I saw couple of posts (some depends upon date -d $xyz to verify) but I'm trying to create an until loop where the user should be re-prompted to enter the value of a date format until it matches the custom date format.
My date format (what I need for Splunk) is m/d/yyyy:h:m:s or mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm:ss
which means, if m (month number) is a single digit lets say 1 for January, then both 1 or 01 values are possible for date format but 0 or 00 is NOT a valid value. Value range is 01-to->12 or 1-to->12 but not greater than 12.
Similarly, the same rule applies to d (day number), it can be 01-to->10-to->31 or 1-to->31 but not 00 or more than 31 and all other yyyy (year), h (hour), m (minute), s (second) part.
What could be a minimal code (obfuscated is fine) to do this verification in BASH? It seems like date -d ??? doesn't provides this custom kind of verification for date/times!
OK, I can write one verifyDateFormatfunc() to do this, but I know there are people who have already written a one-liner / minimal snippet to verify this for sure. grep -f .. (where bunch of regex are listed line by line for all possible combinations, again the main code will look very minimal if I follow this? as the patterns sitting in -f file for grep will be transparent to a user) -or creating a map funcation (based on delimiters) for value ranges?
Possible values:
Here's an unholy extended regular expression (POSIX ERE):
that will test for the date/time patterns you specified (m/d/yyyy:h:m:s and mm/dd/yyyy:hh:mm:ss), with:
month: 1-12, 01-12
day: 1-31, 01-31
year: 0000-9999
hour: 0-23, 00-23
minute: 0-59, 00-59
second: 0-59, 00-59
You can use in an awk program that will exit with success (exit code 0) if the (first) line is a valid date/time (wrapped in a shell function that tests the first argument, for convenience):
is_datetime_valid() {
awk '{exit $0!~"^([1-9]|1[0-2]|0[1-9])/([1-9]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/[0-9]{4}:([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-9]|[0-5][0-9]):([0-9]|[0-5][0-9])$"}' <<<"$1"
Or, if you prefer a pure bash solution (with ERE support in bash v3.0+):
is_datetime_valid() {
local pat='^([1-9]|1[0-2]|0[1-9])/([1-9]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])/[0-9]{4}:([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-9]|[0-5][0-9]):([0-9]|[0-5][0-9])$'
[[ $1 =~ $pat ]]
You can use it like:
if is_datetime_valid "1/03/2017:23:0:15"; then
# yup, it's valid
# ney, it's invalid
Tested on a few examples:
"1/03/2017:23:0:15" "02/4/2017:0:1:2" "09/05/2017:10:10:0" "10/6/2017:12:14:16"
"00/03/2017:23:0:15" "1/33/2017:23:0:15"
for dt in "${samples[#]}"; do
if is_datetime_valid "$dt"; then
echo "$dt is valid"
echo "$dt is invalid"
1/03/2017:23:0:15 is valid
02/4/2017:0:1:2 is valid
09/05/2017:10:10:0 is valid
10/6/2017:12:14:16 is valid
00/03/2017:23:0:15 is invalid
1/33/2017:23:0:15 is invalid
I do not know whether using BSD date is an option for you, but it has what you are looking for.
There the date checker function can look like this
is_datetime_valid() {
date -j -f "%m/%d/%Y:%T" $1 1> /dev/null 2>&1
return $?
I have a list of files with file names that contain a substring of 6 numbers that represents HHMMSS, HH: 2 digits hour, MM: 2 digits minutes, SS: 2 digits seconds.
If the list of files is ordered, the increments should be in steps of 30 minutes, that is, the first substring should be 000000, followed by 003000, 010000, 013000, ..., 233000.
