Is Magento ver. still supported - magento

I look after a small site which was built a few years ago in Magento ver.
Fairly frequently the site suffers inexplicable problems such as products suddenly not displaying by price (where no settings have been changed) and orders being sent in triplicate to the website owners email. It seems really hard to find reasons for why things like these happen and even harder to get support. I know that the version being used is old and that to upgrade is a serious and expensive development job. Would it be fair to say that because a legacy version is being used that we can expect the site to become less and less robust over time?
Many thanks

In the order of "will it work with newer versions of PHP?", the answer is "not unless you make modifications to the code yourself." Which means, to put a not-to-fine a point on it, expect your web hosting provider to "Get Religion" somewhere along the way, decide to upgrade out of a security hole by upgrading PHP which suddenly causes your website to crash.
Magento 1.3.x.x also shows its age when dealing with Prototype Framework and Scriptaculous versions past their "sell by date" causing weird and annoying issues with newer browsers.


How to charge for major version updates on App Store and Google Play?

The subscription based revenue model, which is becoming more and more common on app stores, is an often debated and hated subject among customers. Having read many articles and forum threads about why people hate subscriptions and what they would prefer instead, an often mentioned wish from customers seems to be to pay once for an app, but pay again for major updates (i.e. from version 1.x to 2.x) - but having the option to stick with version 1.x and not upgrade, i.e. "owning" the software.
This is kind of a traditional revenue model, which has worked well for both big and small software companies for a long time. The company gets paid for the work they put into each major release, and customers get the sense of "ownership" because they purchased the product rather than renting it (as is the case with a purely subscription based model).
But there doesn't seem to be a clear way of achieving this revenue model on Apple App Store and Google Play?
The option that most closely resembles the traditional model would be to create and release a brand new app with each major version upgrade. But this has several drawbacks, including resetting any reviews and ratings, having URL's all over the Internet pointing to old versions, making it difficult/confusing for existing users to upgrade smoothly, etc.
There's also the option of using in-app-purchases to "unlock" the new version. This could be successful if the changes consist of clearly defined new functionalities. But if there are differences in functions that exist in both the old and new version, I can see it quickly becoming a nightmare to maintain, even for two major versions. What it would look like when it becomes three or four or five versions deep, I don't even want to think about...
So are there any better options? Did anyone accomplish this successfully on Google Play or Apple App Store?
short answer is : That is impossible.
However, you could set up a non consumable purchase and force them to buy it to activate the newer version

Most effective way to convert PrestaShop Theme from 1.6 to 1.7

I have to upgrade my store, because my server won't support the PHP version required for PS 1.6 anymore.
From my research so far it looks as if PS 1.7 might as well be a completely different ecommerce platform when it comes to themes.
What's my best bet to convert my current, custom PS 1.6 theme and make it compatible with PS 1.7?
I don't wanna have to code the whole thing from scratch. I wanna be able to get at least 80 or 90% of the way there, and then fix the remaining glitches.
How can I make it so that the upgrade from PS 1.6 to 1.7 won't cost me several months of development work?
The workaround solution is to use ThirtyBees. Details in my own answer below.
As this question was posted on Prestahop Forum as well I'll add here my reply there for future similar questions.
There is no conversion from a 1.6+ to a 1.7 theme or from 1.6+ to 1.7+ modules.
You need new theme and modules and that's it.
All you can upgrade are the Prestashop files and the database.
my server won't support the PHP version required for PS 1.6
What's my best bet to convert my current, custom PS 1.6 theme
I don't wanna have to code the whole thing from scratch. I wanna be
able to get at least 80 or 90% of the way there, and then fix the
remaining glitches.
How can I make it so that the upgrade won't cost me
several months of development work?
The best solution for this, really, is to USE THIRTYBEES
ThirtyBees is a Prestashop fork, it was forked after 1.6, and is it's own platform.
The team over at Prestashop is making some massive changes to the Prestashop core, which removes lots of documented functionality. And as they slowly transition over, it's probably better to not rely on the architecture, if you're not able to constantly implement upgrades and changes.
After trying to adapt my store to PS 1.7, which took 2 weeks and I hit roadblock after roadblock, I switched to Thirtybees. It took me 1 day to make the same progress that it took me 2 weeks on PS. I can see myself being done with this upgrade progress soon, and I can soon focus on more crucial business activities again.

Magento 2 Point Of Sale - POS options?

