Deleting Winzip Command Line Add On 2.2 vbs - vbscript

I'm trying to delete a file like winzip command line using this code
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.DeleteFile("C:\Program Files\WinZip\wzuninst.exe wzcline C:\Program Files\WinZip\wzclun.dll")
When I run it on cmd it says Bad name or number. Can someone clarify it for me?

That's not a valid command line.
If you want to run a program you use
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "cmd /k dir c:\windows\*.*"


Cannot run vb6/make command in vbscript

My script contains the following code.
Set objShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ObjShell.Run "vb6/make Project1.vbp Project1.exe"
But my script doesn't make my project compile into exe.
I have the visual basic project Project1.vbp in the same folder which contains the script and the path for vb6 is also set in the Environment variable.
However when I tried to compile the project manually into exe it worked fine, by the command given below
vb6/make Project1.vbp Project1.exe
Kindly suggest some way to resolve my script's problem.
Always use full paths in sutch cases, I presume the error is there.
You can catch the error produced in the following way.
Here with a Ruby script I want to run but deliberatly made a mistake in the path.
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
command = "cmd.exe /S /C ruby ""C:\Users\Gebruiker\ruby\excel\ru.rb"""
Set objWshScriptExec = objShell.Exec(command)
Set objStdOut = objWshScriptExec.StdOut
Set objStdErr = objWshScriptExec.StdErr
While Not objStdOut.AtEndOfStream
WScript.echo objStdOut.ReadLine
While Not objStdErr.AtEndOfStream
WScript.echo objStdErr.ReadLine
' ruby: No such file or directory -- C:/Users/Gebruiker/ruby/excel/ru.rb (LoadError)
I made the following changes
Set objWshScriptExec=objShell.Exec("cmd.exe /S /C vb6/make ""Project1.vbp""")
And it worked.
Since I am a beginner in vbscript, I don't know the function of
/S /C
so please let me know.

Reg not starting vbscript

I've got registry entries inside of a .reg file. The reg file is for making a URI Scheme. It worked when I was passing %1 argument to a .bat file, but I don't like viewing the .bat file, so I want to use the well known VBScript method of hiding the .bat file. How do I pass the arguments to the batch file?
#="URL:Apps Protocol"
"URL Protocol"=""
#="\"M:\\Apps\\Apps.vbs\" \"%1\""
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "Apps.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
The batch file just uses %1 argument. The problem is getting the argument to the batch file. Currently every time I try to use the URI Scheme with the VBScript, I get "apps://foo is not a valid Win32 application." Any help is appreciated!
This works:
WshShell.Run "Apps.bat /foo", 0
If you want to separate your program path which may include spaces from the command line you could try this:
WshShell.Run """Apps.bat"" /foo", 0

How to run below command from vbscript

I have written vbscript code to set classpath of putty from command prompt
Dim oShell
putty_path="setx path %path%;C:\putty"
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") "cmd /K" & putty_path
Set oShell = Nothing
When i execute vbscript code i am getting below error in command prompt
ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '2' time(s).
Type "SETX /?" for usage. Please help
Because it has already worked, so it can't do it a second or subsequent time as it worked the first time. Just ignore.
Plus it's unnecessary what you are doing, just shell to PuTTY (you don't even need to use the extension). "putty"

VBS with Space in File Path

This is what I have and can not get the bat to run, if I move the bat to a folder without spaces in the name it works. My problem is that the actual bat is in a folder with spaces, so I need this to work.
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run("%comspec% /K C:\Program Files\ping.bat"), 1, True
You need to quote the file specification:
Run("%comspec% /K ""C:\Program Files\ping.bat""")
I had a similar problem with a directory path in a VBScript that had empty spaces:
The following did not work:
objShell.Run("C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0.2\bin\netbeans64.exe")
I simply included two extra double quotations on either side of the path and it worked for me:
objShell.Run("""C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.0.2\bin\netbeans64.exe""")
Try this one
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strCommand = chr(34)&"%comspec% /K C:\Program Files\ping.bat"&chr(34)
objShell.Run strCommand,1,True
I know that this is an old question, but I found a fix that works for me.
It's the double quotes you need.
Try below:
objShell.Run("%comspec% /K " & """C:\Program Files\ping.bat""""), 1, True);

How to write to the same command prompt with vbs in windows?

I have vbs script and that creates folder, make archive and copy to that folder, upload to ftp and so on. I want it to write status to cmd after each step of execution( after creating folder, zip...)
The following opens cmd.exe and writes there "creates folder". That's exactly what I want.
Dim objShell, strCmd
strCmd = "%comspec% /k echo creates folder"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
objShell.Run strCmd, 1, True
But, how I can write to the same cmd window that just opened? If I use this
strCmd = "%comspec% /k echo starting zip"
objShell.Run strCmd, 1, True
it opens new cmd window, but I want to write "starting zip" to previously opened cmd.
How I achieve this?
To print to the command prompt use wscript.echo.
I want to point out that the behavior of .echo is effected by how the script is loaded. For instance, if I run it from command prompt, like this: test.vbs, then the echo lines show up as pop-ups due to running wscript by default. However, if instead I load the file like this: cscript text.vbs all output goes to console as expected.
