WebGL textureCube bias causing seams - three.js

I am experimenting with a dds texture and cubemap mip maps. When changing the bias in textureCube() i get really nasty normal artifacts. I have no idea what is causing this and cant find much reference on the bias parameter.
(need to switch to uv and turn off normal)
More Screens:
Bias 4
Also of note, when you orbit around at say bias 6, you can clearly see the cubemap looking more or less correct (there is an edge seam between the faces) these normals breaking seem to be a different issue.

So, i've omitted the bias part, and added a sampler. This is what it looks like with 8 samples samples:
The last parameter multiplies the spec map (it's almost black on the tire) and mipbias (has nothing to do with mips, need to change the name) will actually blur it.
I tried to randomize things a bit by using a noise texture and by putting the sampling pattern in the texture but im not really sure what the implications are.
With the textureCubeLod a lot of this noise could be removed?


OpenGL ES 3.x How to (performantly) render blended triangles front-to-back with alpha-blending and early-reject occluded fragments?

I recently found out that one can render alpha-blended primitives correctly not just back-to-front but also front-to-back (http://hacksoflife.blogspot.com/2010/02/alpha-blending-back-to-front-front-to.html) by using GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE, premultiplying the fragment's alpha in the fragment shader and clearing destination alpha to black before rendering.
It occurred to me that it would then be great if one could combine this with EITHER early-z rejection OR some kind of early "destination-alpha testing" in order to discard fragments that won't contribute to the final pixel color.
When rendering with front-to-back alpha-blending, a fragment can be skipped if the destination-alpha at this location already contains the value 1.0.
I did prototype-implement that by using GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch to test the destination alpha at the start of the pixel shader and then manually discard the fragment if the value is above a certain threshold. That works but it made things actually slower on my test hardware (Snapdragon XR2) - so I wonder:
whether it's somehow possible to not even have the fragment shader execute if destination alpha is already above a certain threshold?
alternatively, if it would be possible to only write to the depth buffer for fragments that are completely opaque and leave the current depth buffer value unchanged for all fragments that have an alpha value of less than 1 (but still depth-test every fragment), that should allow the hardware to use early-z rejection for occluded fragments. So,
Is this possible somehow (i.e. use depth testing, but update the depth buffer value only for opaque fragments and leave it unchanged for others)?
bottom line this would allow to reduce overdraw of alpha-blended sprites to only those fragments that contribute to the final pixel color and I wonder whether there is a performant way of doing this.
For number 2, I think you could modify gl_FragDepth in the fragment shader to achieve something close, but doing so would disable early-z rejection so wouldn't really help.
I think one viable way to reduce overdraw would be to create a tool to generate a mesh for each sprite which aims to cover a decent proportion of the opaque part of the sprite without using too many verts. I imagine for a typical sprite, even just a well placed quad could cover 80%+.
You'd render the generated opaque geometry of your sprites with depth write enabled, and do a second pass the ordinary way with depth testing enabled to cover the transparent parts.
You would massively reduce overdraw, but significantly increase the complexity of your code and number of verts rendered. You would double your draw calls, but if you're atlassing and using texture arrays, you might be doubling from 1 to 2 draw calls which is fine. I've never tried it so can't say if it's worth all the effort that would be involved.

InstancedBufferGeometry negative scale issue

I have InstancedBufferGeometry working in my scene. However, some of the instances are mirrors of the source, hence they have a negative scale to represent the geometry.
This flips the winding order of those instances and look wrong due to Back Face Culling (which I want to keep).
I'm fully aware of the limitations within this approach, but I was wondering if there was a way to tackle this that I may have not come across yet? Maybe some trick in the shader to specify which ones are front face and which are back face? I don't recall this being possible though...
Or should I be doing two separate loads? (Which will duplicate the draw calls)
I'm loading a lot of different geometries (which are all instanced) so trying to make sure I get the best performance possible.
[EDIT: Added a little more detail]
It would help if you provide an example. As far as I can understand your question, simple answer is - no, you can't do that.
As far as i'm aware, primitives are rejected before they get to the shader, meaning that it's not in your control. If you want to use negative scaling, and make sure that surfaces are still visible - enable rendering of both faces (Front and Back).
Alternatively, you might be okay with simply rotating objects and sticking to positive scale - if you have to have mirroring - you're out of luck here.
One more idea: have 2 instanced objects, one with normal geometry and one with mirrored, you can fix up normals in the mirrored geometry.

DirectX11 and Rasterizer depth bias

I have problems with Z-fighting for my moving directional light casting shadows.
I'm trying to tinker with the rasterizer config when rendering the shadowmaps. There are three fields related to depth bias (DepthBias, SlopedScaleDepthBias, DepthBiasClamp) and no matter how I tinker with them I can't find a good value - I have no idea what value range is even appropriate.
Is there a universally-acceptable / "standard" set of sloped-scale/bias values that works for most scenes? I realize there are extreme cases but I just want the general case to work fine.
There isn't something like standard set of bias values. Implementing shadow maps is more like art than science :).
First ACME source is shadow map precision. Make sure that near and far planes of shadow casting light are as tight as possible. All objects before the near plane can be pancaked, as their exact depth isn't important.
Second ACME source is shadow map resolution. For a sunlight you should be doing cascaded shadow maps with at least 3 1024x1012 cascades for ~100-200m of shadow distance. It's hard to cover similar shadow distance with one shadow map with uniform projection.
Third ACME source are wide shadow map filters like PCF, as using a single depth depth comparison value across a wide kernel is insufficient. There are many methods to fix it, but none of them is robust.
To sum up, a tight frustum with a few cascades and some bias tweaking is enough to get the general case working. Start tweaking by disabling shadow filtering and tweak for filtering only when basic shadow maps are robust enough.
There are some additional interesting methods and most of them are implemented in the excellent demo: Matt Pettineo - "A sampling of shadow techniques".
Flip culling during shadow map rendering (this trades acne for Peter panning).
Normal offset shadow mapping does wonders for bias, but requires to have vertex normals around during shading.
Variance based methods (ESM,VSM,EVSM) completely remove bias issues, but have other drawbacks (light leaking and/or performance issues).

