Map Reduce & RDBMS - hadoop

I was reading hadoop definitive guide , It was written Map Reduce is good for updating larger portions of the database , and it uses Sort & Merge to rebuild the database which is dependent on transfer time .
Also RDBMS is good for updating only smaller portions of a big database , It uses a B-Tree which is limited by seek time
Can anyone elaborate on what both these claims really mean ?

I am not really sure what the book means, but you will usually do a map reduce job to rebuild the entire database/anything if you still have the raw data.
The real good thing about hadoop is that it's distributed, so performance is not really a problem since you could just add more machines.
Let's take an example, you need to rebuild a complex table with 1 billion rows. With RDBMS, you can only scale vertically, so you will be depending more on the power of the CPU, and how fast the algorithm is. You will be doing it with some SQL command. You will need to select a few data, process them, do stuffs, etc. So you will most likely be limited by the seek time.
With hadoop map reduce, you could just add more machines, so performance is not the problem. Let's say you you use 10000 mappers, that means the task will be divided to 10000 mapper containers, and because of hadoop's nature, all these containers usually already have the data on their harddrive stored locally. The output of each mapper is always a key value structured format on their local harddrive. These data are sorted using the key by the mapper.
Now the problem is, they need to combine the data together, so all of these data will be sent to a reducer. This happens through the network, is usually the slowest part if you have big data. The reducer will receive all of the data and will merge-sort them for further processing. In the end you have a file which could be just uploaded to your database.
The transfer from mapper to reducer is usually what's taking the longest time if you have a lot of data, and network is usually your bottleneck. Maybe this is what it meant by depending on the transfer time.


Hadoop Performance When retrieving Data Only

We know that performance of Hadoop may be increased by adding more data nodes. My question is: if we want to retrieve the data only without the need to process it or analyze it, is adding more data nodes will be useful? or it won't increase performance at all because we have retrieve operations only without any computations or map reduce jobs?
I will try to answer in parts:
If you only retrieve information from a hadoop cluster or HDFS then
it is similar to Cat command in linux, meaning only reading data
not processing.
If you want some calculations like SUM, AVG or any other aggregate
functions on top of your data then comes the concept of REDUCE ,
hence Map reduce comes into picture.
So hadoop is useful or worthy when your data is Huge and you do
calculations also. I think their is no performance benefits while
reading a small amount of data in HDFS than reading a Large amount
of data in HDFS (just think like you are storing your data in RDBMS
regularly and you only query select * statements on daily basis),
but when your data grows exponentially and you want to do
calculations your RDBMS query would take time to execute.
For Map reduce to work efficiently on huge data sets , you need to
have good amount of nodes and computing power, depending upon your
use case.

To hadoop or not to hadoop

We have data (not allot at this point) that we want to transform/aggregate/pivot up to wazoo.
I had a look on the www and all the answers i am asking is pointing to hadoop for scalable,cheap to run(no SQL server machine and license),fast(if you have allot of data), programmable(not little boxes that you drag around).
There is just one problem that i keep coming up against
namely 'Use hadoop if you have more than 10gb of data'
Now we don't even have 1gb of data(at this stage) is it still viable.
My other option is SSIS. Now we do use SSIS for some of our current ETL but we don't have resources for it and putting a SQL in the cloud is just going to cost to much and don't even get me started on scalability cost and config.
Your current data volume seems to be too low for making an entry into hadoop. Enter into hadoop ecosystem only if you are dealing with huge volume of data(TB/year) and if you suspect the data volume to increase exponentially down the line.
Let me explain why I suggest against hadoop for such low volume of data.
By default hadoop stores your files into 128MB chunks of data and while processing also, it takes 128MB Chunks at a time to process(parallely). If your business requirement involves heavy CPU intensive processing, then you can decrease the input chunk size from 128MB to less. But then again by decreasing the amount of data to be processed parallely, you'll end up increasing the number of IO seaks(low level block storage). At the end you might be spending more resource on managing the tasks rather than what the actual task is taking. Hence, try avoiding distributed computing as a solution for your(low) data volume.
As #Makubex has suggested, don't use hadoop.
And SISS is a good option as it handles the data in-memory so it would perform data aggregations, data type conversions, merging, etc at a much faster rate than writing to the disk using temporary tables in stored procedures.
Hadoop is meant for large amounts of data I would suggest it only for data in terabytes. It would be way slower that SISS(which runs in-memory) for small data-sets.
Refer: When to use T-SQL or SSIS for ETL

How does Hadoop/MapReduce scale when input data is NOT stored?