I want to check that no file is missing iterating the list of files and checking that neither of these substrings is missing. My approach:
for file in ${file_list[#]}; do
if [[ ${file:22:6} == $string_check ]]; then
echo "Ok"
echo "Problem: an hour (file) is missing"
exit 99
string_check=$((string_check+3000)) #this is the key line
And the previous to the last line is the key. It should be formatted to 6 digits, I know how to do that, but I want to add time like a clock, or, in more specific words, modular arithmetic modulo 60. How can that be done?
all 6-digit strings are of the format xx[03]0000 (ie, has to be an even 00 or 30 minutes and no seconds)
if there are strings like xx1529 ... these will be ignored (see 2nd half of answer - use of comm - to address OP's comment about these types of strings being an error)
Instead of trying to do a bunch of mod 60 math for the MM (minutes) portion of the string, we can use a sequence generator to generate all the desired strings:
$ for string_check in {00..23}{00,30}00; do echo $string_check; done
... snip ...
While OP should be able to add this to the current code, I'm thinking we might go one step further and look at pre-parsing all of the filenames, pulling the 6-digit strings into an associative array (ie, the 6-digit strings act as the indexes), eg:
unset myarray
declare -A myarray
for file in ${file_list}
myarray[${file:22:6}]+=" ${file}" # in case multiple files have same 6-digit string
Using the sequence generator as the driver of our logic, we can pull this together like such:
for string_check in {00..23}{00,30}00
[[ -z "${myarray[${string_check}]}" ]] &&
echo "Problem: (file) '${string_check}' is missing"
NOTE: OP can decide if the process should finish checking all strings or if it should exit on the first missing string (per OP's current code).
One idea for using comm to compare the 2 lists of strings:
# display sequence generated strings that do not exist in the array:
comm -23 <(printf "%s\n" {00..23}{00,30}00) <(printf "%s\n" "${!myarray[#]}" | sort)
# OP has commented that strings not like 'xx[03]000]` should generate an error;
# display strings (extracted from file names) that do not exist in the sequence
comm -13 <(printf "%s\n" {00..23}{00,30}00) <(printf "%s\n" "${!myarray[#]}" | sort)
comm -23 - display only the lines from the first 'file' that do not exist in the second 'file' (ie, missing sequences of the format xx[03]000)
comm -13 - display only the lines from the second 'file' that do not exist in the first 'file' (ie, filenames with strings not of the format xx[03]000)
These lists could then be used as input to a loop, or passed to xargs, for additional processing as needed; keeping in mind the comm -13 output will display the indices of the array, while the associated contents of the array will contain the name of the original file(s) from which the 6-digit string was derived.
Doing this easy with POSIX shell and only using built-ins:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Print an x for each glob matched file, and store result in string_check
string_check=$(printf '%.0sx' ./*[0-2][0-9][03]000*)
# Now string_check length reflects the number of matches
if [ ${#string_check} -eq 48 ]; then
echo "Ok"
echo "Problem: an hour (file) is missing"
exit 99
#!/usr/bin/env sh
if [ "$(printf '%.0sx' ./*[0-2][0-9][03]000*)" \
= 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ]; then
echo "Ok"
echo "Problem: an hour (file) is missing"
exit 99
I have 4 different files with different fileName.date formats, having a date embedded as part of the name. I want to identify the files older than 3 months based on their name only because the files would be edited/changed later as well. I want to create a shell script and run it as a cron.
Here below are the file under the same directory:
I have checked the existing example but have not found what I am actually looking for!
Working on the premise that you mean 90 days - if you need specifically months, we can check that too, but it's different logic.
here's some code you could work from -
(you said you don't want to work from a list, so I edited to use the current directory.)
$: cat chkDates
# while read f # replaced with -
for f in *[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]*
do # first get the epoch timestamp of the file based on the sate string embedded in the name
date +%s -d $(
echo $f | sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/'
) # this returns the date substring
) # this converts it to an epoch integer of seconds since 1/1/70
# now see if it's > 90 days ( you said 3 months. if you need *months* we have to do some more...)
daysOld=$(( ( $(date +%s) - $filedate ) / 86400 )) # this should give you an integer result, btw
if (( 90 < $daysOld ))
then echo $f is old
else echo $f is not
done # < listOfFileNames # not reading list now
You can pass date a date to report, and a format to present it.
sed pattern explanation
Note the sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/' command. This assumes the date format will be consistently YYYY-MM-DD, and does no validations of reasonableness. It will happily accept any 4 digits, then 2, then 2, delimited by dashes.
-E uses expanded regexes, so parens () can denote values to be remembered, without needing \'s. . means any character, and * means any number (including zero) of the previous pattern, so .* means zero or more characters, eating up all the line before the date. [0-9] means any digit. {x,y} sets a minimum(x) and maximum(y) number of consecutive matches - with only one value {4} means only exactly 4 of the previous pattern will do. So, '.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*' means ignore as many characters as you can until seeing 4 digits, then a dash, 2 digits, then a dash, then 2 digits; remember that pattern (the ()'s), then ignore any characters behind it.
In a substitution, \1 means the first remembered match, so
sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/'
means find and remember the date pattern in the filenames, and replace the whole name with just that part in the output. This assumes the date will be present - on a filename where there is no date, the pattern will not match, and the whole filename will be returned, so be careful with that.
(hope that helped.)
By isolating the date string from the filenames with sed (your examples were format-consistent, so I used that) we pass it in and ask for the UNIX Epoch timestamp of that date string using date +%s -d $(...), to represent the file with a math-handy number.
Subtract that from the current date in the same format, you get the approximate age of the file in seconds. Divide that by the number of seconds in a day and you get days old. The file date will default to midnight, but the math will drop fractions, so it sorts out.
here's the file list I made, working from your examples
$: cat listOfFileNames
I added a file for each that would be within the 90 days as of this posting - including one that is "post-dated", which can easily happen with this sort of thing.
Here's the output.
$: ./chkDates
fileone.log.2018-03-23 is old
fileone.log.2018-09-23 is not
file_two_2018-03-23.log is old
file_two_2018-08-23.log is not
filethree.log.2018-03-23 is old
filethree.log.2018-10-02 is not
file_four_file_four_2018-03-23.log is old
file_four_file_four_2019-03-23.log is not
That what you had in mind?
An alternate pure-bash way to get just the date string
(You still need date to convert to the epoch seconds...)
instead of
date +%s -d $(
echo $f | sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/'
) # this returns the date substring
) # this converts it to an epoch integer of seconds since 1/1/70
which doesn't seem to be working for you, try this:
tmp=${f%[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]*} # unwanted prefix
d=${f#$tmp} # prefix removed
tmp=${f#*[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]} # unwanted suffix
filedate=${d%$tmp} # suffix removed
filedate=$( date +%s --date=$filedate ) # epoch time
This is hard to read, but doesn't have to spawn as many subprocesses to get the work done. :)
If that doesn't work, then I'm suspicious of your version of date. Mine:
$: date --version
date (GNU coreutils) 8.26
Simple Version:
Method for using the date inside of the file's name :
typeset stamp=$(date --date="90 day ago" +%s)
for file in /directory/*.log; do
fdate="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/[^0-9-]*//g')"
fstamp=$(date -d "${fdate} 00:00:00" +"%s")
if [ ${fstamp} -le ${stamp} ] ; then
echo "${file} : ${fdate} (${fstamp})"
A More Complete Version:
This version will look at all files, if it fails to make a date value from the file it moves on.
typeset stamp=$(date --date="90 day ago" +%s)
for file in /tmp/* ; do
fdate="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/[^0-9-]*//g')"
fstamp=$(date -d "${fdate} 00:00:00" +"%s" 2> /dev/null)
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && continue
if [ ${fstamp} -le ${stamp} ] ; then
echo "${file} : ${fdate} (${fstamp})"
/tmp/file_2016-05-23.log : 2016-05-23 (1463976000)
/tmp/file_2017-05-23.log : 2017-05-23 (1495512000)
/tmp/file_2018-05-23.log : 2018-05-23 (1527048000)
/tmp/file_2018-06-23.log : 2018-06-23 (1529726400)
/tmp/file_2018-07-23.log : 2018-07-23 (1532318400)
in this example the following were ignored :
/tmp/file_2018-08-23.log : 2018-08-23 (1534996800)
/tmp/file_2018-10-18.log : 2018-10-18 (1539835200)
How do I compare current timestamp and a field of a file and print the matched and unmatched data. I have 2 columns in a file (see below)
oac.bat 09:09
klm.txt 9:00
I want to compare the timestamp(2nd column) with current time say suppose(10:00) and print the output as follows.
