Laravel DELETE request as API - laravel-4

When you want to delete an item from the db, I know that you can use /resource/{id} and use the contrller#destroy action.
What is the advantage of passing a parameter in the URL as oppose to send a DELETE request and pass the parameter $id via an Input?

You can certainly do both, but the first method (using the dedicated /resource/{id} URL) is following the RESTFUL design pattern. Here is a very good video on that.
To highlight some important points:
We avoid verbs in URLs, unless they're used for very specific actions. We should try to use nouns instead if it's possible, so a url like /resource/deleteis not advisable.
When someone used to the REST way of communicating with an API uses 'DELETE' on the /resource url, he/she expects to delete ALL resources. If he/she uses it on /resource/{id}, then only that specific item should be removed.
Hope this made sense =)


Is it necessary to use the form to transfer data to the server?

I'm new to backend programming. I chose the laravel framework. Already learned the basics. During the study, the question arose: is it necessary to use the form to transfer data to the server ?. For example: the deletion route looks like this to me
If I leave it, will it be a mistake? Maybe advise an article or something. Thanks in advance
Short answer is no, it's not necessary, but you should (if you're bound to HTML only).
The HTTP standard has different methods for different purposes. Using an anchor tag will always make a HTTP GET request to the link/server, which is not ideal, GET request should never change the remote (server) state, that's a job other methods (POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH), you should try to use the method that better describe what you're trying to do: in your case I suppose you're trying to delete a complaint, so a DELETE or POST is what you're looking for.
The only way to use make a non GET request in plain HTML* is to use <form>. Also if you're planning to use a method different from POST you should take a look at Laravel's #method here
Mind that if you can and want to use JavaScript to perform your request you totally can, dropping the requirement to have use form (docs and docs).

I need to convert any string without GET parameters

I need to convert any string without GET parameters: ---> --->
I need to hide $_GET parameters.
I cant use POST parameters.
How can i do this ?
Then use POST.
POST-Data is not visible in the url and can be used like GET, but has to be pushed from a HTML-Form or something
Variables submitted by the method GET go in the URL, so it's impossible to hide them. However, you can make them prettier using the MVC architectural pattern. It's a more sofisticate solution that really pays off, in terms of organization.
For example, URLs like would become
You used $_GET[], so I assume you're using PHP. Take a look at Laravel or Phalcon.
In case you do not want to show any of the variables, you have to use POST. Data submitted by POST is inserted in the body of the HTTP request. Please, keep in mind that the body will not be encrypted, unless you use HTTPS.

Asp.Net Web Api - Change parameter name

In my team we have coding rule that requires that every function's parameter starts with prefix, e.g. *p_someParam*.
With Web Api if we want to request a GET function that takes two parameters, we should add those parameters like "...?p_firstParam=value1&p_secondParam=value2".
Is there some way to use in requests more user-friendly names, like someParam without prefix, that will automatically map to parameters in controller's action? Maybe there is some attribute to rename action parameters? I couldn't find any similar example.
Every clue is appreciated.
I think you looking for URL rewriting, in that you need to map the urls to config or programmatic nice article to follow, its in ASP.Net,

Combining GET and POST in Sinatra (Ruby)

