What does <\1> mean in String#sub? - ruby

I was reading this and I did not understand it. I have two questions.
What is the difference ([aeiou]) and [aeiou]?
What does <\1> mean?
"hello".sub(/([aeiou])/, '<\1>') #=> "h<e>llo"

Here it documented:
If replacement is a String it will be substituted for the matched text. It may contain back-references to the pattern’s capture groups of the form "\d", where d is a group number, or "\k<n>", where n is a group name. If it is a double-quoted string, both back-references must be preceded by an additional backslash. However, within replacement the special match variables, such as &$, will not refer to the current match.
Character Classes
A character class is delimited with square brackets ([, ]) and lists characters that may appear at that point in the match. /[ab]/ means a or b, as opposed to /ab/ which means a followed by b.
Hope above definition made clear what [aeiou] is.
Parentheses can be used for capturing. The text enclosed by the nth group of parentheses can be subsequently referred to with n. Within a pattern use the backreference \n; outside of the pattern use MatchData[n].
Hope above definition made clear what ([aeiou]) is.
([aeiou]) - any characters inside the character class [..],which will be found first from the string "hello",is the value of \1(i.e.the first capture group). In this example value of \1 is e,which will be replaced by <e> (as you defined <\1>). That's how "h<e>llo" has been generated from the string hello using String#sub method.

The doc you post says
It may contain back-references to the pattern’s capture groups of the
form "\d", where d is a group number, or "\k", where n is a group
So \1 matches whatever was captured in the first () group, i.e. one of [aeiou] and then uses it in the replacement <\1>


Ruby method gsub with string '+'

I've found interesting thing in ruby. Do anybody know why is behavior?
tried '+'.gsub!('+', '\+') and expected "\\+" but got ""(empty string)
gsub is implemented, after some indirection, as rb_sub_str_bang in C, which calls rb_reg_regsub.
Now, gsub is supposed to allow the replacement string to contain backreferences. That is, if you pass a regular expression as the first argument and that regex defines a capture group, then your replacement string can include \1 to indicate that that capture group should be placed at that position.
That behavior evidently still happens if you pass an ordinary, non-regex string as the pattern. Your verbatim string obviously won't have any capture groups, so it's a bit silly in this case. But trying to replace, for instance, + with \1 in the string + will give the empty string, since \1 says to go get the first capture group, which doesn't exist and hence is vacuously "".
Now, you might be thinking: + isn't a number. And you'd be right. You're replacing + with \+. There are several other backreferences allowed in your replacement string. I couldn't find any official documentation where these are written down, but the source code does quite fine. To summarize the code:
Digits \1 through \9 refer to numbered capture groups.
\k<...> refers to a named capture group, with the name in angled brackets.
\0 or \& refer to the whole substring that was matched, so (\0) as a replacement string would enclose the match in parentheses.
A backslash followed by a backtick (I have no idea how to write that using StackOverflow's markdown) refers to the entire string up to the match.
\' refers to the entire string following the match.
\+ refers to the final capture group, i.e. the one with the highest number.
\\ is a literal backslash.
(Most of these are based on Perl variables of a similar name)
So, in your examples,
\+ as the replacement string says "take the last capture group". There is no capture group, so you get the empty string.
\- is not a valid backreference, so it's replaced verbatim.
\ok is, likewise, not a backreference, so it's replaced verbatim.
In \\+, Ruby eats the first backslash sequence, so the actual string at runtime is \+, equivalent to the first example.
For \\\+, Ruby processes the first backslash sequence, so we get \\+ by the time the replacement function sees it. \\ is a literal backslash, and + is no longer part of an escape sequence, so we get \+.