At 10:00
xyz.txt 10:32
mnp.csv 23:54
oac.bat 09:09
klm.txt 9:00
Could anyone help me on this please ?
I used awk $0 > "10:00", which gives me only 2nd column details but I want both the column details and I am taking timestamp from system directly from system with a variable like
d=`date +%H:%M`
With GNU awk you can just use it's builtin time functions:
awk 'BEGIN{now = strftime("%H:%M")} {
print > ((cur > now ? "greater" : "lesser") ".txt")
}' file
With other awks just set now using -v and date up front, e.g.:
awk -v now="$(date +"%H:%M")" '{
cur = sprintf("%02d:%02d",t[1],t[2])
print > ((cur > now ? "greater" : "lesser") ".txt")
}' file
The above is untested since you didn't provide input/output we could test against.
Pure Bash
The script can be implemented in pure Bash with the help of date command:
# Current Unix timestamp
let cmp_seconds=$(date +%s)
# Read file line by line
while IFS= read -r line; do
let line_seconds=$(date -d "${line##* }" +%s) || continue
(( line_seconds <= cmp_seconds )) && \
outfile=lesser || outfile=greater
# Append the line to the file chosen above
printf "%s\n" "$line" >> "${outfile}.txt"
done < file
In this script, ${line##* } removes the longest match of '* ' (any character followed by a space) pattern from the front of $line thus fetching the last column (the time). The time column is supposed to be in one of the following formats: HH:MM, or H:MM. Actually, date's -d option argument
can be in almost any common format. It can contain month names, time zones, ‘am’ and ‘pm’, ‘yesterday’, etc.
We use the flexibility of this option to convert the time (HH:MM, or H:MM) to Unix timestamp.
The let builtin allows arithmetic to be performed on shell variables. If the last let expression fails, or evaluates to zero, let returns 1 (error code), otherwise 0 (success). Thus, if for some reason the time column is in invalid format, the iteration for such line will be skipped with the help of continue.
Here is a Perl version I have written just for fun. You may use it instead of the Bash version, if you like.
# For current date
#cmp_seconds=$(date +%s)
# For specific hours and minutes
cmp_seconds=$(date -d '10:05' +%s)
perl -e '
my #t = localtime('$cmp_seconds');
my $minutes = $t[2] * 60 + $t[1];
while (<>) {
/ (\d?\d):(\d\d)$/ or next;
my $fh = ($1 * 60 + $2) > $minutes ? STDOUT : STDERR;
printf $fh "%s", $_;
}' < file >greater.txt 2>lesser.txt
The script computes the number of minutes in the following way:
HH:MM = HH * 60 + MM minutes
If the number of minutes from the file are greater then the number of minutes for the current time, it prints the next line to the standard output, otherwise to standard error. Finally, the standard output is redirected to greater.txt, and the standard error is redirected to lesser.txt.
I have written this script for demonstration of another approach (algorithm), which can be implemented in different languages, including Bash.
I am new to bash scripting, and I'm having an issue with one of my scripts. I'm trying to compose a list of Drivers Under 25 after reading their birthdates in from a folder filled with XML files and calculating their ages. Once I have determined they are under 25, the filename of the driver's data is saved to a text file. The script is working up until a certain point and then it stops. The error I'm getting is:
gdate: extra operand ‘+%s’
Try 'gdate --help' for more information.
