Can all of L2/L3 cache be used by data? If so, why does the Graviton 3 bandwidth plot drop off after half the L2/L3 size, but only gradually? - performance

Consider Graviton3, for example. It's a 64-core CPU with per-core caches 64KiB L1d and 1MiB L2. And a shared L3 of 64MiB across all cores. The RAM bandwidth per socket is 307GB/s (source).
In this plot (source),
we see that all-cores bandwidth drops off to roughly half, when the data exceeds 4MB. This makes sense: 64x 64KiB = 4 MiB is the size of the L1 data cache.
But why does the next cliff begin at 32MB? And why is the drop-off so gradual there? The private L2 caches of 64 cores is a total of 64 MiB, same as the shared L3 size.

It looks from the plot like they may not have tested any sizes between 32M and 64M. Looks like a straight line between those points on all 3 CPUs.
Since 64M is the total size of both L2 and L3, I'd expect a test like this to have slowed most of the way down at 64M. As Brendan says, page tables and a bit of code will take space, competing with the actual intended test data. If the benchmark loop is tight, stack won't come into play, except for interrupt handling.
Once you're evicting anything from a working set slightly larger than cache, you often evict almost everything before getting back to it, depending on pseudo-LRU luck. I'd expect a test size or 48 or even 56 MiB to be a lot closer to the 32 MiB data point than the 64 MiB data point.

Can all of L2/L3 cache be used by data?
In theory, yes; but only if there's no "non-data" (code) in the cache, only if you count "all data" (and don't just count a process' data and ignore things like stack and page tables), and only if there isn't any aliasing problems.
But why does the next cliff begin at 32MB? And why is the drop-off so gradual there?
For a fully associative cache I'd expect a sudden drop off at/near 32 MiB. However, large caches are almost never fully associative as it costs way to much to find anything in the cache.
As associativity decreases the chance of conflicts increases. For example, for an 8-way associative 64 MiB cache the pathological case is that everything conflicts and you're only able to effectively use 8 MiB of it.
More specifically, for a 64 MiB cache (with unknown associativity), and an "assumed Linux" environment that lacks support for cache coloring, it's reasonable to expect a smooth drop off that ends at 64 MiB.

Just to be clear, on a running Graviton 3 in AWS, an lscpu gives me 32MiB for L3 and not 64 MiB.
Caches (sum of all):
L1d: 4 MiB (64 instances)
L1i: 4 MiB (64 instances)
L2: 64 MiB (64 instances)
L3: 32 MiB (1 instance)
The original question is assuming an L3 of 64 MiB across all cores.
But why does the next cliff begin at 32MB? And why is the drop-off so gradual there? The private L2 caches of 64 cores is a total of 64 MiB, same as the shared L3 size.


Virtually addressed Cache

Relation between cache size and page size
How does the associativity and page size constrain the Cache size in virtually addressed cache architecture?
Particularly I am looking for an example on the following statement:
If C≤(page_size x associativity), the cache index bits come only
from page offset (same in Virtual address and Physical address).
Intel CPUs have used 8-way associative 32kiB L1D with 64B lines for many years, for exactly this reason. Pages are 4k, so the page offset is 12 bits, exactly the same number of bits that make up the index and offset within a cache line.
See the "L1 also uses speed tricks that wouldn't work if it was larger" paragraph in this answer for more details about how it lets the cache avoid aliasing problems like a PIPT cache, but still be as fast as a VIPT cache.
The idea is that the virtual address bits below the page offset are already physical address bits. So a VIPT cache that works this way is more like a PIPT cache with free translation of the index bits.

