Install Performance Tools for SQL Server 2008 - installation

We have SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition here.
I have been using SQL Server Management Studio 2008 for connecting to our Data Source - this has been working fine for the last year.
When I first got here, I found an article on this site that stated that to install Management Studio, you just down the SQL Server Express 2005/2008 installer. Once installed, it will give you access to features according to the SQL Server version of the Data Source (this worked a treat).
I now need to use SQL Profiler, but it isn't present in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio.
Through searching online, I apparently need to tick the "Management Tools - Complete" option - but this option is not present on the installer.
I am using SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe to attempt to install this but the feature is not present, it only has "Management Tools - Basic" available.
There does not seem to be a way to point the installer at my Data Source, so that it can see that it will be used with an Enterprise licensed server.
I have tried downloading various versions, but still the "Complete" option is missing.
Is there an installer that I can download with this option enabled, or do I have to ask my support services team to speak to Microsoft to provide a special installation program for me to get this facility?
Any help on this issue will be greatly appreciated.

MS does not provide the SqlProfiler with Express versions of Sql Server. I have been looking for a profiler alternative myself, found ExpressProfiler on Codeplex but its a bit crude and not very configurable. This one works quite nicely:


Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017: Error Message in VS2017 PRO

I have installed Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017. I am now finally able to create my database classes within VS2017 without switching back to VS2015.
After the installation I am getting the following error message upon opening an old project and also when creating a new Oracle database connection (in a new project) in Visual Studio 2017:
oracle data provider for .net has been installed without a
machine-wide configuration
(...) Also found anoher version in the GAC that might be incompatible, please uninstall it and restart VS2017
(Poorly translated the german message to english, but you get the point)
Problem is: The version in my GAC is the newer version needed for VS2017. I definitly do not want to uninstall that, but the non machine wide data provider from earlier. I can't find anything about how to do that. Do you guys have any ideas?
Please forgive me if my attempt itself is not smart at all => I haven't installed Oracle Tools for VS before and ran into loads of problems doing so earlier.
Just for the record: I have been trying to google for a solution, but I did not manage to find one. If you got the key-Keywords let me know-
I installed this Version from 6th july 2017
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017 (
This download includes:
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio Oracle Data
Provider for .NET 4, Managed Driver Oracle Providers for
I did a lot of installing of the Oracle tools before getting it to work. Not an expert, but I found many installations of my "Oracle Home". In order to uninstall versions that I did not want, I used the Oracle Universal Installer. This is found (for Windows 7) in "Start Menu -> All Programs -> Oracle-Ora Client-your specific client -> Oracle Installation Products.
Run the installer and choose which oracle home you want to uninstall. You should be able to determine which one is the one that you want to uninstall by looking at Registry Keys, HKLM->Software->Oracle. Also HKLM->SOFTWARE->Wow6432Node->ORACLE. There may be others, search for Oracle keys.
SO figure out which oracle home you want to uninstall and use the Universal Installer to remove it. This should preserve the installation that you want and remove the one you don't. I'm not an expert, just offering what has worked for me.
In Visual Studio 2017, when I create new connection (using the wizard), there is a hard-coded path to a TNSNAMES.ORA file, that can't be changed through the wizard. It is set up through the above-mentioned registry keys. This is key to mapping your Data Source to an actual database. Hope this is helpful.

SQL Server 2012 enterprise installation for datawarehouse

I am taking a course related to datawarehousing on SQL Server (by Martin Guidry at He is using SQL Server 2012 Enterprise edition for the demo.
Since this edition is supported only on servers like Microsoft SQL Server 2008, he suggests that any edition of SQL Server with database engine and SSIS can serve the purpose. I have compared the features supported by all editions at the link below, but I am still not sure which one to install..
If anyone of you have worked on D/W, please suggest which edition to install and from where to download for learning purpose..
Before beginning, you should check that minimum hardware and software requirements to install and run SQL Server 2012 have been met. For operating system and hardware requirements, visit:
This will install the Database Engine Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and a number of shared features including SQL Server Books Online. Since your taking a course and gaining all the knowledge, i would recommend (if you have the space) to install it all because eventually you will hit on every feature if not in this course, but future courses.
Good Luck!!

