousands of processes. By chopping up a static page into a series of AJAX requests you can cache the more static bits and pieces independently of the bits that change frequently.
Instead of using mod_blah that embeds your program into a web server, use FastCGI or similar that puts your programs into their own little application servers. This allows them to run independent of the web server, possibly on remote machines and with load balancing. This lets you easily scale your processing power.
Eventually you're going to micro-optimize really important bits of your application code to the point where the language matters, but you can focus on the really important bits rather than having to do the whole project solely according to raw performance.
Regardless of how fast your code is, at some point the bottleneck will stop being your code, and start being the web server itself.
As long as you're not using the CGI interface[1] to talk to the web server, the language isn't going to have a noticeable impact on performance in 99% of cases. The exceptions are those in which you're doing heavy back-end processing rather than simply grabbing something out of a database, lightly massaging it, and sending it off to the user - and, if you are doing that kind of thing, you're likely better off doing it asynchronously if possible and stuffing the results into a database to be lightly massaged and viewed later.
The reason is, quite simply, that network connection and data transfer times will be so much longer than your program's execution time that it's not even funny. If it's taking 2 seconds to establish a network connection to the server and do the data transmission in each direction, nobody is going to care whether the processing on the server adds 0.1s or 0.2s on top of that 2s of network activity.
[1] Note that I am talking here about the vanilla CGI "start up a new process to service each incoming request" model, not the Perl CGI module ( CGI). There are ways to use CGI while also making use of a long-lived process which handles multiple requests over its lifetime.
Architecture and system design are more important than language choice for a high traffic app.
But selecting a language is not the first thing you should do, unless you are planning to write everything from the ground up.
You should be selecting a toolset.
If you want to have something soonest, look at existing web applications. What meets your needs? How customizable is it? Does it meet your performance/scalability requirements? If so, the language you use will be the language your app uses.
If you can't find a good match in existing apps, look at different frameworks, Catalyst, Rails, Squatting, Camping, Jifty, Django. There's a nice list of them on Wikipedia.
You should be able to find a framework that will do the job, many of them. Pick some contenders and choose one. The language you use will be the language your framework uses.
There's really no such thing as a "high performance page". That's like asking what the fastest car is (and if you watch enough Top Gear, you know that's not a simple answer). You have to think about what you actually want to do (i.e. the particular task), what you have to do to make that happen, and which tools would work best for that.
Are you going to have a lot of people doing a lot of small things, or fewer people doing really big things? Is it all going to happen at once (i.e. spikes), or is it going to be constant demand? Are you send back small chunks of data or serving up really large files?
Suppose that every portion were as fast as possible. It's a fantasy for sure, but consider it anyway. Now that everything is fast as possible, rank every part according to how relatively fast they are. What's the slowest part? Is it disk access? Network IO? Socket availability?
If you aren't at the point where you're already thinking about this, the language probably isn't that important beyond your skill with it.
There are a lot of books on web performance out there. :)
This post on serverfault suggestst that you could write an extension module to nginx for serving dynamic content.
Such modules need to be compiled to native machine code, so most likely are faster than running Perl.
I don't believe it would be faster than other common choices such as PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, or C#.
I'm starting to step into unfamiliar territory with regards to performance improvement and our RIA (Rich Internet Application) built with GWT. For those unfamiliar with GWT, essentially when deployed it's just pure JavaScript. We're interfacing with the server side using a REST-style XML web service via XMLHttpRequest.
Our XML is un-marshalled into JavaScript objects and used within the application to represent the data model behind the interface. When changes occur, the model is updated and marshalled back to XML and sent back to the server.
I've learned the number one rule of performance (in terms of user experience) is to make as few requests as possible. Obviously this brings up the possibility of caching. Caching is great for static data but things get tricky in a multi-user system where data on the server may be changing. Also, use of "Last-Modified" and "If-Modified-Since" requests don't quite do enough since we'd like to avoid unnecessary requests altogether.
I'm trying to figure out if caching data in the browser is even right for us before researching the approaches. I hope someone has tread this path before. I'm looking for similar approaches, lessons learned, things to avoid, etc.
I'm happy to provide more specific info if needed...
For GWT, if performance matters that much to you, you get better performance by sending all the data you need in a single request, instead of querying multiple small data. I would recommend against client-side data caching as there are lots of issues like keeping the data in sync with the database.
Besides, you already have a good advantage with GWT over traditional html apps. Unless you are dealing with special data (eg: does not become stale too quickly - implies mostly-read queries) I found out that there is no special need for caching. You are better off doing a service-layer caching, since most of the time should come of server-side processing.
If you can provide more details about the nature of the app, maybe some different conclusions can be taken.