Getting free range inside another range - bash

editing my question from the beginning since it was not clear enough:
Suppose you have a range from 1 to 1000.
Consider that some numbers in this range are reserved (this is dynamic).
E.g. 5, 45,670, 350. (i)
I want to get a 5-number continuous block of numbers inside range 1..1000, ensuring that this block of numbers does not include any reserved numbers. If this exists of course.
If (i) is the list of allocated numbers, the first block is 6,7,8,9,10. It can't be 1,2,3,4,5 because 5 is reserved.
I think it's more clear now :)
I think it should be a for loop examining all numbers from 1 to 995, and checking for each number whether start number is reserved - if not, examine if the 4 following numbers are also reserved. If not, we have a block. If yes, continue to the next unallocated number and check the 4 digits following up Again and again. When first free block is met, break the loop and store it!

rs=(5 45 670 350)
for co in {1..1000}
for ec in ${rs[*]}
let co==ec && unset oa
let ${#oa[*]}==5 && break
echo ${oa[*]}


loop to check if the multiples of a user defined number are even within a user defined range

hey everyone I am trying to write a script in bash that will take a user-defined number and run its multiples up then check which of those multiples are even and print those only in a user-defined range. and the script seems to be working when an even number is selected as the value but when an odd number is selected it only prints out half of the numbers you wish to see. I think I know why it happens it is to do with my while statement with the $mult -le $range but I am not sure what to do to fix this or how to get it to show the full range for both even and odd based numbers. Any help is appreciated thanks.
echo "Please input a value"
read -r val
echo "Please input how many multiples of this number whose term is even you wis>
read -r range
while [ $mult -le $range ]
if [[ $(($term % 2)) -eq 0 ]]
then echo "$term"
echo "For the multiples of $val these are the $range who's terms were even"
output even based number
$ ./
Please input a value
Please input how many multiples of this number whose term is even you wish to see
For the multiples of 8 these are the 4 whose terms were even
output odd based number
$ ./
Please input a value
Please input how many multiples of this number whose term is even you wish to see
For the multiples of 5 these are the 10 whose terms were even
Your current while condition assumes that the number of even multiples of the number val less than or equal to val * range is at least range. In fact, for even numbers, there are precisely range even multiples which are less than or equal to val * range. This is not the case for odd numbers - as you've encountered.
You'll need to introduce a new variable to solve this problem - one that keeps track of the number of even multiples you have encountered thus far. Once you reach the desired number, the loop should terminate.
So, you could set a counter initially
and check this in your while loop condition
while [ $count -lt $range ]
You would increment count each time you enter the body of the if - i.e. whenever you encounter an even multiple.
This should give you the desired behavior.

two algorithms, same results on my machine, different results on tests [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 2 years ago.
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I am new in code, so, it would be cool,if somebody would helo me.
You have target-numer and a lot of other numbers. You need to find the numbers that you add up to get a sum equal to the target-number. If you found this numbers, you type "1" in out-put file, otherwise type "0". All numbers are in diapason 0 < N < 999 999 999
input-file format:
1 8 9 2 4 1 5 3....
I wrote 2 different algorithms, both work correctly. But I have tests,(no code sources, they are on the website, where I found task) and first algorithm passes all test accept of speed-test, but second can't pass even 1st test, have error "wrong answer".
I want to test my fastest version.
This algorithm does:
Open the file with numbers.
Convert all strings with numbers to numbers. Write all the numbers in a slice.
Write the target from the array to a separate variable. Target = the first element of the slice due to the input format.
Create a new slice. Rewrite it with all the numbers that < = target.
Sort the slice in ascending order (built-in sorting from golang)
Find the sum:
6.1 take the current slice element and subtract it from the target. The resulting number = the second term.
6.2 using the binary array dissection Method, we search for this number in the slice. (method from golanfg package)
6.3 If found, write 1 to the output file and exit the program.
6.4 Otherwise go to a new iteration of the loop and return to point 6.1
6.5 If the cycle has ended and we haven't left the program, we assume that there are no 2 numbers forming the sum for the target. print 0 to the output file.
Could you help me to find, where is mistake?
Here is the link for the file on my git:
This file will create test-file with numbers:
This is test-file:
first your problem, you read input from file to only 100 byte slice, but your input data can consume more place All numbers are in diapason 0 < N < 999 999 999 ,so i think you don`t read all the data from file

Retrieve multiple information by a single number?

