Google AppMaker: Fetch a MAX value - max

I am not able to fetch a max value from a number field in AppMaker. The field is filled with unique integers from 1 and up. In SQL I would have asked like this:
SET #tKey = (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM GiftCard);
In AppMaker I have done the following (with a bit help from other contributors in this forum) until now, and it returns tKey = "NaN":
var tKey =;
function MaxID() {
var ID_START_FROM = 11000;
var lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
var query = app.models.GiftCard.newQuery();
query.limit = 1;
var records =;
var next_id = records.length > 0 ? records[0].ID : ID_START_FROM;
return next_id;
There is also a maxValue() function in AppMaker. However, it seems not to work in that way I use it. If maxvalue() is better to use, please show :-)

It seems that you are looking in direction of auto incremented fields. The right way to achieve it would be using Cloud SQL database. MySQL will give you more flexibility with configuring your ids:
In case you strongly want to stick to Drive Tables you can try to fix your script as follow:
.withSuccessHandler(function(maxId) {
var tKey = maxId;
.withFailureHandler(function(error) {
// TODO: handle error
As a side note I would also recommend to set your ID in onBeforeCreate model event as an extra security layer instead of passing it to client and reading back since it can be modified by malicious user.

You can try using Math.max(). Take into consideration the example below:
function getMax() {
var query = app.models.GiftCard.newQuery();
var allRecords =;
allIds = [];
for( var i=0; i<allRecords.length;i++){
var maxId = Math.max.apply(null, allIds);
return maxId;
Hope it helps!

Thank you for examples! The Math.max returned an undefined value. Since this simple case is a "big" issue, I will solve this in another way. This value is meant as a starting value for a sequence only. An SQL base is better yes!


LinqToExcel - Need to start at a specific row

I'm using the LinqToExcel library. Working great so far, except that I need to start the query at a specific row. This is because the excel spreadsheet from the client uses some images and "header" information at the top of the excel file before the data actually starts.
The data itself will be simple to read and is fairly generic, I just need to know how to tell the ExcelQueryFactory to start at a specific row.
I am aware of the WorksheetRange<Company>("B3", "G10") option, but I don't want to specify an ending row, just where to start reading the file.
Using the latest v. of LinqToExcel with C#
I just tried this code and it seemed to work just fine:
var book = new LinqToExcel.ExcelQueryFactory(#"E:\Temporary\Book1.xlsx");
var query =
from row in book.WorksheetRange("A4", "B16384")
select new
Name = row["Name"].Cast<string>(),
Age = row["Age"].Cast<int>(),
I only got back the rows with data.
I suppose that you already solved this, but maybe for others - looks like you can use
var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(path);
var allRows = excel.WorksheetNoHeader();
//start from 3rd row (zero-based indexing), length = allRows.Count() or computed range of rows you want
for (int i = 2; i < length; i++)
RowNoHeader row = allRows.ElementAtOrDefault(i);
//process the row - access columns as you want - also zero-based indexing
Not as simple as specifying some Range("B3", ...), but also the way.
Hope this helps at least somebody ;)
I had tried this, works fine for my scenario.
//get the sheets info
var faceWrksheet = excel.Worksheet(facemechSheetName);
// get the total rows count.
int _faceMechRows = faceWrksheet.Count();
// append with End Range.
var faceMechResult = excel.WorksheetRange<ExcelFaceMech>("A5", "AS" + _faceMechRows.ToString(), SheetName).
Where(i => i.WorkOrder != null).Select(x => x).ToList();
Have you tried WorksheetRange<Company>("B3", "G")
Unforunatly, at this moment and iteration in the LinqToExcel framework, there does not appear to be any way to do this.
To get around this we are requiring the client to have the data to be uploaded in it's own "sheet" within the excel document. The header row at the first row and the data under it. If they want any "meta data" they will need to include this in another sheet. Below is an example from the LinqToExcel documentation on how to query off a specific sheet.
var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory("excelFileName");
var oldCompanies = from c in repo.Worksheet<Company>("US Companies") //worksheet name = 'US Companies'
where c.LaunchDate < new DateTime(1900, 0, 0)
select c;

