koowa: How to stop Strict Standards errors - joomla

My JOOMLA 2.5.19 site (orcv.org.au) has developed error reporting overnight on a number of "strict standards" errors in a koowa library.
The hosting site has recently upgraded PHP to 5.4.26
I do not know how to upgrade the library, fix the coding error myself, find which part of joomla uses koowa or disable the error reporting.
Any suggestions?


Debugging Phalcon as a PHP developer

I have been a PHP developer working with Magento for years. I'm now wanting to work on a project that has no ecommerce component, and as such Magento is not a good choice. After browsing online at the other PHP frameworks, Phalcon is touted as the best choice in terms of performance and resource use.
The main drawback I've heard is that because it's programmed C, it's hard to debug any issues that may reside in the framework. Have any PHP developers found this to be a major issue? If so, what debugging tools would you suggest to address such issues?
Thanks for your time in advance.
In short: No.
If you want more info about Phalcon, read on.
I've done http://oisie.com/en with Phalcon+mysql. Now I'm building new software with Phalcon+MongoDB and one Phalcon+Mysql. I'm with Phalcon for more then a year now developing almost every day and I can tell you, there is no such debug issues. At least I haven't had any. Phalcon is very solid framework and works blazing fast. It has all it needs to have. Developing is also very active, they are building new version already and the best part is that there shouldn't be any pain-points with Phalcon while updating it on your machine.
If you like pre-generate folders and files, you should check out this repository on github:
I've updated IDE stubs to newest version to get auto-completion working. You can find those here:
My experience with Phalcon:
Easy updates of framework. Just update your apache's or nginx's module and that's it.
I haven't had any issues after update of framework. Try develop anything with Zend v1.x and update it to 2.x You will have to update a ton of your code.. With Phalcon there is no such problem. I think it's very important in long-term projects.
My IDE is not filled up with 5000+ files of framework, so it works faster while developing.
Phalcon is precompiled, so it's fast because of low I/O and compiling. I saw guys who made server response ±40ms with Symfony, but it was such a challenge for them.. With Phalcon it's just daily stuff. You have 20-60ms response from server without any extra caching layers.
It saves money. Less CPU + less RAM = less $ for servers.
I've tried Zend and Symfony. Also years ago was working with Joomla, Drupal and WordPress. Phalcon is my main framework now and after it and don't want to look back :)
If you are starting up with Phalcon, should find useful things on my github acc: https://github.com/stars/liesislukas
Have fun ;)
Phalcon 2 progress: https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon/wiki/Progress-2.0
Phalcon 2 is written with Zephir (language to build apache/nginx extensions): https://github.com/phalcon/zephir
I've tried writing my won extension with Zephir and it's really easy to do :) I never liked C family languages because of it's strict stuff compared to PHP. And Zephir is language, which is familiar to PHP, but you write apache/nginx extension with it. So if you even not using Phalcon framework, but you have some heavy tasks, you can easily write precompiled extension for it. Play with it ;)

How to install zend framework 2 on window 7 with xampp 1.8.1?

I have gone through google and also through solutions provided here but I am not able to install zend framework 2.2.4 with xampp 1.8.1.
Anyone please let me know how to install this as I am currently feeling that installation of zend framework is impossible.
There are lots or resources out there and even if the approach of installing differs a little, it's practically all the same. And it's impossible for there not to be an error message, as all the tools used in the installation process of ZF2 on Xampp are pretty good when it comes to their respective error messages, be it appache itself, git or composer. They all give out decent error messages.
As hinted by Fozzy there's one high traffic post on ZF2 here on SO:
Installing Zend Framework 2 on XAMPP in Windows
And there's also another good enough tutorial over there on the official documentation from ZF2 itself (non Xampp specific)
http://zf2.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ (See Installation and the first two User Guide Chapters)

Is Magento ver. still supported

I look after a small site which was built a few years ago in Magento ver.
Fairly frequently the site suffers inexplicable problems such as products suddenly not displaying by price (where no settings have been changed) and orders being sent in triplicate to the website owners email. It seems really hard to find reasons for why things like these happen and even harder to get support. I know that the version being used is old and that to upgrade is a serious and expensive development job. Would it be fair to say that because a legacy version is being used that we can expect the site to become less and less robust over time?
Many thanks
In the order of "will it work with newer versions of PHP?", the answer is "not unless you make modifications to the code yourself." Which means, to put a not-to-fine a point on it, expect your web hosting provider to "Get Religion" somewhere along the way, decide to upgrade out of a security hole by upgrading PHP which suddenly causes your website to crash.
Magento 1.3.x.x also shows its age when dealing with Prototype Framework and Scriptaculous versions past their "sell by date" causing weird and annoying issues with newer browsers.

Why did ABCPdf code start generating a Window Error 5

I have had some long standing code which has worked fine for quite some time. Recently it began generating the following error. 1st on a asp site and later on a .Net MVC site. Neither of which have changed. I really curious as to why the this error now is rising. I am hoping this post will be of use to someone in the future since the solution was difficult to find searching the error itself.
ABCpdf error '80070000'
Unable to render HTML. Unable to get printer device-mode size. Microsoft XPS Document Writer Windows error 5. Access is denied.
Some research suggest that it is because the xps writer is not installed but this was not the case or that permissions were set up incorrectly.
http://www.websupergoo.com/support.htm# Support issue 6.7 number 4. Add the line below to the object and it worked.
Doc.SetInfo(0, "HostWebBrowser", "0");
This did the trick in both cases.
Just FYI, I think the ABCPdf 8.1 release addressed this issue.
Have you got the new version of ABCpdf 8?
As with older versions they use the IE rendering engine, if you upgrade the server/machine which is running ABCpdf to IE8 or higher abc pdf no longer have access to the rendering engine and will produce some very very odd results.
With 8 and above I have found the most consistence rendering is gained by changing the rendering engine used
theDoc.HtmlOptions.Engine = EngineType.Gecko;
this means youi are also not using IE which can only be a good thing.
We had this issue at work after some server updates. I resolved the problem by going to printers on the server and deleting the Microsoft XPS printer.
As soon as it was removed our PDF rendering came back!
Hope this helps!

Validation issues deploying from local machine's IIS 5.1 to Web Server's IIS 6.0

I'm developing a VB.NET 1.1 web application. All validation and RegEx controls work perfectly when testing on my local machine using IIS 5.1, however when I deploy to our "leased" web server utilizing IIS 6.0 I'm either getting a "System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime" error on the date fields (worked on local machine), or the other non-date validation and RegEx controls do not get recognized until after submtting the form, in which the data had somehow already posted to the database by this time.
I was not aware that I would be using a different version of IIS once deploying into the testing/production environment, and higher-up help is nonexistent or less knowledgeable.
I've added the dumbed-down and longer-written conditional logic to bypass this validation issue for the meantime because I'm not having much luck googling the proper resolution, nor finding it here yet. Please advise on what I may be missing out on knowledge-wise with validation or perhaps what the functional differences between IIS 5.1 and 6.0 would be that I may look further into.
I apologize if this is too broad of an issue description, my mind is malf-helted by now.
I cannot remember the exact specifics on this, and I might have to go digging deep to try and find it. But the root cause is due to a slightly different build number on the .NET 1.1 framework between your local machine to the actual production web server.
I had this issue a few years ago, we synced the .NET patches, and we got it to work