I was wondering how they did come up with the way of setting permissions using chmod by just using numbers. For example:
1 is for execute
2 is for write
4 is for read
Any sum of those give a unique permission:
2+4 = 6 lets you write and read.
1+4 = 5 lets you execute and read
1+2+4 = 7 lets you execute, read and write
Is there an algorithm to this? Say for example I have 10 items and I want to give to a person a number and by just that number the person can tell which items I have chosen.
Binary system. I.e. you represent 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on with a 0-or-1-digit each. The last digit stands for 2^0=1, the second-last digit stands for 2^1=2, the next digit for 2^2=4, the next for 2^3=8 and so on.
Now, you associate an action (read/ex/write) with each digit.
A (more or less) surprising fact is the following: If you don't have just two options (i.e. if you do not just have true or false), but if you have more, you can adapt this pattern to the ternary system. Moreover, you can adapt this pattern for any base. The human system works for base 10.

Algorithms: random unique string

I need to generate string that meets the following requirements:
it should be a unique string;
string length should be 8 characters;
it should contain 2 digits;
all symbols (non-digital characters) should be upper case.
I will store them in a data base after generation (they will be assigned to other entities).
My intention is to do something like this:
Generate 2 random values from 0 to 9—they will be used for digits in the string;
generate 6 random values from 0 to 25 and add them to 64—they will be used as 6 symbols;
concatenate everything into one string;
check if the string already exists in the data base; if not—repeat.
My concern with regard to that algorithm is that it doesn't guarantee a result in finite time (if there are already A LOT of values in the data base).
Question: could you please give advice on how to improve this algorithm to be more deterministic?
it should be unique string;
string length should be 8 characters;
it should contains 2 digits;
all symbols (non-digital characters) - should be upper case.
requirements #2 and #3 are exact (exactly 8 chars, exactly 2 digits) and not a minimum
the "symbols" in requirement #4 are the 26 capital letters A through Z
you would like an evenly-distributed random string
Then your proposed method has two issues. One is that the letters A - Z are ASCII 65 - 90, not 64 - 89. The other is that it doesn't distribute the numbers evenly within the possible string space. That can be remedied by doing the following:
Generate two different integers between 0 and 7, and sort them.
Generate 2 random numbers from 0 to 9.
Generate 6 random letters from A to Z.
Use the two different integers in step #1 as positions, and put the 2 numbers in those positions.
Put the 6 random letters in the remaining positions.
There are 28 possibilities for the two different integers ((8*8 - 8 duplicates) / 2 orderings), 266 possibilities for the letters, and 100 possibilities for the numbers, the total # of valid combinations being Ncomb = 864964172800 = 8.64 x 1011.
edit: If you want to avoid the database for storage, but still guarantee both uniqueness of strings and have them be cryptographically secure, your best bet is a cryptographically random bijection from a counter between 0 and Nmax <= Ncomb to a subset of the space of possible output strings. (Bijection meaning there is a one-to-one correspondence between the output string and the input counter.)
This is possible with Feistel networks, which are commonly used in hash functions and symmetric cryptography (including AES). You'd probably want to choose Nmax = 239 which is the largest power of 2 <= Ncomb, and use a 39-bit Feistel network, using a constant key you keep secret. You then plug in your counter to the Feistel network, and out comes another 39-bit number X, which you then transform into the corresponding string as follows:
Repeat the following step 6 times:
Take X mod 26, generate a capital letter, and set X = X / 26.
Take X mod 100 to generate your two digits, and set X = X / 100.
X will now be between 0 and 17 inclusive (239 / 266 / 100 = 17.796...). Map this number to two unique digit positions (probably easiest using a lookup table, since we're only talking 28 possibilities. If you had more, use Floyd's algorithm for generating a unique permutation, and use the variable-base technique of mod + integer divide instead of generating a random number).
Follow the random approach above, but use the numbers generated by this algorithm instead.
