Should calls to OututDebugString be wrapped in #ifdef DEBUG conditional blocks? - winapi

In winbase.h I see the following code, marking OutputDebugStringA/W as procedures rather than conditional macros. Does this mean it is best to wrap calls to these procedures in debug-only conditional blocks to keep production code tight, especially in tight loops?
__in LPCSTR lpOutputString
__in LPCWSTR lpOutputString
#ifdef UNICODE
#define OutputDebugString OutputDebugStringW
#define OutputDebugString OutputDebugStringA
#endif // !UNICODE

Usually we do something like this:
#if defined (DEBUG) | defined (_DEBUG)
#define DebugOutput(x) OutputDebugString(x)
#define DebugOutput(x)
DebugOutput will be expanded to nothing in release mode, keeping release binary clean and without #idfef/#endif everywhere in the code.
Note, that it is a good idea to also check if compiler is MSVC (_MSC_VER), so your code could be more portable


kernel code native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath function

In the kernel code, I cannot find the definition of the native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath function, __pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath is the same, where are these functions defined? I searched all the kernel code, but in vain
The definition of native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath is in "kernel/locking/qspinlock.c", using a macro to change the name of queued_spin_lock_slowpath to native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath when CONFIG_PARAVIRT_SPINLOCKS is defined:
#define queued_spin_lock_slowpath native_queued_spin_lock_slowpath
void __lockfunc queued_spin_lock_slowpath(struct qspinlock *lock, u32 val)
The definition of __pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath is also in "kernel/locking/qspinlock.c" using the same renaming macro trick with a twist — The "qspinlock.c" file includes itself once more, using a guard macro _GEN_PV_LOCK_SLOWPATH to avoid infinite recursive inclusion:
#undef queued_spin_lock_slowpath
#define queued_spin_lock_slowpath __pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath
#include "qspinlock_paravirt.h"
#include "qspinlock.c"

Enabling floating point exceptions on MinGW GCC?

How does one enable floating point exceptions on MinGW GCC, where feenableexcept is missing? Even reasonably complete solutions don't actually catch this, though it would appear that they intend to. I would prefer minimal code that is close to whatever future standards will emerge. Preferably, the code should work with and without SSE. A complete solution that shows how to enable the hardware signal, catch it, and reset it is preferable. Compiling cleanly with high optimization levels and full pedantic errors and warnings is a must. The ability to catch multiple times in a unit-test scenario is important. There are several questions that provide partial answers.
This appears to work on my machine. Compile it in MinGW GCC with -fnon-call-exceptions. It isn't fully minimized yet.
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cfenv>
#include <cfloat> //or #include <float.h> // defines _controlfp_s
#include <cmath>
#include <csignal>
#ifdef _WIN32
void feenableexcept(uint16_t fpflags){
/*edit 2015-12-17, my attempt at ASM code was giving me
*problems in more complicated scenarios, so I
*switched to using _controlfp_s. I finally posted it here
*because of the upvote to the ASM version.*/
uint16_t mask(FE_ALL_EXCEPT & ~fpflags);
asm("fldcw %0" : : "m" (mask) : "cc");
} // */
unsigned int new_word(0);
if (fpflags & FE_INVALID) new_word |= _EM_INVALID;
if (fpflags & FE_DIVBYZERO) new_word |= _EM_ZERODIVIDE;
if (fpflags & FE_OVERFLOW) new_word |= _EM_OVERFLOW;
unsigned int cw(0);
void fe_reset_traps(){
std::feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT); //clear x87 FE state
#ifdef __SSE__
_MM_SET_EXCEPTION_STATE(0); // clear SSE FE state
feenableexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO|FE_OVERFLOW|FE_INVALID); // set x87 FE mask
#ifdef __SSE__
//set SSE FE mask (orientation of this command is different than the above)
void sigfpe_handler(int sig){
std::signal(sig,SIG_DFL); // block signal, if needed
std::cerr<<"A floating point exception was encountered. Exiting.\n";
fe_reset_traps(); // in testing mode the throw may not exit, so reset traps
std::signal(sig,&sigfpe_handler); // reinstall handler
throw std::exception();
std::signal(SIGFPE,&sigfpe_handler); // install handler
std::cerr<<"should be unreachable\n";
I'm sure it's not perfect. Let's hear what everyone else has to contribute.

Make a exported function ansi and unicode aware in win32 dll with the use of TCHAR

I'm trying to make a win32 dll that are able to handle ansi and unicode depending what specify in the character set on properties. Unicode or Not Set. ANSI when building in Visual Studio.
The dll has the definition
extern "C" int __stdcall calc(TCHAR *foo)
The definition file is as follow
typedef int (CALLBACK* LPFNDLLCALC)( TCHAR *foo)
Inside the MFC Calling app i load the dll as this
HINSTANCE DllFoo = LoadLibrary(L"foo.dll");
LPFNDLLCALC lpfnDllcalc = (LPFNDLLCALC)GetProcAddress(DllFoo ,"calc");
CString C_SerialNumber;
TCHAR* SerialNumber = C_SerialNumber.GetBuffer(0);
I understand that i make something wrong in the C_SerialNumber.GetBuffer(0) to the TCHAR* pointer. Because in the debugger in the dll only show the first char is passed to the dll. Not the complete string.
How do i get CString to pointer that work in both ansi and unicode.
If change all my code to wchar_t or char in stead of TCHAR i get it to work. Put not with this nativ TCHAR macro.
As I see it you have two options:
Write the code entirely using TCHAR. Then compile the code into two separate DLLs, one narrow and one wide.
Have a single DLL that exports two variants of each function that operates on text. This is how the Windows API is implemented.
If you choose the second option, you don't need to implement each function twice. The primary function is the wide variant. For the narrow variant you convert the input from narrow to wide and then call the wide version. Vice versa for output text. In other words, you use the adapter pattern.
I suppose that you are imagining a third option where you have a single function that can operate on either form of text. Don't go this way. This way abandons type safety and will give you no end of pain. It will also be counter to user's expectations.
As David said, you need to export two separate functions, one for Ansi and one for Unicode, just like the Win32 API does, eg:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int WINAPI calcA(LPCSTR foo);
int WINAPI calcW(LPCWSTR foo);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Then you can do the following:
int WINAPI calcA(LPCSTR foo)
return calcW(CStringW(foo));
int WINAPI calcW(LPCWSTR foo)
HINSTANCE DllFoo = LoadLibrary(L"foo.dll");
LPFNDLLCALC lpfnDllcalc = (LPFNDLLCALC) GetProcAddress(DllFoo,
#ifdef UNICODE
CString C_SerialNumber;

Is there a way to use _T/TEXT "conditionally" inside a macro?

This question is specific to Visual C++ (you may assume Visual C++ 2005 and later).
I would like to create glue code for a program from unixoid systems (FreeBSD in particular) in order build and run on Win32 with a minimum of changes to the original .c file. Now, most of this is straightforward, but now I ran into an issue. I am using the tchar.h header and TCHAR/_TCHAR and need to create glue code for the err and errx calls (see err(3)) in the original code. Bear with me, even if you don't agree that code using tchar.h should still be written.
The calls to err and errx take roughly two forms, and this is where the problem occurs:
err(1, "some string with %d format specifiers and %s such", ...)
/* or */
err(1, NULL, ...)
The latter would output the error stored in errno (using strerror).
Now, the question is, is there any way to write a generic macro that can take both NULL and a string literal? I do not have to (and will not) care about variables getting passed as the second parameter, only NULL and literal strings.
Of course my naive initial approach didn't account for fmt passed as NULL (using variadic macros!):
#define err(eval, fmt, ...) my_err(eval, _T(fmt), __VA_ARGS__)
Right now I don't have any ideas how to achieve this with macros, because it would require a kind of mix of compile-time and runtime conditionals that I cannot imagine at the moment. So I am looking for an authoritative answer whether this is conceivable at all or not.
The method I am resorting to right now - lacking a better approach - is to write a wrapper function that accepts, just like err and errx, a (const) char * and then converting that to wchar_t * if compiled with _UNICODE defined. This should work, assuming that the caller passes a _TCHAR* string for the variable arguments after the fmt (which is a sane assumption in my context). Otherwise I'd also have to convert %s to %hs inside the format string, to handle "ANSI" strings, as MS calls them.
Here's one solution:
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0502
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define LNULL NULL
#define fn(x) myfn(L ## x)
#define fn(x) myfn(x)
void myfn(TCHAR * str)
if (str == NULL) _tprintf(_T("<NULL>")); else _tprintf(str);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
return 0;

Compiler error:C3861 'GetModuleHandleEx': identifier not found

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void * _ReturnAddress(void);
#pragma intrinsic(_ReturnAddress)
//I inserted the following code inside one of the functions
void func()
HMODULE module_handle;
TCHAR module_name[4096];
DWORD flag = 0x00000004;
GetModuleHandleEx(flag, (LPCTSTR) _ReturnAddress(), &module_handle);
When I compile the code as a separate project everything works fine. Please help.
To compile an application that uses
this function, define _WIN32_WINNT as
0x0501 or later. For more information,
see Using the Windows Headers.
Even if you get your code to compile, what you're doing smells of wrongness.
If you're using the return address to make any sort of security-related decision, stop. You can't trust the return address of the calling function. No really, you can't trust the return address of the calling function.
