Installing Express 2013 for Windows - windows

Good day, I'am trying to install express 2013 with update 2 for Windows in order to run Xamarin.Forms ... The error I'm currently receiving are "This version of Visual Studio requires a computer with a newer version of Windows". My operating system are currently running Windows 7 professional.. Is it required to have Windows 8 to install Express 2013 with Update 2?
EDIT: I've was able to install microsoft visual express 2013 for desktop at

As illustrated in the download link,
Windows 8 is required if you want to install this update. This is expected, as this update primarily targets Windows Store and Windows Phone apps.
To play with Xamarin.Forms, you can solely use Xamarin Studio. Note that to use Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio, you usually need Visual Studio Professional editions. Express editions do not allow any third party add-ons to be installed, so you won't get Xamarin bits there.

no not required to upgrade to windows 8....check the recruitment for visual studio and installation details at


Windows universal app in VS2013

Is it possibility to create windows universal app for windows 10 in Visual Studio 2013? Should I install some kind of SDK, and after that everything will be ok or I have to use VS2015?
VS2013 won't work, you have to use VS2015.
You can run VS2015 on Windows 10, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 to create Windows 10 apps.
Make sure to install the components for Windows Universal App Development during the installation of VS 2015. VS 2015 can be installed side by side with VS 2013.
More info can be found on MSDN
No need to have 2015. Not everyone is having this.
If you are using a different development environment than Visual Studio 2015, you can download a standalone Windows SDK for Windows 10 installer. Note that you don’t need to install this SDK if you’re using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 – it's already included.
Below is the link for SDK

No template for Windows Phone 8.1 in Visual Studio Express 2013 with Update 2 RC

I have been developing WP (Windows Phone) 8.0 apps using Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone. To start developing for WP 8.1, I downloaded VS 2013 including update 2 RC from Windows Phone Developer site which is supposed to use to develop WP 8.1 apps.
I've tried twice, but there is no option to create WP 8.1 app even after a successful installation. What I get is only this:
i.e. no option to create Windows Phone 8.1 apps. If it matters, I'm interested in WP 8.1 Visual C# template specifically.
As I've mentioned, since I develop Windows Phone 8.0 apps, therefore Visual Studio Express (2012) for Windows Phone is already installed.
I've already gone through:
WP8 Development on Visual Studio Express 2013
Why is there no Windows Phone version of Visual Studio Express 2013?
Visual Studio 2013 and Windows Phone
How to get started with windows phone SDK 8.1?
WP8 Development on Visual Studio Express 2013
but none address the solution.
Being a windows app developer even I was baffled with the shift in Windows Phone location. You can find it in
Visual C# --> Store Apps --> Windows Phone apps.
Do sign in, in Visual Studio through Microsoft Account then go to ur notification and update ur VS and you will get this screen. Its usually caused due to some updates working only when VS can access developer's account and also I am using VS 2013 pro.
Have you installed Windows phone emulator SDK with the updated emulators?
I finally got the solution.
I downloaded both Visual Studio 2013, and update 2 RC using the /layout switch at command prompt. From MSDN:
After you download the update executable from the MSDN website to a
location on your file system, run the following command at a command
prompt: /layout.
This command downloads all the
packages for the installation. By using the /layout switch, you can
download all the installation packages, not just the ones that apply
to the download machine. This approach gives you all the files that
you need to run this update anywhere and may be useful if you want to
install components that weren't installed originally.
To do this, download the Visual Studio 2013, and Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC files (about 2-3 MBs each). Then, create a shortcut of these files on desktop, and then open properties of shortcut. In target field after ", add a space followed with /layout as shown below:
This will download all installation files to your disk and when you install the VS (the exe at specified download folder), it won't ask it to fetch from internet, rather will do it from offline files and phone SDK 8.1 will be installed too.
Please be warned that, this will take a lot of time. To save time, I suggest following what is in Update section.
While searching on internet, I found these two links on Microsoft website:
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows with Update
In download section, these two sites show that, the offline download option is now available (as evident from the ISOs shown). Though, I don't know if that would help as I haven't tested this option. Just that this option will be much more quicker than using /layout switch.

Windows Phone Developer Tools January 2011 Update is not being installed

I am new to the windows phone development, and I am struggling to get everything installed related to the windows phone development tools. I had already MS Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU with SP1 installed on my machine (with Windows 7 Enterprise + Windows 7 SP1). I installed the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 (, and then Windows Phone Developer Tools RTW successfully. But when I tried to open Visual Studio, it said that only a few Visual Studio components had Visual Studio SP1, and in order to open the Visual Studio I had to install the complete Visual Studio SP1. So then I reinstalled the Visual Studio SP1 and the Visual Studio started working fine.
Now I have MS Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - ENU with SP1, Windows Phone SDK 7.1, and Windows Phone Developer Tools RTW installed on my machine, but when I try to install Windows Phone Developer Tools January 2011 Update, following error message is displayed:
"The update patch cannot be installed by the windows installer service because the program to be upgraded may be missing, or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch."
I have verified everything. Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?
Try uninstalling the developer tools completely then install dev tools rtw followed by patch and then sdk
I guess something goes wrong with your Visual Studio SP1 installation, so to uninstall all the developer tools and then doing the fresh installation would be the good Idea.
You can do the installation in this sequence..
Win 7 SP1
Visual Studio
Visual Studio SP1
WP7 developer tools
WP developer tools update
Hope it helps.
That update that is throwing an error is not required. The order of installation is detailed on this page:
You want to be installing the SDK 7.1 and then the SDK 7.1.1 update.
There's no need for you to uninstall Visual Studio here.

Windows Phone 7 Development and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate

Is Windows Phone 7 Development SDK available for other versions of Visual Studio 2010 than Express?
If I already have the Ultimate version do I still need to download VS2010 Express to use WP7 SDK?
When you install the Windows Phone 7 SDK it installs everything including "Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone" even if you have another non-express version of Visual Studio 2010 already installed.
If you have another version of VS2010 installed. the installer will NOT create any shortcuts for the express version. Nor will it set any file associations for it.
This has two effects:
The installer is simpler (It just gets everything and only needs logic around setting shortcuts) and so should be less buggy. - Most people have no issues with it. The few who do have problems have mostly fixed them with a repair of the install.
You can use both the Express and other version of VS2010 on the same machine. I find this particularly useful when looking at open source or demo projects which were created with the express version.
The WP7 environment will install into your existing instance of Visual Studio if you have one (and will install an Express edition if you don't)
Yes, you would need to download the full SDK. But nothing to worry since installing the SDK would automatically take care of installing the templates, and you should be able to work with your Ultimate edition with all the goodness :)
Microsoft could verify that the Visual Studio (not Express) is already installed on the machine BEFORE you download the Express version!
Still, the Express version does not interfere with your other version of Visual Studio.

Windows Phone 7 Developer Tools and Existing Visual Studio 2010 Install - How?

Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 developer site that contains the following:
* Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone CTP
* Windows Phone Emulator CTP
* Silverlight for Windows Phone CTP
* XNA Game Studio 4.0 CTP
I already have Visual Studio 2010 installed. Will the installer use my existing installation of VS2010 and add to it or will it install an Express edition alongside it? I really wouldn't want the latter.
You'll get express with it, but you can safely ignore it. There is no option to avoid this that I've come across.
Whilst Express will install, it won't install shortcuts or interfere with your paid VS install and has minimal impact.