I need help drawing sunrays, glimmers, bursts, sparkles, etc in C

I am in the process of learning how to create a lens flare application. I've got most of the basic components figured out and now I'm moving on to the more complicated ones such as the glimmers / glints / spikeball as seen here: http://wiki.nuaj.net/images/e/e1/OpticalFlaresLensObjects.png
Or these: http://ak3.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1996229/preview/stock-footage-blue-flare-rotate.jpg
Some have suggested creating particles that emanate outwards from the center while fading out and either increasing or decreasing in size but I've tried this and there are just too many nested loops which makes performance awful.
Someone else suggested drawing a circular gradient from center white to radius black and using some algorithms to lighten and darken areas thus producing rays.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm really stuck on this one.
I am using a limited compiler that is similar to C but I don't have any access to antialiasing, predefined shapes, etc. Everything has to be hand-coded.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I would create large circle selections, then use a radial gradient. Each side of the gradient is white, but one side has 100% alpha and the other 0%. Once you have used the gradient tool to draw that gradient inside the circle. Deselect it and use the transform tool to Skew or in a sense smash it. Then duplicate it several times and turn each one creating a spiral or circle holding Ctrl to constrain when needed. Then once those several layers are in the rotation or design that you want. Group them in a folder and then you can further effect them all at once with another transform or skew. WHen you use these real smal, they are like little stars. But you can do many different things when creating each one to make them different. Like making each one lower in opacity than the last etc...
I found a few examples of how to do lens-flare 'via code'. Ideally you'd want to do this as a post-process - meaning after you're done with your regular render, you process the image further.
Fragment shaders are apt for this step. The easiest version I found is this one. The basic idea is to
Identify really bright spots in your image and potentially down sample it.
Shoot rays from the fragment to the center of the image and sample some pixels along the way.
Accumalate the samples and apply further processing - chromatic distortion etc - on it.
And you get a whole range of options to play with.
Another more common alternative seems to be
Have a set of basic images (circles, hexes) and render them as a bunch of bright objects, along the path from the camera to the light(s).
Composite this image on top of the regular render of you scene.
The problem is in determining when to turn on lens flare, since it is dependant on whether a light is visible/occluded from a camera. GPU Gems comes to rescue, with better options.
A more serious, physically based implementation is listed in this paper. This is a real-time version of making lens-flares, but you need a hardware that can support both vertex and geometry shaders.

Is it possible to import a Collada model that aligns to pixels?

Assume I have a model that is simply a cube. (It is more complicated than a cube, but for the purposes of this discussion, we will simplify.)
So when I am in Sketchup, the cube is Xmm by Xmm by Xmm, where X is an integer. I then export the a Collada file and subsequently load that into threejs.
Now if I look at the geometry bounding box, the values are floats, not integers.
So now assume I am putting cubes next to each other with a small space in between say 1 pixel. Because screens can't draw half pixels, sometimes I see one pixel and sometimes I see two, which causes a lack of uniformity.
I think I can resolve this satisfactorily if I can somehow get the imported model to have integer dimensions. I have full access to all parts of the model starting with Sketchup, so any point in the process is fair game.
Is it possible?
Clarification: My app will have two views. The view that this is concerned with is using an OrthographicCamera that is looking straight down on the pieces, so this is really a 2D view. For purposes of this question, after importing the model, it should look like a grid of squares with uniform spacing in between.
UPDATE: I would ask that you please not respond unless you can provide an actual answer. If I need help finding a way to accomplish something, I will post a new question. For this question, I am only interested in knowing if it is possible to align an imported Collada model to full pixels and if so how. At this point, this is mostly to serve my curiosity and increase my knowledge of what is and isn't possible. Thank you community for your kind help.
Now you have to learn this thing about 3D programming: numbers don't mean anything :)
In the real world 1mm, 2.13cm and 100Kg specify something that can be measured and reproduced. But for a drawing library, those numbers don't mean anything.
In a drawing library, 3D points are always represented with 3 float values.You submit your points to the library, it transforms them in 2D points (they must be viewed on a 2D surface), and finally these 2D points are passed to a rasterizer which translates floating point values into integer values (the screen has a resolution of NxM pixels, both N and M being integers) and colors the actual pixels.
Your problem simply is not a problem. A cube of 1mm really means nothing, because if you are designing an astronomic application, that object will never be seen, but if it's a microscopic one, it will even be way larger than the screen. What matters are the coordinates of the point, and the scale of the overall application.
Now back to your cubes, don't try to insert 1px in between two adjacent ones. Your cubes are defined in terms of mm, so try to choose the distance in mm appropriate to your world, and let the rasterizer do its job and translate them to pixels.
I have been informed by two co-workers that I tracked down that this is indeed impossible using normal means.