I'm currently running a Magento Store in Version 2.2.3
I am need of a POS extension that can operate online and offline for when i take physical offline sales in a shop or at an external event.
After trying 3-4 POS extensions already, I have just installed Webkul POS for a few different reasons. It's a one time payment which is very important. It's got a very easy to understand interface and it syncs sales to keep my stock correct when it's connected to my Wifi, but it can also work offsite and store offline orders to be synced when it reconnects to wifi.
However, despite being cheap and easy to use, it's also horribly riddled with bugs and shortcomings. As below:
Offline sales don't sync when the system goes back online
Doesn't work on Safari
Can't show Configurable products
No way for it to process disabled products through the checkout
Crashes fairly regularly
No way to delete unsynced orders (which happens to be all
offline orders)
some other technical bugs which i have reported to their support system.
So without spending crazy money, is there actually any POS extensions which people have found to work well?
So one year on with Webkul POS and I thought I would post an update.
Webkul support worked on and fixed approximately 25 - 30 bugs in the software and despite being a little slow it worked for the most part. Their support team was very helpful in fixed multiple issues.
Whilst planning an upgrade on Magento 2 I asked the webkul support team if their latest version included the multitude of fixes which were completed on my build and if it was compatible with the latest verion of magento and php. Without hesitation, i was told, yes everything will work and they arranged a download of the latest version which we got and installed into our newly upgraded magento 2.3.3
Back to square 1.
All bugs returned and extension was unusable. It simply didn't work. After support refused to look at the issues I paid for extended support and they started to fix bugs. After some bug fixes and getting our heads around the magento Multi Source Inventory, we have got the pos to work or at least function enough to use it.
So here's my current issue. Webkul POS requires it's own source for stock (not sure why it can't use the default one) so now I have my default source which the website uses, and another source or stock qty table that the POS software uses and the 2 stock numbers are completely independent and do not sync.
This means if I sell an item in my shop using POS, my website stock does not update and it is still possible for people online to buy an item that I may be sold out of. This is until I manually adjust the stock.
Therefore in my eyes, the POS extension is totally pointless.
Does anyone else have the latest magento and had the same issue with any other POS systems? I think the MSI in the new magento seems to be causing some similar stock control problems. I can't really justify a monthly payment style POS extension because this experience has made me question if any of them work properly in the latest version of M2.
I may be a bit late to this post, but I know exactly what you mean about Webkul POS. Disappointing and just confusing to use tbh.
Sad truth is if you're not willing to pay for the good stuff, you'll get what you pay for. One-time payment for Webkul is all well and good, but it's got the usability and functions corresponding to that. If you want to experience the really good stuff, you've got to pay for it.
I know people who have had success with Connect POS - - and there's no extra hidden fees that surprise you down the line. A pretty powerful extension in my view cos it's got AI and PWA capabilities. The best option for Magento 2 imho.
Has anyone got any experience with Lightspeed POS? It's currently looking like a front runner to become a webkul replacement for us. I can't really fine too many reviews or any information from any users. We're moving to a new store soon and need something a little bit slicker at a reasonable cost.

how to evaluate joomla 1.5 to be safe agenist hacking

I would like to know if there are effective penetration testing tool that help evaluating our Joomla site: "" since we had experienced hacking last month.
Don't try to prevent you current 1.5 site from being hacked, cause you'll fail. Get yourself upgraded as soon as you can. I answered a question a while back as to why keeping you Joomla site up to date is very important:
Why should I keep my Joomla version up to date?
If your site is purely just an information site, then I would suggest upgrading to Joomla 3.1. Joomla 3.2 will be out literally very soon aswell. The reason being is that even though Joomla 2.5 was liked a lot by developers, it will be coming to the end of it's life in the second quarter of 2014. Seems a long time away but when the time comes, upgrading could be a bit of hassle.
Please do bare in mind that upgrading to Joomla 3.0 will not upgrade your 3rd party extensions that you have installed and thus you will have to install Joomla 3.x compatible versions of them.
Regarding the anti hacking side of things, I explained a little in the link provided but will mention it here anyway. The 3 main extensions I would get are:
Admin Tools
Saxum IP Logger
Hope this helps
Joomla 1.5.26 was the last version of the 1.5 line. It is end of life. As mentioned previously the best defence is to keep your Joomla! installation up-to-date and to keep an eye on the Joomla VEL, which tracks extensions with issues.
Without going to commercial tools I'm not sure for Joomla! specifically. Ages ago we used OWASP Joomla! Security Scanner, (wiki here), but the SourceForge repo indicates it's not being updated anymore.
You cannot actually prevent yourself from Hacking, all you can do is Secure your website from external attacks.
For joomla, I recommend you to upgrade your current core version is there is public exploits for core version 1.5.
Once you upgrade your Joomla version to the newest you will need to add some extra security to prevent further attacks like :
A rise of a 0day on the newest core joomla Versions.
a symlink attack on Server which may lead on accessing your website database.
added plugins to website which are vulnerable such as Contact us auto chat and such.
So what you need to do, is make your Administrator directory protected from unwanted visits. as nearly 95% of Forum / website template hacks are uploaded shells through Administrator panel. to do this all you need to do is make a txt file in the default www root folder and name it robots.txt and inside it you will need to write the dir that you dont want any user to access such as administrator, Example :
User-agent: /
Disallow: administrator/
You can also block any unwanted website crawlers to list your website contents and check for any vulnerabilities in it by adding this in your robots.txt
User-agent: ia_archiver
Disallow: /
which will basically block any access to your website from user-agent ia-archiver, which is most likely what web crawlers use like Acunetix.
I have encouraged all of my clients to upgrade from 1.5 to 2.5 or higher. Unfortunately, not all of them want to pay to do this and I dont have the time for free upgrades. The result is that the exploits that are available for 1.5 have left my entire server vulnerable and has been attacked several times over the last year. I have no other choice but to separate the 1.5 sites on to another box and tell the clients too bad so sad the next time they get hacked as I cannot afford to keep fixing them. as everyone above has stated, it is critical that you migrate from 1.5. There are plenty of extensions and tools available to assist you.
Upgrade it to Joomla 3.1, Joomla 1.5 is too easy to hack.

Magento: Are there stats on install base (by version) for module developers?

As the question states, I am preparing to deploy my first couple modules on the Magento Connect store and want to make sure I am targeting the best versions. Testing on 1.3 is proving to be a bit of a pain, and if only a few people use that version I would rather spend the time making the modules better!
Google hasn't helped as yet, though I think the keywords I use are getting picked up as other more specific technical questions (Google Base, for example).
Does this information exist? What about your personal experience? For me, I have only encountered installations below 1.5 Community (1.10 Enterprise) for upgrade projects. I haven't personally encountered a client that is on 1.4 and plans to stay on 1.4.
There are a signification amount of people who have older versions and wont upgrade because of the complexity and the amount of modification they have done to their stores.
Most people right now who are on community version seem to be on 1.5 or 1.6, but if you want to test older versions just download from the archive install locally and see if it works for the older versions.
Here is a link to the downloadable versions of magento, in case you decide to test on those older versions: - click released archived tab at the top
