No template for Windows Phone 8.1 in Visual Studio Express 2013 with Update 2 RC - visual-studio-2013

I have been developing WP (Windows Phone) 8.0 apps using Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone. To start developing for WP 8.1, I downloaded VS 2013 including update 2 RC from Windows Phone Developer site which is supposed to use to develop WP 8.1 apps.
I've tried twice, but there is no option to create WP 8.1 app even after a successful installation. What I get is only this:
i.e. no option to create Windows Phone 8.1 apps. If it matters, I'm interested in WP 8.1 Visual C# template specifically.
As I've mentioned, since I develop Windows Phone 8.0 apps, therefore Visual Studio Express (2012) for Windows Phone is already installed.
I've already gone through:
WP8 Development on Visual Studio Express 2013
Why is there no Windows Phone version of Visual Studio Express 2013?
Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Phone
How to get started with windows phone SDK 8.1?
WP8 Development on Visual Studio Express 2013
but none address the solution.

Being a windows app developer even I was baffled with the shift in Windows Phone location. You can find it in
Visual C# --> Store Apps --> Windows Phone apps.
Do sign in, in Visual Studio through Microsoft Account then go to ur notification and update ur VS and you will get this screen. Its usually caused due to some updates working only when VS can access developer's account and also I am using VS 2013 pro.
Have you installed Windows phone emulator SDK with the updated emulators?

I finally got the solution.
I downloaded both Visual Studio 2013, and update 2 RC using the /layout switch at command prompt. From MSDN:
After you download the update executable from the MSDN website to a
location on your file system, run the following command at a command
prompt: /layout.
This command downloads all the
packages for the installation. By using the /layout switch, you can
download all the installation packages, not just the ones that apply
to the download machine. This approach gives you all the files that
you need to run this update anywhere and may be useful if you want to
install components that weren't installed originally.
To do this, download the Visual Studio 2013, and Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC files (about 2-3 MBs each). Then, create a shortcut of these files on desktop, and then open properties of shortcut. In target field after ", add a space followed with /layout as shown below:
This will download all installation files to your disk and when you install the VS (the exe at specified download folder), it won't ask it to fetch from internet, rather will do it from offline files and phone SDK 8.1 will be installed too.
Please be warned that, this will take a lot of time. To save time, I suggest following what is in Update section.
While searching on internet, I found these two links on Microsoft website:
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows with Update
In download section, these two sites show that, the offline download option is now available (as evident from the ISOs shown). Though, I don't know if that would help as I haven't tested this option. Just that this option will be much more quicker than using /layout switch.


Windows universal app in VS2013

Is it possibility to create windows universal app for windows 10 in Visual Studio 2013? Should I install some kind of SDK, and after that everything will be ok or I have to use VS2015?
VS2013 won't work, you have to use VS2015.
You can run VS2015 on Windows 10, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 to create Windows 10 apps.
Make sure to install the components for Windows Universal App Development during the installation of VS 2015. VS 2015 can be installed side by side with VS 2013.
More info can be found on MSDN
No need to have 2015. Not everyone is having this.
If you are using a different development environment than Visual Studio 2015, you can download a standalone Windows SDK for Windows 10 installer. Note that you don’t need to install this SDK if you’re using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 – it's already included.
Below is the link for SDK

Windows SDK installation Visual Studio Community 2015

When I try to install the Windows Phone Template Pack on Visual Studio Community 2015, the following error is obtained.
What is the reason? Where can I check the error log from?
Couple of issues:
The Windows SDK link you provided ( is for Windows 7. It is not compatible with Visual Studio 2015 for Windows Phone development.
I think this error you're seeing with the Windows Phone Template Pack (HRESULT: 0x80070057) is because the Windows and Windows Phone 8.1 Tools are not installed on your computer along with Visual Studio Community 2015.
I am able to reproduce this only when the Windows and Windows Phone 8.1 Tools are not installed.
If I click skip, then I see the error dialog you included above.
To resolve this issue,
Go into the Control Panel
Open up Add/Remove Programs (or Programs & Features depending on your OS version)
Select Visual Studio Community 2015, then click Change
In VS setup, click Modify
Make sure that the "Tools and Windows SDKs" feature under "Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 Tools" is checked.
If you're running Windows 8.0/8.1/10 x64 Professional or higher with a Hyper-V capable computer and then you should also be able to install the Windows Phone 8.1 emulators.
-Paul Chapman [MSFT]
Found this answer today, but it no longer works, or doesn't work if the host OS is Windows 7 Pro. I just installed Windows 7 Pro (plus all updates) and then VS2015 (plus all of ITS updates) on an otherwise CLEAN computer. NO SDK was installed. My options for modify look like this:
The Windows 8.1...Tools option is TOTALLY MISSING. The Windows 10.0 SDK is offered under the Universal Windows...Tools option, but that doesn't help me with Windows 7 targeted development.
Also, FWIW, the Windows 8.1 install tool that Microsoft is offering for download just gets an APPCRASH every time I try to use it (and yes, I've downloaded it several times, even to different machines, but always with the same result.)
So for me, I can either stick with Visual Studio 2010 or suffer the user interface abomination that is/was Visual Studio 2012 (not gonna happen). Sigh.

