Can spring boot applications deployed on a tomcat server use a common connection pooling? - spring

When multiple spring boot applications created and deployed to a tomcat server. Is it possible to use a common connection pooling, datasource instead of providing these details in file. Or does this already taken care within the spring boot implementation

When you deploy multiple application then each application manages it connection pool.
Spring boot boundary is limited to each application context and it does not know what other application deployed and which db they are using.


migration from weblogic to tomcat with spring boot

I am migrating an application in WebLogic to Tomcat with spring boot.
I wonder about weblogic specific characteristics that does not exist in tomcat.
session handling, lookup services, transaction management.
How do I know whether or not they are used. If it is the case, how to resolve the problem in target server?

JNDI in Spring Boot Application

Does SpringBoot use JNDI for the data base connection (auto configuration) ?
Can you give sample use cases which requires JNDI implementation in Spring Boot Application ?
JNDI is very useful when the servlet container or the application server provides some resources to the application.
The usual example is the datasource. It is useful, because binding the datasource to the JNDI allows you to deploy the same application into different environments without changing any configuration file.

How to use hornetq-configuration.xml in Spring Boot?

We have a Spring Boot application that needs to send messages to a queue available on a remote HornetQ message broker.
I saw that Spring Boot supports HornetQ in embedded mode. However, there's only a minimal set of spring.hornetq.* properties that I can set up on of my Boot application.
The application must use a core bridge (store and forward), which is configured in a hornetq-configuration.xml file.
Question: what do I need to do to make the HornetQ embedded instance provided by Spring Boot use a hornetq-configuration.xml file that I created?

spring boot without web server but with management server

we have many services developed with spring boot, some are web services with a servlet container and some are services without a servlet container.
we don't use #EnableAutoConfiguration but we add only the auto configurations we need because our classpath is a mess and full auto configuration may create many beans we don't really need.
on services that don't need a servlet container we still want to have actuator and management server, so we register EndpointWebMvcAutoConfiguration but it has a condition on web application and does not create the management server.
of course i could just add EmbeddedServletContainerAutoConfiguration and just have a servlet container that does nothing but i don't like to do that.
Any idea how to cause spring boot to create the management server even on non web environment?
Thank you

Running multiple spring boot web app on tomcat

I am trying to deploy multiple spring boot web app on tomcat. All have the same can I split the configuration files for different app running on tomcat.
Spring Boot doesn't require an external Tomcat, because it contains its own embedded Tomcat. So you can run all of your application in it's own Tomcat on the same machine. All you have to do is to define different ports for your applications via server.port property.
