how to add events to calendar after installing CalendarBundle - jQuery fullcalendar bundle? - events

I installed CalendarBundle - jQuery fullcalendar by following the tutorial on this link: and I succeeded to display the calendar. But the problem is that I can't add events by clicking on the calendar despite I added an Event Listener class by following this part of the tutorial: In addition I don't know how to deal with database using the bundle I installed.
So, what shall I do exactly??
Thanks in advance.

I've never tried to install this bundle before, the following may work & may not, may even not working with doctrine but it worth testing:
Try to generate a new bundle
php app/console generate:bundle
Then generate entities you need (in the tutorial you posted they say there is Entity/EventEntity class, so
php app/console doctrine:generate:entity
Then create your data base
php app/console doctrine:database:create
(try to follow entity description in that documentation to know what are the fields that must be inserted)
Now update everything:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Tell me if it works or not.


Command "october:migrate" is not defined

I must add table to existing octobercms project and added migration but it is not migrating. what may be problem? when I type php artisan october:migrate I faced with this problem
Command "october:migrate" is not defined.
Did you mean one of these?
php artisan october:up will only migrate the database
php artisan october:update will update the application files, plugins and migrate the database.
Check out this thread on the official forum
I had a similar issue:
It looks like the october:migrate would be available once you updated to the version 2.
It is a paid one.

Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::hasGetMutator does not exist

Laravel z-song Admin
after the composer update, this error appeared and not one type of grid wants to render
Try to run artisan view:clear and if it doesn't work then remove $grid->showTools()
or change $grid->build('Build'); to $grid->column('build');
good luck

Namespacing in Laravel Spark install

I am trying to install Laravel Spark into an existing app. I have not changed the default namespace of "App".
I get the following error on install:
Class 'Laravel\Spark\Providers\SparkServiceProvider' not found
How can get around this error?
It means you didnt attach a class for laravel to detect it ..
Go to App/ app.php..
scroll down.. youll see a providers list.. add a new line to it like
Save and Try again :)

In Laravel, what is meant by the term "clear compiled class"

I'm trying to use a service class in Laravel called ide-helper. It provides auto completion into PHPStorm. it is not functioning as expected. I have been advised that I should run php artisan clear-compiled.
what does the term "clear compiled" mean ?
Many thanks
Laravel uses an optimized class loader for better performance.
The command php artisan clear-compiled deletes the following 2 files:
bootstrap/compiled.php Created when you optimize classes.
app/storage/meta/services.json This file is created as Laravel tries to optimize the loading of the service providers your application uses.
For more Information on performance optimizing also see

Getting strange errors installing a Laravel application

The first problem I'm running in to is that when installing I receive a mysql error stating that a table cannot be found. Of course it can't, I finished installing the dependencies much less run the migration. The error was being triggered by a Eloquent query in a view composer. After commenting out the entirety of my routes file Composer let me continue.
I proceed to uncomment out my route file - I get the error once again trying to run any artisan commands (can't migrate my database because I haven't migrated my database). Repeat the solution for step one and I've migrated my database.
Artisan serve is now serving me my layout file in the terminal and exiting. I'm at a bit of a loss to troubleshoot this. I assumed that it was possibly a plugin, trying to disable plugins one by one results in:
Script php artisan clear-compiled handling the pre-update-cmd event returned with an error
and being served up my layout file in the terminal.
It seems that the error is directly related to this function in my routes file:
View::composer('layouts.main', function($view) {
$things = Thing::where('stuff', 1)->orderBy('stuff')->get();
This isn't a new introduction to the application however so the underlying cause is coming from somewhere else.
As i said in the comment, if you are finding database errors in production server but not in local, then
check database credentials. if its ok then....
check the different configs in the environment.
using profilers(any) will let you know what environment you are in.
