Get Day Of Week in bash script - bash

I want to have the day of week in the variable DOW.
So I use the following bash-script:
DOM=$(date +%d)
DOW=($($DOM % 7) ) | sed 's/^0*//'
Unfortunately there I get this error: bash: 09: command not found. The expected result is 2 ( 9 % 7 = 2) in the variable $DOW.
How can I get this working?
It works for the days 1-8 but because of the C-hex, there is no number over 8 available and the following message appears: bash: 09: value too great for base (error token is "09").

Use %u. Like this:
DOW=$(date +%u)
From the man page:
%u day of week (1..7); 1 is Monday

You can also use to return the day name
date +'%A'

Using a different %-specifier is the real answer to your question. The way to prevent bash from choking on invalid octal numbers is to tell it that you actually have a base-10 number:
$ DOM=09
$ echo $(( DOM % 7 ))
bash: 09: value too great for base (error token is "09")
$ echo $(( 10#$DOM % 7 ))

This works fine here
DOW=$(date +"%a")
echo $DOW

The format option %u returns weekday number [1..7]. Monday is 1.
With date in string:
$ date -d "2022-07-17" +%u
Also check return value in $?.
For invalid date, $? is nonzero.

You can use the - flag:
DOM=$(date +%-d)
which would prevent the day from being padded with 0.
From man date:
- (hyphen) do not pad the field
Observe the difference:
$ DOM=$(date +%d)
$ echo $((DOM % 7))
bash: 09: value too great for base (error token is "09")
$ DOM=$(date +%-d)
$ echo $((DOM % 7))


Custom date verification - BASH - using just grep or awk etc

I saw couple of posts (some depends upon date -d $xyz to verify) but I'm trying to create an until loop where the user should be re-prompted to enter the value of a date format until it matches the custom date format.
My date format (what I need for Splunk) is m/d/yyyy:h:m:s or mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm:ss
which means, if m (month number) is a single digit lets say 1 for January, then both 1 or 01 values are possible for date format but 0 or 00 is NOT a valid value. Value range is 01-to->12 or 1-to->12 but not greater than 12.
Similarly, the same rule applies to d (day number), it can be 01-to->10-to->31 or 1-to->31 but not 00 or more than 31 and all other yyyy (year), h (hour), m (minute), s (second) part.
What could be a minimal code (obfuscated is fine) to do this verification in BASH? It seems like date -d ??? doesn't provides this custom kind of verification for date/times!
OK, I can write one verifyDateFormatfunc() to do this, but I know there are people who have already written a one-liner / minimal snippet to verify this for sure. grep -f .. (where bunch of regex are listed line by line for all possible combinations, again the main code will look very minimal if I follow this? as the patterns sitting in -f file for grep will be transparent to a user) -or creating a map funcation (based on delimiters) for value ranges?
Possible values:
Here's an unholy extended regular expression (POSIX ERE):
that will test for the date/time patterns you specified (m/d/yyyy:h:m:s and mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm:ss), with:
month: 1-12, 01-12
day: 1-31, 01-31
year: 0000-9999
hour: 0-23, 00-23
minute: 0-59, 00-59
second: 0-59, 00-59
You can use in an awk program that will exit with success (exit code 0) if the (first) line is a valid date/time (wrapped in a shell function that tests the first argument, for convenience):
is_datetime_valid() {
awk '{exit $0!~"^([1-9]|1[0-2]|0[1-9])/([1-9]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/[0-9]{4}:([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-9]|[0-5][0-9]):([0-9]|[0-5][0-9])$"}' <<<"$1"
Or, if you prefer a pure bash solution (with ERE support in bash v3.0+):
is_datetime_valid() {
local pat='^([1-9]|1[0-2]|0[1-9])/([1-9]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/[0-9]{4}:([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-9]|[0-5][0-9]):([0-9]|[0-5][0-9])$'
[[ $1 =~ $pat ]]
You can use it like:
if is_datetime_valid "1/03/2017:23:0:15"; then
# yup, it's valid
# ney, it's invalid
Tested on a few examples:
"1/03/2017:23:0:15" "02/4/2017:0:1:2" "09/05/2017:10:10:0" "10/6/2017:12:14:16"
"00/03/2017:23:0:15" "1/33/2017:23:0:15"
for dt in "${samples[#]}"; do
if is_datetime_valid "$dt"; then
echo "$dt is valid"
echo "$dt is invalid"
1/03/2017:23:0:15 is valid
02/4/2017:0:1:2 is valid
09/05/2017:10:10:0 is valid
10/6/2017:12:14:16 is valid
00/03/2017:23:0:15 is invalid
1/33/2017:23:0:15 is invalid
I do not know whether using BSD date is an option for you, but it has what you are looking for.
There the date checker function can look like this
is_datetime_valid() {
date -j -f "%m/%d/%Y:%T" $1 1> /dev/null 2>&1
return $?

