Alfresco 4.2 CE with MS SQL server 2012 - windows

I've been asked to use install alfresco 4.2 community edition with database MS SQL server 2012 for evaluation and I'm a newbie in using it. I'm having a hard time in doing configurations to make it work. I know MS SQL server 2012 is only supported in alfresco enterprise edition but I've read some forums and some of them made it work with sql server 2012 by tweaking some scripts but I don't have any idea what scripts or how to do it.
I just want to know if it is really possible to do it and if yes, could you please give me some detailed steps how to do it.
thanks in advance.

As far as I know there is no ready-to-install extension to add MS SQLServer support to Alfresco Community 4.2.x.
If you don't want to buy the Enterprise version then you'll have to add all necessary code like myBatis ORM files in your own.
It's not impossible but it's gonna be a hard task...

If SQL Server is a requirement, I recommend evaluating this trial using Alfresco Enterprise so that you're not modifying or introducing other issues that may present Alfresco negatively. (sorry I would have posted this as a comment, but I dont have enough rep-points).


Importing Azure SQL database into Visual Studio 2013

I am setting up VS 2013 for development with Azure SQL Database (I am new to Azure). I have set up a database on Azure and a Solution on VS 2013. The local machine is Windows 8.1 Pro, with SQL server 2014 Express. I am trying to import the database on Azure into the VS solution. I have changed the Target platform on VS to “Microsoft Azure SQL Database”. I have checked that VS can see the Azure database by using “Test Connection” – all appears well.
When I start the Import Database, I get the following error:
You cannot import a 1025 database because you project’s target platform is set to 130. To learn more about changing your target platform and/or source database, or the supported database editions for specific target platforms, please refer to Import Schema help page.
I cannot find the help referred to in the error message. I have tried changing the target to SQL server 2014, no joy. Can anyone give me some pointers?
This issue could be SSDT version issue. Can you download and install the latest RTM or Preview version of SSDT from
If you need to try out all GA and Preview features of Azure SQL DB, SSDT Preview would cover it. Otherwise SSDT RTM version will provide the stability.
For this:
Created the SQL project
Set target to Azure SQL
Instead of "Import" did "Synchronize"
The numbers refer to they type of sql installation, with 130 being 2014, and 1025 being the azure cloud. Exporting data from azure is a little more complicated than you would expect with a VM, because of the way SQL Azure works behind the scenes. First to literally answer your question here is the link to how to use the import export services so you can get the DB on your local 2014 install. However I imagine what you want to do is actually develop for that server without some painful import export process, which is why I think this link that talks about what tools to use might be more helpful.
Anyway, good luck, SQL azure is very much a product in it's infancy.
I was able to work around the problem by working from VS 2013 and creating the Db in VS and publishing to Azure following the tutorial:
I hope I will not need to import a Db in the future!
Thank you to all those that edited & answered. I hope to be able to return the favour.
Importing from Azure into a Sql Server Project works in Visual Studio 2015 with no issues.

SQL Server 2012 enterprise installation for datawarehouse

I am taking a course related to datawarehousing on SQL Server (by Martin Guidry at He is using SQL Server 2012 Enterprise edition for the demo.
Since this edition is supported only on servers like Microsoft SQL Server 2008, he suggests that any edition of SQL Server with database engine and SSIS can serve the purpose. I have compared the features supported by all editions at the link below, but I am still not sure which one to install..
If anyone of you have worked on D/W, please suggest which edition to install and from where to download for learning purpose..
Before beginning, you should check that minimum hardware and software requirements to install and run SQL Server 2012 have been met. For operating system and hardware requirements, visit:
This will install the Database Engine Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and a number of shared features including SQL Server Books Online. Since your taking a course and gaining all the knowledge, i would recommend (if you have the space) to install it all because eventually you will hit on every feature if not in this course, but future courses.
Good Luck!!

Install Performance Tools for SQL Server 2008

We have SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition here.
I have been using SQL Server Management Studio 2008 for connecting to our Data Source - this has been working fine for the last year.
When I first got here, I found an article on this site that stated that to install Management Studio, you just down the SQL Server Express 2005/2008 installer. Once installed, it will give you access to features according to the SQL Server version of the Data Source (this worked a treat).
I now need to use SQL Profiler, but it isn't present in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio.
Through searching online, I apparently need to tick the "Management Tools - Complete" option - but this option is not present on the installer.
I am using SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe to attempt to install this but the feature is not present, it only has "Management Tools - Basic" available.
There does not seem to be a way to point the installer at my Data Source, so that it can see that it will be used with an Enterprise licensed server.
I have tried downloading various versions, but still the "Complete" option is missing.
Is there an installer that I can download with this option enabled, or do I have to ask my support services team to speak to Microsoft to provide a special installation program for me to get this facility?
Any help on this issue will be greatly appreciated.
MS does not provide the SqlProfiler with Express versions of Sql Server. I have been looking for a profiler alternative myself, found ExpressProfiler on Codeplex but its a bit crude and not very configurable. This one works quite nicely:

Can't add Local Database to project

This might be a really dumb question... but in VS2013 when trying to add a local database to my Windows Forms Application Project the option is now shown in the C# items menu. The only DB that is available is a Service-Based DB. From what I understand, this is related to SQL Compact Edition but I do have SQL Server 2012 installed. Any ideas? Or are there any significant differences between the Local DB and Service-Based DB?
A service-based database is a database that is only accessed through a server. It uses an MDF data file, which is SQL Server format. To be able to connect to a SQL Server database the SQL Server service must be running, because it's that that processes your requests and access the data file.
A local database is one that is local to your application only. It uses an SDF data file, which is SQL Server CE (Compact Edition) format. There is no need to install a server to access an SDF database. You simply distribute the DLLs that constitute SSCE along with your app and access the data file directly.
You'd normally only use SSCE if the data was to be accessed by your app only and there was a relatively small amount of data. For your project you would use SQL Server. For testing purposes you can use the free Express Edition. When deployed you might still use SSEE or you might use a full version of SQL Server. Note that Microsoft include SSEE with their own RMS POS software. SSEE is limited to databases of 4GB though, so even if you start out with SSEE and it can handle the load, you may still have to upgrade at some point in the future based on data capacity.
Source of info:jmcilhinney post.
for help on creating the database have a look at this tutorial it may be of some help.
Hope this info helps you :)
It turns out VS2013 dropped the .sdf format.
Is Microsoft dropping support for SDF database files in Visual Studio?
The answer is yes: Microsoft is silently dropping support (as usual IMHO) to Sql Compact Edition.
It started abandoning Sql CE 3.5 in Vs2012 It continued dropping Sql CE in Sql Management Studio 2012 and finally in VS2013
You can use CompactView or install SQL Server Compact Toolbox extension in VS2013 or (my prefered solution) use Sql management Studio 2008
UPDATE thanks to Nicolas' comment
As stated by Microsoft:
SQL Server compact edition is in deprecation mode with no new releases planned near future. Last release SQL CE 4.0SP1 (and earlier releases that are still in the support cycle) will continue to be supported through its lifecycle and Microsoft is committed to fix any major, production blocking issues found in these releases.
Have you tried adding your local database from inside the project? Have a look and see if you can add your database from datasources.

I want to update my machine with VS2010 and SQL Server Express 2008 R2

I'm currently using VS2008 with SQL Server Express 2005 with great success. I got all the bits to install VS2010 and SQL Server 2008 Express R2, and plan to tackle this over a weekend. My question is this:
What is the best approach to update my system to the latest bits. I'd like to uninstall VS2008 and SQL Server 2005 completely and just use the latest technologies. However, I don't want all the leftover fluff after install and would like to be able to know that things are going to go as planned (although they seldom do). Ultimately I want a clean configuration to get up to date with the latest and greatest stuff.
Could anybody see a problem with this process:
Uninstall SQL Server 2005
Uninstall VS2008
Install VS2010
Install SQL Server 2008 R2
I've searched all over the internet for tips on how to approach this. Most everything that I'm finding are the problems that people have when doing this. However, that's typically what the internet is for; when you have problems. So I'm reading everything with that in mind. :) I was going to "just do it", but figured it might be best to post the question out here to see if anybody has suggestions or tips for this process.
I'd appreciate any comments. Of course, I'll update this post once I've completed the steps so future geeks can benefit from my findings (good || bad).
You can just save yourself some time and install VS2010 and SQL2008 side by side with the current versions you have - they co-exist nicely.
I'm answering my own question because nobody else did... Perhaps this was a poorly formatted question.
Regardless, I followed the steps outlined in my initial question and had a few nuances along the way.
After upgrading my ASP.NET MVC application to .NET 4.0 Framework doesn't allow me to debug anymore.
I had to jump through hoops to reference `System.Core` in order to allow my Linq queries to work again.
Cannot manage SQL Server Express 2008 R2 databases from 2008 Management Studio; it only lets me manage old SDF files.
Had to Reinstall JetBrains Resharper (not a big deal, but a nuance none-the-less).
Other than that, I'm very pleased with how easy the process was. I still need to figure our the ASP.NET debugging issue, and plan to update this answer once I do...
