GET vs POST in AJAX? - ajax

Why are there GET and POST requests in AJAX as it does not affect page URL anyway? What difference does it make by passing sensitive data over GET in AJAX as the data is not getting reflected to page URL?

You should use the proper HTTP verb according to what you require from your web service.
When dealing with a Collection URI like:
GET: List the members of the collection, complete with their member URIs for further navigation. For example, list all the cars for sale.
PUT: Meaning defined as "replace the entire collection with another collection".
POST: Create a new entry in the collection where the ID is assigned automatically by the collection. The ID created is usually included as part of the data returned by this operation.
DELETE: Meaning defined as "delete the entire collection".
When dealing with a Member URI like:
GET: Retrieve a representation of the addressed member of the collection expressed in an appropriate MIME type.
PUT: Update the addressed member of the collection or create it with the specified ID.
POST: Treats the addressed member as a collection in its own right and creates a new subordinate of it.
DELETE: Delete the addressed member of the collection.
Source: Wikipedia

Well, as for GET, you still have the url length limitation. Other than that, it is quite conceivable that the server treats POST and GET requests differently; thus the need to be able to specify what request you're doing.

Another difference between GET and POST is the way caching is handled in browsers. POST response is never cached. GET may or may not be cached based on the caching rules specified in your response headers.

Two primary reasons for having them:
GET requests have some pretty restrictive limitations on size; POST are typically capable of containing much more information.
The backend may be expecting GET or POST, depending on how it's designed. We need the flexibility of doing a GET if the backend expects one, or a POST if that's what it's expecting.

It's simply down to respecting the rules of the http protocol.
Get - calls must be idempotent. This means that if you call it multiple times you will get the same result. It is not intended to change the underlying data. You might use this for a search box etc.
Post - calls are NOT idempotent. It is allowed to make a change to the underlying data, so might be used in a create method. If you call it multiple times you will create multiple entries.

You normally send parameters to the AJAX script, it returns data based on these parameters. It works just like a form that has method="get" or method="post". When using the GET method, the parameters are passed in the query string. When using POST method, the parameters are sent in the post body.
Generally, if your parameters have very few characters and do not contain sensitive information then you send them via GET method. Sensitive data (e.g. password) or long text (e.g. an 8000 character long bio of a person) are better sent via POST method.

I mainly use the GET method with Ajax and I haven't got any problems until now except the following:
Internet Explorer (unlike Firefox and Google Chrome) cache GET calling if using the same GET values.
So, using some interval with Ajax GET can show the same results unless you change URL with irrelevant random number usage for each Ajax GET.

Others have covered the main points (context/idempotency, and size), but i'll add another: encryption. If you are using SSL and want to encrypt your input args, you need to use POST.

When we use the GET method in Ajax, only the content of the value of the field is sent, not the format in which the content is. For example, content in the text area is just added in the URL in case of the GET method (without a new line character). That is not the case in the POST method.


Standart/common/right way to send data in API request

I'm trying to learn how to create an API (I use Laravel in the backend and Postman to send requests), but I have a basic doubt when sending data to be processed in the backend.
I see that there are several ways to send data to the backend, but I'm not sure which is the right way to do it.
For example, with Postman I have seen that the sending can be done as parameters through the URI:
I can also do it in the body of the request through the tags
form data
other ...
I understand that I can make the request along with sending data in several ways. I would like to know what should be the correct, standard or optimal way to do it for usual requests such as getting a series of records with a filtering, an order or a pagination.
I would also like to know if the way of sending data should depend on the verb to be used in the request.
My main question/problem is that I would like the way users use the API to be as simple or suitable as possible for them. I'm clear that I want to always return the data (when necessary) in JSON format but I'm not clear on how it should be sent.
Please, could someone clarify these doubts (maybe a link to a page where this kind of doubts are dealt with).
Thank you very much in advance.
It depends:
GET, HEAD and DELETE don't have a request body so all parameters have to be send via URL
POST can be easily sent via form data in Laravel
For PUT/PATCH I prefer application/json because PHP sends it via php://input stream which can have some problems in Laravel sometimes
You can also combine URL parameters and the request body. Compound types (for example models) can only be send as one via request body while it might suffice to send an id via URL parameter.
I guess, nearly more important is the overall format and documentation. The format should be consistent, easy to understand and maybe standardized (for example:
Keep in mind that forms do two things by default:
Only having methods GET and POST
Only having ectypes application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data and text/plain
If you want to enforce something else, you have to use scripts/libraries to do this.
Nowadays, it appears that JSON content (for POST, PUT, and PATCH) is the most popular and readable. It is well recognizable and clean. Examples in the documentation are easy to read.
I would go for JSON for both, incoming parameters and the outgoing response. This regards parameters related to the business logic of your application.
At the same time, for GET, HEAD, and DELETE methods, you don't have a payload at all. For parameters related to controlling the API (i.e. not strictly related to the business logic of the application, but to the API itself) I'd go for query parameters. This applies to parameters like limit, offset, order_by, etc.
P.S. There is only one caveat related to the JSON format. If your API happens to have file parameters you may face the problem. You can still use JSON format, but in such a case, you should encode your files (e.g. using base64) and put it as string parameters of your JSON. This may be demanding for the consumers of your API ;) This will also enlarge your files and will probably force you to process these files in memory. The alternative is to use multipart/form-data as a request Content-Type - this way you can have both, the form and separate "space" for files. It's worth keeping this case in mind when you decide.