How to subtract two different date formats to get days in bash?

I am working on bash. I have to subtract current date from a given date to get number of days as a difference. The given date is in format m/d/yyyy so instead of 09/26/2015 it is 9/26/2015. So even if I try to convert both dates into same format and subtract it says invalid date format.
date1=$(date +"%F")
date2=$(date -d 11/2/2015 +"%F")
diff=$(date "--date=${date2} -${date1}" +%F)
echo $diff days remaining
This is what I had tried with some variations, but doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
Try this:
let diff=(`date +%s -d 11/2/2015` - `date +%s`)/86400
echo $diff days remaining
there are two problems: converting the user-provided date into a normalized form and calculcating the difference in days.
normalizing date
how date interprets a date-string depends on the current locale.
Try to find a locale that uses your special formatting (%m/%d/%Y):
$ LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 date -d 1/2/2015
Fri Jan 2 00:00:00 CET 2015
calculating the difference
bash only can only do integer arithmetic, so convert your date first to some integer representation, do the subtraction and convert the representation to days (if needed).
$ LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 \
echo $(( ( $(date -d 11/2/2015 +%s) - $(date +%s)) / (3600*24) ))
This uses $(...) instead of ... to function substitution.
It also uses $(( ... )) for evalution of math expression instead of the bashism let x=(), so you can use it in POSIX-conformant shell-scripts (e.g. interpreted by /bin/dash)

How can I find the first monday of current month using cygwin bash date utilty?

I need to know the first monday of the current month using Cygwin bash.
One Liner:
d=$(date -d "today 1300" '+%Y%m01'); w=$(date -d $d '+%w'); i=$(( (8 - $w) % 7)); answer=$(( $d + $i ));
The result is stored in $answer. It uses working variables $d, $w, and $i.
Proof (assuming you just ran the one liner above):
echo $answer; echo $(date -d $answer '+%w')
Expected Result: Monday of current month in YYYYMMDD. On the next line, a 1 for the day of the week.
Expanded Proof (checks the next 100 month's Mondays):
for x in {1..100}; do d=$(date -d "+$x months 1300" '+%Y%m01'); w=$(date -d $d '+%w'); i=$(( (8 - $w) % 7)); answer=$(( $d + $i )); echo $answer; echo $(date -d $answer '+%w'); done | egrep -B1 '^[^1]$'
Expected Result: NOTHING
(If there are results, something is broken)
Breaking it down
The first statement gets the first day of the current month, and stores that in $d, formatted as YYYYMMDD.
The second statement gets the day of the week number of the date $d, and stores that in $w.
The third statement computes the increment of days to add and stores it in $i. Zero is perfectly valid here, because...
The last statement computes the sum of the date $d (as an integer) and the increment $i (as an integer). This works because the domain of the $i is 0 to 6, and we will always start at the first day of the month. This can quickly be converted back to a date variable (see Proof for example of this).
This has been tested on BASH v4.1 (CentOS 6), v4.4 (Ubuntu), and v5 (Archlinux)
A one-liner--I hope it's correct
d=$(date -d date +%Y%m"01" +%u);date -d date +%Y%m"0"$(((9-$d)%7))
the variable d contains the day of week (1..7) where 1 is Monday
then I print the current year and month changing the day with $((9-$d))
This should do it, but I have no Cygwin here to test:
# get current year and month:
year=$( date +"%Y" )
month=$( date +"%m" )
# for the first 7 days in current month :
for i in {1..7}
# get day of week (dow) for that date:
dow=$( date -d "${year}-${month}-${i}" +"%u" )" "
# if dow is 1 (Monday):
if [ "$dow" -eq 1 ]
# print date of that Monday in default formatting:
date -d "${year}-${month}-${i}"
See manpage date(1) for more information.