Multiple rows update without select

An old question for Linq 2 Entities. I'm just asking it again, in case someone has came up with the solution.
I want to perform query that does this:
UPDATE dbo.Products WHERE Category = 1 SET Category = 5
And I want to do it with Entity Framework 4.3.1.
This is just an example, I have a tons of records I just want 1 column to change value, nothing else. Loading to DbContext with Where(...).Select(...), changing all elements, and then saving with SaveChanges() does not work well for me.
Should I stick with ExecuteCommand and send direct query as it is written above (of course make it reusable) or is there another nice way to do it from Linq 2 Entities / Fluent.
What you are describing isnt actually possible with Entity Framework. You have a few options,
You can write it as a string and execute it via EF with .ExecuteSqlCommand (on the context)
You can use something like Entity Framework Extended (however from what ive seen this doesnt have great performance)
You can update an entity without first fetching it from db like below
using (var context = new DBContext())
// Update fields
If you have set-based operations, then SQL is better suited than EF.
So, yes - in this case you should stick with ExecuteCommand.
I don't know if this suits you but you can try creating a stored procedure that will perform the update and then add that procedure to your model as a function import. Then you can perform the update in a single database call:
using(var dc = new YourDataContext())
dc.UpdateProductsCategory(1, 5);
where UpdateProductsCategory would be the name of the imported stored procedure.
Yes, ExecuteCommand() is definitely the way to do it without fetching all the rows' data and letting ChangeTracker sort it out. Just to provide an example:
Will result in all rows being fetched and an update performed for each row changed:
using (YourDBContext yourDB = new YourDBContext()) {
yourDB.Products.Where(p => p.Category = 1).ToList().ForEach(p => p.Category = 5);
Just a single update:
using (YourDBContext yourDB = new YourDBContext()) {
var sql = "UPDATE dbo.Products WHERE Category = #oldcategory SET Category = #newcategory";
var oldcp = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "oldcategory", DbType = DbType.Int32, Value = 1 };
var newcp = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "newcategory", DbType = DbType.Int32, Value = 5 };
yourDB.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, oldcp, newcp);

Can I refer to items within a LINQ result set by index?

I'm trying to work with a LINQ result set of 4 tables retrieved with html agility pack. I'd like to process each one slightly differently by setting a variable for each (switch statement below), and then processing the rows within the table. The variable would ideally be the index for each of the tables in the set, 0 to 3, and would be used in the switch statement and to select the rows. I haven't been able to locate the index property, but I see it used in situations such as SelectChildNode.
My question is can I refer to items within a LINQ result set by index? My "ideal scenario" is the last commented out line. Thanks in advance.
var ratingsChgs = from table in htmlDoc.DocumentNode
select table;
String rtgChgType;
for (int ratingsChgTbl = 0; ratingsChgTbl < 4; ratingsChgTbl++)
switch (ratingsChgTbl)
case 0:
rtgChgType = "Upgrades";
case 1:
rtgChgType = "Downgrades";
case 2:
rtgChgType = "Coverage Initiated";
case 3:
rtgChgType = "Coverage Reit/ Price Tgt Changed";
//This is what I'd like to do.
var tblRowsByChgType = from row in ratingsChgs[ratingsChgTbl]
select row;
//Processing of returned rows.
ElementAt does what you're asking for. I don't recommend using it in your example, though, because each time you call it, your initial LINQ query will be executed. The easy fix is to have ratingsChgs be a List or Array.
You can also refactor out the switch statement. It is overkill when you only need to iterate through a list of items. Here is a possible solution:
var ratingsChgs = from table in htmlDoc.DocumentNode
select table;
var rtgChgTypeNames = new List
"Coverage Initiated",
"Coverage Reit/ Price Tgt Changed"
var changeTypes = ratingsChgs.Zip(rtgChgTypeNames, (changeType, name) => new
Name = name,
Rows = changeType.SelectNodes("tr")
foreach( var changeType in changeTypes)
var name = changeType.Name;
var rows = changeType.Rows;
//Processing of returned rows.
Also, why not store your rating change types in the HTML doc? It seems odd to have table information defined in the business logic.