How to integrate SQL Server 2008 R2 Reports on web site

I am creating a site that is mainly used to view reports. The database is SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with Reporting Services. I was thinking of using Business Intelligence Development Studion to create reports since it integrates well and is easy to use. The site does not exist yet as the reports are its main feature.
I started using Visual Web Developer 2010 for the site since I thought it would work well. A Microsoft rep recommended that I use Visual Studio 2012 since it's compatible with SQL Server 2008 R2 and is the latest version. HOWEVER, it seems that report integration was stopped since Visual Studio 2008.
What tools should I be using for my reports and site? The database must be Microsoft but I am flexible about everything else. I am looking for tools that work well with the database.
I also want to use source control software that is compatible/works well with whatever IDE/software I'm using. Any recommendations?
Right now, I am the sole developer. I want to be prepared to expand to a small team once the project is underway and I want to be set up right the first time!
If predefined reports is the main feature of your site, i recommend you to go a level higher and use some tool that let you create and design reports easily, like DBxtra.

SSIS packages failing to load in VS 2008

I have a problem when trying to load an SSIS package in VS 2008. In the about it says it has "SQL Server Integration Services" installed but on loading a package I get a message that says:
Microsoft Vistual Studio is unable to load this document:
To design
Integration Services packages in Business Intelligence Development
Studio, Integration Services has to be installed by one of these
editions of SQL Server 2008: Standard, Enterprise, Developer or
Evaluation. To install Integration Services, run SQL Server Setup and
select Integration Services.
I thought maybe it was a version problem so I thought I'd look at a new Intergation Services project to play spot the difference. However when I told visual studio to create a new IS project (which was in the list quite happily) it created it and then gave me the above error message again.
To give some idea about my environment I have several version of Visual Studio (2k5, 2k8, 2k10) and several version of SQL server (2k5, 2k8) so I don't know if there is some confusion between versions...
The other thing that I am wondering is if there is a problem with what order things got installed in (ie my VS2008 wasn't installed when SSIS stuff was installed).
I am hoping there is a simple approach to this that won't mean reinstalling things. I can go to our IT to ask them to try to get it working but that would take some time. If it does come to that though I'd like to have some idea of what I should ask them to install since it does seem to be all installed currently...
So if anybody can either a) help me work out precisely what components are installed and what is missing that would be great. Bonus points for helping fix it without needing the install media...
Edit: A thought occurs to me. Coudl it be that I only have 2005 Integration Services installed? If so how can I determine that? And I still am not sure why VS is behaving as it is and letting me create a project but no SSIS in it, even if they were older versions...
Edit: Also it seems that if I load up VS 2005 I can create IS projects but of course can't load up the newer SSIS packages, I assume because they are from a newer version maybe...
Edit: Version information for SSIS in VS 2008:
Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
Version 10.0.1600.22 ((SQL_PreRelease).080709-1414 )
The following line can tell you the version of the package:
<DTS:Property DTS:Name="PackageFormatVersion">3</DTS:Property>
3 is for 2008, 2 is 2005 and 6 is 2012.
By the way, how patched is your system? The 10.0.1600.22 does sound like the original installation of 2008. Try to install SP3 and the latest cumulative update - this will bring your installation to 10.00.5788 and the issue might go away.
If you previously had the components from a Express 2008 installation, and then you install an Standard, Enterprise, Developer or Evaluation, instead of actually installing a new instance/components (probably you see Integration Services grayed out) use the Upgrade option of the SQL Server 2008 setup, and then VS will load perfectly the DTSX file.

SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with advanced services installation does not have all options

I don't know how else to ask this, and I think the title could be changed. I've been downloading different SQL Server Express versions, and I can't seem to find the one that has the Management Studio Express, the fulltext search, and the Reporting Services, replication, bi dev studio, management tools basic, sql client connectivity sdk, ms sync framework. I have found some installations have some of these, but not all of these features. To be honest I would like the full text search, the management studio express, and the bi dev studio, but they are lacking. where can I get these? Any help. I found info here:
I've downloaded and tried:
I installed the bare bones SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and I notice if I go to add shared features it doesn't show some of the other features, but if I add a new instance it gives me some (but not the ones I need). Can someone guide me please? Do I need to uninstall everything and try again?
My solution was to uninstall the sql express that I originally installed and then reinstall with advanced services and that included everything. I have no idea why it was not letting add anything additionally. Maybe someone has some thoughts on that (or some facts). Anyways it installed completely now. Thank you Dan for your efforts. Greatly appreciated.
What you're looking for is probably SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with Advanced Services. It's not SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU which was mentioned in your post - that one looks not R2 version.
It's always difficult to find anything on Microsoft's site:
Thats the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM - Management Studio Express
The most actual link:
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 SP2 - Express Edition
Basic setup:
SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe - SQL Express 2008 R2 SP
Include SSMS:
Include Reporting Services:
SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe - SQL Express 2008 R2 SP with Advanced Services
Separate SSMS install:
