How to check if two or more conditions are met vs only one of them is true? - vbscript

I'm using the following script with a software which reads a CheckBox using OMR and outputs the data to an XML file.
Is there a way I can change it to say if more than one box has been checked, the data output should be the first checked box in the list?
Hope this makes sense.
Any help would be appreciated.
Dim installer
q_a1= Metadata.Values("OMR_FRED_P2")
q_a2= Metadata.Values("OMR_JON_P2")
q_a3= Metadata.Values("OMR_MATT_P2")
q_a4= Metadata.Values("OMR_STEVE_P2")
If q_a1 = "Filled" Then
installer = "Fred"
End If
If q_a2 = "Filled" then
installer = "Jon"
End If
If q_a3 = "Filled" then
installer = "Matt"
End If
If q_a4 = "Filled" then
installer = "Steve"
End If
call Metadata.SetValues("CompleteBy",installer)

You could do something like this:
Dim a1Checked, a2Checked, a3Checked, a4Checked
Dim numberOfChecked
a1Checked = (q_a1 = "Filled")
a2Checked = (q_a2 = "Filled")
a3Checked = (q_a3 = "Filled")
a4Checked = (q_a4 = "Filled")
numberOfChecked = Abs(a1Checked + a2Checked + a3Checked + a4Checked)
If a1Checked Or numberOfChecked > 1 Then
installer = "Fred"
ElseIf a2Checked Then
installer = "Jon"
ElseIf a3Checked Then
installer = "Matt"
ElseIf a4Checked Then
installer = "Steve"
' Decide what you want to do if none is checked.
End If
Call Metadata.SetValues("CompleteBy", installer)
In VBScript, the numeric value of a "boolean true" value is -1 and of the false value is 0.
The above code simply adds the values together. If two conditions are met, the total would be -2, then we use the Abs function to get the abstract value (i.e., returning 2 instead of -2). After that, you can easily check if two or more conditions are met by using numberofChecked > 1.


How to create a Roblox game where the player has to guess a randomly generated pin?

So, I've been working on this for the past week. I have tried everything (based on the knowledge I know) and yet nothing... my code didn't work the first time, the second time, the third time... the forth... etc... at the end, I let frustration take control of me and I ended up deleting the whole script. Luckily not the parts and models, otherwise I'm really screwed...
I need to create a game in which I have to create a keypad of sorts, at first I thought GUI would work... no, it needs to be SurfaceGUI, which I don't know how to handle well... Anyway, I needed to create a keypad using SurfaceGUI, and display it on a separate screen, as a typical keypad would...
The Player would first have to enter an "initial" number, meaning in order to enter the randomly generated number he first needed to input the static pin in order to "log in," after that, then he would try to guess the number...
I've literally tried everything I could but nothing... It's mainly because of my lack of experience in LUA, I'm more advanced in Python and barely know a thing in Java... If someone could assist me on how to do this, I would appreciate it greatly
First, download this and put it in a ScreenGui in StarterGui. Then, use the following LocalScript placed inside the PIN frame:
-- Script settings
local len = 4 -- replace this as needed...
local regen = false -- determines whether PIN will regenerate after a failed attempt
local regmes = "Enter PIN..." -- start message of PIN pad
local badmes = "Wrong PIN!" -- message displayed when PIN is wrong
local success = "Correct PIN!" -- message displayed when PIN is right
-- Script workings
local pin = script.Parent
local top = pin.Top
local txt = top.Numbers
local nums = top.NumKeys
local pin
local stpin
local nms
txt.Text = regmes
local see = game:GetStorage("ReplicatedStorage").PINActivate
local function activate()
if pin.Visible then
pin.Visible = false
for _, btn in pairs(nums:GetChildren()) do
btn.Active = false
pin.Visible = true
for _, btn in pairs(nums:GetChildren()) do
btn.Active = true
local function rand()
math.randomseed(os.time) -- better random numbers this way
return tostring(math.floor(math.random(0,9.9)))
local function gen()
nms = {rand()}
for i=2, len, 1 do
stpin = nms[1]
for i=2, #nms, 1 do
stpin = stpin..nms[i]
pin = tonumber(stpin) -- converts the number string into an actual number
local function activate(str)
if tonumber(str) ~= pin then
txt.Text = badmes
txt.Text = regmes
if regen then
txt.Text = success
-- insert code here...
for _, btn in pairs(nums:GetChildren()) do
if txt.Text == "Wrong PIN!" then return end
txt.Text = txt.Text..btn.Text
if string.len(txt.Text) >= len then
And in a Script put this:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local see = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").PINActivate
local plr
-- replace Event with something like Part.Touched
if part.Parent.Head then
plr = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(part.Parent)
What this will do is bring up a ScreenGui for only that player so they can enter the PIN, and they can close it as well. You can modify as needed; have a great day! :D
There is an easier way, try this
First, Create a GUI in StarterGui, then, Create a textbox and postion it, after that, create a local script inside and type this.
local Password = math.random(1000, 9999)
game.ReplicatedStorage.Password.Value = Password
if enter then
if script.Parent.Text == tostring(Password) then
script.Parent.BorderColor3 =, 255, 0)
Password = math.random(1000, 9999)
game.ReplicatedStorage.Password.Value = Password
script.Parent.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0)
That's all in the textbox.
Or if you want a random username script, create a textlabel, then, create a local script in the textlabel and type in this.
local UserText = script.Parent
local Username = math.random(1,10)
while true do
if Username == 1 then
UserText.Text = "John"
elseif Username == 2 then
UserText.Text = "Thomas"
elseif Username == 3 then
UserText.Text = "Raymond"
elseif Username == 4 then
UserText.Text = "Ray"
elseif Username == 5 then
UserText.Text = "Tom"
elseif Username == 6 then
UserText.Text = "Kai"
elseif Username == 7 then
UserText.Text = "Lloyd"
elseif Username == 8 then
UserText.Text = "Jay"
elseif Username == 9 then
UserText.Text = "User"
UserText.Text = "Guest"
All of those if statments are checking what username has been chosen. I have made a roblox game like this recently, so I just took all the script from the game.
If you want to check out my game, Click Here

Convert vbscript into rapid integration flowlanguage

I'm using Pervasive 9.2 and would like to somehow convert the vbscript into pervasives RIFL language. I want to execute the code during a Process where the f(x) component is executed to run the code. As far as the Path to the xml data, I'll be using a Macro defining where the source data is and another to save the file as well.
Here is the vbscript code below:
Set xml = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xml.async = False
count_var = 1
If xml.Load("c:\folder1\test.xml") Then
For Each accounts In xml.SelectNodes("//Accounts")
For Each account In Accounts.SelectNodes("./Account")
If count_var > 1 Then
Set accountEnum = xml.createNode(1, "Account" & count_var, "")
For Each child In Account.childNodes
Accounts.replaceChild accountEnum, Account"c:\folder1\test.xml")
Set accountEnum = xml.createNode(1, "Account" & count_var, "")
For Each child In Account.childNodes
Accounts.replaceChild accountEnum, Account"c:\folder1\test.xml")
End If
count_var = count_var + 1
count_var = 1
End If
Set node = Nothing
Set xml = Nothing
documentation here
this will return a DOMDocument Object Type
documentation here
hope this helps

