How to config Tomcat pooling datasource out of Spring Boot embedded one? - spring

According to the Spring Boot Doc, we are suggested using Tomcat pooling datasource. If I want to deploy my Spring Boot application as a war file to a standard Tomcat server. How to config the pooling datasource? How to make Spring using the datasource which standard Tomcat provided?

Do a standard JNDI lookup and expose the resulting DataSource as a Bean (either via XML or Java Config).
The pooled data source can then be setup any way you like in a element in Tomcat's context.xml


How do I add SSL configuration to JBOSS standalone file for a Spring Boot application?

We have a Spring Boot application that we need to deploy to a JBOSS server. We have a requirement to keep all configuration in the JBOSS standalone.xml file. I need to get SSL set up on the Spring Boot application, but every guide I find shows how to add it to How can I tell the Spring Boot application to use the SSL configuration from the JBOSS standalone.xml file?

Do i need c3p0 for Springboot 2.x?

I am migrating a existing Spring application (non Spring boot) to Springboot 2.x. I see there is a file with following configuration: What does this does exactly? Do I need this if I am using Springboot 2.x? Or do I need to setup something else configuration in my file?
Thank you for help.
Spring Boot 2.x use HikariCp as a default JDBC connection pool. It is faster then c3p0.
You should use Hikari.
You can read about it compared with c2p0:
Hikari vs other CPs
Spring Boot will autoconfig it to you, but you can customize it (for example in
For the visit the documentation page's Jmx configuration section
JMX configuration

JNDI in Spring Boot Application

Does SpringBoot use JNDI for the data base connection (auto configuration) ?
Can you give sample use cases which requires JNDI implementation in Spring Boot Application ?
JNDI is very useful when the servlet container or the application server provides some resources to the application.
The usual example is the datasource. It is useful, because binding the datasource to the JNDI allows you to deploy the same application into different environments without changing any configuration file.

Can spring boot applications deployed on a tomcat server use a common connection pooling?

When multiple spring boot applications created and deployed to a tomcat server. Is it possible to use a common connection pooling, datasource instead of providing these details in file. Or does this already taken care within the spring boot implementation
When you deploy multiple application then each application manages it connection pool.
Spring boot boundary is limited to each application context and it does not know what other application deployed and which db they are using.

spring boot jndi lookup datasource for WAS liberty

Hi Can any one please direct me to the example where I need to do jndi lookup for datasource in WAS liberty server. I need to do this using spring boot.
Or I don't understand your question or it is really obvious:
You should place that to your
See the Spring Boot docs:
