How to fetch data for multiple values of a parameter one by one - birt

I have multiple values for one parameter i want to fetch data for each query for every value of parameter in Birt report. i'm getting data only for one value of parameter not all. m using Scripted data source.Open and fetch methods.Thanks
Open in DataSet
var TlantNo = params["tlant"].value;
var reqNo = params["Number"].value;
poreEvents = new StdPoreReqEvents();
var poreRO = poreEvents.fetch();
if (poreRO == null) {
return false;
} else
row["REQ_NO"] = poreRO.getReqNo();
row["REQ_DATE"] = poreRO.getReqDate();
return true;

A report parameter with multiple values is an array, we have to iterate on it through the scripted dataset.
In open event of the dataset, we only have to initialize a global index:
In fetch event, process each iteration with something such the script below. Pay a special attention how we get the value of reqNo:
if (params["Number"].value!=null && i<params["Number"].value.length){
var TlantNo = params["tlant"].value;
var reqNo = params["Number"].value[i];
//ETC. do here your stuff with porevents, declare poreRO, check if result is null
row["REQ_NO"] = poreRO.getReqNo();
row["REQ_DATE"] = poreRO.getReqDate();
i++; //Important: increment this even if poreRO is null, otherwise infinite loop
return true; //should return true even if poreRO was null, to process next rows
return false;

The other approach is to do this problem is by defining a dataset having output column which is the multiple value parameter Fetch that column by IN query of the multiple value parameter then pass that value means(output column value) to the other datasets as a Input/output parameter and give binding to parameter.
It resolved my problem :)


How to store data for use in multiple data validation using GAS?

I have a script running on Google Sheets, which brings data from another spreadsheet/file as an array and sets one of its column's data as a data validation into a cell. Then, as the user picks one option of this data validation, the script goes back to that file and brings its related data and sets it in an adjacent column and this repeats about 3 times, making the process slow.
I was wondering if that would be possible to store the first data collection into the document property and set the data validations by grabbing related information from that data set, instead of going to the other file everytime.
Here's an update, with a working version:
function listaCategorias() {
let listaGeral = sheetBDCadProd.getRange(2, 1, sheetBDCadProd.getLastRow(), 45).getValues();//Gets all values
//Extracts a column of interest for this first data validation setting
let categorias = [];
for (let a = 0; a < listaGeral.length; a++) {
let uniqueCat = [ Set(categorias)]; //Gets a list of unique values. Not sure how I'd do that within new Set, so I did a for loop before
//Sets the data validation
const cell = sheetVendSobEnc.getRange('B5');
const validationCat = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInList(uniqueCat).setAllowInvalid(false).build();
//Saves the data into the document property for usage in the next script/data validation
listaGeral = JSON.stringify(listaGeral)
PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().setProperty('listaGeral', listaGeral);
//This is getting one of the columns, based on the option picked..the one generated by the data validation above.
function listaDescricao() {
const categoria = sheetVendSobEnc.getRange('B5').getValue();
const dadosCadProd = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties().getProperty('listaGeral')
let cadGeral = JSON.parse(dadosCadProd);
//Filters the elements matching the option picked
let filteredNomeSobEnc = cadGeral.filter(function (o) { return o[17] === categoria });
//Filters unique values
let listToApply = (o) { return o[7] }).sort().reverse();
let descUnica = listToApply.filter((v, i, a) => a.indexOf(v) === i);
Logger.log('Descrição Única: ' + descUnica)
It's working, but I'd like to know the rooms for improvement here.

Google AppMaker: Fetch a MAX value

I am not able to fetch a max value from a number field in AppMaker. The field is filled with unique integers from 1 and up. In SQL I would have asked like this:
SET #tKey = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM GiftCard);
In AppMaker I have done the following (with a bit help from other contributors in this forum) until now, and it returns tKey = "NaN":
var tKey =;
function MaxID() {
var ID_START_FROM = 11000;
var lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
var query = app.models.GiftCard.newQuery();
query.limit = 1;
var records =;
var next_id = records.length > 0 ? records[0].ID : ID_START_FROM;
return next_id;
There is also a maxValue() function in AppMaker. However, it seems not to work in that way I use it. If maxvalue() is better to use, please show :-)
It seems that you are looking in direction of auto incremented fields. The right way to achieve it would be using Cloud SQL database. MySQL will give you more flexibility with configuring your ids:
In case you strongly want to stick to Drive Tables you can try to fix your script as follow:
.withSuccessHandler(function(maxId) {
var tKey = maxId;
.withFailureHandler(function(error) {
// TODO: handle error
As a side note I would also recommend to set your ID in onBeforeCreate model event as an extra security layer instead of passing it to client and reading back since it can be modified by malicious user.
You can try using Math.max(). Take into consideration the example below:
function getMax() {
var query = app.models.GiftCard.newQuery();
var allRecords =;
allIds = [];
for( var i=0; i<allRecords.length;i++){
var maxId = Math.max.apply(null, allIds);
return maxId;
Hope it helps!
Thank you for examples! The Math.max returned an undefined value. Since this simple case is a "big" issue, I will solve this in another way. This value is meant as a starting value for a sequence only. An SQL base is better yes!

