Basically I have the following code, which I produced on a PC desktop using Excel 2010. And it worked just fine. However, when I transferred the file to Mac and executed the getStockDataTest() subroutine using Excel 2011, it failed miserably.
I kept getting this error message
Option Explicit
Sub getStockDataTest()
getGoogleStockHistory 700
End Sub
Sub getGoogleStockHistory(gInt As Long)
' Macro1 Macro
'load google stock hisotry
'.add -> create object
'With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
'"URL;" _
, Destination:=Range("$A$1"))
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Query").QueryTables(1)
.Connection = "URL;" & Format(gInt, "0000") & "&num=200" '&num 200 = 200 days of data
.Name = "WebQuery"
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.BackgroundQuery = True
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
.SavePassword = False
.SaveData = True
.AdjustColumnWidth = True
.RefreshPeriod = 0
.WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables 'xlEntirePage will get entire webpage
.WebTables = "4"
.WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
.WebDisableDateRecognition = False
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
.WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
.WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
.WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
.WebDisableRedirections = False
End With
End Sub
Furthermore, I want to ask how to do Import from web in Mac Excel 2011, because I cannot find such icon. Please help me out here, as I am quite lost here.
This site says (see number 9 in the list) that PreserveFormatting doesn't exist on Mac and RefreshPeriod may be different...
Deleting these 2 statements may solve your problem.
The only recommendation I have is to remove the inline comments as it might be part of the issue. Here is a link to a similar question on how to create a web query on a Mac.
From what I can gather from a couple of Google queries, VBA within Excel 2011 Mac is nearly identical to the VBA on PC so there shouldn't be an issue. Several forums I frequent recommend this site to understand the differences that still exist.
I'm using the following script with a software which reads a CheckBox using OMR and outputs the data to an XML file.
Is there a way I can change it to say if more than one box has been checked, the data output should be the first checked box in the list?
Hope this makes sense.
Any help would be appreciated.
Dim installer
q_a1= Metadata.Values("OMR_FRED_P2")
q_a2= Metadata.Values("OMR_JON_P2")
q_a3= Metadata.Values("OMR_MATT_P2")
q_a4= Metadata.Values("OMR_STEVE_P2")
If q_a1 = "Filled" Then
installer = "Fred"
End If
If q_a2 = "Filled" then
installer = "Jon"
End If
If q_a3 = "Filled" then
installer = "Matt"
End If
If q_a4 = "Filled" then
installer = "Steve"
End If
call Metadata.SetValues("CompleteBy",installer)
You could do something like this:
Dim a1Checked, a2Checked, a3Checked, a4Checked
Dim numberOfChecked
a1Checked = (q_a1 = "Filled")
a2Checked = (q_a2 = "Filled")
a3Checked = (q_a3 = "Filled")
a4Checked = (q_a4 = "Filled")
numberOfChecked = Abs(a1Checked + a2Checked + a3Checked + a4Checked)
If a1Checked Or numberOfChecked > 1 Then
installer = "Fred"
ElseIf a2Checked Then
installer = "Jon"
ElseIf a3Checked Then
installer = "Matt"
ElseIf a4Checked Then
installer = "Steve"
' Decide what you want to do if none is checked.
End If
Call Metadata.SetValues("CompleteBy", installer)
In VBScript, the numeric value of a "boolean true" value is -1 and of the false value is 0.
The above code simply adds the values together. If two conditions are met, the total would be -2, then we use the Abs function to get the abstract value (i.e., returning 2 instead of -2). After that, you can easily check if two or more conditions are met by using numberofChecked > 1.
I'm using Pervasive 9.2 and would like to somehow convert the vbscript into pervasives RIFL language. I want to execute the code during a Process where the f(x) component is executed to run the code. As far as the Path to the xml data, I'll be using a Macro defining where the source data is and another to save the file as well.