DriversUnder25.sh: line 24: ( 1471392000 - )/60/60/24 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is ")/60/60/24 ")
Here is my code:
# define directory to search and current date
CURRENT_DATE=$(date '+%Y%m%d')
# loop over files in a directory
# grab user's birth date from XML file
BIRTH_DATE=$(sed -n '/Birthdate/{s/.*<Birthdate>//;s/<\/Birthdate.*//;p;}' $FILE)
# calculate the difference between the current date
# and the user's birth date (seconds)
DIFFERENCE=$(( ( $(gdate -ud $CURRENT_DATE +'%s') - $(gdate -ud $BIRTH_DATE +'%s') )/60/60/24 ))
# calculate the number of years between
# the current date and the user's birth date
# if the user is under 25
if [ "$YEARS" -le 25 ]; then
# save file name only
FILENAME=`basename $FILE`
# output filename to text file
echo $FILENAME >> DriversUnder25.txt
I'm not sure why it correctly outputs the first 10 filenames and then stops. Any ideas why this may be happening?
You need to quote the expansion of $BIRTH_DATE to prevent word splitting on the whitespace in the value. (It is good practice to quote all your parameter expansions, unless you have a good reason not to, for this very reason.)
DIFFERENCE=$(( ( $(gdate -ud "$CURRENT_DATE" +'%s') - $(gdate -ud "$BIRTH_DATE" +'%s') )/60/60/24 ))
(Based on your comment, this would probably at least allow gdate to give you a better error message.)
A best-practices implementation would look something like this:
directory=/ # patch as appropriate
current_date_unix=$(date +%s)
for file in "$directory"/*.xml; do
while IFS= read -r birth_date; do
birth_date_unix=$(gdate -ud "$birth_date" +'%s')
difference=$(( ( current_date_unix - birth_date_unix ) / 60 / 60 / 24 ))
years=$(( difference / 365 ))
if (( years < 25 )); then
echo "${file%.*}"
done < <(xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//Birthdate' -v . -n <"$file")
done >DriversUnder25.txt
If this script needs to be usable my folks who don't have xmlstarlet installed, you can generate an XSLT template and then use xsltproc (which is available out-of-the-box on modern opertaing systems).
That is to say, if you run this once, and bundle its output with your script:
xmlstarlet sel -C -t -m '//Birthdate' -v . -n >get-birthdays.xslt
...then the script can be modified to replace xmlstarlet with:
xsltproc get-birthdays.xslt - <"$file"
The XML input files are being read with an actual XML parser.
When expanding for file in "$directory"/*.xml, the expansion is quoted but the glob is not (thus allowing the script to operate on directories with spaces, glob characters, etc. in their names).
The output file is being opened once, for the loop, rather than once per line of output (reducing overhead unnecessarily opening and closing files).
Lower-case variable names are in use to comply with POSIX conventions (specifying that variables with meaning to the operating system and shell have all-upper-case names, and that the set of names with at least one lower-case character is reserved for application use; while the docs in question are with respect to environment variables, shell variables share a namespace, making the convention relevant).
The issue was that there were multiple drivers in some files, thus importing multiple birth dates into the same string. My solution is below:
# define directory to search and current date
CURRENT_DATE=$(date '+%Y%m%d')
# loop over files in a directory
# set flag for output to false initially
# grab user's birth date from XML file
BIRTH_DATE=$(sed -n '/Birthdate/{s/.*<Birthdate>//;s/<\/Birthdate.*//;p;}' $FILE)
# loop through birth dates in file (there can be multiple drivers)
# calculate the difference between the current date
# and the user's birth date (seconds)
DIFFERENCE=$(( ( $(gdate -ud $CURRENT_DATE +'%s') - $(gdate -ud $BIRTHDAY +'%s') )/60/60/24))
# calculate the number of years between
# the current date and the user's birth date
# if the user is under 25
if [ "$YEARS" -le 25 ]; then
# save file name only
FILENAME=`basename $FILE`
# set flag to true (driver is under 25 years of age)
# if there is a driver under 25 in the file
if $FLAG == true; then
# output filename to text file
echo $FILENAME >> DriversUnder25.txt
When running this part of my bash script am getting an error
for (( t=0; t <= 4; t++ ))
jad.sh: line 28: ((: 10#2014-01-09: value too great for base (error token is "09")
jad.sh: line 30: /(60*60*24): syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/(60*60*24)")
d1 and d2 are dates in that form 2014-01-09 and 2014-01-10
Any solution please?
