How much data is loaded in to the L2 and L3 caches? - performance

If I have this class:
class MyClass{
short a;
short b;
short c;
and I have this code performing calculations on the above:
std::vector<MyClass> vec;
for(auto x : vec){
sum = vec.a * (3 + vec.b) / vec.c;
I understand the CPU only loads the very data it needs from the L1 cache, but when the L1 cache retrieves data from the L2 cache it loads a whole "cache line" (which could include a few bytes of data it doesn't need).
How much data does the L2 cache load from the L3 cache, and the L3 cache load from main memory? Is it defined in terms of pages and if so, how would this answer differ according to different L2/L3 cache sizes?

L2 and L3 caches also have cache lines that are smaller than a virtual memory system page. The size of L2 and L3 cache lines is greater than or equal to the L1 cache line size, not uncommonly being twice that of the L1 cache line size.
For recent x86 processors, all caches use the same 64-byte cache line size. (Early Pentium 4 processors had 64-byte L1 cache lines and 128-byte L2 cache lines.)
IBM's POWER7 uses 128-byte cache blocks in L1, L2, and L3. (However, POWER4 used 128-byte blocks in L1 and L2, but sectored 512-byte blocks in the off-chip L3. Sectored blocks provide a valid bit for subblocks. For L2 and L3 caches, sectoring allows a single coherence size to be used throughout the system.)
Using a larger cache line size in last level cache reduces tag overhead and facilitates long burst accesses between the processor and main memory (longer bursts can provide more bandwidth and facilitate more extensive error correction and DRAM chip redundancy), while allowing other levels of cache and cache coherence to use smaller chunks which reduces bandwidth use and capacity waste. (Large last level cache blocks also provide a prefetching effect whose cache polluting issues are less severe because of the relatively high capacity of last level caches. However, hardware prefetching can accomplish the same effect with less waste of cache capacity.) With a smaller cache (e.g., typical L1 cache), evictions happen more frequently so the time span in which spatial locality can be exploited is smaller (i.e., it is more likely that only data in one smaller chunk will be used before the cache line is evicted). A larger cache line also reduces the number of blocks available, in some sense reducing the capacity of the cache; this capacity reduction is particularly problematic for a small cache.

It depends somewhat on the ISA and microarchitecture of your platform. Recent x86-64 based microarchitectures use 64 byte lines in all levels of the cache hierarchy.
Typically signed shorts will require two bytes each meaning that MyClass will need 6 bytes in addition the class overhead. If your C++ implementation stores the vector<> contiguously like an array you should get about 10 MyClass objects per 64-byte lines. Provided the vector<> is the right length, you won't load much garbage.
It's wise to note that since you're accessing the elements in a very predictable pattern the hardware prefetcher should kick in and fetch a reasonable amount of data it expects to use in the future. This could potentially bring more than you need into various levels of the cache hierarchy. It will vary from chip to chip.


Can all of L2/L3 cache be used by data? If so, why does the Graviton 3 bandwidth plot drop off after half the L2/L3 size, but only gradually?