Computer Architecture: Cache Transfer Analysis

This is a question on my exam study guide and we have not yet covered how to calculate data transfer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Given is an 8 way set associative level 2 data cache with a capacity of 2 MByte (1MByte = 2^20 Byte)
and a block size 128 Bytes. The cache is connected to the main memory by a shared 32 bit address and
data bus. The cache and the RISC-CPU are connected by a separated address and data bus, each with a
width of 32 bit. The CPU is executing a load word instruction
a) How much user data is transferred from the main memory to the cache in case of a cache miss?
b) How much user data is transferred from the cache to the CPU in case of a cache miss?
You need to compute first your cache line size:
Number of cache blocks: 2MB / 128B = 16384 blocks (14 bits)
Number of sets: 16384 / 8 way = 2048 sets (11 bits)
Address width: 32 bits
Line offset bits: 32 - 14 - 11 = 7 bits
So the cache line size is 128B - actually a line is a block but it's good to know the above computation.
a) How much user data is transferred from the main memory to the cache
in case of a cache miss?
In your problem, the L2 cache is the last level cache before main memory. So if you miss in the L2 cache (you don't find the line you are looking for), you need to fetch the line from main memory. So 128B of user data will be transferred from the main memory. The fact that the address bus and data bus are shared does not influence.
b) How much user data is transferred from the cache to the CPU in case
of a cache miss?
If you reached the L2 cache that means you missed the L1 cache. So from L2 the CPU has to transfer to L1 a full L1 cache line. So the L1 line size is 128B, then 128B of data will go from L2 to L1. The CPU will use then only a fraction of that line to feed the instruction that generated the miss into the L1 cache. Whether that line is evicted or not from L2, this should have been stated in the problem sentence (inclusive / exclusive cache)

How much data is loaded in to the L2 and L3 caches?

If I have this class:
class MyClass{
short a;
short b;
short c;
and I have this code performing calculations on the above:
std::vector<MyClass> vec;
for(auto x : vec){
sum = vec.a * (3 + vec.b) / vec.c;
I understand the CPU only loads the very data it needs from the L1 cache, but when the L1 cache retrieves data from the L2 cache it loads a whole "cache line" (which could include a few bytes of data it doesn't need).
How much data does the L2 cache load from the L3 cache, and the L3 cache load from main memory? Is it defined in terms of pages and if so, how would this answer differ according to different L2/L3 cache sizes?
L2 and L3 caches also have cache lines that are smaller than a virtual memory system page. The size of L2 and L3 cache lines is greater than or equal to the L1 cache line size, not uncommonly being twice that of the L1 cache line size.
For recent x86 processors, all caches use the same 64-byte cache line size. (Early Pentium 4 processors had 64-byte L1 cache lines and 128-byte L2 cache lines.)
IBM's POWER7 uses 128-byte cache blocks in L1, L2, and L3. (However, POWER4 used 128-byte blocks in L1 and L2, but sectored 512-byte blocks in the off-chip L3. Sectored blocks provide a valid bit for subblocks. For L2 and L3 caches, sectoring allows a single coherence size to be used throughout the system.)
Using a larger cache line size in last level cache reduces tag overhead and facilitates long burst accesses between the processor and main memory (longer bursts can provide more bandwidth and facilitate more extensive error correction and DRAM chip redundancy), while allowing other levels of cache and cache coherence to use smaller chunks which reduces bandwidth use and capacity waste. (Large last level cache blocks also provide a prefetching effect whose cache polluting issues are less severe because of the relatively high capacity of last level caches. However, hardware prefetching can accomplish the same effect with less waste of cache capacity.) With a smaller cache (e.g., typical L1 cache), evictions happen more frequently so the time span in which spatial locality can be exploited is smaller (i.e., it is more likely that only data in one smaller chunk will be used before the cache line is evicted). A larger cache line also reduces the number of blocks available, in some sense reducing the capacity of the cache; this capacity reduction is particularly problematic for a small cache.
It depends somewhat on the ISA and microarchitecture of your platform. Recent x86-64 based microarchitectures use 64 byte lines in all levels of the cache hierarchy.
Typically signed shorts will require two bytes each meaning that MyClass will need 6 bytes in addition the class overhead. If your C++ implementation stores the vector<> contiguously like an array you should get about 10 MyClass objects per 64-byte lines. Provided the vector<> is the right length, you won't load much garbage.
It's wise to note that since you're accessing the elements in a very predictable pattern the hardware prefetcher should kick in and fetch a reasonable amount of data it expects to use in the future. This could potentially bring more than you need into various levels of the cache hierarchy. It will vary from chip to chip.

Cycles/cost for L1 Cache hit vs. Register on x86?

I remember assuming that an L1 cache hit is 1 cycle (i.e. identical to register access time) in my architecture class, but is that actually true on modern x86 processors?
How many cycles does an L1 cache hit take? How does it compare to register access?
Here's a great article on the subject:
To answer your question - yes, a cache hit has approximately the same cost as a register access. And of course a cache miss is quite costly ;)
The specifics will vary, but this link has some good ballpark figures:
Approximate cost to access various caches and main memory?
Core i7 Xeon 5500 Series Data Source Latency (approximate)
L1 CACHE hit, ~4 cycles
L2 CACHE hit, ~10 cycles
L3 CACHE hit, line unshared ~40 cycles
L3 CACHE hit, shared line in another core ~65 cycles
L3 CACHE hit, modified in another core ~75 cycles remote
L3 CACHE ~100-300 cycles
Local DRAM ~30 ns (~120 cycles)
Remote DRAM ~100 ns
These figures represent much older, slower CPUs, but the ratios basically hold:
Level Access Time Typical Size Technology Managed By
----- ----------- ------------ --------- -----------
Registers 1-3 ns ?1 KB Custom CMOS Compiler
Level 1 Cache (on-chip) 2-8 ns 8 KB-128 KB SRAM Hardware
Level 2 Cache (off-chip) 5-12 ns 0.5 MB - 8 MB SRAM Hardware
Main Memory 10-60 ns 64 MB - 1 GB DRAM Operating System
Hard Disk 3M - 10M ns 20 - 100 GB Magnetic Operating System/User
Throughput and latency are different things. You can't just add up cycle costs. For throughput, see Load/stores per cycle for recent CPU architecture generations - 2 loads per clock throughput for most modern microarchitectures. And see How can cache be that fast? for microarchitectural details of load/store execution units, including showing load / store buffers which limit how much memory-level parallelism they can track. The rest of this answer will focus only on latency, which is relevant for workloads that involve pointer-chasing (like linked lists and trees), and how much latency out-of-order exec needs to hide. (L3 Cache misses are usually too long to fully hide.)
Single-cycle cache latency used to be a thing on simple in-order pipelines at lower clock speeds (so each cycle was more nanoseconds), especially with simpler caches (smaller, not as associative, and with a smaller TLB for caches that weren't purely virtually addressed.) e.g. the classic 5-stage RISC pipeline like MIPS I assumes 1 cycle for memory access on a cache hit, with address calculation in EX and memory access in a single MEM pipeline stage, before WB.
Modern high-performance CPUs divide the pipeline up into more stages, allowing each cycle to be shorter. This lets simple instructions like add / or / and run really fast, still 1 cycle latency but at high clock speed.
For more details about cycle-counting and out-of-order execution, see Agner Fog's microarch pdf, and other links in the x86 tag wiki.
Intel Haswell's L1 load-use latency is 4 cycles for pointer-chasing, which is typical of modern x86 CPUs. i.e. how fast mov eax, [eax] can run in a loop, with a pointer that points to itself. (Or for a linked list that hits in cache, easy to microbench with a closed loop). See also Is there a penalty when base+offset is in a different page than the base? That 4-cycle latency special case only applies if the pointer comes directly from another load, otherwise it's 5 cycles.
Load-use latency is 1 cycle higher for SSE/AVX vectors in Intel CPUs.
