Deciphering EBNF from XML specification - ebnf

Take a look at the definition below. What exactly is this supposed to define? According to the EBNF specification, brackets [] define an optional item, so why is the * required? Isn't that superfluous (since it means a repetition of zero or more times)?
The second thing is, how do you interpret the part within parentheses? The - is the exclusion indicator, so does it mean excluding any of the items within parentheses, or the sequence of all three (zero or more from ^<&, followed by ]]>, followed by zero or more from ^<&)?
CharData ::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*)
Or am I completely mistaken, and this is something other than EBNF?
Thanks in advance

The XML specification does not strictly use EBNF as specified by ISO. If you look at Section 6 of the XML specification, it defines the notation used. Square brackets are used in a regex-like manner, not to denote an optional element of the grammar; and the - used for exclusion excludes the group within the parentheses as a whole. Thus, the line you quoted denotes builds up as follows:
[^<&] - any character that is not a left angle bracket (<) or an ampersand (&)
[^<&]* - zero or more characters that are not left angle brackets or ampersands
[^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*) - zero or more characters that are not left angle brackets or ampersands and which do not contain the particular sequence of characters ]]> anywhere within the overall sequence


Semantic meaning of '36_864_7_345ms' as a time literal

Reading the spec for verilog, it appears that
Is a valid time literal: (see section 2)
Note: decimal_digit is defined as [0-9] in the full IEEE spec.
What is the semantic meaning (if any) of this time literal? Or am I misreading the spec?
Looking elsewhere in the spec (section 3.7.9), it appears that the underscore characters are silently discarded. Does the underscore act as an arbitrary seperating character in a similar way as numbers in English (ex. 43,251) have commas to visually separate the numbers? Or is there another meaning altogether?
The spec you quoted from is long since obsolete. Please get the latest from the IEEE where it says in section 5.7.1 Integer literal constants:
The underscore character (_) shall be legal anywhere in a number
except as the first character. The underscore character is ignored.
This feature can be used to break up long numbers for readability

What does <\1> mean in String#sub?

I was reading this and I did not understand it. I have two questions.
What is the difference ([aeiou]) and [aeiou]?
What does <\1> mean?
"hello".sub(/([aeiou])/, '<\1>') #=> "h<e>llo"
Here it documented:
If replacement is a String it will be substituted for the matched text. It may contain back-references to the pattern’s capture groups of the form "\d", where d is a group number, or "\k<n>", where n is a group name. If it is a double-quoted string, both back-references must be preceded by an additional backslash. However, within replacement the special match variables, such as &$, will not refer to the current match.
Character Classes
A character class is delimited with square brackets ([, ]) and lists characters that may appear at that point in the match. /[ab]/ means a or b, as opposed to /ab/ which means a followed by b.
Hope above definition made clear what [aeiou] is.
Parentheses can be used for capturing. The text enclosed by the nth group of parentheses can be subsequently referred to with n. Within a pattern use the backreference \n; outside of the pattern use MatchData[n].
Hope above definition made clear what ([aeiou]) is.
([aeiou]) - any characters inside the character class [..],which will be found first from the string "hello",is the value of \1(i.e.the first capture group). In this example value of \1 is e,which will be replaced by <e> (as you defined <\1>). That's how "h<e>llo" has been generated from the string hello using String#sub method.
The doc you post says
It may contain back-references to the pattern’s capture groups of the
form "\d", where d is a group number, or "\k", where n is a group
So \1 matches whatever was captured in the first () group, i.e. one of [aeiou] and then uses it in the replacement <\1>

How to check how many variables (masks) declared in Regexp (ruby)?