I am trying to make a RESTful api and have some function which needs credentials. For example say I'm writing a function which finds all nearby places within a certain radius, but only authorised users can use it.
One way to do it is to send it all using GET like so:
but obviously that's the worst possible way to do it.
Is it possible to instead move the username and password fields and embed them as POST variables over SSL, so the URL will only look like so:
and the credentials will be sent encrypted.
How would I then in Sinatra and Ruby properly get at the GET and POST variables? Is this The Right Way To Do It? If not why not?
If you are really trying to create a restful API instead if some URL endpoints which happen to speak some HTTP dialect, you should stick to GET. It's even again in your path, so you seem to be pretty sure it's a get.
Instead of trying to hide the username and password in GET or POST parameters, you should instead use Basic authentication, which was invented especially for that purpose and is universally available in clients (and is available using convenience methods in Sinatra).
Also, if you are trying to use REST, you should embrace the concept of resources and resoiurce collections (which is implied by the R and E of REST). So you have a single URL like If you GET there, you gather information about that resource, if you POST, you create a new resource, if you PUT yopu update n existing resource and if you DELETE, well, you delete it. What you should do before is th structure your object space into these resources and design your API around it.
Possibly, you could have a resource collection at Each place as a resource has a unique URL like New polaces can be created by POSTing to And nearby places could be gathered by GETing hat call could return an Array or URLs to nearby places, e.g.
If you want to be truly discoverable, you might also embrace HATEOAS which constraints REST smentics in a way to allows API clients to "browse" through the API as a user with a browser would do. To allow this, you use Hyperlink inside your API which point to other resources, kind of like in the example above.
The params that are part of the url (namely lon, lat and radius) are known as query parameters, the user and password information that you want to send in your form are known as form parameters. In Sinatra both of these type of parameters are made available in the params hash of a controller.
So in Sinatra you would be able to access your lon parameter as params[:lon] and the user parameter as params[:user].
I suggest using basic or digest authentication and a plain GET request. In other words, your request should be "GET /places?lat=x&lon=x&radius=x" and you should let HTTP handle the authentication. If I understand your situation correctly, this is the ideal approach and will certainly be the most RESTful solution.
As an aside, your URI could be improved. Having verbs ("get") and query-like adjectives ("nearby") in your resource names is not really appropriate. In general, resources should be nouns (ie. "places", "person", "books"). See the example request I wrote above; "get" is redundant because you are using a GET request and "nearby" is redundant because you are already querying by location.


Why are there GET and POST requests in AJAX as it does not affect page URL anyway? What difference does it make by passing sensitive data over GET in AJAX as the data is not getting reflected to page URL?
You should use the proper HTTP verb according to what you require from your web service.
When dealing with a Collection URI like:
GET: List the members of the collection, complete with their member URIs for further navigation. For example, list all the cars for sale.
PUT: Meaning defined as "replace the entire collection with another collection".
POST: Create a new entry in the collection where the ID is assigned automatically by the collection. The ID created is usually included as part of the data returned by this operation.
DELETE: Meaning defined as "delete the entire collection".
When dealing with a Member URI like:
GET: Retrieve a representation of the addressed member of the collection expressed in an appropriate MIME type.
PUT: Update the addressed member of the collection or create it with the specified ID.
POST: Treats the addressed member as a collection in its own right and creates a new subordinate of it.
DELETE: Delete the addressed member of the collection.
Source: Wikipedia
Well, as for GET, you still have the url length limitation. Other than that, it is quite conceivable that the server treats POST and GET requests differently; thus the need to be able to specify what request you're doing.
Another difference between GET and POST is the way caching is handled in browsers. POST response is never cached. GET may or may not be cached based on the caching rules specified in your response headers.
Two primary reasons for having them:
GET requests have some pretty restrictive limitations on size; POST are typically capable of containing much more information.
The backend may be expecting GET or POST, depending on how it's designed. We need the flexibility of doing a GET if the backend expects one, or a POST if that's what it's expecting.
It's simply down to respecting the rules of the http protocol.
Get - calls must be idempotent. This means that if you call it multiple times you will get the same result. It is not intended to change the underlying data. You might use this for a search box etc.
Post - calls are NOT idempotent. It is allowed to make a change to the underlying data, so might be used in a create method. If you call it multiple times you will create multiple entries.
You normally send parameters to the AJAX script, it returns data based on these parameters. It works just like a form that has method="get" or method="post". When using the GET method, the parameters are passed in the query string. When using POST method, the parameters are sent in the post body.
Generally, if your parameters have very few characters and do not contain sensitive information then you send them via GET method. Sensitive data (e.g. password) or long text (e.g. an 8000 character long bio of a person) are better sent via POST method.
I mainly use the GET method with Ajax and I haven't got any problems until now except the following:
Internet Explorer (unlike Firefox and Google Chrome) cache GET calling if using the same GET values.
So, using some interval with Ajax GET can show the same results unless you change URL with irrelevant random number usage for each Ajax GET.
Others have covered the main points (context/idempotency, and size), but i'll add another: encryption. If you are using SSL and want to encrypt your input args, you need to use POST.
When we use the GET method in Ajax, only the content of the value of the field is sent, not the format in which the content is. For example, content in the text area is just added in the URL in case of the GET method (without a new line character). That is not the case in the POST method.