Consider Graviton3, for example. It's a 64-core CPU with per-core caches 64KiB L1d and 1MiB L2. And a shared L3 of 64MiB across all cores. The RAM bandwidth per socket is 307GB/s (source).
In this plot (source),
we see that all-cores bandwidth drops off to roughly half, when the data exceeds 4MB. This makes sense: 64x 64KiB = 4 MiB is the size of the L1 data cache.
But why does the next cliff begin at 32MB? And why is the drop-off so gradual there? The private L2 caches of 64 cores is a total of 64 MiB, same as the shared L3 size.
It looks from the plot like they may not have tested any sizes between 32M and 64M. Looks like a straight line between those points on all 3 CPUs.
Since 64M is the total size of both L2 and L3, I'd expect a test like this to have slowed most of the way down at 64M. As Brendan says, page tables and a bit of code will take space, competing with the actual intended test data. If the benchmark loop is tight, stack won't come into play, except for interrupt handling.
Once you're evicting anything from a working set slightly larger than cache, you often evict almost everything before getting back to it, depending on pseudo-LRU luck. I'd expect a test size or 48 or even 56 MiB to be a lot closer to the 32 MiB data point than the 64 MiB data point.
Can all of L2/L3 cache be used by data?
In theory, yes; but only if there's no "non-data" (code) in the cache, only if you count "all data" (and don't just count a process' data and ignore things like stack and page tables), and only if there isn't any aliasing problems.
But why does the next cliff begin at 32MB? And why is the drop-off so gradual there?
For a fully associative cache I'd expect a sudden drop off at/near 32 MiB. However, large caches are almost never fully associative as it costs way to much to find anything in the cache.
As associativity decreases the chance of conflicts increases. For example, for an 8-way associative 64 MiB cache the pathological case is that everything conflicts and you're only able to effectively use 8 MiB of it.
More specifically, for a 64 MiB cache (with unknown associativity), and an "assumed Linux" environment that lacks support for cache coloring, it's reasonable to expect a smooth drop off that ends at 64 MiB.
Just to be clear, on a running Graviton 3 in AWS, an lscpu gives me 32MiB for L3 and not 64 MiB.
Caches (sum of all):
L1d: 4 MiB (64 instances)
L1i: 4 MiB (64 instances)
L2: 64 MiB (64 instances)
L3: 32 MiB (1 instance)
The original question is assuming an L3 of 64 MiB across all cores.
But why does the next cliff begin at 32MB? And why is the drop-off so gradual there? The private L2 caches of 64 cores is a total of 64 MiB, same as the shared L3 size.

CPU cache: does the distance between two address needs to be smaller than 8 bytes to have cache advantage?