Let's say I have a regexp with some arbitrary amount of capturing groups:
pattern = /(some)| ..a lot of masks combined.... |(other)/
Is there any way to determine a number of that groups?
If you can always find a string that matches the regex you are given, then it suffices to match it against the regex, and look at the match data length. However, determining whether a regexp has a string that it matches is np-hard[1]. This is only feasible if you know in advance what kind of regexes you'll be getting.
The next best best method in the Regexp class is Regexp#source or Regexp#to_s. However, we need to parse the regex if we do this.
I can't speak for the future, but as of Ruby 2.0, there is no better method in the Regexp core class.
A left parenthesis denotes a literal left parenthesis, if preceded by an unescaped backslash. A backslash is unescaped unless an unescaped backslash precedes. So, a character is escaped iff preceded by an odd number of backslashes.
An unescaped left parenthesis denotes a capturing group iff not followed by a question mark. With a question mark, it can mean various things: (?'name') and (?<name>) denote a named capturing group. Named and unnamed capturing groups cannot coexist in the same regex, however[2]. (?:) denote non-capturing groups. This is a special case of (?flags-flags:). (?>) denote atomic groups. (?=), (?!), (?<=) and (?<!) denote lookaround. (?#) denote comments.
Ruby regexp engine supports comments in regexes. Considering them in the main regex would be very difficult. We can try to strip them if we really want to support these, but supporting them fully will get messy due to the possibility of inline flags turning extended mode (and thus line comments) on and off in ways that a regular expression cannot capture. I will go ahead and not support unescaped parentheses in regex comments[3].
We want to count:
the number of left parentheses \(
that are not escaped by a backslash (?<!(?<!\\)(?:\\\\)*\\) (read: not preceded by an odd number of backslashes that are not preceded by yet another backslash) and
that are not followed by a question mark (?!\?)
Ruby doesn't support unbounded lookbehind, but if we reverse the source first, we can rewrite the first assertion slightly: (?!(?:\\\\)*(?!\\)). The second assertion becomes a lookbehind: (?<!\?).
the whole solution
def count_groups(regexp)
# named capture support:
# named_count = regexp.named_captures.count
# return named_count if named_count > 0
# main:
test = /(?!<\?)\((?!(?:\\\\)*(?!\\))/
[1]: we can show the NP-hardness by converting the satisfiability problem to it:
AND: xy (x must be an assertion)
OR: x|y
NOT: (?!x)
atoms: (?=1), (?=.1), (?=..1), ..., (?!1), (?!.1)...
example(XOR): /^(?:(?=1)(?!.1)|(?!1)(?=.1))..$/
this extends to NP-completeness for any class of regexes that can be tested in polynomial time. This includes any regex with no nested repetition (or repeated backreferences to repetition or recursion) and with bounded nesting depth of optional matches.
[2]: /((?<name>..)..)../.match('abcdef').to_a returns ['abcdef', 'ab'], indicating that unnamed capturing groups are ignored when named capturing groups are present. Tested in Ruby 1.9.3
[3]: Inline comments start with (?# and end with ). They cannot contain an unescaped right parenthesis, but they can contain an unescaped left parenthesis. These can be stripped easily (even though we have to sprinkle the "unescaped" regex everywhere), are the lesser evil, but they're also less likely to contain anunescaped left parenthesis.
Line comments start with # and end with a newline. These are only treated as comments in the extended mode. Outside the extended mode, they match the literal # and newline. This is still easy, even if we have to consider escaping again. Determining if the regex has the extended flag set is not too difficult, but the flag modifier groups are a different beast entirely.
Even with Ruby's awesome recursive regexes, merely determining if a previously-open group modifying the extended mode is already closed would yield a very nasty regex (even if you replace one by one and don't have to skip comments, you have to account for escaping). It wouldn't be pretty (even with interpolation) and it wouldn't be fast.

Allowed characters in map key identifier in YAML?

Which characters are and are not allowed in a key (i.e. example in example: "Value") in YAML?
According to the YAML 1.2 specification simply advises using printable characters with explicit control characters being excluded (see here):
In constructing key names, characters the YAML spec. uses to denote syntax or special meaning need to be avoided (e.g. # denotes comment, > denotes folding, - denotes list, etc.).
Essentially, you are left to the relative coding conventions (restrictions) by whatever code (parser/tool implementation) that needs to consume your YAML document. The more you stick with alphanumerics the better; it has simply been our experience that the underscore has worked with most tooling we have encountered.
It has been a shared practice with others we work with to convert the period character . to an underscore character _ when mapping namespace syntax that uses periods to YAML. Some people have similarly used hyphens successfully, but we have seen it misconstrued in some implementations.
Any character (if properly quoted by either single quotes 'example' or double quotes "example"). Please be aware that the key does not have to be a scalar ('example'). It can be a list or a map.

Ruby regex for text within parentheses

I am looking for a regex to replace all terms in parentheses unless the parentheses are within square brackets.
(matches) #match
[(do not match)] #should not match
[[does (not match)]] #should not match
I current have:
[^\]]\([^()]*\) #Not a square bracket, an opening bracket, any non-bracket character and a closing bracket.
However this is still matching words within the square brackets.
I have also created a rubular page of my progress so far:
A regex is not going to cut it for you if you can nest the square brackets (see this related question).
I think you can only do this with a regex if (a) you only allow one level of square brackets and (b) you assume all square brackets are properly matched. In that case
is sufficient - it matches any parenthesised expression not followed by an unpaired ]. You need (b) because of the limitations of negative lookbehind (only fixed length strings in 1.9, and not allowed at all in 1.8), which mean you are stuck matching (match)] even if you don't want to.
So basically if you need to nest, or to allow unmatched brackets, you should ditch the regex and look at the answer to the question I linked to above.
This is a type of expression you cannot parse using a pure-regex approach, because you need to keep track of the current nesting/state_if_in_square_bracket (so you don't have a type 3 language anymore).
However, depending on the exact circumstances, you can parse it with multiple regexes or simple parsers. Example approaches:
Split into sub-strings, delimited by
[/[[or ]/]], change the state
when such a square bracket is
encountered, replace () in a
sub-string if in
"not_in_square_bracket" state
Parse for square brackets (including content), remove & remember them (these are "comments"), now replace all the content in normal brackets and re-add the square brackets stuff (you can remember stuff by using unique temp strings)
The complexity of your solution also depends on the detail if escaping ] is allowed.