Talend: Save variable for later use

I´m trying to save a value in spreadsheet's header for later use as a new column value.
This is the reduced version with value (XYZ) in header:
The value in header must be used for new column CODE:
This is my design:
tFilterRow_1 is used to reject rows without values in A, B, C columns.
There is a conditional in tJavaRow_1 to set a global variable:
globalMap.putIfAbsent("code", row1.col_b);
The Var expression in tMap_1 to get the global variable is:
The Var "code" is mapped to column "code" but I'm getting this output:
What is missed or there is a better approach to accomplish this escenario ?
Thanks in advance.
Short answer:
I tJavaRow use the input_row or the actual rowN in this case row4.
Longer answer, how I'd do it.
I'd do is let the excel flow in AS-IS. By using some Java tricks we can simply skip the first few rows then let the rest of the flow go through.
So the filter + tjavarow combo can be replaced with a tJavaFlex.
tJavaFlex I'd do:
boolean contentFound = false;
if(input_row.col1 != null && input_row.col1.equalsIgnoreCase("Code:") ) {
if(input_row.col1 != null && input_row.col1.equalsIgnoreCase("Column A:") ) {
contentFound = true;
} else {
if(false == contentFound) continue;
This way you'll simply skip the first few records (i.e header) and only care about the actual data.

How to remove or hide the data value not required from table in birt tool

How do I remove or hide the data value not required from table in birt tool?
I tried with the values it works in some places but now in groups which has multiple values.
I need to filter some of the values which should not be displayed in the data tab of the table.
I have a column which does not have any value that I need to filter out (But its not an empty value because when I check I got to know that it has some blank spaces). It should display only the columns with non-blank value.
How can I remove those columns from the data set.
You can of course try scripting the data source query but you can also run a script on the table when it is created to hide the empty column.
Try this script in the table's onCreate event:
var mycolumnCount = this.getRowData().getColumnCount();
var DisNull = false;
for(i=1;i<mycolumnCount;i++) {
var temp = this.getRowData().getColumnValue(i)
if(this.getRowData().getColumnValue(i) == "") {
DisNull = true;
DisNull = false;
i = mycolumnCount+1;
if(DisNull == true) {
this.getStyle().display = "none"

Can I refer to items within a LINQ result set by index?

I'm trying to work with a LINQ result set of 4 tables retrieved with html agility pack. I'd like to process each one slightly differently by setting a variable for each (switch statement below), and then processing the rows within the table. The variable would ideally be the index for each of the tables in the set, 0 to 3, and would be used in the switch statement and to select the rows. I haven't been able to locate the index property, but I see it used in situations such as SelectChildNode.
My question is can I refer to items within a LINQ result set by index? My "ideal scenario" is the last commented out line. Thanks in advance.
var ratingsChgs = from table in htmlDoc.DocumentNode
select table;
String rtgChgType;
for (int ratingsChgTbl = 0; ratingsChgTbl < 4; ratingsChgTbl++)
switch (ratingsChgTbl)
case 0:
rtgChgType = "Upgrades";
case 1:
rtgChgType = "Downgrades";
case 2:
rtgChgType = "Coverage Initiated";
case 3:
rtgChgType = "Coverage Reit/ Price Tgt Changed";
//This is what I'd like to do.
var tblRowsByChgType = from row in ratingsChgs[ratingsChgTbl]
select row;
//Processing of returned rows.
ElementAt does what you're asking for. I don't recommend using it in your example, though, because each time you call it, your initial LINQ query will be executed. The easy fix is to have ratingsChgs be a List or Array.
You can also refactor out the switch statement. It is overkill when you only need to iterate through a list of items. Here is a possible solution:
var ratingsChgs = from table in htmlDoc.DocumentNode
select table;
var rtgChgTypeNames = new List
"Coverage Initiated",
"Coverage Reit/ Price Tgt Changed"
var changeTypes = ratingsChgs.Zip(rtgChgTypeNames, (changeType, name) => new
Name = name,
Rows = changeType.SelectNodes("tr")
foreach( var changeType in changeTypes)
var name = changeType.Name;
var rows = changeType.Rows;
//Processing of returned rows.
Also, why not store your rating change types in the HTML doc? It seems odd to have table information defined in the business logic.
