How to find the globally defined analyzer name in Elastic search? - elasticsearch

When searching in Elastic search, by default, the globally defined analyzer is used. How can I find out what this analyzer is ? We are using a Elastic search saas provider and I thus want to find out what the setting is ?

As far as I am aware, Elasticsearch will use the Standard Analyzer as default if none other is specified upon index creation.


How to use custom Analyzer in Elastic Search 1.5 for case Insensitive Search

I like to use case Insensitive Search for Elastic Search 1.5. It does not allow type="keyword" and custom analyzer does not work. Do anyone knows how it works on Elastic Search 1.5

Elasticsearch: Show which analyzer was used in analyze api

I'm trying to figure out how elasticsearch analyzers work exactly and I'm using the _analyze api e.g. _analyze?text=
Does elasticsearch provide the information of which analyzer was used?
Although the information provided is step by step of the analysis performed, some analyzers may produce the same output so instead of trying to force a different output in order to check which analyzer was used, I was wondering if this can be provided by the api.
I'm using ElasticSearch 1.7.5
It will not give you the analyzer being used because it's supposed to be specified either in the command itself with ?analyzer= or using the analyzer from the index or from the field that's being used in the command.
Also, there are rules related to which analyzer is being used and you should be able to determine from these which one is actually applied:

Elastic Search Default Mapping Configuration

I am looking for Elastic Search configuration for index mapping which can be used by all index.
For example - We will create index per customer with same set of mappings. So for this can we set this mapping somewhere in Elastic Search? So that we can create index directly without sending mapping all the time?
You're probably looking for a template, which you can define to apply to a new index with a given name. Check out the official doc or maybe this blog will help.

How can an Elasticsearch index be made globally case-sensitive?

By default, ES is case-insensitive. There are examples ( eg case insensitive search in elasticsearch ) of how to define an analyzer for a specific field in ES.
I have a large number of data types with varying fields being loaded, and it's totally impractical for me to set the analyzer on fields by name.
I was previously using Solr, and accomplished a globally case-sensitive search by using dynamicFields for all of my data, and editing schema.xml to modify the "text" fieldtype to remove the LowerCaseFilterFactory from the analyzer.
How can I do something similar in ES?
Have a look at the elasticsearch documentation for the Analysis index module. There's a Default analyzers section which says:
The default logical name allows one to configure an analyzer that will
be used both for indexing and for searching APIs. The default_index
logical name can be used to configure a default analyzer that will be
used just when indexing, and the default_search can be used to
configure a default analyzer that will be used just when searching.
I guess that is what you're looking for. Probably good to know that the default analyzer in elasticsearch is the StandardAnalyzer.

How can I use my own analyzer implementation with ElasticSearch

I have implemented own Lucene Analyzer. How can I use it with ElasticSearch?
You will need to implement AnalysisBinderProcessor, which would make your analyzer available to elasticsearch and than wrap it into an elasticsearch plugin. The simplest way to do it is by starting with one of the many examples available on github.