It may seem a weird question..
Say the a cache line's size is 64 bytes. Further, assume that L1, L2, L3 has the same cache line size (this post said it's the case for Intel Core i7).
There are two objects A, B on memory, whose (physical) addresses are N bytes apart. For simplicity, let's assume A is on the cache boundary, that is, its address is an integer multiple of 64.
1) If N < 64, when A is fetched by CPU, B will be read into the cache, too. So if B is needed, and the cache line is not evicted yet, CPU fetches B in a very short time. Everybody is happy.
2) If N >> 64 (i.e. much larger than 64), when A is fetched by CPU, B is not read into the cache line along with A. So we say "CPU doesn't like chase pointers around", and it is one of the reason to avoid heap allocated node-based data structure, like std::list.
My question is, if N > 64 but is still small, say N = 70, in other words, A and B do not fit in one cache line but are not too far away apart, when A is loaded by CPU, does fetching B takes the same amount of clock cycles as it would take when N is much larger than 64?
Rephrase - when A is loaded, let t represent the time elapse of fetching B, is t(N=70) much smaller than, or almost equal to, t(N=9999999)?
I ask this question because I suspect t(N=70) is much smaller than t(N=9999999), since CPU cache is hierarchical.
It is even better if there is a quantitative research.
There are at least three factors which can make a fetch of B after A misses faster. First, a processor may speculatively fetch the next block (independent of any stride-based prefetch engine, which would depend on two misses being encountered near each other in time and location in order to determine the stride; unit stride prefetching does not need to determine the stride value [it is one] and can be started after the first miss). Since such prefetching consumes memory bandwidth and on-chip storage, it will typically have a throttling mechanism (which can be as simple as having a modest sized prefetch buffer and only doing highly speculative prefetching when the memory interface is sufficiently idle).
Second, because DRAM is organized into rows and changing rows (within a single bank) adds latency, if B is in the same DRAM row as A, the access to B may avoid the latency of a row precharge (to close the previously open row) and activate (to open the new row). (This can also improve memory bandwidth utilization.)
Third, if B is in the same address translation page as A, a TLB may be avoided. (In many designs hierarchical page table walks are also faster in nearby regions because paging structures can be cached. E.g., in x86-64, if B is in the same 2MiB region as A, a TLB miss may only have to perform one memory access because the page directory may still be cached; furthermore, if the translation for B is in the same 64-byte cache line as the translation for A and the TLB miss for A was somewhat recent, the cache line may still be present.)
In some cases one can also exploit stride-base prefetch engines by arranging objects that are likely to miss together in a fixed, ordered stride. This would seem to be a rather difficult and limited context optimization.
One obvious way that stride can increase latency is by introducing conflict misses. Most caches use simple modulo a power of two indexing with limited associativity, so power of two strides (or other mappings to the same cache set) can place a disproportionate amount of data in a limited number of sets. Once the associativity is exceeded, conflict misses will occur. (Skewed associativity and non-power-of-two modulo indexing have been proposed to reduce this issue, but these techniques have not been broadly adopted.)
(By the way, the reason pointer chasing is particularly slow is not just low spatial locality but that the access to B cannot be started until after the access to A has completed because there is a data dependency, i.e., the latency of fetching B cannot be overlapped with the latency of fetching A.)
If B is at a lower address than A, it won't be in the same cache line even if they're adjacent. So your N < 64 case is misnamed: it's really the "same cache line" case.
Since you mention Intel i7: Sandybridge-family has a "spatial" prefetcher in L2, which (if there aren't a lot of outstanding misses already) prefetches the other cache line in a pair to complete a naturally-aligned 128B pair of lines.
From Intel's optimization manual, in section 2.3 SANDY BRIDGE: Data Prefetching
... Some prefetchers fetch into L1.
Spatial Prefetcher: This prefetcher strives to complete every cache line fetched to the L2 cache with
the pair line that completes it to a 128-byte aligned chunk.
... several other prefetchers try to prefetch into L2
IDK how soon it does this; if it doesn't issue the request until the first cache line arrives, it won't help much for a pointer-chasing case. A dependent load can execute only a couple cycles after the cache line arrives in L1D, if it's really just pointer-chasing without a bunch of computation latency. But if it issues the prefetch soon after the first miss (which contains the address for the 2nd load), the 2nd load could find its data already in L1D cache, having arrived a cycle or two after the first demand-load.
Anyway, this makes 128B boundaries relevant for prefetching in Intel CPUs.
See Paul's excellent answer for other factors.