The intended use for Hadoop appears to be for when the input data is distributed (HDFS) and already stored local to the nodes at the time of the mapping process.
Suppose we have data which does not need to be stored; the data can be generated at runtime. For example, the input to the mapping process is to be every possible IP address. Is Hadoop capable of efficiently distributing the Mapper work across nodes? Would you need to explicitly define how to split the input data (i.e. the IP address space) to different nodes, or does Hadoop handle that automatically?
Let me first clarify a comment you made. Hadoop is designed to support potentially massively parallel computation across a potentially large number of nodes regardless of where the data comes from or goes. The Hadoop design favors scalability over performance when it has to. It is true that being clever about where the data starts out and how that data is distributed can make a significant difference in how well/quickly a hadoop job can run.
To your question and example, if you will generate the input data you have the choice of generating it before the first job runs or you can generate it within the first mapper. If you generate it within the mapper then you can figure out what node the mapper's running on and then generate just the data that would be reduced in that partition (Use a partitioner to direct data between mappers and reducers)
This is going to be a problem you'll have with any distributed platform. Storm, for example, lets you have some say in which bolt instance will will process each tuple. The terminology might be different, but you'll be implementing roughly the same shuffle algorithm in Storm as you would Hadoop.
You are probably trying to run a non-MapReduce task on a map reduce cluster then. (e.g. IP scanning?) There may be more appropriate tools for this, your know...
A thing few people do not realize is that MapReduce is about checkpointing. It was developed for huge clusters, where you can expect machines to fail during the computation. By having checkpointing and recovery built-in into the architecture, this reduces the consequences of failures and slow hosts.
And that is why everything goes from disk to disk in MapReduce. It's checkpointed before, and it's checkpointed after. And if it fails, only this part of the job is re-run.
You can easily outperform MapReduce by leaving away the checkpointing. If you have 10 nodes, you will win easily. If you have 100 nodes, you will usually win. If you have a major computation and 1000 nodes, chances are that one node fails and you wish you had been doing similar checkpointing...
Now your task doesn't sound like a MapReduce job, because the input data is virtual. It sounds much more as if you should be running some other distributed computing tool; and maybe just writing your initial result to HDFS for later processing via MapReduce.
But of course there are way to hack around this. For example, you could use /16 subnets as input. Each mapper reads a /16 subnet and does it's job on that. It's not that much fake input to generate if you realize that you don't need to generate all 2^32 IPs, unless you have that many nodes in your cluster...
Number of Mappers depends on the number of Splits generated by the implementation of the InputFormat.
There is NLineInputFormat, which you could configure to generate as many splits as there are lines in the input file. You could create a file where each line is an IP range. I have not used it personally and there are many reports that it does not work as expected.
If you really need it, you could create your own implementation of the InputFormat which generates the InputSplits for your virtual data and force as many mappers as you need.

