404 error page when trying to access website (hostgator) - web-hosting

I have recently finished building my website and since I didn't know how to put it online I decided to follow this tutorial: https://youtu.be/tq7dqdHCc7U
Everything worked fine until I tried to upload my .html files. I copied them into a www folder I created, but when I try to access the site with myIP/~username, I get a 404 error page. What am I doing wrong?

I guess you have put html file in wrong directory. Please put a sample index.html in root directory and in public_html folder. and try to access with domain name. it should work

A 404 error means that a valid page wasn't found. The only html file that apache know to render automatically is an index.html file. That's the default for the root url (in your case: yourIP/~username). So to fix the problem, you can either change what apache looks for in a index page in your httpd.conf, rename one of your files to index.html, or just append the name of a file that does exist to the end of your URL: yourIP/~username/myPage.html


Change document root of Laravel

When I place a Laravel project into Apache's document root, say /var/www/html, it works when I point a browser at it.
However if I put it under a directory under Apache's document root, for example /var/www/html/myProject, it doesn't work when I point a browser at it.
Is there anyway I can change this behavior?
Thank you very much.
When I put the Laravel project off a sub-directory off /var/www/html, Laravel complained that it could not write to the file laravel.log. After checking and changing the group ownership of the sub-directory, the index page came up normally.
However, the background image was missing, even after I changed the URI in the CSS stylesheet.
Furthermore, when I clicked on any link from the index page, I got a 404 Not Found Error. This is an Apache 404 and not a Laravel 404, which is styled differently.
OTOH, if I run the PHP server off this sub-directory and point my browser at localhost:8000, the links serve up pages correctly.
Thank you for your help.

Joomla Temporary URL images forbidden 403

I have setup a development server for an issue(see No Input File Specified - Joomla), all is working correct now on the development server apart from no images on the site or inside the administration menu are loading.
When I try to look at them individually they are 403 forbidden.
All directories are 755, all files are 644 and the owner is the correct one.
Is this because of the temporary URL and will this be fixed by pointing the domain over?
Thanks again
This was a htaccess issue which is fixed.

I can't view index page

Just to try I had uploaded worpress on my working website and then couple of days later I deleted wordpress files.(on ftp delete wordpress...)
Now as I want to view the home page I get: "The requested URL / was not found on this server."
though I got this as index.html on the server.
Actually I can't view any item(images,other pages..) that is on server uploaded
Where should I look to fix this?
Thnx in advance!
You probably still have an .htaccess file, which will attempt to use Wordpress's index.php for any URL on your site. Try deleting the .htaccess file.

CodeIgniter uploads directory

I'm trying to achieve:
I am using CodeIgniter.
I am trying to access http://localhost/mywebsite/uploads/. The directory exists, and via a 3rd party upload script, I can successfully write to that directory. However, when going straight to the URL (or referencing its files in an src attribute), it gives me a 404 error.
I thought the best way to do this was to:
Make sure my $config['base_url'] was set to http://localhost/mywebsite/.
(For an unknown reason, I can access /mywebsite/js/ but not /mywebsite/uploads/.)
I read the documentation and it said to:
Create a folder at the root of your CodeIgniter installation called
uploads and set its file permissions to 777.
That works to upload to, but it doesn't work to access from!
I did it, I expected to see:
Either a directory listing or permission denied page. I even tried going straight to a file, like http://localhost/mywebsite/uploads/myfile.jpg.
Instead, I saw:
404 Page Not Found
The page you requested was not found.
What am I doing wrong?
Please check your .htaccess file,
there shouldn't be any rule to restrict the access to the uploads folder.
("uploads" should not appear within this rule: RewriteRule ^(css|js|ckeditor) - [L])

codeigniter : unable to access image inside view folder

am using codeigniter 2.
when i use the below i cant get the image.
folder structure is correct.but the image is not coming there.from view
source option i got the following
403 Forbidden
You don’t have permission to access /application/views/admin/images/image.png
on this server.
am on local server wamp.
if i put the image on root i can get it
but i was uing similar folder structures with codeigniter 1.7.3 those were working for me
i dont know why its not with ci2 or i mde any mistake…..
Only .php view files are supposed to exist within the /application/views directory. You should store images in a directory like /images or /assets in the web root.
there may be .htaccess file in your root what deny write.
Rename .htaccess and try again.
if it works, you may edit .htaccess