Do typical multicore processors have muliple ports from L1 to L2

For typical x86 multicore processors, let us say, we have a processor with 2 cores and both cores encounter an L1 instruction cache miss when reading an instruction. Lets also assume that both of the cores are accessing data in addresses which are in separate cache lines. Would those two cores get data from L2 to L1 instruction cache simultaneously or would it be serialized? In other words, do we have multiple ports for L2 cache access for different cores?
For typical x86 multicore processors, let us say, we have a processor with 2 cores
Ok, let use some early variant of Intel Core 2 Duo with two cores (Conroe). They have 2 CPU cores, 2 L1i caches and shared L2 cache.
and both cores encounter an L1 instruction cache miss when reading an instruction.
Ok, there will be miss in L1i to read next instruction (miss in L1d, when you access the data, works in similar way, but there are only reads from L1i and reads&writes from L1d). Each L1i with miss will generate request to next layer of memory hierarchy, to the L2 cache.
Lets also assume that both of the cores are accessing data in addresses which are in separate cache lines.
Now we must to know how the caches are organized (This is classic middle-detail cache scheme which is logically similar to real hardware). Cache is memory array with special access circuits, and it looks like 2D array. We have many sets (64 in this picture) and each set has several ways. When we ask cache to get data from some address, the address is split into 3 parts: tag, set index and offset inside cache line. Set index is used to select the set (row in our 2D cache memory array), then tags in all ways are compared (to find right column in 2D array) with tag part of the request address, this is done in parallel by 8 tag comparators. If there is tag in cache equal to request address tag part, cache have "hit" and cache line from the selected cell will be returned to the requester.
Ways and sets; 2D array of cache (image from or
The example where set index 2 was selected, and parallel tag comparators give a "hit" (tag equality) for the Way 1:
What is the "port" to some memory or to cache? This is hardware interface between external hardware blocks and the memory, which has lines for request address (set by external block, for L1 it is set by CPU, for L2 - by L1), access type (load or store; may be fixed for the port), data input (for stores) and data output with ready bit (set by memory; cache logic handles misses too, so it return data both on hit and on miss, but it will return data for miss later).
If we want to increase true port count, we should increase hardware: for raw SRAM memory array we should add two transistor for every bit to increase port count by 1; for cache we should duplicate ALL tag comparator logic. But this has too high cost, so there are no much multiported memory in CPU, and if it has several ports, the total count of true ports is small.
But we can emulate having of several ports. EECS 470 2007 slide 11:
Parallel cache access is harder than parallel FUs
fundamental difference: caches have state, FUs don’t
one port affects future for other ports
Several approaches used
true multi‐porting
multiple cache copies
virtual multi‐porting
multi‐banking (interleaving)
line buffers
Multi-banking (sometimes called slicing) is used by modern chips ("Intel Core i7 has four banks in L1 and eight banks in L2"; figure 1.6 from page 9 of ISBN 1598297546 (2011) - ). It means, that there are several hardware caches of smaller sizes, and some bits of request address (part of set index - think the sets - rows as splitted over 8 parts or having colored into interleaved rows) are used to select bank. Each bank has low number of ports (1) and function just like classic cache (and there is full set of tag comparators in each bank; but the height of bank - number of sets in it is smaller, and every tag in array is routed only to single tag comparator - cheap as in single ported cache).
Would those two cores get data from L2 to L1 instruction cache simultaneously or would it be serialized? In other words, do we have multiple ports for L2 cache access for different cores?
If two accesses are routed to different L2 banks (slices), then cache behave like multiported and can handle both requests at the same time. But if both are routed to the single bank with single port, they will be serialized for the cache. Cache serialization may cost several ticks and request will be stalled near port; CPU will see this as slightly more access latency.

How to avoid TLB miss (and high Global Memory Replay Overhead) in CUDA GPUs?

The title might be more specific than my actual problem is, although I believe answering this question would solve a more general problem, which is: how to decrease the effect of high latency (~700 cycle) that comes from random (but coalesced) global memory access in GPUs.
In general if one accesses the global memory with coalesced load (eg. I read 128 consecutive bytes), but with very large distance (256KB-64MB) between coalesced accesses, one gets a high TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) miss rate. This high TLB miss rate is due to the limited number (~512) and size (~4KB) of the memory pages used in the TLB lookup table.
I suppose the high TLB miss rate because of the fact that virtual memory is used by NVIDIA, the fact that I get high (98%) Global Memory Replay Overhead and low throughput (45GB/s, with a K20c) in the profiler and the fact that partition camping is not an issue since Fermi.
Is it possible to avoid high TLB miss rate somehow? Would 3D texture cache help if I'm accessing a (X x Y x Z) cube coalesced along X dimension and with a X*Y "stride" along the Z dimension?
Any comment on this topic is appreciated.
Constraints: 1) global data can not be reordered/transposed; 2) kernel is communication bound.
You can only avoid TLB misses by changing your memory access pattern. A different layout of your data in memory can help with this.
A 3D texture will not improve your situation, as it trades improved spatial locality in two additional dimensions against reduced spatial locality in the third dimension. Thus you would unnecessarily read data of neighbors along the Y axis.
What you can do however is mitigate the impact of the resulting latency on throughput. In order to hide t = 700 cycles of latency at a global memory bandwidth of b = 250GB/s, you need to have memory transactions for b / t = 175 KB of data in flight at any time (or 12.5 KB for each of the 14 SMX). With a fully loaded memory interface and a high ratio of TLB misses, you will however find that latency gets closer to 2000 cycles, requiring roughly 32 KB of transactions in flight per sm.
As each word of a memory read transaction in flight requires one register where the value will be stored once it arrives, hiding memory latency has to be balances against register pressure. Keeping 32 KB of data in flight requires 8192 registers, or 12.5% of the total registers available on an SMX.
(Note that for above rough estimates I have neglected the difference between KiB and KB).

why is data structure alignment important for performance?