cassandra and hadoop - realtime vs batch

As per
Cassandra has pursued somewhat different solutions than has Hadoop. Cassandra excels at high-volume real-time transaction processing, while Hadoop excels at more batch-oriented analytical solutions.
What are the differences in the architecture/implementation of Cassandra and Hadoop which account for this sort of difference in usage. (in lay software professional terms)
I wanted to add, because I think there might be a misleading statement here saying Cassandra might perform good for reads.
Cassandra is not very good at random reads either, it's good compared to other solutions out there in how can you read randomly over a huge amount of data, but at some point if the reads are truly random you can't avoid hitting the disk every single time which is expensive, and it may come down to something useless like a few thousand hits/second depending on your cluster, so planning on doing lots of random queries might not be the best, you'll run into a wall if you start thinking like that. I'd say everything in big data works better when you do sequential reads or find a way to sequentially store them. Most cases even when you do real time processing you still want to find a way to batch your queries.
This is why you need to think beforehand what you store under a key and try to get the most information possible out of a read.
It's also kind of funny that statement says transaction and Cassandra in the same sentence, cause that really doesn't happen.
On the other hand hadoop is meant to be batch almost by definition, but hadoop is a distributed map reduce framework, not a db, in fact, I've seen and used lots of hadoop over cassandra, they're not antagonistic technologies.
Handling your big data in real time is doable but requires good thinking and care about when and how you hit the database.
Edit: Removed secondary indices example, as last time I checked that used random reads (though I've been away from Cassandra for more than a year now).
The Vanilla hadoop consists of a Distributed File System (DFS) at the core and libraries to support Map Reduce model to write programs to do analysis. DFS is what enables Hadoop to be scalable. It takes care of chunking data into multiple nodes in a multi node cluster so that Map Reduce can work on individual chunks of data available nodes thus enabling parallelism.
The paper for Google File System which was the basis for Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) can be found here
The paper for Map Reduce model can be found here
For a detailed explanation on Map Reduce read this post
Cassandra is a highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, structured key-value store. It is not a conventional database but is more like Hashtable or HashMap which stores a key/value pair. Cassandra works on top of HDFS and makes use of it to scale. Both Cassandra and HBase are implementations of Google's BigTable. Paper for Google BigTable can be found here.
BigTable makes use of a String Sorted Table (SSTable) to store key/value pairs. SSTable is just a File in HDFS which stores key followed by value. Furthermore BigTable maintains a index which has key and offset in the File for that key which enables reading of value for that key using only a seek to the offset location. SSTable is effectively immutable which means after creating the File there is no modifications can be done to existing key/value pairs. New key/value pairs are appended to the file. Update and Delete of records are appended to the file, update with a newer key/value and deletion with a key and tombstone value. Duplicate keys are allowed in this file for SSTable. The index is also modified with whenever update or delete take place so that offset for that key points to the latest value or tombstone value.
Thus you can see Cassandra's internal allow fast read/write which is crucial for real time data handling. Whereas Vanilla Hadoop with Map Reduce can be used to process batch oriented passive data.
Hadoop consists of two fundamental components: distributed datastore (HDFS) and distributed computation framework (MapReduce). It reads a bunch of input data then writes output from/to the datastore. It needs distributed datastore since it performs parallel computing with the local data on cluster of machines to minimize the data loading time.
While Cassandra is the datastore with linear scalability and fault-tolerance ability. It lacks of the parallel computation ability provided by MapReduce in Hadoop.
The default datastore (HDFS) of Hadoop can be replaced with other storage backend, such as Cassandra, Glusterfs, Ceph, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure's file system, MapR’s FS, and etc. However, each alternatives has its pros and cons, they should be evaluated based on the needs.
There are some resources that help you integrate Hadoop with Cassandra:

Difference between MapReduce of data store like couchdb and that of Hadoop?

Recently on a webinar by Couchbase, they said that Hadoop be used for processing large log file and Couchbase for presenting it to the application layer. They claimed that the map and reduce of Couchbase and Hadoop was different and suitable for the respective use case mentioned.
I was going to use Couchbase map reduce for processing large amouont of log file.
Can some one please clarify the exact difference between the two map reduce? Are there any features in Hadoop which makes it more suitable for processing large log files?
the main difference in the fact that couchbase uses incremental map/reduce and won't scan all the data set one you need to update or remove the items. another difference is the magnitude of "large". if you need to process hundreds of gigabytes of logs once then the couchbase isn't.the best choice.
Couchbase is one of many NoSQL data storage applications. Data is stored in Key / Value pairs, with the keys indexed for quick retrieval.
Conversely data in hadoop is not indexed (other than the file name), and pulling a specific value from a file in HDFS is much slower, possibly involving scanning of many files.
You would typically use something like Hadoop mapreduce to process large files, and update / populate a NoSQL store (such as Couchbase).
Using a NoSQL datastore for processing large amounts of data will most probably be less efficient than using MapReduce to do the same job. But the NoSQL datastore will be able to service a web layer considerably more efficiently than a MapReduce job (which can take 10's of seconds to initialize, and minutes / hours to run).