Here is the vbscript code below:
Set xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xml.async = False
count_var = 1
If xml.Load("c:\folder1\test.xml") Then
For Each accounts In xml.SelectNodes("//Accounts")
For Each account In Accounts.SelectNodes("./Account")
If count_var > 1 Then
Set accountEnum = xml.createNode(1, "Account" & count_var, "")
For Each child In Account.childNodes
Accounts.replaceChild accountEnum, Account"c:\folder1\test.xml")
Set accountEnum = xml.createNode(1, "Account" & count_var, "")
For Each child In Account.childNodes
Accounts.replaceChild accountEnum, Account"c:\folder1\test.xml")
End If
count_var = count_var + 1
count_var = 1
End If
Set node = Nothing
Set xml = Nothing
documentation here
this will return a DOMDocument Object Type
documentation here
hope this helps
I've got a classic ASP application that contacts a database and receives a valid response but then crashes with
Error Number 9: Subscript out of range
after exiting the IF block the db call is made in. What's odd is that the same code is currently working in production. As far as I can tell they're configured identically (but I suspect there's a subtle difference that's causing this issue) and have identical code bases.
What I want to know is:
Where is this array that I'm supposedly attempting to reach a non-existent index of? I don't see it and the error gives no line number. Is there a chance something is not working correctly in the adodb library?
Perhaps this is a common problem having to do with a certain patch and my particular db connection library? Have you had a similar experience?
How do I troubleshoot a problem that doesn't immediately present itself? Should I just start putting troubleshooting statements in the library?
Explanation of what's happening in the code: When the cookie "click" is received err.number is 0. When the cookie "bang" is received the err.number is 9. It then crashes with that error at the end of the IF block.
<% Server.ScriptTimeout = 150 %>
On Error resume Next
<!--#include file=""-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="DBConn.asp"-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE="ErrorHandler.asp"-->
'Application Timeout Warning
sessionTimeout = 20
advanceWarning = 5
jsTimeout = (sessionTimeout - advanceWarning) * 60000
'If the users session has expired
If Session("USERNAME") = "" or Session("USERNAME") = NULL Then
End If
'If the user has just changed their password. Prompt them that it was successfully changed
If Request("changePasswd") = "true" Then
Response.Write("<script language='Javascript'>alert('Your Password Has been Successfully Changed!');</script>")
End If
Dim connection, cmd, objRS, latestDate, lastDateJPMC, firstDateJPMC, lastDateWACH, firstDateWACH, lastDateWFB, firstDateWFB, accountCount
Function calConvertDate(theDate)
Dim yr, mn, dy, dtSplit
dtSplit = Split(theDate,"/")
yr = dtSplit(2)
mn = dtSplit(0)
dy = dtSplit(1)
if Len(mn) = 1 then mn = "0" & mn
if Len(dy) = 1 then dy = "0" & dy
calConvertDate = "[" & yr & "," & mn & "]"
End Function
set connection = Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
connection.Open DBConn
connection.CommandTimeout = 60
set connection = Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
connection.Open DBConn
connection.CommandTimeout = 60
'Get Earliest & Latest Date in Database
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
With cmd
Set .ActiveConnection = connection
.CommandText = "CIRS_Admin.spGetLatestDate"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
set objRS = .Execute
End With
latestDate = calConvertDate(objRS("latestDate"))
Set objRS = Nothing
End If
To debug, please add a statement like
Response.Write (objRS("latestDate"))
before the line
latestDate = calConvertDate(objRS("latestDate"))
so you can see if (for example) the date returned from the server has "-" as separator instead of "/" or if an empty value is returned.
After understanding what is causing the problem you can solve it
1.Where is this array that I'm supposedly attempting to reach a non-existent index of? I don't see it and the error gives no line number. Is there a chance something is not working correctly in the adodb library?
This is your array:
yr = dtSplit(2)
mn = dtSplit(0)
dy = dtSplit(1)
What's odd is that the same code is currently working in production. As far as I can tell they're configured identically (but I suspect there's a subtle difference that's causing this issue) and have identical code bases.
