Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::hasGetMutator does not exist - laravel

Laravel z-song Admin
after the composer update, this error appeared and not one type of grid wants to render

Try to run artisan view:clear and if it doesn't work then remove $grid->showTools()
or change $grid->build('Build'); to $grid->column('build');
good luck


Why do I need to run php artisan optimize after adding a route

If I do not run php artisan optimize and I go to a new route in the browser I get Page not found
Everytime you push a new version of your project to production it is recommended to run php artisan route:cache.
On dev environment it is recommended to have no cache and ensure that by running php artisan route:clear.
When you do
php artisan route:cache
A file like bootstrap\cache\routes-v7.php gets created holding all your routes from routes\*.php which are contained in Route methods that weight some calculation cost on your server each time you send a request to figure what to do for the current route.
Quoting from bootstrap\cache\routes-v7.php comments:
This allows us to instantaneously load the entire route map into the router.
This cache file doesn't get auto updates and doesn't exist in a fresh project.
This cache takes precedence over routes\*.php files.
The bootstrap\cache folder is ignored by default by git.
Here is an extensive great article for more details
Note that the optimize command was removed from the framework then added back.

Command "october:migrate" is not defined

I must add table to existing octobercms project and added migration but it is not migrating. what may be problem? when I type php artisan october:migrate I faced with this problem
Command "october:migrate" is not defined.
Did you mean one of these?
php artisan october:up will only migrate the database
php artisan october:update will update the application files, plugins and migrate the database.
Check out this thread on the official forum
I had a similar issue:
It looks like the october:migrate would be available once you updated to the version 2.
It is a paid one.

Why Laravel project website response is over 10 seconds long on artisan localhost only?

When I work with my local version of project then every action taken on website needs around 10 seconds long response. It's so frustraiting. And it hapens only on my PC. How can I prevent this action?? Downloading project from VCS to new folder helps for short time. I have Windows 10, Laravel 5.4, PHP 7.0.15. Commands
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan optimize
are not helping. Please, can anyone help?
Do you use xdebug? It can slow down application.
Also check your laravel debug option in .env file, it should be:
That was laravel.log. I deleted it and everything seems to be ok. The file had 56MB of logs. Now i have to find out how to stop logging or create new log file every 2MB.

Composer failing when I use Route::controller() in my routes.php

I'm working on migrating an existing Laravel 3 application over to Laravel 4.1, and routes are kicking my butt right now. Here is the problem I'm having- in the old application we made frequent use of Route::controller() in the routes file. When I bring those entries over to the new application they seem to work, but they cause composer to get nasty.
For example I have this route:
Route::controller('templates', 'AdminTemplatesController');
Which is working as a route. But when I run composer update I get this error:
{"error":{"type":"ReflectionException","message":"Class AdminTemplatesController does not exist","file":"\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Routing\/ControllerInspector.php","line":28}}
I've tried stripping down and using Artisan to create an entirely new controller- same test, same fail.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Looks like you have to do it in steps:
1) Disable all of your routes
2) Execute composer update and make the process pass, you don't need your routes to do that
3) Reenable the controller route and fix the issue Laravel is having by not finding it, which could be:
Controllers folder not being loaded in composer.json
Namespace not being loaded in composer.json
In all of those cases, you have to be sure that you have your controllers in any of the files of the folder:
For example, if you have the controllers folder in the autoload->classmap of composer.json, the file will be:
Remember that every time you change composer.json, you have to
composer dumpautoload
So it recreates those files.
About your comment, I had similar problem once when my file was printed in command line, was happening because I had:
instead of
This makes difference for Laravel.
In Laravel 4 you use "Route::resource()". So your example would be Route::resource('templates', 'AdminTemplatesController');

how to add events to calendar after installing CalendarBundle - jQuery fullcalendar bundle?

I installed CalendarBundle - jQuery fullcalendar by following the tutorial on this link: and I succeeded to display the calendar. But the problem is that I can't add events by clicking on the calendar despite I added an Event Listener class by following this part of the tutorial: In addition I don't know how to deal with database using the bundle I installed.
So, what shall I do exactly??
Thanks in advance.
I've never tried to install this bundle before, the following may work & may not, may even not working with doctrine but it worth testing:
Try to generate a new bundle
php app/console generate:bundle
Then generate entities you need (in the tutorial you posted they say there is Entity/EventEntity class, so
php app/console doctrine:generate:entity
Then create your data base
php app/console doctrine:database:create
(try to follow entity description in that documentation to know what are the fields that must be inserted)
Now update everything:
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Tell me if it works or not.