Prepend the string "10#" to the front of your variables. That forces bash to treat them as decimal, even though the leading zero would normally make them octal.
What are d1 and d2? Are they dates or seconds?
Generally, this error occurs if you are trying to do arithmetic with numbers containing a zero-prefix e.g. 09.
$ echo $((09+1))
-bash: 09: value too great for base (error token is "09")
In order to perform arithmetic with 0-prefixed numbers you need to tell bash to use base-10 by specifying 10#:
$ echo $((10#09+1))
As others have said, the error results from Bash interpreting digit sequences with leading zeros as octal numbers. If you have control over the process creating the date values and you're using date, you can prefix the output format string with a hyphen to remove leading zero padding.
Without prefixing date format with hyphen:
$ (( $(date --date='9:00' +%H) > 10 )) && echo true || echo oops
-bash: ((: 09: value too great for base (error token is "09")
With prefixing date format with hyphen:
$ (( $(date --date='9:00' +%-H) > 10 )) && echo true || echo oops
From the date man page:
By default, date pads numeric fields with zeroes. The following
optional flags may follow '%':
- (hyphen) do not pad the field
d1 and d2 are dates in that form 2014-01-09 and 2014-01-10
and then
What do you expect to get? ((diffsec=2014-01-09-2014-01-10)) ??
You need to convert the dates to seconds first:
d1=$( date -d "${filedates[$t]}" +%s )
d2=$( date -d "${filedates[$t+1]}" +%s )
(( compare = (d2 - d1) / (60*60*24) ))
(( value += compare ))
Posting some tips here related to the title of this question, but not directly related to the details of the original question. I realize that's a bit controversial action on Stack Overflow, however these related questions:
convert octal to decimal in bash [duplicate]
Value too great for base (error token is "08") [duplicate]
point to this one, and yet they are closed and hence, I could not post this answer there. Therefore, this seemed like a logical place (at least to me) to post this information that may help others in a similar situation, especially new-to-BaSH programmers.
An alternative approach to ensuring a number is treated as a 10-base integer is to use printf. This command instructs printf to treat $num as an integer and round it to 0 decimal places.
num="$(printf "%.0f" "$num")"
Or, if you want to also ensure there are no non-numeric characters in the string, you can do this:
num="$(printf "%.0f" "${num//[!0-9]/}")"
Both commands will strip out leading zeroes and round decimal values to the nearest whole number. Note the first (simpler) solution works with negative numbers, but the second does not (it will always return absolute value).
Note that printf rounds down, meaning .01 to 0.5 is rounded down to 0, while .51 to .99 is rounded up to 1. Basically, the difference between rounding up versus down in this case is that printf rounds down 0.5 and any below. I mention this because 0.5 rounded up is a more common practice.
Now, addressing the OP's specific scenario.... Combining printf with awk allows arithmetic expressions not possible with printf alone.
could be alternatively be expressed as
compare=$(awk -v sec=$SEC 'BEGIN { print int(sec/(60*60*24))}')
compare="$(printf "%.0f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print ( $SEC / ( 60 * 60 * 24 ) ) }")")"
Could be calculated as
value="$(printf "%.0f" "$(awk "BEGIN { print ( $value + $compare ) }")")"
You don't need the $ and the {} in an arithmetic expansion expression. It should look like this:
For 'mm' and 'dd' values in dates, I use this trick:
mm="1${date:5,2}" # where 5 is the offset to mm in the date
let mm=$mm-100 # turn 108 into 8, and 109 into 9