Store-reload latency is 5 cycles, and is unrelated to cache hit or miss (it's store-forwarding, reading from the store buffer for store data that hasn't yet committed to L1d cache).
As harold commented, register access is 0 cycles. So, for example:
inc eax has 1 cycle latency (just the ALU operation)
add dword [mem], 1 has 6 cycle latency until a load from dword [mem] will be ready. (ALU + store-forwarding). e.g. keeping a loop counter in memory limits a loop to one iteration per 6 cycles.
mov rax, [rsi] has 4 cycle latency from rsi being ready to rax being ready on an L1 hit (L1 load-use latency.) has a table of latency per cache (which I'll copy here), and some other experimental numbers, including L2-TLB hit latency (on an L1DTLB miss).
Intel i7-4770 (Haswell), 3.4 GHz (Turbo Boost off), 22 nm. RAM: 32 GB (PC3-12800 cl11 cr2).
L1 Data cache = 32 KB, 64 B/line, 8-WAY.
L1 Instruction cache = 32 KB, 64 B/line, 8-WAY.
L2 cache = 256 KB, 64 B/line, 8-WAY
L3 cache = 8 MB, 64 B/line
L1 Data Cache Latency = 4 cycles for simple access via pointer (mov rax, [rax])
L1 Data Cache Latency = 5 cycles for access with complex address calculation (mov rax, [rsi + rax*8]).
L2 Cache Latency = 12 cycles
L3 Cache Latency = 36 cycles
RAM Latency = 36 cycles + 57 ns
The top-level benchmark page is, but still doesn't really explain what the different test-sizes mean, but the code is available. The test results include Skylake, which is nearly the same as Haswell in this test.
#paulsm4's answer has a table for a multi-socket Nehalem Xeon, including some remote (other-socket) memory / L3 numbers.
If I remember correctly it's about 1-2 clock cycles but this is an estimate and newer caches may be faster. This is out of a Computer Architecture book I have and this is information for AMD so Intel may be slightly different but I would bound it between 5 and 15 clock cycles which seems like a good estimate to me.
EDIT: Whoops L2 is 10 cycles with TAG access, L1 takes 1 to two cycles, my mistake :\
Actually the cost of the L1 cache hit is almost the same as a cost of register access. It was surprising for me, but this is true, at least for my processor (Athlon 64). Some time ago I written a simple test application to benchmark efficiency of access to the shared data in a multiprocessor system. The application body is a simple memory variable incrementing during the predefined period of time. To make a comapison, I benchmarked non-shared variable at first. And during that activity I captured the result, but then during application disassembling I found that compiler was deceived my expectations and apply unwanted optimisation to my code. It just put variable in the CPU register and increment it iterativetly in the register without memory access. But real surprise was achived after I force compliler to use in-memory variable instead of register variable. On updated application I achived almost the same benchmarking results. Performance degradation was really negligeble (~1-2%) and looks like related to some side effect.
As result:
1) I think you can consider L1 cache as an unmanaged processor registers pool.
2) There is no any sence to apply brutal assambly optimization by forcing compiler store frequently accesing data in processor registers. If they are really frequently accessed, they will live in the L1 cache, and due to this will have same access cost as the processor register.

