two algorithms, same results on my machine, different results on tests [closed] - go

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am new in code, so, it would be cool,if somebody would helo me.
You have target-numer and a lot of other numbers. You need to find the numbers that you add up to get a sum equal to the target-number. If you found this numbers, you type "1" in out-put file, otherwise type "0". All numbers are in diapason 0 < N < 999 999 999
input-file format:
1 8 9 2 4 1 5 3....
I wrote 2 different algorithms, both work correctly. But I have tests,(no code sources, they are on the website, where I found task) and first algorithm passes all test accept of speed-test, but second can't pass even 1st test, have error "wrong answer".
I want to test my fastest version.
This algorithm does:
Open the file with numbers.
Convert all strings with numbers to numbers. Write all the numbers in a slice.
Write the target from the array to a separate variable. Target = the first element of the slice due to the input format.
Create a new slice. Rewrite it with all the numbers that < = target.
Sort the slice in ascending order (built-in sorting from golang)
Find the sum:
6.1 take the current slice element and subtract it from the target. The resulting number = the second term.
6.2 using the binary array dissection Method, we search for this number in the slice. (method from golanfg package)
6.3 If found, write 1 to the output file and exit the program.
6.4 Otherwise go to a new iteration of the loop and return to point 6.1
6.5 If the cycle has ended and we haven't left the program, we assume that there are no 2 numbers forming the sum for the target. print 0 to the output file.
Could you help me to find, where is mistake?
Here is the link for the file on my git:
This file will create test-file with numbers:
This is test-file:

first your problem, you read input from file to only 100 byte slice, but your input data can consume more place All numbers are in diapason 0 < N < 999 999 999 ,so i think you don`t read all the data from file


ZPL - Code 128 Understanding better how to use Subsets B and C

I'm getting involved with ZPL (a little bit) since a few days, so I'm sorry if the questions will look stupid.
I've got to build a bar code 128 and I finally realized: I got to make it as shorter as possible.
My main question is: is it possible to switch to subset C and then back to B for just 2 digits? I read the documentation and subset C will ready digits from 00 to 99, so in theory it should work, practically, will it be worth it?
Basically when I translate a bar code with Zebra designer, and print it to a file, it doesn't bother to switch to subset C for just a couple of digits.
This is the text I need to see in the bar code:
By the documentation I read, I would build something like this:
Instead Zebra Designer does:
So the other question is, will the bar code be the same length? Actually, will mine be shorter? [I don't have a printer with me at the moment]
Last question:
Let's say I don't want to spend much time scripting this up, will the following work ok, or will it make the bar code larger?
So I can just build a very simple script which checks two chars per time, if they're both numbers, then add >5 to the string.
Thank you :)
Ah, some nice loose terminology. Do you mean couple="exactly 2" or couple="a few"?
Changing from one subset to another takes one code element, so for exactly 2 digits, you'd need one element to change and one to represent the 2 digits in subset C. On the other hand, staying with your original subset would take 2 elements - so no, it's not worth the change.
Further, if you were to change to C for 2 digits and then back to your original, the change would actually be costly - C(12)B = 3 elements whereas 12 would only be 2.
If you repeat the exercise for 4 digits, then switching to C would generate C(12)(34) = 3 elements against 4 to stay with what you have; or C(12)(34)B = 4 elements if you switch and change back, or 4 elements if you stick - so no gain.
With 6 or more successive numerics, then you gain regardless of whether or not you switch back.
So overall,
2-digit terminal : No difference
2-digit other : code is longer
4-digit terminal : code is shorter
4-digit other : no difference
more than 4 digits : code is shorter.
And an ODD number of digits would need to be output in code A or B for the first digit and then the above table applies to the remainder.
This may not be the answer you're looking for, but specifying A (Automatic Mode) as the final parameter to the ^BC command will make the printer do this for you.

How to write an assembly sorting program 8086 with works with 6 digits numbers? [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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im new to assembly language and i know many codes.
However im working with 8086 emulator with only works with 16 bit numbers.
this is a home work that im really stuck in :
How can i write an assembly code with do the following :
1-get 20 , maximum 6-digits decimal numbers and store them in an array.
2- sort the array in ascending order.
its really hard for me to understand how to manage registers and stack for this long numbers.
every help will be appreciated in advance .
In order to sort 32bit numbers (or broader) with 16bit registers you have to compare the upper part of each number separately.
Assume we have these random two 32 bit numbers (shown in hex) 4567afdf and 321abc09.
Now when you look at them as 16 bit values they look like this:
4567 afdf
321a bc09
As you can easily see, the upper 16 bits you can compare individually.
If the upper 16 bits are higher or lower, then you know that the lower part doesn't matter anymore and you sort them accordingly.
If the upper 16 bits are equal, then you compare the lower 16 bits and if they are also equal, both numbers are equal => no sort needed, otherwise you shuffle them accordingly. Since the upper 16 bits are also equal, you don't even need to shuffle them.
If the upper 16bits are different, you still have to shuffle the lower 16 bits accordingly, as they might be different.
The basics of this approach can be used for an arbitrary number of bits not just 32bits. Generally when you have a seemingly hard problem, you should try to think of the easy examples and how you can solve it. Then you can extend it to more complicated cases.
An alternative approach would be, if you have strings of decimal numbers and you want to sort them based on the string representation instead of the numbers.
In this case, you can do it as follows
If the length of the two number strings are differnt, the shorter one is the lower number.
if the length is equal, then you can look at each digit individually (starting with the first digit) until you hit a non-equal digit or the string end. If you reaced the end of the string, the numbers are the same, otherwise you kn ow which one is higher/lower.

