Cannot connect to ghost server on ec2 instance - amazon-ec2

I am following the basic Ghost server installation on an ec2 instance, so far I can run ghost server via npm start and I can see that ghost server is up and running:
Ghost is running...
Listening on
Url configured as:
Ctrl+C to shut down
Here is the ghost config config.js:
// ### Development **(default)**
development: {
// The url to use when providing links to the site, E.g. in RSS and email.
url: '',
database: {
client: 'sqlite3',
connection: {
filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost-dev.db')
debug: false
server: {
// Host to be passed to node's `net.Server#listen()`
host: '',
// Port to be passed to node's `net.Server#listen()`, for iisnode set this to `process.env.PORT`
port: '2368'
At the end, I cannot access to anything when I type on the browser. I really appreciate guidelines on how to setup ghost properly.
EDIT: The problem is solved already, it was a EC2 SG issue that ports remained closed after I have set them to open.

For Amazon EC2 we have found you need to change the port to


How do I enable remote access/request to Elastic APM-server?

I have setup of Elastic with APM server on single machine. I've configured APM java agent to push traces to APM server on localhost. Everything works fine with localhost configuration on Windows.
Now, I'm looking to run apm java agent for application running on different machine on the same network. That is apm java agent on linux & apm server running on windows machine.
Default APM-server listen to localhost. I tried to change setting on apm-server.yml file with -
# Defines the host and port the server is listening on. use "unix:/path/to.sock" to listen on a unix domain socket.
host: "hot-ip:8200"
default is:
After making apm-server.yml change, process explorer show apm-server.exe process listening to IP- host-ip port- 8200 protocol- TCP.
But, still http://host-ip:8200 is not accessible from other machine on network. While on the same machine (windows) http://localhost:8200 & http://host-ip:8200 works fine & give below response.
build_date: "2019-05-23T12:58:36Z",
build_sha: "410bf33fa1b67fa5bd02a388de17d0e30ec031da",
version: "7.1.1",
Thanks for help.
To listen on try:
host: ":8200"
Is a firewall blocking the traffic (like Window's built-in one)? is the IP that hosts are trying to reach? Just to be sure you could bind to host: "", which would cover all possible interfaces.
Replace "localhost:8200" with "" in apm-server.yml

Can't connect to MongoDB instance running on remote azure windows machine

I'm having trouble connecting to a mongo instance running on a windows azure vm running Windows Server 2012 R2. I've verified the following things
The network security group has rule allowing port 27017 inbound (* -> 27017)
The VM has TCP port 27017 inbound open on all profiles (currently, my firewall is completely disabled)
Mongo is running as a windows service. I've verified it is up and running. I was able to connect, insert, and find records in the shell on the remote vm that's running Mongo
When I run netstat -a, I can see with the status "LISTENING"
If I try to ping the VM, it times out (I believe this is expected)
Port 22 is open in the firewall and in the network security group rules
I am not running any 3rd party anti-virus software on my local machine
I tried restarting the VM both from the OS and from azure portal
I tried removing the rules from network security group and readding them
I've tried connection via SSH in bash on my local machine running windows 10 using the most basic command mongo <ip-address>. It times out with the message ssh: connect to host x.x.x.x port 22: Resource temporarily unavailable
I've tried connection via Putty/SSH. Same result
I've tried connection via MongoDB Compass which gives a similar error Could not connect to MongoDB on the provided host and port
any ideas?
Here's the config I'm using
logAppend: true
verbosity: 0
traceAllExceptions: true
path: c:\MongoLogs\mongolog.log
destination: file
port: 27017
bindIp: [, <external-ip>]
enabled: true
JSONPEnabled: false
RESTInterfaceEnabled: true
dbPath: c:\MongoData\
As it turns out, the VM had multiple network security group profiles attached to it. When I click "Effective security rules" it showed a second tab that had another profile that appears to have been inherited from the subnet -- sufficed to say, it did not have the permissions that are needed. By opening the correct ports on that profile as well, connections we then going through just fine. We're gonna clean that up, but in short, there was a conflict of permissions.

Problems accessing grunt live server (mac) from mobile device

The server works fine locally, but I can't access the server from outside when I'm entering the hostname in my mobile browser (webpage not available). I my Gruntfile.js i have
connect: {
options: {
port: 9000,
hostname: '',
livereload: 35729
where hostname is the ip (inet) adress I get when I'm running ifconfig in the terminal.
You should change your hostname to to allow external requests and restart your grunt server.
Next, access your external server with your machine specific hostname/IP

Access an AngularJS app running on a Grunt-Proxy server inside a VM from the host

In our development environment we have Ubuntu VMs running on a Windows 7 host. We found that if we change the Gruntfile's "connect.options.hostname" to '' we can hit our Angular app running in the VM from Internet Explorer in the host.
In order to avoid a cross-domain error when we hit some web services from Angular, we setup a Grunt-Proxy server. This works fine in the VM. From the host, any time the app tries to hit a web service it fails (since it's not on the proxy port) trying to access a server on port 9000 (the server is running on port 8888). From the host when I try to access the App on the proxy port (8050) I just get a 404 error - I'm not really sure how to proceed with this.
My proxy is setup as follows in the Gruntfile:
proxy: {
proxy1: {
options: {
port : 8050,
host : 'localhost',
router : {
'localhost/rest/*' : 'localhost:8888',
'localhost' : 'localhost:9000'
I tried playing with some of these settings but haven't had any luck. Any help would be appreciated.

Connect to Juggernaut with Ruby

require "juggernaut"
Juggernaut.publish("channel1", "Some data")
The code above works if Juggernaut is on the same server as the one running the code. What's the syntax to use a Juggernaut running on another server?
The syntax is the same. I have a juggernaut.yml config file in my config directory with settings for each environment. To run juggernaut on port 8080 of localhost in development, I have:
host: 'localhost'
port: 8080
To run it on a different host, you can just change that host setting (e.g. '')