slow loop when automating Excel

I need to create an excel sheet which contains a visual representation of a bit array. Presently I test the bit value and update the cell contents
For h = 1 To 128
value = Mid(array, h,1)
If value = "1" Then
xl.Application.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(129 - h,5).value = "X"
xl.Application.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(129 - h,5).value = ""
End If
If I add a WScript.Sleep 100 before Next then the output result in the excel sheet is correct.
If not, then the X's are in the wrong places.
Initially I thought that it was Excel that was slow, so I tried making a CSV file that I could simply import later, but with the same results: too fast and the X's are in the wrong positions, slow it down and they are correct.
There are around 128 of these 128bit arrays, and if each takes 3 ~ 5 seconds then making this sheet will take forever.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this quickly? I am open to other ideas/solutions (with VBS) outputting the excel file.
Try putting the array into the range in one go, like this
ReDim dat(1 To 128, 1 To 1)
For h = 1 To 128
v = Mid$(arr, h, 1)
dat(129 - h, 1) = IIf(v = "1", "X", "")
xl.Application.Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 5).Resize(128, 1).Value = dat
This worked for me (tested in vbscript rather than vba).
As it uses an array, the "" output as part of an IF is redundant as the array is blank, so it is only necessary to write the X when the bit is 1.
Dim StrArr
Dim xl
Set xl = CreateObject("excel.application")
Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Add
'sample array
StrArr = "1100111011001110110011101100111011001110110011101100111011001110110011101100111011001110110011101100111011001110110011101100111"
Dim X(128, 1 )
For lngrow = 1 To UBound(X)
If Mid(StrArr, lngrow, 1) = "1" Then X(lngrow, 0) = 1
wb.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 5).Resize(UBound(X), 1).Value = X
xl.Visible = True

how to generate endless random objects in corona SDK?

so I am very new to coding in general and I am trying to make a vertically-scrolling endless runner which basically involves jumping onto platforms to stay alive.I want to generate the same platform in three different locations endlessly. I basically copied some code from an article on the internet and then changed it around to try to make it suit my needs. However, when I run my code in the simulator, one platform is generated in the same location and no others appear. Also, when I look at the console, random numbers do appear. here is the code I am using
local blocks = display.newGroup ()
local groundMin = 200
local groundMax = 100
local groundLevel = groundMin
local function blockgenerate( event )
for a = 1, 1, -1 do
isDone = false
numGen = math.random(3)
local newBlock
print (numGen)
if (numGen == 1 and isDone == false) then
newBlock = display.newImage ("platform.jpg")
if (numGen == 2 and isDone == false) then
newBlock = display.newImage ("platform.jpg")
if (numGen == 3 and isDone == false) then
newBlock = display.newImage ("platform.jpg")
end = ("block" .. a) = a
newBlock.x = (a * 100) - 100
newBlock.y = groundLevel
blocks : insert(newBlock)
timer.performWithDelay (1000, blockgenerate, -1)
thank you very much in advance and sorry my description was so long
Your "a" variable is always going to be 1. Perhaps you meant to use:
a = a + 1

SAP BAPI get all Functional Locations

I have been a longtime lurker of stackoverflow and have now decided to join. I am trying to pull a list of every Functional Location out of SAP using BAPI. When I run this code it returns with an empty table. I dont have very much experiance with BAPI and I am trying to teach myself. Can someone please help with what im missing to make this work.
See code bellow:
Dim sapFunc As New SAPFunctionsOCX.SAPFunctions
Dim objServer = sapFunc.Connection
objServer.Client = "101"
objServer.User = "MyUserName"
objServer.Ticket = "MyKey"
objServer.system = "PEC"
objServer.MessageServer = "MyMessagerServer"
objServer.GroupName = "PUBLIC"
If objServer.logon(0, True) <> True Then
MsgBox("Key Rejected")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim objRfcFunc As SAPFunctionsOCX.Function
objRfcFunc = sapFunc.Add("BAPI_FUNCLOC_GETLIST")
If objRfcFunc.Call = False Then
MsgBox("Error occured - " & objRfcFunc.Exception)
Exit Sub
End If
Dim tab = objRfcFunc.Tables("FUNCLOC_LIST")
System.Console.WriteLine("Input start:")
For I = 1 To tab.RowCount
For j = 1 To tab.ColumnCount
System.Console.Write(tab.ColumnName(j) + ":")
System.Console.WriteLine(tab.Cell(I, j))
System.Console.WriteLine("Input end.")
I don't intend for this to be an answer, but if it helps then that's good. If it doesn't, I'll delete it.
With objRfcFunc.tables("funcloc_ra")
If .RowCount < 1 Then .Rows.Add
.cell(1, 1) = "I"
.cell(1, 2) = "EQ"
.cell(1, 3) = "Your Func Loc"
End With
Do this after setting objRfcFunc and before calling it. The call will use these parameters.
I means to Include, EQ means you want to find items equal to the value in low.