Alternatively, use 40-bit numbers, and if the output of your Feistel network is > Ncomb, then increment the counter and try again. This covers the entire string space at the cost of rejecting invalid numbers and having to re-execute the algorithm. (But you don't need a database to do this.)
But this isn't something to get into unless you know what you're doing.
Are these user passwords? If so, there are a couple of things you need to take into account:
You must avoid 0/O and I/1, which can easily be mistaken for each other.
You must avoid too many consecutive letters, which might spell out a rude word.
As far as 2 is concerned, you can avoid the problem by using LLNLLNLL as your pattern (L = letter, N = number).
If you need 1 million passwords out of a pool of 2.5 billion, you will certainly get clashes in your database, so you have to deal with them gracefully. But a simple retry is enough, if your random number generator is robust.
I don't see anything in your requirements that states that the string needs to be random. You could just do something like the following pseudocode:
for letters in ( 'AAAAAA' .. 'ZZZZZZ' ) {
for numbers in ( 00 .. 99 ) {
string = letters + numbers
This will create unique strings eight characters long, with two digits and six upper-case letters.
If you need randomly-generated strings, then you need to keep some kind of record of which strings have been previously generated, so you're going to have to hit a DB (or keep them all in memory, or write them to a textfile) and check against that list.
I think you're safe well into your tens of thousands of such ID's, and even after that you're most likely alright.
Now if you want some determinism, you can always force a password after a certain number of failures. Say after 50 failures, you select a password at random and increment a part of it by 1 until you get a free one.
I'm willing to bet money though that you'll never see the extra functionality kick in during your life time :)
Do it the other way around: generate one big random number that you will split up to obtain the individual characters:
long bigrandom = ...;
int firstDigit = bigRandom % 10;
int secondDigit = ( bigrandom / 10 ) % 10;
and so on.
Then you only store the random number in your database and not the string. Since there's a one-to-one relationship between the string and the number, this doesn't really make a difference.
However, when you try to insert a new value, and it's already in the databse, you can easily find the smallest unallocated number graeter than the originally generated number, and use that instead of the one you generated.
What you gain from this method is that you're guaranteed to find an available code relatively quickly, even when most codes are already allocated.
For one thing, your list of requirements doesn't state that string has to be necessary random, so you might consider something like database index.
If 'random' is a requirement, you can do a few improvements.
Store string as a number in database. Not sure how much this improves perfromance.
Do not store used strings at all. You can employ 'index' approach above, but convert integer number to a string in a seemingly random fashion (e.g., employing bit shift). Without much research, nobody will notice pattern.
E.g., if we have sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, ... and use cyclic binary shift right by 1 bit, it'll be turned into 4, 1, 5, 2, ... (assuming we have 3 bits only)
It doesn't have to be a shift too, it can be a permutation or any other 'randomization'.
The problem with your approach is clearly that while you have few records, you are very unlikely to get collisions but as your number of records grows the chance will increase until it becomes more likely than not that you'll get a collision. Eventually you will be hitting multiple collisions before you get a 'valid' result. Every time will require a table scan to determine if the code is valid, and the whole thing turns into a mess.
The simplest solution is to precalculate your codes.
Start with the first code 00AAAA, and increment to generate 00AAAB, 00AAAC ... 99ZZZZ. Insert them into a table in random order. When you need a new code, retrieve to top record unused record from the table (then mark it as used). It's not a huge table, as pointed out above - only a few million records.
You don't need to calculate any random numbers and generate strings for each user (already done)
You don't need to check whether anything has already been used, just get the next available
No chance of getting multiple collisions before finding something usable.
If you ever need more 'codes', just generate some more 'random' strings and append them to the table.