In what circumstances can large pages produce a speedup?

Modern x86 CPUs have the ability to support larger page sizes than the legacy 4K (ie 2MB or 4MB), and there are OS facilities (Linux, Windows) to access this functionality.
The Microsoft link above states large pages "increase the efficiency of the translation buffer, which can increase performance for frequently accessed memory". Which isn't very helpful in predicting whether large pages will improve any given situation. I'm interested in concrete, preferably quantified, examples of where moving some program logic (or a whole application) to use huge pages has resulted in some performance improvement. Anyone got any success stories ?
There's one particular case I know of myself: using huge pages can dramatically reduce the time needed to fork a large process (presumably as the number of TLB records needing copying is reduced by a factor on the order of 1000). I'm interested in whether huge pages can also be a benefit in less exotic scenarios.
The biggest difference in performance will come when you are doing widely spaced random accesses to a large region of memory -- where "large" means much bigger than the range that can be mapped by all of the small page entries in the TLBs (which typically have multiple levels in modern processors).
To make things more complex, the number of TLB entries for 4kB pages is often larger than the number of entries for 2MB pages, but this varies a lot by processor. There is also a lot of variation in how many "large page" entries are available in the Level 2 TLB.
For example, on an AMD Opteron Family 10h Revision D ("Istanbul") system, cpuid reports:
L1 DTLB: 4kB pages: 48 entries; 2MB pages: 48 entries; 1GB pages: 48 entries
L2 TLB: 4kB pages: 512 entries; 2MB pages: 128 entries; 1GB pages: 16 entries
While on an Intel Xeon 56xx ("Westmere") system, cpuid reports:
L1 DTLB: 4kB pages: 64 entries; 2MB pages: 32 entries
L2 TLB: 4kB pages: 512 entries; 2MB pages: none
Both can map 2MB (512*4kB) using small pages before suffering level 2 TLB misses, while the Westmere system can map 64MB using its 32 2MB TLB entries and the AMD system can map 352MB using the 176 2MB TLB entries in its L1 and L2 TLBs. Either system will get a significant speedup by using large pages for random accesses over memory ranges that are much larger than 2MB and less than 64MB. The AMD system should continue to show good performance using large pages for much larger memory ranges.
What you are trying to avoid in all these cases is the worst case (note 1) scenario of traversing all four levels of the x86_64 hierarchical address translation.
If none of the address translation caching mechanisms (note 2) work, it requires:
5 trips to memory to load data mapped on a 4kB page,
4 trips to memory to load data mapped on a 2MB page, and
3 trips to memory to load data mapped on a 1GB page.
In each case the last trip to memory is to get the requested data, while the other trips are required to obtain the various parts of the page translation information.
The best description I have seen is in Section 5.3 of AMD's "AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Programming" (publication 24593)
Note 1: The figures above are not really the worst case. Running under a virtual machine makes these numbers worse. Running in an environment that causes the memory holding the various levels of the page tables to get swapped to disk makes performance much worse.
Note 2: Unfortunately, even knowing this level of detail is not enough, because all modern processors have additional caches for the upper levels of the page translation hierarchy. As far as I can tell these are very poorly documented in public.
I tried to contrive some code which would maximise thrashing of the TLB with 4k pages in order to examine the gains possible from large pages. The stuff below runs 2.6 times faster (than 4K pages) when 2MByte pages are are provided by libhugetlbfs's malloc (Intel i7, 64bit Debian Lenny ); hopefully obvious what scoped_timer and random0n do.
volatile char force_result;
const size_t mb=512;
const size_t stride=4096;
std::vector<char> src(mb<<20,0xff);
std::vector<size_t> idx;
for (size_t i=0;i<src.size();i+=stride) idx.push_back(i);
random0n r0n(/*seed=*/23);
scoped_timer t
("TLB thrash random",mb/static_cast<float>(stride),"MegaAccess");
char hash=0;
for (size_t i=0;i<idx.size();++i)
A simpler "straight line" version with just hash=hash^src[i] only gained 16% from large pages, but (wild speculation) Intel's fancy prefetching hardware may be helping the 4K case when accesses are predictable (I suppose I could disable prefetching to investigate whether that's true).
I've seen improvement in some HPC/Grid scenarios - specifically physics packages with very, very large models on machines with lots and lots of RAM. Also the process running the model was the only thing active on the machine. I suspect, though have not measured, that certain DB functions (e.g. bulk imports) would benefit as well.
Personally, I think that unless you have a very well profiled/understood memory access profile and it does a lot of large memory access, it is unlikely that you will see any significant improvement.
This is getting esoteric, but Huge TLB pages make a significant difference on the Intel Xeon Phi (MIC) architecture when doing DMA memory transfers (from Host to Phi via PCIe). This Intel link describes how to enable huge pages. I found increasing DMA transfer sizes beyond 8 MB with normal TLB page size (4K) started to decrease performance, from about 3 GB/s to under 1 GB/s once the transfer size hit 512 MB.
After enabling huge TLB pages (2MB), the data rate continued to increase to over 5 GB/s for DMA transfers of 512 MB.
I get a ~5% speedup on servers with a lot of memory (>=64GB) running big processes.
e.g. for a 16GB java process, that's 4M x 4kB pages but only 4k x 4MB pages.