Can someone give me a short and plausible explanation for why the compiler adds padding to data structures in order to align its members? I know that it's done so that the CPU can access the data more efficiently, but I don't understand why this is so.
And if this is only CPU related, why is a double 4 byte aligned in Linux and 8 byte aligned in Windows?
Alignment helps the CPU fetch data from memory in an efficient manner: less cache miss/flush, less bus transactions etc.
Some memory types (e.g. RDRAM, DRAM etc.) need to be accessed in a structured manner (aligned "words" and in "burst transactions" i.e. many words at one time) in order to yield efficient results. This is due to many things amongst which:
setup time: time it takes for the memory devices to access the memory locations
bus arbitration overhead i.e. many devices might want access to the memory device
"Padding" is used to correct the alignment of data structures in order to optimize transfer efficiency.
In other words, accessing a "mis-aligned" structure will yield lower overall performance. A good example of such pitfall: suppose a data structure is mis-aligned and requires the CPU/Memory Controller to perform 2 bus transactions (instead of 1) in order to fetch the said structure, the performance is thus consequently lower.
the CPU fetches data from memory in groups of 4 bytes (it actualy depends on the hardware its 8 or other values for some types of hardware, but lets stick with 4 to keep it simple),
all is well if the data begins in an address which is dividable by 4, the CPU goes to the memory address and loads the data.
now suppose the data begins in an address not dividable by 4 say for the sake of simplicity at address 1, the CPU must take data from address 0 and then apply some algorithm to dump the byte at the 0 address , to gain access to the actual data at byte 1. this takes time and therefore lowers preformance. so it is much more efficient to have all data addresses aligned.
A cache line is a basic unit of caching. Typically it is 16-64 bytes or more.
Pentium IV: 64 bytes; Pentium Pro/II: 32 bytes; Pentium I: 32 bytes; 486: 16 bytes.
; ...
; ten instructions to generate next pseudo-random
; address in ESI from previous address
; ...
LOOP myrandomreader
For memory read straddling two cachelines:
(for L1 cache miss) the processor must wait for the whole of cache line 1 to be read from L2->L1 into the processor before it can request the second cache line, causing a short execution stall
(for L2 cache miss) the processor must wait for two burst reads from L3 cache (if present) or main memory to complete rather than one
Processor stalls
A random 4 byte read will straddle a cacheline boundary about 5% of the time for 64 byte cachelines, 10% for 32 byte ones and 20% for 16 byte ones.
There may be additional execution overheads for some instructions on misaligned data even if it is within a cacheline. This is talked about on the Intel website for some SSE instructions.
If you are defining the structures yourself, it may make sense to look at listing all the <32bit data fields together in a struct so that padding overhead is reduced or alternatively review whether it is better to turn packing on or off for a particular structure.
On MIPS and many other platforms you don't get the choice and must align - kernel exception if you don't!!
Alignment may also matter extra specially to you if you are doing I/O on the bus or using atomic operations such as atomic increment/decrement or if you wish to be able to port your code to non-Intel.
On Intel only (!) code, a common practice is to define one set of packed structures for network and disk, and another padded set for in-memory and to have routines to convert data between these formats (also consider "endianness" for the disk and network formats).
In addition to jldupont's answer, some architectures have load and store instructions (those used to read/write to and from memory) that only operate on word aligned boundaries - so, to load a non-aligned word from memory would take two load instructions, a shift instruction, and then a mask instruction - much less efficient!