Encoding / Error Correction Challenge

Is it mathematically feasible to encode and initial 4 byte message into 8 bytes and if one of the 8 bytes is completely dropped and another is wrong to reconstruct the initial 4 byte message? There would be no way to retransmit nor would the location of the dropped byte be known.
If one uses Reed Solomon error correction with 4 "parity" bytes tacked on to the end of the 4 "data" bytes, such as DDDDPPPP, and you end up with DDDEPPP (where E is an error) and a parity byte has been dropped, I don't believe there's a way to reconstruct the initial message (although correct me if I am wrong)...
What about multiplying (or performing another mathematical operation) the initial 4 byte message by a constant, then utilizing properties of an inverse mathematical operation to determine what byte was dropped. Or, impose some constraints on the structure of the message so every other byte needs to be odd and the others need to be even.
Alternatively, instead of bytes, it could also be 4 decimal digits encoded in some fashion into 8 decimal digits where errors could be detected & corrected under the same circumstances mentioned above - no retransmission and the location of the dropped byte is not known.
I'm looking for any crazy ideas anyone might have... Any ideas out there?
It may be a bit contrived, but the situation that I'm trying to solve is one where you have, let's say, a faulty printer that prints out important numbers onto a form, which are then mailed off to a processing firm which uses OCR to read the forms. The OCR isn't going to be perfect, but it should get close with only digits to read. The faulty printer could be a bigger problem, where it may drop a whole number, but there's no way of knowing which one it'll drop, but they will always come out in the correct order, there won't be any digits swapped.
The form could be altered so that it always prints a space between the initial four numbers and the error correction numbers, ie 1234 5678, so that one would know whether a 1234 initial digit was dropped or a 5678 error correction digit was dropped, if that makes the problem easier to solve. I'm thinking somewhat similar to how they verify credit card numbers via algorithm, but in four digit chunks.
Hopefully, that provides some clarification as to what I'm looking for...
In the absence of "nice" algebraic structure, I suspect that it's going to be hard to find a concise scheme that gets you all the way to 10**4 codewords, since information-theoretically, there isn't a lot of slack. (The one below can use GF(5) for 5**5 = 3125.) Fortunately, the problem is small enough that you could try Shannon's greedy code-construction method (find a codeword that doesn't conflict with one already chosen, add it to the set).
Encode up to 35 bits as a quartic polynomial f over GF(128). Evaluate the polynomial at eight predetermined points x0,...,x7 and encode as 0f(x0) 1f(x1) 0f(x2) 1f(x3) 0f(x4) 1f(x5) 0f(x6) 1f(x7), where the alternating zeros and ones are stored in the MSB.
When decoding, first look at the MSBs. If the MSB doesn't match the index mod 2, then that byte is corrupt and/or it's been shifted left by a deletion. Assume it's good and shift it back to the right (possibly accumulating multiple different possible values at a point). Now we have at least seven evaluations of a quartic polynomial f at known points, of which at most one is corrupt. We can now try all possibilities for the corruption.
EDIT: bmm6o has advanced the claim that the second part of my solution is incorrect. I disagree.
Let's review the possibilities for the case where the MSBs are 0101101. Suppose X is the array of bytes sent and Y is the array of bytes received. On one hand, Y[0], Y[1], Y[2], Y[3] have correct MSBs and are presumed to be X[0], X[1], X[2], X[3]. On the other hand, Y[4], Y[5], Y[6] have incorrect MSBs and are presumed to be X[5], X[6], X[7].
If X[4] is dropped, then we have seven correct evaluations of f.
If X[3] is dropped and X[4] is corrupted, then we have an incorrect evaluation at 3, and six correct evaluations.
If X[5] is dropped and X[4] is corrupted, then we have an incorrect evaluation at 5, and six correct evaluations.
There are more possibilities besides these, but we never have fewer than six correct evaluations, which suffices to recover f.
I think you would need to study what erasure codes might offer you. I don't know any bounds myself, but maybe some kind of MDS code might achieve this.
EDIT: After a quick search I found RSCode library and in the example it says that
In general, with E errors, and K erasures, you will need
* 2E + K bytes of parity to be able to correct the codeword
* back to recover the original message data.
So looks like Reed-Solomon code is indeed the answer and you may actually get recovery from one erasure and one error in 8,4 code.
Parity codes work as long as two different data bytes aren't affected by error or loss and as long as error isn't equal to any data byte while a parity byte is lost, imho.