HTTP Requests in Laravel

In Laravel we use routes to deal with HTTP requests from the browser.
We can route a request to a controller, do some logic and then return a response.
Now, we can send in variables encapsulated with braces {} and the response can be anything, so it seems to me that routing through a controller means that the the properties of the different request methods (POST, GET, PUT etc.) are lost.
For example I could send a POST request with URI example/{id} then put in my routes.php file
Then I could do something in my controller with the variable $id and send a response.
On the other hand I could send a GET request with URI example/{id} and alter my route to
The controller would give the same response.
So, am I right in thinking it does not really matter what request method is used?
Two parts of your question I can identify on a second read-through:
Request methods are not lost. You have access to them with $request->getMethod(). So a GET request will return GET. You also have the method isMethod('GET') available to you, which you could use to get a truthy value which would enable you to return a different kind of response depending on the request type.
With regards to the way you set up your URL, what HTTP verb you use does matter if you're creating a REST-ful web service.
I won't explain away what a REST-ful web service is (you can look it up), here is a couple of points from your example:
If you're getting some data, you ought to be doing a GET request. It is the verb to represent a read from a resource. If you had to send a lot of data - and your intention is to add data, you ought to POST it instead.
The URI should be meaningful in a way that best describes the resource you are manipulating.
Together with the HTTP verb, you can infer the implied action. So if you are POSTing to example/1, I might infer that (and this is a digression, actually) that you are attempting to update record 1 from an example resource. In reality, you would perhaps use the PUT verb (which handles update).
Behind the scenes, Laravel uses a POST request due to browser limitations but treats it as a PUT request server-side.
Of course request type does matter. When you want to hide some request data against user and dont show it in url for example:
?username="Admin"&nick="admin1" then u will use POST otherwise you can use GET. When you want get some data u will use GET but when you want to send some data then you should use POST instead.

I need to convert any string without GET parameters

I need to convert any string without GET parameters: ---> --->
I need to hide $_GET parameters.
I cant use POST parameters.
How can i do this ?
Then use POST.
POST-Data is not visible in the url and can be used like GET, but has to be pushed from a HTML-Form or something
Variables submitted by the method GET go in the URL, so it's impossible to hide them. However, you can make them prettier using the MVC architectural pattern. It's a more sofisticate solution that really pays off, in terms of organization.
For example, URLs like would become
You used $_GET[], so I assume you're using PHP. Take a look at Laravel or Phalcon.
In case you do not want to show any of the variables, you have to use POST. Data submitted by POST is inserted in the body of the HTTP request. Please, keep in mind that the body will not be encrypted, unless you use HTTPS.

RESTful URLs: "Impractical" Requests, and Requiring One of Two Request Parameters

I have a RESTful URL that requires either the offset or the prefix request parameter (but not both).
GET /users?offset=0&count=20
GET /users?prefix=J&count=20
What's the best way to enforce this rule? Spring has the #RequestParam annotation with the 'required' property for optional parameters, but I want to enforce an "either-or" rule on these two parameters. I know I could do it in the code, but is there another way to do it?
Also, what's the proper way to handle "impractical" requests? Say I have 100 million users; the following request, although properly RESTful, is not something I want to support:
GET /users <-- Gets all 100 million users, crashes server and browser!
What should I send back?
You can create two methods and choose one of them with #RequestMapping's params attribute:
#RequestMapping(..., params = {"prefix", "!offset"})
public String usersWithPrefix(#RequestParam("prefix") ...) { ... }
#RequestMapping(..., params = {"offset", "!prefix"})
public String usersWithOffset(#RequestParam("offset") ...) { ... }
what's the proper way to handle "impractical" requests?
The lesser-practiced principles of REST include the requirement that resources be "discoverable". If you are asked for a complete list of 800 million users and you don't want to provide it, you might instead consider serving a page that describes in some way how to filter the collection: for example, an XForms document or HTML containing a FORM element with fields for offset/prefix/count, or a URI template with the appropriate parameters
Or you could just send a "413 Entity too large" error - edit: no you can't. Sorry, I misread the description of whath this code is for
If you decide to go down the route of just sending the first page, I think I would send it as an HTTP redirect to /users?offset=0&count=20 so that the client has a better idea they've not got the full collection (and if your response contains a link to access subsequent pages, even better)

GET vs POST in Ajax

What is the difference between GET and POST for Ajax requests?
I don't see any difference between those two, except that when I use GET, the parameters are send in URL, which for me don't really make any difference, since all requests are made on background and user doesn't find any difference.
What are PUT and DELETE methods used for?
GET is designed for getting data from the server. POST (and lesser-known friends PUT and DELETE) are designed for modifying data on the server.
A GET request should never cause data to be removed from an application. If you have a link you can click on with a GET to remove data, then Google spidering your site could click on all your "Delete" links.
The canonical answer can be found here, which quotes the HTML 2.0 spec:
If the processing of a form is idempotent (i.e. it has no lasting
observable effect on the state of the
world), then the form method should be
GET. Many database searches have no
visible side-effects and make ideal
applications of query forms.
If the service associated with the processing of a form has side effects
(for example, modification of a
database or subscription to a
service), the method should be POST.
In your AJAX call, you need to use whatever method your server supports. You should always design your server so that operations that modify data are called by POST/PUT/DELETE. Other comments have links to REST, which generally maps C/R/U/D to "POST or PUT"(Create)/GET(Read)/PUT(Update)/DELETE(Delete).
If you're sending large amounts of data, or sensitive data over HTTPS, you will want to use POST. If it's just a simple parameter, I would use GET.
GET requests have a limit to the amount of data that can be sent. I forget the exact number, but this can cause issues if you're sending anything substantial.
Basically the difference between GET and POST is that in a GET request, the parameters are passed in the URL where as in a POST, the parameters are included in the message body.
Whether its AJAX or not is irrelevant. Its about the action that you're taking. I'd recommend following the principles of REST. Which have further provisions for updating, deleting, etc...
GET requests are easier to exploit in CSRF (cross site request forgery) attacks. Namely fake POST requests require Javascript to be enabled on the user side, while fake GET requests are still possible just with img, script tags.
Many web servers limit the length of the data that can be passed as part of the URL, so the GET request may break in odd ways that are hard to debug.
Also, most server software logs URLs in the access logs, so if you pass sensitive information (such as passwords) in a GET request, this will in all likelihood be written to disk in plaintext.
From a REST perspective, GET requests should have no side-effects -- they shouldn't modify data. So, if you're just GETting a resource by ID, this makes sense, but if you're committing changes to a resource, you should be using PUT, POST, or UPDATE for the http verb.
Both are used to send some data and receive some response using that data.
GET: Get information store in server. Ie. Search, tweet, Person Information. If you want to send information then get request send request using process.php?name=subroto
So it basically send information through url. Url cannot handle more than 2083 char. So for blog post can you remember it is not possible?
POST: Post do same thing as get. User registration, User login, Big data send, Blog Post.
If you need to send secure information then use post or for big data as it not go through url.
AJAX: $.get() and $.post() contain features that are subsets of $.ajax(). It has much configuration.
$.get () method, which is a kind of shorthand for $.Ajax (). When using $.get (), instead of passing in an object, you pass in arguments. At minimum, you’ll need the first two arguments, which are the URL of the file you want to retrieve (i.e. ‘test.txt’) and a success callback.
$.get( url [, data ] [, success ] [, dataType ] )
$.post( url [, data ] [, success ] [, dataType ] ) // for sending secure or Large information
$.ajax( url [, settings ] ) // More Configaration
First, general information. Use GET if you only read data, use POST if you change something on database, txt files etc.
But the problem is, some browsers cache GET results. I had problems with AJAX requests in IE7, but at last I found out that browser caches GET results. I rethought the flow and changes my request to POST.
So, don't use GET if you don't want caching.
(Of course you can disable caching in GET operations. But I didn't prefer it)
About me, i prefer POST. I reserve get to the events i know the sent value is limited to data i have the "control", for example, to retreive an item with an id. Example, "getitem?id=123", "deleteImtem?id=123", ... For the other cases, when i have a form fillable by a user, i prefer POST.
Like Ryan Smith have said, it's better to use POST to send a large amount of data, and less wories in cases of the use in others language/special chars (generally all majors javascript framework should'nt have any problems to deal with that but i think is less wories to use POST).
For the REST perspective, in my opinion, you can use this with a new project (to keep a consistency with the entire project).
Finally, maybee some programs used in a network (URL loguers (ie.: to see if the employees lost their time on non-autorised sites, ...) proxys, ... ) or any other kind of tool can intercept the query. Somes will show in the reports the params you have sent with GET, considering it like a different web page. But in this situation, is could be not your problem it's changes from a project to an other! ;)
The difference is the same between GET and POST whether you're using Ajax, HTML forms, or curl. Here are the relevant definitions:
If you are passing on any arguments with characters that can get messed up in the URL (such as spaces), you use POST. Otherwise you can use GET.
Generally, if you're just passing on a few tiny arguments you would use GET. But for passing on user submitted information such as blog entries, text, etc, its a good practice to use POST.
There are also certain frameworks that rely completely on segment based urls (such as rather than and these frameworks unset the GET variables for security. In such cases you would use POST allt the time.