Lua string to number parsing speed optimization

I am trying to make a speedtest using Lua as one of the languages and I just wanted some advice on how I could make my code a bit faster if possible. It is important that I do my own speedtest, since I am looking at very specific parameters.
The code is reading from a file which looks something like this, but the numbers are randomly generated and range from 1 zu 1 000 000. There are between 100 and 10 000 numbers in one list:
The type is meant for another language, so it can be ignored. I just put this here so you know why I am not parsing every line. This is my Lua code:
incr = 1
for line in io.lines(arg[1]) do
incr = incr +1
if incr % 3 == 0 then
Now, the code works and does exactly what I want it to do. This is not about getting it to work, this is simply about speed. I need ideas and advice to make the code work at optimal speed.
Thanks in advance for any answers.
IMHO, this tonumber() benchmarking is rather strange. Most of CPU time would be spent on other tasks (regexp parsing, file reading, ...).
Instead of converting to number and ignoring result it would be more logical to calculate sum of all the numbers in input file:
local gmatch, s = string.gmatch, 0
for line in io.lines(arg[1]) do
for n in gmatch(line, '%d+') do
s = s + n -- converting string to number is automatic here

Print integer with "most appropriate" kilo/mega/etc multiplier [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to convert byte size into human readable format in java?
Given an integer, I'd like to print it in a human-readable way using kilo, mega, giga etc. multipliers. How do I pick the "best" multiplier?
Here are some examples
1 print as 1
12345 print as 12.3k
987654321 print as 988M
Ideally the number of digits printed should be configurable, e.g. in the last example, 3 digits would lead to 988M, 2 digits would lead to 1.0G, 1 digit would lead to 1G, and 4 digits would lead to 987.7M.
Example: Apple uses an algorithm of this kind, I think, when OSX tells me how many more bytes have to be copied.
This will be for Java, but I'm more interested in the algorithm than the language.
As a starting point, you could use the Math.log() function to get the "magnitude" of your value, and then use some form of associative container for the suffix (k, M, G, etc).
var magnitude = Math.log(value) / Math.log(10);
Hope this helps somehow

What methods can I use to analyse and guess 4-bit checksum algorithm?

[Background Story]
I am working with a 5 year old user identification system, and I am trying to add IDs to the database. The problem I have is that the system that reads the ID numbers requires some sort of checksum, and no-one working here now has ever worked with it, so no-one knows how it works.
I have access to the list of existing IDs, which already have correct checksums. Also, as the checksum only has 16 possible values, I can create any ID I want and run it through the authentication system up to 16 times until I get the correct checksum (but this is quite time consuming)
What methods can I use to help guess the checksum algorithm of used for some data?
I have tried a few simple methods such as XORing and summing, but these have not worked.
So my question is: if I have data (in hexadecimal) like this:
data checksum
00029921 1
00013481 B
00026001 3
00004541 8
What methods can I use work out what sort of checksum is used?
i.e. should I try sequential numbers such as 00029921,00029922,00029923,... or 00029911,00029921,00029931,... If I do this what patterns should I look for in the changing checksum?
Similarly, would comparing swapped digits tell me anything useful about the checksum?
i.e. 00013481 and 00031481
Is there anything else that could tell me something useful? What about inverting one bit, or maybe one hex digit?
I am assuming that this will be a common checksum algorithm, but I don't know where to start in testing it.
I have read the following links, but I am not sure if I can apply any of this to my case, as I don't think mine is a CRC.
I have now downloaded a much larger list of data, and it turned out to be simpler than I was expecting, but for completeness, here is what I did.
00024901 A
00024911 B
00024921 C
00024931 D
00042811 A
00042871 0
00042881 1
00042891 2
00042901 A
00042921 C
00042961 0
00042971 1
00042981 2
00043021 4
00043031 5
00043041 6
00043051 7
00043061 8
00043071 9
00043081 A
00043101 3
00043111 4
00043121 5
00043141 7
00043151 8
00043161 9
00043171 A
00044291 E
From these, I could see that when just one value was increased by a value, the checksum was also increased by the same value as in:
00024901 A
00024911 B
Also, two digits swapped did not change the checksum:
00024901 A
00042901 A
This means that the polynomial value (for these two positions at least) must be the same
Finally, the checksum for 00000000 was A, so I calculated the sum of digits plus A mod 16:
( (Σxi) +0xA )mod16
And this matched for all the values I had. Just to check that there was nothing sneaky going on with the first 3 digits that never changed in my data, I made up and tested some numbers as Eric suggested, and those all worked with this too!
Many checksums I've seen use simple weighted values based on the position of the digits. For example, if the weights are 3,5,7 the checksum might be 3*c[0] + 5*c[1] + 7*c[2], then mod 10 for the result. (In your case, mod 16, since you have 4 bit checksum)
To check if this might be the case, I suggest that you feed some simple values into your system to get an answer:
1000000 = ?
0100000 = ?
0010000 = ?
... etc. If there are simple weights based on position, this may reveal it. Even if the algorithm is something different, feeding in nice, simple values and looking for patterns may be enlightening. As Matti suggested, you/we will likely need to see more samples before decoding the pattern.