Windows Phone 8.0 app packaging in Visual Studio 2015 Preview

I have got Visual Studio 2015 Ultimate Preview installation through my students Dreamspark account. I installed it on top of updated Windows 8.1. workstation.
I have Windows Phone 8.0 application that I need to publish to Windows Phone Store. I am following MS guide on their site, but I am stuck with step in which my options for packaging solution are disabled in VS 2015 Preview (can't start the wizard).
Here is the screenshot of Visual Studio:
On this site: I have found guide for installing Tools for Maintaining Store apps for Windows 8 but it is targeting VS 2012 and VS 2013. In my installer for VS 2015 I didn't even see this tool in optional features for install. Maybe the name is changed?
Does anyone have early experiences with VS 2015 Preview and packaging WP 8 apps for Windows Phone Store?
You have to select a Windows Store app project in the solution explorer before.
(You screenshot shows that you currently selected the solution and not a project.)
Make sure that the distribution option is selected.

Installing Express 2013 for Windows

Good day, I'am trying to install express 2013 with update 2 for Windows in order to run Xamarin.Forms ... The error I'm currently receiving are "This version of Visual Studio requires a computer with a newer version of Windows". My operating system are currently running Windows 7 professional.. Is it required to have Windows 8 to install Express 2013 with Update 2?
EDIT: I've was able to install microsoft visual express 2013 for desktop at
As illustrated in the download link,
Windows 8 is required if you want to install this update. This is expected, as this update primarily targets Windows Store and Windows Phone apps.
To play with Xamarin.Forms, you can solely use Xamarin Studio. Note that to use Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio, you usually need Visual Studio Professional editions. Express editions do not allow any third party add-ons to be installed, so you won't get Xamarin bits there.
no not required to upgrade to windows 8....check the recruitment for visual studio and installation details at

Windows Mobile & Windows Phone development on one box?

I've been developing for Windows Mobile/Pocket PC for a number of years without any issues. I recently started getting "Unable to start debugging" error messages after I installed Visual Studio 2010 and Windows Phone 7.1 SDK. The Visual Studio 2008 Remote tools would work, and Visual Studio could deploy the files, but "Start with Debugging" would not work while "Start without Debugging" would work.
I uninstalled the Windows Phone 7 SDK and am able to debug Windows Mobile applications again. Is there any way to allow the Windows Mobile 6.x and Windows Phone 7 SDKs to coexist on one computer?
With these Errors Double Check and make sure Service Pack one is installed for 2010.
Trevor, this issue has been reported as a bug with a known workaround by Jeffrey Walton on Microsoft Connect. The fix is summarized as follows:
Rename the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\SmartDevices\Debugger\target\wce400\armv4i to armv4i_temp
Copy the directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\SmartDevices\Debugger\target\wce400\armv4i inside the Visual Studio 2010 path.
Reference: VS 2010 Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools breaks existing VS 2008 Windows Mobile Developer Tools
Visual Studio 2010 can not build (much less debug) a Windows Mobile application. It can develop for Windows Phone 7 (apparently - I certainly do not develop for it).
To develop (build/debug) for Windows Mobile, drop back to Visual Studio 2008. That's the last version of Visual Studio that offered support for Windows Mobile.
Right edm2.exe and other remote debugger Arm4i files versions must be deployed to device. Rename temporarily all folders containing edm3.exe and try VS2008 debug. If works, search edm*.exe in registry and repair related keys to VS2008only state.