multiplication date by minutes in bash

i have to multiply day by one day minutes
for example today date 2014/08/04
variable=$(date +"%Y.%m.$((%d*1440))");
this gives me this error
-bash: %d*1440: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "%d*1440")
variable=$(date '+%Y.%m.')$(( $(date '+%e') * 1440 ))
Using +%d would fail:
$ (( $(date -d 2014-08-08 '+%d') * 1440 ))
bash: ((: 08: value too great for base (error token is "08")
It is not possible to do the multiplication in date's format string.
You have to do a seperate calculation as fedorqui mentioned in his comment:
variable=$(date +"%Y.%m.$(( $(date +%e)*1440))");
If you want "variable" to be 5760, the following statement is sufficient.
variable=$(( $(date +%e)*1440));

Value too great for base (error token is "09")

When running this part of my bash script am getting an error
for (( t=0; t <= 4; t++ ))
Output line 28: ((: 10#2014-01-09: value too great for base (error token is "09") line 30: /(60*60*24): syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/(60*60*24)")
d1 and d2 are dates in that form 2014-01-09 and 2014-01-10
Any solution please?
Prepend the string "10#" to the front of your variables. That forces bash to treat them as decimal, even though the leading zero would normally make them octal.
What are d1 and d2? Are they dates or seconds?
Generally, this error occurs if you are trying to do arithmetic with numbers containing a zero-prefix e.g. 09.
$ echo $((09+1))
-bash: 09: value too great for base (error token is "09")
In order to perform arithmetic with 0-prefixed numbers you need to tell bash to use base-10 by specifying 10#:
$ echo $((10#09+1))
As others have said, the error results from Bash interpreting digit sequences with leading zeros as octal numbers. If you have control over the process creating the date values and you're using date, you can prefix the output format string with a hyphen to remove leading zero padding.
Without prefixing date format with hyphen:
$ (( $(date --date='9:00' +%H) > 10 )) && echo true || echo oops
-bash: ((: 09: value too great for base (error token is "09")
With prefixing date format with hyphen:
$ (( $(date --date='9:00' +%-H) > 10 )) && echo true || echo oops
From the date man page:
By default, date pads numeric fields with zeroes. The following
optional flags may follow '%':
- (hyphen) do not pad the field
d1 and d2 are dates in that form 2014-01-09 and 2014-01-10
and then
What do you expect to get? ((diffsec=2014-01-09-2014-01-10)) ??
You need to convert the dates to seconds first:
d1=$( date -d "${filedates[$t]}" +%s )
d2=$( date -d "${filedates[$t+1]}" +%s )
(( compare = (d2 - d1) / (60*60*24) ))
(( value += compare ))
Posting some tips here related to the title of this question, but not directly related to the details of the original question. I realize that's a bit controversial action on Stack Overflow, however these related questions:
convert octal to decimal in bash [duplicate]
Value too great for base (error token is "08") [duplicate]
point to this one, and yet they are closed and hence, I could not post this answer there. Therefore, this seemed like a logical place (at least to me) to post this information that may help others in a similar situation, especially new-to-BaSH programmers.
An alternative approach to ensuring a number is treated as a 10-base integer is to use printf. This command instructs printf to treat $num as an integer and round it to 0 decimal places.
num="$(printf "%.0f" "$num")"
Or, if you want to also ensure there are no non-numeric characters in the string, you can do this:
num="$(printf "%.0f" "${num//[!0-9]/}")"
Both commands will strip out leading zeroes and round decimal values to the nearest whole number. Note the first (simpler) solution works with negative numbers, but the second does not (it will always return absolute value).
Note that printf rounds down, meaning .01 to 0.5 is rounded down to 0, while .51 to .99 is rounded up to 1. Basically, the difference between rounding up versus down in this case is that printf rounds down 0.5 and any below. I mention this because 0.5 rounded up is a more common practice.
Now, addressing the OP's specific scenario.... Combining printf with awk allows arithmetic expressions not possible with printf alone.
could be alternatively be expressed as
compare=$(awk -v sec=$SEC 'BEGIN { print int(sec/(60*60*24))}')
compare="$(printf "%.0f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print ( $SEC / ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) ) }")")"
Could be calculated as
value="$(printf "%.0f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print ( $value + $compare ) }")")"
You don't need the $ and the {} in an arithmetic expansion expression. It should look like this:
For 'mm' and 'dd' values in dates, I use this trick:
mm="1${date:5,2}" # where 5 is the offset to mm in the date
let mm=$mm-100 # turn 108 into 8, and 109 into 9