ruby sub when replacement string starts with \0

In ruby, sub does not allow to replace a string by another one starting with '\0'.
The doc says that \0 is interpreted as a backreference, but as the first parameter is not a Regexp, I don't understand why it works like that.
If you want your second argument to be interpreted as a plain String you can escape it like:
'a'.sub('a', Regexp.escape('\0b'))
'a'.sub('a', '\\\0b')
both returns:
Explanation about this behaviour can be found in documentation
sub(pattern, replacement) → new_str
The pattern is typically a Regexp; if given as a String, any regular
expression metacharacters it contains will be interpreted literally,
e.g. '\d' will match a backslash followed by 'd', instead of a digit.
If replacement is a String it will be substituted for the matched
text. It may contain back-references to the pattern's capture groups
of the form "\d", where d is a group number, or "\k<n>", where n is a
group name. If it is a double-quoted string, both back-references must
be preceded by an additional backslash. However, within replacement
the special match variables, such as $&, will not refer to the current
match. If replacement is a String that looks like a pattern's capture
group but is actually not a pattern capture group e.g. "\'", then it
will have to be preceded by two backslashes like so "\'".

Ruby Regexp gsub, replace instances of second matching character

I would like to replace the first letter after a hyphen in a string with a capitalised letter.
"this-is-a-string" should become "thisIsAString"
"this-is-a-string".gsub( /[-]\w/, '\1'.upcase )
I was hoping that \1 would reinsert my second character match \w and that I could capitalise it.
How does one use the \0 \1 etc options?
You need to capture \w to be able to refer to the submatch.
"this-is-a-string".gsub(/-(\w)/) {$~[1].upcase}
# => thisIsAString
See the Ruby demo
Note that $~[1] inside the {$~[1].upcase} block is actually the text captured with (\w), the $~ is a matchdata object instantiated with gsub and [1] is the index of the first group defined with a pair of unescaped parentheses.
See more details about capturing groups in the Use Parentheses for Grouping and Capturing section at regular-expressions.info.

Ensure non-matching of a pattern within a scope

I am trying to create a regex that matches a pattern in some part of a string, but not in another part of the string.
I am trying to match a substring that
(i) is surrounded by a balanced pair of one or more consecutive backticks `
(ii) and does not include as many consecutive backticks as in the surrounding patterns
(iii) where the surrounding patterns (sequence of backticks) are not adjacent to other backticks.
This is some variant of the syntax of inline code notation in Markdown syntax.
Examples of matches are as follows:
"xxx`foo`yyy" # => matches "foo"
"xxx``foo`bar`baz``yyy" # => matches "foo`bar`baz"
"xxx```foo``bar``baz```yyy" # => matches "foo``bar``baz"
One regex to achieve this is:
which uses a non-greedy match.
I was wondering if I can get rid of the non-greedy match.
The idea comes from when the prohibited pattern is a single character. When I want to match a substring that is surrounded by a single quote ' that does not include a single quote in it, I can do either:
The first one uses non-greedy match, and the second one uses an explicit non-matching pattern [^'].
I am wondering if it is possible to have something like the second form when the prohibited pattern is not a single character.
Going back to the original issue, there is negative lookahead syntax(?!), but I cannot restrict its effective scope. If I make my regex like this:
then the effect of (?!.*\k<backticks>) will not be limited to within (?<inline>...), but will extend to the whole string. And since that contradicts with the \k<backticks> at the end, the regex fails to match.
Is there a regex technique to ensure non-matching of a pattern (not-necessarily a single character) within a certain scope?
You can search for one or more characters which aren't the first character of a delimiter:

preg_match search pattern, stop at character combination

I am trying to pull a whole Mysql statement from a database sql file
INSERT INTO `helppages`
(`HelpPageID`, `ShowHelpItem`, `HelpRank`, `HelpCategory`, `HelpTitle`, `HelpDescription`, `HelpLink`, `HelpText`, `CMSHelpBar`, `CMSHelpBarAdditional`)
VALUES (... characters (Too many to post here, but the expression below grabs all) ...
The current, though I have been through many variations, expression I am using is:
preg_match("#INSERT INTO `$SearchingTableName` ([!%&'-/:<=>#^`\;\s\d\w\"\#\$\(\)\*\+\,\.\?\[\]\{\}\(\)\\\|©]*?)\)\;\r\n#s", $uploadedfile, $matches);
which gets all the information but I can't get it to stop at the end ");\r\n"
also $SearchingTableName = helppages.
Sorry the current expression uses look forward
preg_match("#INSERT INTO `$SearchingTableName` ([!%&'-/:<=>#^`\;\s\d\w\"\#\$\(\)\*\+\,\.\?\[\]\{\}\(\)\\\|©]*)(?!\)\;\r\n)#s", $uploadedfile, $matches);
Also I checked with MSword using );^p and there is only one instance at the end of the Insert
To match this kind of string you can't do it only playing with character classes. You need to describe the string structure.
For this simple particular case you can use this pattern:
$pattern = <<<EOD
# definitions
(?<elt> [^"',)]+ | '(?>[^\\']+|\\.)*' | "(?>[^\\"]+|\\.)*" )
(?<list> \( \g<elt>? (?: \s* , \s* \g<elt> )* \) )
# main pattern
INSERT \s+ (?:INTO \s+)? `$SearchingTableName` \s* \g<list>? \s* VALUES \s*
\g<list> \s* (?: , \s* \g<list> \s* )* ;
if (preg_match_all($pattern, $uploadedfile, $m))
online demo
But keep in mind that parsing a programming language is not an easy task and is full of traps (depending of the syntax) even for the capabilities of the PHP regex engine. (It's however possible.)
regex features used here:
delimiters and modifiers:
The pattern delimiter used here is ~ instead of the classical /. There is no literal ~ in the pattern thus it's ok.
The pattern uses two modifiers: s and x:
by default the . can't match the newline character \n. The s modifier (s for singleline mode) changes this behavior. When used the . can match all characters including the newline character. (Note that you can retrieve this default behavior using \N that doesn't match the newline character whatever the mode.)
x switches on the extended mode. In this mode, whitespaces inside the pattern are ignored. This mode allows too inline comments that begin with a sharp character #. This mode is very useful to make readable long patterns using spaces, indentation and comments.
using named captures
When you have a long pattern and when you need to reuse several times the same subpatterns, you have the possibility to reuse subpatterns that are written inside capture groups.
A quick example:
You want to match several items separated by commas and composed with 4 digits and 4 letters like this: 1234abcd,5678efgh,9012ijkl,3456mnop.
The pattern to do that is obviously ^\d{4}[a-z]{4}(?:,\d{4}[a-z]{4})+$
But if I don't want to write \d{4}[a-z]{4} two times, I can put it in a capture group and use an alias for the subpattern in the capture group, like this: ^(\d{4}[a-z]{4})(?:,(?1))+$.
Here the (?1) is an alias for the subpattern inside the capture group 1 (not the content matched by the subpattern as a backreference \1 does, but the subpattern itself) that is \d{4}[a-z]{4}.
PCRE, the regex engine used by PHP supports this syntax too \g<1> instead of (?1).
But if you have a lot of capture groups in the pattern, it is not always handy to remember what's the number of the capture group you need. This is the reason why you have the possibility to name capturing groups. Example: ^(?<diglet>\d{4}[a-z]{4})(?:,\g<diglet>)+$
The other advantage of named patterns, except to make the whole pattern more readable, is to add a semantical dimension to the pattern, in the same way you can do it by addying an id attribute to an html tag.
definition section
Instead of defining the named subpattern directly in the main pattern like in the previous example, you can use a definition section to put all the subpatterns that would be used in the main pattern. Note that all that is inside this section is only here for definition purpose and doesn't match nothing. It's like a zero-width assertion.
The syntax of this section is : (?(DEFINE)(?<diglet>\d{4}[a-z]{4})) (you can put several named subpatterns inside.). The precedant pattern becomes:(?(DEFINE)(?<diglet>\d{4}[a-z]{4}))^\g<diglet>(?:,\g<diglet>)+$
the pattern itself:
The first part of the pattern enclosed between (?(DEFINE) and ) consists of subpatterns definitions that will be used later in the main pattern.
The elt subpattern describes an item (a column name or a value):
[^"',)]+ # all that is not a quote a comma or a closing parenthese:
# in the present context this will match numbers and column names
| # OR
'(?>[^\\']+|\\.)*' # string between single quotes (designed to deal with escaped quotes)
"(?>[^\\"]+|\\.)*" # same for double quotes
The list subpattern describes the full list of elements separated by commas between parenthesis. Note that this subpattern use a reference to the elt subpattern.
The main pattern needs only to reuse the subpattern list.
