Edits and changes are not reflected robots.txt file Magento - magento

google is not crawling some of my site urls
for that i want to made some changes in the robots,txt file
. but when i go to the magento root folder and i try to edit the
robot.txt file
, and when i reload that file on the browser it is not showing the changes i made in the files.
the file permission is set to 777 and the cache is clear
I even rename the file but it still loads on browser.
Please suggest me what can be the issue.
thanks in advance.


404 error page when trying to access website (hostgator)

I have recently finished building my website and since I didn't know how to put it online I decided to follow this tutorial: https://youtu.be/tq7dqdHCc7U
Everything worked fine until I tried to upload my .html files. I copied them into a www folder I created, but when I try to access the site with myIP/~username, I get a 404 error page. What am I doing wrong?
I guess you have put html file in wrong directory. Please put a sample index.html in root directory and in public_html folder. and try to access with domain name. it should work
A 404 error means that a valid page wasn't found. The only html file that apache know to render automatically is an index.html file. That's the default for the root url (in your case: yourIP/~username). So to fix the problem, you can either change what apache looks for in a index page in your httpd.conf, rename one of your files to index.html, or just append the name of a file that does exist to the end of your URL: yourIP/~username/myPage.html

cannot show image in codeigniter

Actually, in my localhost, my website run without any problem.
However, in the living server, there are some problem of showing image.
If I put image in the web root, image can be showed in web. But if I put image into folder, image can't be showed.
If I click the link directly:
it will be error 403. As below:
You don't have permission to access /post/1/1.jpg on this server.
Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Discover some hints:
If I put all files into the web root, including codeigniter framework itself.
The website run without any problem.
However, it is not the good practice. Actually, I want to put the codeigniter framework out of the web root.
Open your FTP via Filezila or any other program. navigate to your root folder and find the folder /post/ right click on it and change the select File Permissions... change it to 755 and re view the image in the browser.
Thanks for all reply.
I find the solution.
1) codeigniter framework can place out of web root without changing .htaccess file.
2) folder of image should be place under web root.
3) make sure the folder of image are 755 / 777 file permission.

Joomla index.html file

Why is there an index.html file in almost every folder in Joomla? What folders do not contain an index.html file and why?
The blank index.html file in each folder is to prevent directory browsing via web address.
On a poorly configured web server someone could see all the files contained in a folder by simply browsing to the path, such as www.yoursite.com/images/, this could be a potential security problem on servers without directory browsing (indexing) turned off.
Having the blank index.html file returns a blank white screen to the browser rather than displaying the contents of the folder.
The index.html file isn't necessary, it's in the folders as a layer of security. It is there to keep prying eyes from being able to see a directory structure, if there was no index.html file and someone randomly went to http://yoursite.com/scripts/js/ (for example), they could potentially see a listing of all files in that directory. Instead, with the index.html file in place they see a blank landing page:
<html><body bgcolor=" #FFFFFF" ></body></html>
Another approach (for apache servers) is to add this line to the .htaccess file placed at the root directorty of the website:
Options -Indexes
It prevents directory browsing for the whole website.

Joomla Temporary URL images forbidden 403

I have setup a development server for an issue(see No Input File Specified - Joomla), all is working correct now on the development server apart from no images on the site or inside the administration menu are loading.
When I try to look at them individually they are 403 forbidden.
All directories are 755, all files are 644 and the owner is the correct one.
Is this because of the temporary URL and will this be fixed by pointing the domain over?
Thanks again
This was a htaccess issue which is fixed.

Error when duplicating Joomla setup

I have a Joomla installation set up on my local server. I have duplicated with a new name the top-level Joomla folder so that all the information I have already put into the database can be edited slightly, whilst still keeping the original intact.
I have copied the database files over to a new database and made the relevant changes in Joomla admin. I've opened up configuration.php and changed all the file paths to the new one.
However, now I'm getting a server error when trying to access the web page and admin area. Are there any other files I need to edit with the new path to enable it to work under the new parent folder?
You shouldn't have to edit any files with any paths to make it work other than the tmp and log folders and the root folder line in htaccess if you have SEF URLs turned on. Turn off SEF URLs and see if the site starts working, if it does, then you need to edit htaccess. Since your admin is not working, my guess is that you messed up your configuration.php. Copy over the original unedited version to the copy site, it should work. You can then adjust the tmp and log paths within the admin in the global configuration.
