Elastic Search Default Mapping Configuration - elasticsearch

I am looking for Elastic Search configuration for index mapping which can be used by all index.
For example - We will create index per customer with same set of mappings. So for this can we set this mapping somewhere in Elastic Search? So that we can create index directly without sending mapping all the time?

You're probably looking for a template, which you can define to apply to a new index with a given name. Check out the official doc or maybe this blog will help.


how to Add document feature information(extracted from other sources) to existing elasticsearch index?

I have an elastic search index of document and i had run topic modeling(LSI) on it before. I want to add topic modeling feature in to existing elastic search index for on the fly similarity search. It will be great help if one will show the solution.
Thank you.

elasticsearch why i need to specify routing query parameter

I have Elasticsearch 2.3.2 and Lucene 5.5.0.
Some indexes were already existing in my nodes with documents.
To search them I was using
GET /index/type/id
But when I created a new index. I have to search with
GET /index/type/id?routing=routing_name
To search with previous query method how should I create Index. I do see that records mapping structure is same as old data.
Also, why do I need to specify routing? In previous, it was not the case.
According to ElasticSearch documentation by default, we don't need to specify routing as id is default routing parameter. also, I have not specified {routing: {required: true}}anywhere while creating an index or adding a record.

ElasticSearch1.5 : Add new field in existing working Index

I have an existing index named as "MyIndex", which I am using to store a kind of data in ElasticSearch. That same index has millions of records. I am using ElasticSearch 1.5 version.
Now I have a new requirement for which I want to add two more fields in the same document which I am storing in "MyIndex" Index. Now I want to use both new schema and old schema documents in future.
What Can I do?
Can I inset new document in the same Index?
Are we need some changes in ElasticSearch mapping?
If we don't change anything, Is it affect on existing search capability?
Please help me to conclude this issue with your opinions.
Thanks in advance.
You can add new fields to existing index by updating mapping, but in many cases it would be just ok to index documents with new fields directly, and let ES infer types (although not always recommended) - but this will depend on what type of data you're indexing, and do you need special analyzers for strings or not.

Elasticsearch update index template

I have a question about elasticsearch index template, there is a scene of my question.
Create a template for a series indices, named templateA, and there are some indices create from this template, named Index-yyyy.mm.dd2 and Index-yyyy.mm.dd2. After a period of time, I need create some new fields in indice, and I update the templateA.
SO, How to make the previously created indices use the new template? please give me some suggestion. Thanks a lot!
The template is only used at index creation. You'll have to modify your mapping or recreate your index and reindex your data.
You can use the PUT mapping API to modify your mapping.
At least in ElasticSearch 7.15 you could create or update an index template using the same endpoint, also:
Index templates are applied during data stream or index creation
It is ovious but "old" data needs to be updated in some way.
In case you are using Logstash, just restart it to do the reindex.

Specifying data type and analyzer while creating index

I am using elastic search to index my data and i was able to do it with the following POST request
JSON data over here
Yesterday while i was going through some of the elastic tutorials i found one person mentioning about setting analyzer to those fields where we are planning to do full text search.I found during my googling that mapping API can be used to update datatypes and analyzer, but in my case i want to do it as i am creating index.
How can i do it?
You can create index with custom settings (and mappings) in the first request and then index your data with second request. In this case you can not do both at the same time.
However if you index your data first and index does not exist yet, it will be created automatically with default settings. You can then update your mappings.
Source: Index
