How to compare two large data sets using hadoop mapreduce? - performance

I am new to hadoop and mapreduce. We have a normal java application where we read a file ( 8 GB in size ) from hadoop file system and we apply some rules on that data. After applying rules we get java hashmap (which is huge in size) and we keep that data in cache or in buffer. At the same time we get the data from hive by applying a query on it and prepare a java hashmap which is again huge in size. Now we compare both the hashmaps data to prepare final report to check the data accuracy.
In the above process since we are using normal java program to do the stuff we are facing below problems.
To process this huge data it takes ages to complete the job. Because input file contains tens of millions of records in it and we need to apply rules on each row to extract the data. It takes days to complete the job. At the same time hive also contains the same amount of data, query is taking too much time to return the data from hive.
Since we are keeping the data in buffer we are facing memory issues.
Now we are trying to implement the same in hadoop mapreduce.
What is the best way to achieve the above scenario?
What are the best ways to implement the above scenario in mapreduce?
How can I increase the application performance by using mapreduce?

8 GB is a tiny data set. I can fit 4 of these 'data sets' into my Laptop RAM! Just dump it in a any relational engine and massage it as fit until the cows come home. This is not 'big data'.
For the record, the way to do processing of two truly large datasets (say +1 TB each) in Hive is a sort-merge-bucket join (aka. SMB join). Read LanguageManual JoinOptimization, watch Join Strategies in Hive.


How to improve performance of csv to parquet file format using pyspark?

I have a large dataset I need to convert from csv to parquet format using pyspark. There is approximately 500GB of data scattered across thousands of csv files. My initial implementation is simplistic ...
spark = SparkSession.builder \
.master("local") \
.appName("test") \
df =, header=True, inferSchema=True)
The performance is abysmal, I have let it run for 2+ hours before giving up. From logging output I infer it does not even complete reading the csv files into the dataframe.
I am running spark locally on a server with 128 high performance CPU cores and 1TB of memory. Disk storage is SSD based with confirmed read speeds of 650 MB/s. My intuition is that I should be able to significantly improve performance given the computing resources available. I'm looking for tips on how to do this.
I have tried...
not inferring schema, this did not produce a noticeable difference in performance (The schema is four columns of text)
using the configuration setting spark.executor.cores to match the number of physical cores on my server. The setting did not seem to have any effect, I did not observe the system using more cores.
I'm stuck using pyspark for now per management direction, but if necessary I can convince them to use a different tool.
Some suggestions based on my experience working with spark :
You should not infer the schema if you are dealing with huge data. It might not show significant improvement in the performance but definitely it would still save you some time.
Don't use repartition(1) as it would shuffle the data and create a single partition with data and that is what you don't want with huge volume of data that you have. I would suggest you to increase the number of partitions if possible based on the cluster configuration you have in order to get the parquet files saved faster.
Don't Cache/persist your data frame if you are just reading the csv files and then in the next step saving it as parquet files. It can increase your saving time as caching itself takes some time. Caching the data frame would have helped if you were performing multiple transformations on the data frame and then performing multiple actions on it. your are performing only one action of writing the data frame as parquet file, so according to me you should not cache the data frame.
Some possible improvments :
Don't use .repartition(1) as you lose parallelism for writing operation
Persisit/cache the dataframe before writing : df.persist()
If you really need to save it as 1 parquet file, you can first write into temp folder without reducing partitions then use coalesce in a second write operation :
df =, header=True, inferSchema=True).persist()
# ....
df1 ="/temp/folder")

How do we optimise the spark job if the base table has 130 billions of records

We are joining multiple tables and doing complex transformations and enrichments.
In that the base table will have around 130 billions of records, how can we optimise the spark job when the spark filters all the records keep in memory and do the enrichments with other left outer join tables. Currently spark job is running for more than 7 hours, can you suggest some techniques
Here is what you can try
Partition your base tables on which you want to run your query, create partition on specific column like Department, or Date etc which you use during joining. If the under lying table is hive you can also try bucketing.
Try optimised joins which suits your requirement such sorted merge join, hash join.
File format, use parquet file format as it much faster compared to ORC for analytical queries, and it also stores data in columnar format.
If your query has multiple steps and some steps are reused try to use caching, as spark supports memory and disk caching.
Tune your spark jobs by specifying the number of partitions, executor, cores, driver memory as per the resources available. Check spark history UI to understand how data is distributed. Try various configurations see what works best for you.
Spark might perform poorly if there large skewness in data. if that is the case you might need further optimisation to handle it.
Apart from the above mentioned techniques, you can try below option as well to optimize your job.
1.You can partition your data by inspecting your data fields. Most common columns that are used for partitioning are like date columns, region ID, country code etc.Once data is partitioned your can explain your dataframe like df.explain() and see if is using PartitioningAwareFileIndex.
2.Try tuning the spark settings and cluster configuration to scale with the input data volume.
Try changing the spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes to 256 MB or 512
MB , we have see significant performance gain by changing this
Use appropriate number of executor , cores & executor memory based on
compute need
Try analyzing the spark history to identify the stage jobs which are
consuming significant time. This would be good point to start
debugging your job.