Error correcting codes can in general handle erasures, but in the literature the position of the erasure is assumed known. In most cases, the erasure will be introduced by the demodulator when there is low confidence that the correct data can be retrieved from the channel. For instance, if the signal is not clearly 0 or 1, the device can indicate that the data was lost, rather than risking the introduction of an error. Since an erasure is essentially an error with a known position, they are much easier to fix.
I'm not sure what your situation is where you can lose a single value and you can still be confident that the remaining values are delivered in the correct order, but it's not a situation classical coding theory addresses.
What algorithmist is suggesting above is this: If you can restrict yourself to just 7 bits of information, you can fill the 8th bit of each byte with alternating 0 and 1, which will allow you to know the placement of the missing byte. That is, put a 0 in the high bit of bytes 0, 2, 4, 6 and a 1 in the high bits of the others. On the receiving end, if you only receive 7 bytes, the missing one will have been dropped from between bytes whose high bits match. Unfortunately, that's not quite right: if the erasure and the error are adjacent, you can't know immediately which byte was dropped. E.g., high bits 0101101 could result from dropping the 4th byte, or from an error in the 4th byte and dropping the 3rd, or from an error in the 4th byte and dropping the 5th.
You could use the linear code:
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
(i.e. you'll send data like (a, b, c, d, b+c+d, a+c+d, a+b+d, a+b+c) (where addition is implemented with XOR, since a,b,c,d are elements of GF(128))). It's a linear code with distance 4, so it can correct a single-byte error. You can decode with syndrome decoding, and since the code is self-dual, the matrix H will be the same as above.
In the case where there's a dropped byte, you can use the technique above to determine which one it is. Once you've determined that, you're essentially decoding a different code - the "punctured" code created by dropping that given byte. Since the punctured code is still linear, you can use syndrome decoding to determine the error. You would have to calculate the parity-check matrix for each of the shortened codes, but you can do this ahead of time. The shortened code has distance 3, so it can correct any single-byte errors.
In the case of decimal digits, assuming one goes with first digit odd, second digit even, third digit odd, etc - with two digits, you get 00-99, which can be represented in 3 odd/even/odd digits (125 total combinations) - 00 = 101, 01 = 103, 20 = 181, 99 = 789, etc. So one encodes two sets of decimal digits into 6 total digits, then the last two digits signify things about the first sets of 2 digits or a checksum of some sort... The next to last digit, I suppose, could be some sort of odd/even indicator on each of the initial 2 digit initial messages (1 = even first 2 digits, 3 = odd first two digits) and follow the pattern of being odd. Then, the last digit could be the one's place of a sum of the individual digits, that way if a digit was missing, it would be immediately apparent and could be corrected assuming the last digit was correct. Although, it would throw things off if one of the last two digits were dropped...
It looks to be theoretically possible if we assume 1 bit error in wrong byte. We need 3 bits to identify dropped byte and 3 bits to identify wrong byte and 3 bits to identify wrong bit. We have 3 times that many extra bits.
But if we need to identify any number of bits error in wrong byte, it comes to 30 bits. Even that looks to be possible with 32 bits, although 32 is a bit too close for my comfort.
But I don't know hot to encode to get that. Try turbocode?
Actually, as Krystian said, when you correct a RS code, both the message AND the "parity" bytes will be corrected, as long as you have v+2e < (n-k) where v is the number of erasures (you know the position) and e is the number of errors. This means that if you only have errors, you can correct up to (n-k)/2 errors, or (n-k-1) erasures (about the double of the number of errors), or a mix of both (see Blahut's article: Transform techniques for error control codes and A universal Reed-Solomon decoder).
What's even nicer is that you can check that the correction was successful: by checking that the syndrome polynomial only contains 0 coefficients, you know that the message+parity bytes are both correct. You can do that before to check if the message needs any correction, and also you can do the check after the decoding to check that both the message and the parity bytes were completely repaired.
The bound v+2e < (n-k) is optimal, you cannot do better (that's why Reed-Solomon is called an optimal error correction code). In fact it's possible to go beyond this limit using bruteforce approaches, up to a certain point (you can gain 1 or 2 more symbols for each 8 symbols) using list decoding, but it's still a domain in its infancy, I don't know of any practical implementation that works.