May be you have different regional settings?
I strongly suggest to you use better error handling.
Internal Server Error 500 w/ IIS Log
I have been a longtime lurker of stackoverflow and have now decided to join. I am trying to pull a list of every Functional Location out of SAP using BAPI. When I run this code it returns with an empty table. I dont have very much experiance with BAPI and I am trying to teach myself. Can someone please help with what im missing to make this work.
See code bellow:
Dim sapFunc As New SAPFunctionsOCX.SAPFunctions
Dim objServer = sapFunc.Connection
objServer.Client = "101"
objServer.User = "MyUserName"
objServer.Ticket = "MyKey"
objServer.system = "PEC"
objServer.MessageServer = "MyMessagerServer"
objServer.GroupName = "PUBLIC"
If objServer.logon(0, True) <> True Then
MsgBox("Key Rejected")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim objRfcFunc As SAPFunctionsOCX.Function
objRfcFunc = sapFunc.Add("BAPI_FUNCLOC_GETLIST")
If objRfcFunc.Call = False Then
MsgBox("Error occured - " & objRfcFunc.Exception)
Exit Sub
End If
Dim tab = objRfcFunc.Tables("FUNCLOC_LIST")
System.Console.WriteLine("Input start:")
For I = 1 To tab.RowCount
For j = 1 To tab.ColumnCount
System.Console.Write(tab.ColumnName(j) + ":")
System.Console.WriteLine(tab.Cell(I, j))
System.Console.WriteLine("Input end.")
I don't intend for this to be an answer, but if it helps then that's good. If it doesn't, I'll delete it.
With objRfcFunc.tables("funcloc_ra")
If .RowCount < 1 Then .Rows.Add
.cell(1, 1) = "I"
.cell(1, 2) = "EQ"
.cell(1, 3) = "Your Func Loc"
End With
Do this after setting objRfcFunc and before calling it. The call will use these parameters.
I means to Include, EQ means you want to find items equal to the value in low.
I am very new with programming and I have come across an issue in Visual Basic that I cannot figure out. Many forums and YouTube videos later I still do not have an answer.
I am using a nested selection structure and within it is two Message boxes. I cannot figure out how to get the second dialog result to trigger the elseif statement. It just skips over it. I believe since I have one variable declared for a dialog result it is checking both of them, but in this case I don't know how to declare only the second dialog result.
Here is the code so far.
Dim dblTotal As Double = 12
Dim strResponse As DialogResult
' Dialog box asking about a coupon and $2 coupon.
If MessageBox.Show("Does customer have a coupon?", "Coupon", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = vbYes AndAlso
MessageBox.Show("Does customer have a $2 coupon?", "Coupon", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = vbNo Then
lblTotal.Text = Convert.ToString(dblTotal - 4)
' Meant to be ran if statement is false. I dont Understand
' why it is skipping over and not executing.
' Is "dlgResult" reading the first one as well? How do I correct?
ElseIf strResponse = vbYes Then
lblTotal.Text = Convert.ToString(dblTotal - 2)
lblTotal.Text = Convert.ToString(dblTotal)
End If
End Sub
I understand it would be easier to to code if the first message = vbNo, but I was trying to see if this way would work.
Thank you!!
Is this how you wanted it?
Dim dialog1 As DialogResult
Dim dialog2 As DialogResult
Dim dblTotal As Double = 12
dialog1 = MessageBox.Show("Does customer have a coupon?", "Coupon", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
dialog2 = MessageBox.Show("Does customer have a $2 coupon?", "Coupon", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
If dialog1 = DialogResult.OK Then
dblTotal = dblTotal - 2
End If
If dialog2 = DialogResult.OK Then
dblTotal = dblTotal - 2
End If
lblTotal.Text = Convert.ToString(dblTotal - 2)