Hadoop Performance When retrieving Data Only

We know that performance of Hadoop may be increased by adding more data nodes. My question is: if we want to retrieve the data only without the need to process it or analyze it, is adding more data nodes will be useful? or it won't increase performance at all because we have retrieve operations only without any computations or map reduce jobs?
I will try to answer in parts:
If you only retrieve information from a hadoop cluster or HDFS then
it is similar to Cat command in linux, meaning only reading data
not processing.
If you want some calculations like SUM, AVG or any other aggregate
functions on top of your data then comes the concept of REDUCE ,
hence Map reduce comes into picture.
So hadoop is useful or worthy when your data is Huge and you do
calculations also. I think their is no performance benefits while
reading a small amount of data in HDFS than reading a Large amount
of data in HDFS (just think like you are storing your data in RDBMS
regularly and you only query select * statements on daily basis),
but when your data grows exponentially and you want to do
calculations your RDBMS query would take time to execute.
For Map reduce to work efficiently on huge data sets , you need to
have good amount of nodes and computing power, depending upon your
use case.

Map Reduce & RDBMS

I was reading hadoop definitive guide , It was written Map Reduce is good for updating larger portions of the database , and it uses Sort & Merge to rebuild the database which is dependent on transfer time .
Also RDBMS is good for updating only smaller portions of a big database , It uses a B-Tree which is limited by seek time
Can anyone elaborate on what both these claims really mean ?
I am not really sure what the book means, but you will usually do a map reduce job to rebuild the entire database/anything if you still have the raw data.
The real good thing about hadoop is that it's distributed, so performance is not really a problem since you could just add more machines.
Let's take an example, you need to rebuild a complex table with 1 billion rows. With RDBMS, you can only scale vertically, so you will be depending more on the power of the CPU, and how fast the algorithm is. You will be doing it with some SQL command. You will need to select a few data, process them, do stuffs, etc. So you will most likely be limited by the seek time.
With hadoop map reduce, you could just add more machines, so performance is not the problem. Let's say you you use 10000 mappers, that means the task will be divided to 10000 mapper containers, and because of hadoop's nature, all these containers usually already have the data on their harddrive stored locally. The output of each mapper is always a key value structured format on their local harddrive. These data are sorted using the key by the mapper.
Now the problem is, they need to combine the data together, so all of these data will be sent to a reducer. This happens through the network, is usually the slowest part if you have big data. The reducer will receive all of the data and will merge-sort them for further processing. In the end you have a file which could be just uploaded to your database.
The transfer from mapper to reducer is usually what's taking the longest time if you have a lot of data, and network is usually your bottleneck. Maybe this is what it meant by depending on the transfer time.

For Hadoop: which data storage?

Currently I am working on a solution for my internship to handle up to 100.000.000 records a day with about 10 columns. I have to save each record, and after 15 days we have about 1.500.000.000 records.
The situation:
So, every day I receive about 100.000.000 (maybe a few millions more) records, with these records I have to do some calculations/analyzing. To do this, I am thinking about to use Hadoop for MapReduce and distributed computing. With the MapReduce pattern I can make sets of 100.000 records each, and distribute them over the cluster to do some distributed analyzing/calculations
I don't know if this is a good solution, but if you have something else I have to think about, please tell me.
Beside this, I also have to store all these records and use them every month to improve the algorithm for the calculations I do every day. What store is best for this situation? I am thinking about HBase or CouchDB because I think they fit my requirements well.
Actually , Hadoop is not a database.Hadoop is a framework that enables the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of commodity servers.
It is designed to scale up from a single server to thousands of machines, with a very high degree of fault tolerance. Hadoop is best known for MapReduce and its distributed file system (HDFS)
Hbase is a distributed, column-oriented database. Hbase uses HDFS for its underlying storage, and supports both batch-style computations using MapReduce and point queries.
Hive is a distributed data warehouse. Hive manages data stored in HDFS and provides a query language based on SQL (and which is translated by the runtime engine to MapReduce jobs) for queering the data.
**What you can do is:
using Hbase for storage
using hive for analytics
you can also integrate both and use hive queries (based on sql) to store in hbase.