Row number in LINQ

I have a linq query like this:
var accounts =
from account in context.Accounts
from guranteer in account.Gurantors
where guranteer.GuarantorRegistryId == guranteerRegistryId
select new AccountsReport
recordIndex = ?
CreditRegistryId = account.CreditRegistryId,
AccountNumber = account.AccountNo,
I want to populate recordIndex with the value of current row number in collection returned by the LINQ. How can I get row number ?
Row number is not supported in linq-to-entities. You must first retrieve records from database without row number and then add row number by linq-to-objects. Something like:
var accounts =
(from account in context.Accounts
from guranteer in account.Gurantors
where guranteer.GuarantorRegistryId == guranteerRegistryId
select new
CreditRegistryId = account.CreditRegistryId,
AccountNumber = account.AccountNo,
.AsEnumerable() // Moving to linq-to-objects
.Select((r, i) => new AccountReport
RecordIndex = i,
CreditRegistryId = r.CreditRegistryId,
AccountNumber = r.AccountNo,
LINQ to objects has this builtin for any enumerator:
Edit: Although IQueryable supports it too (here and here) it has been mentioned that this does unfortunately not work for LINQ to SQL/Entities.
new []{"aap", "noot", "mies"}
.Select( (element, index) => new { element, index });
Will result in:
{ { element = aap, index = 0 },
{ element = noot, index = 1 },
{ element = mies, index = 2 } }
There are other LINQ Extension methods (like .Where) with the extra index parameter overload
Try using let like this:
int[] ints = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int counter = 0;
var result = from i in ints
where i % 2 == 0
let number = ++counter
select new { I = i, Number = number };
foreach (var r in result)
Console.WriteLine(r.Number + ": " + r.I);
I cannot test it with actual LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework right now. Note that the above code will retain the value of the counter between multiple executions of the query.
If this is not supported with your specific provider you can always foreach (thus forcing the execution of the query) and assign the number manually in code.
Because the query inside the question filters by a single id, I think the answers given wont help out. Ofcourse you can do it all in memory client side, but depending how large the dataset is, and whether network is involved, this could be an issue.
If you need a SQL ROW_NUMBER [..] OVER [..] equivalent, the only way I know is to create a view in your SQL server and query against that.
This Tested and Works:
Amend your code as follows:
int counter = 0;
var accounts =
from account in context.Accounts
from guranteer in account.Gurantors
where guranteer.GuarantorRegistryId == guranteerRegistryId
select new AccountsReport
recordIndex = counter++
CreditRegistryId = account.CreditRegistryId,
AccountNumber = account.AccountNo,
Hope this helps.. Though its late:)

LINQ QUery: Take () based upon textbox value

I am creating a gridview that will be populated based upon a linq statement, the sql is as follows:
SELECT TOP 10 IDDesc, UnitUserfield1, UnitUserfield2, ProductPercentage
FROM tblOnlineReportingCOMPLETEWeights
WHERE (MaterialLevel = 'Primary') AND (MaterialText = 'Paper')
ORDER BY ProductPercentage DESC
Now, what I would like to do is let the user specify the Top 10, so essentially it is a "Top x" this being defined in a textbox i.e. they type in 50 into the textbox, the linq query is executed and the gridview displays the top 50.
I understand that using Take is the area I want to look at, is this correct? Is this even possible?!
Any thoughts, muchly appreciated.
PS: apologies for asking thick questions, I am very new to all of this!
You are correct. Take user input and feed it to Take. That'll do.
int howMany = Convert.ToInt32 (HowManyTextBox.Value);
var queryResult = /*.....*/.Take (howMany);
int max = 0;
if (Int.TryParse(TextBox1.Text, out max)
var q = (from tbl where ... orderby ... desc).Take(max);
Along those lines
Thank you all so much, I went with the following:
ORWeightsDataClassesDataContext db = new ORWeightsDataClassesDataContext();
int max = 0;
if (int.TryParse(txtbxHowMany.Text, out max))
var queryV = db.tblOnlineReportingCOMPLETEWeights
.Where(x => x.MaterialLevel == "Primary" && x.MaterialText == "Paper")
.OrderByDescending(x => x.ProductPercentage).Take(max);
GridView1.DataSource = queryV;
It works a treat.
Thank so so much, very grateful and now my site is finally coming together...I feel liek anyone?!
